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File: 26 KB, 604x452, existentialcomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14763639 No.14763639 [Reply] [Original]

>hey chud, lay off that incel Nietzsche and read some De Beauvoir instead
how do you respond

>> No.14763641


>> No.14763643

Y-yes Darlene.

>> No.14763647

I summon all my chi in to the very tip of my index and middle finger and thrust them through his cerebral cortex and out the back of his head and watch him twitch and spasm before hanging limp and dead.

>> No.14763653

>De Beauvoir
>proto feminazi drivel
go away dyke

>> No.14763660

You can’t escape Darlene’s fat tits

>> No.14763668

Im producing an indie reprint of the Harrington translation of The Second Sex, it’s gonna be made entirely out of receipt paper

>> No.14763676

>not Irigaray

>> No.14763683

don't know who that is but if she has nice tits

>> No.14763688

I’ve taken the liberty of naming OP’s pic Darlene.

>> No.14763704

that's the guy who draws the reddit comics?

>> No.14763768

Fight him for calling me chud

>> No.14763770

i read the second sex, it was good.
nietzsche has more lasting power.

>> No.14763774
File: 46 KB, 470x626, 1530234367589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way fag.
>that guy calling you an incel

>> No.14763808
File: 14 KB, 334x333, 1510346296653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine letting that guy giving you moral lessons.

>> No.14763818
File: 1.46 MB, 1000x1500, whyDoPhilosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, is that satire?

>> No.14763880

The Second Sex turned my ex into a raving feminazi and single handedly destroyed our relationship. She was the only girl I knew who wasn't a total pseud. Fuck de beauvoir, fuck OP, and fuck Jannies

>> No.14763892

I'm not interested in becoming some revolutionary, I'm just killing a few hours before my shift with some quiet, sober reflection

>> No.14763903

>Philosophy gave us democracy.
Nah. Biological imperatives gave us democracy. Philosophy (outside of science) is just useless rationalization.

>> No.14763940

>a literal fedora
you cant make this shit up

>> No.14763961

Who's the bearded faggot?

>> No.14763965

Sorry I dont read fem*ids

>> No.14763966

Why do lefists always have such a hard time with brevity?

>> No.14763969

click "hide thread"

>> No.14763973
File: 306 KB, 664x672, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14764001

>Feminism, democracy and progress

>> No.14764023

I don't care for philosophy if it came after the year 1800

>> No.14764028

this is retarded. Philosophy and Science have a common origin. "Science" is just a modern spinoff. And phones are more the result of engineering than science at this point.

>> No.14764035

Science is just the new term for Natural Philosophy, but normalfaggot retards tend to forget this

>> No.14764257

so at the end of the day why was the based white man supposed to care about philosophy?

>> No.14764276

Leftoidism needs lots of words to distract from its obvious silliness

>> No.14764285

female minds meander instead of shooting straight.

>> No.14764306

The Owl of Minerva only takes flight as darkness is gathering.

>> No.14764405


>> No.14764424

Based white men produce philosophy. They don’t need it. Wisdom, like beauty, is something that exudes from those who possess it, like how light is emitted by a star.
The sun has no need for light, but the earth does and takes it in.

>> No.14765457

Mais ferme ta gueule

>> No.14765470

Back to lereddit

>> No.14766199

when you kill nigs lmao

>> No.14766211

i would kill him on the spot

>> No.14766216
File: 62 KB, 674x979, i3nxmrbyv1ybkgal94vyzhwvesdhtytcl5scstfm1d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you would

>> No.14766217

''feminism'' ''socialism'' and ''marxism'' are equivalent to managerial therapeutic state power nowadays, take your pills consume, be sure to stream the latest ''diverse'' workplace comedies on netflix hulu and disney go obey HR gynocrats and avoid books by dead white males

>> No.14766220

>implying owls are all nocturnal animals

>> No.14766221

it's a valid term that's been around for decades

>> No.14766453

Hank hill ass

>> No.14766711

Did he say all owls faggot? He specified the Owl of Minerva.

>> No.14767315
File: 64 KB, 618x597, B850808C-B550-421A-A6BD-A38F62815720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social progress
>human rights
>moral progress


>> No.14767339

WTF I love science now.

>> No.14767416

>Biological imperatives gave us democracy.

>> No.14768575

prove theyre not good

>> No.14768618

>One is not born, but rather becomes, a Chapocel