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1483937 No.1483937 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. After finishing The Dharma Bums recently, I've decided that I would like to look into Zen Buddhism.

Any recommendations for anything I could read on the subject? Thanks in advice, fine gentlefriends.

>> No.1483942
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Visit your local coffee shop and ask the hipsters there for the best books on Zen Buddhism.

>> No.1483946

Watch the 1979 version of Monkey Magic.

>> No.1483949

Of course! Because it's impossible to study seriously Eastern philosophy -- or anything for that matter -- and not just ironically.

>> No.1483951

Buy a book of koans, reading a guide or intro to Zen is kind of anti-Zen.

>> No.1483964

Alan Watts is a well respected Westerner involved in the Buddhist tradition. John Cabot-Zinn (sp?) is also well known.

>> No.1483968

I've always been of the opinion that organised Buddhism is anti-Buddhist.

>> No.1483988

>implying the Buddha did not oversee the first Buddhist monasteries and organized sects

>> No.1483992

Isn't the Sangha, the community, a part of the triple gem though?

>> No.1484014


Yes is it.

To the OP, I suggest you find a Sangha, and go sit with them.

I started attending a local meditation sangha in November and love it. Go 2 - 3 times a week for sits. Theravada Buddhism, I don't know much about zen.

>> No.1484029

The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.
The named is the mother of ten thousand things.
Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source but differ in name; this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery.

>> No.1484032

Get the fuck out, Tao.

>> No.1484041


Truthful words are not beautiful.
Beautiful words are not truthful.
Good men do not argue.
Those who argue are not good.
Those who know are not learned.
The learned do not know.

The sage never tries to store things up.
The more he does for others, the more he has.
The more he gives to others, the greater his abundance.
The Tao of heaven is pointed but does not harm.
The Tao of the sage is work without effort.

>> No.1484082


Tao words are not Zen words. Also, your translation is pretty crappy.

>> No.1484093

This. What I've read of Watts' work is truly great. I'm average intelligence so I tend to struggle with philosophy. Watts writes in a way that makes an average westerner easily able to understand his message, without it being insultingly dumbed down.

>> No.1484110
File: 109 KB, 281x500, LiveTaiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zen buddhism
hehe, enjoy your corrupted shit philosophy

>> No.1484112
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Listen Taiga, you sound like a bitch. But I usually only judge people based on appearance. Post a picture of yourself.

>> No.1484113

He just did.

>> No.1484118
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>> No.1484125


"No one has done better in conveying Lao Tsu's simple and laconic style of writing, so as to produce an English version almost as suggestive of the man means intended. This is almost useful, as well as beautiful, volume -- and what is has to say is exactly what the world , in its present state, needs to hear."

-- Alan Watts (From the back of one of my translation copies)

So buddy, whats a better translation?

>> No.1484129


Also: here's a nice little Zen Koan that came with my Zafu and Zabutan.

The Human Route

Coming empty-handed, going empty handed - that is human.
When you are born, where do you come from?
When you die, where do you go?
Life is like a floating cloud which appears.
Death is like a floating cloud which disappears.
The floating cloud itself originally does not exist.
Life and death, coming and going, are also like this.
But there is one thing which always remains clear.
It is pure and clear, not depending on life and death.

What, then, is the one pure and clear thing?