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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 440x347, Calculating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1484153 No.1484153 [Reply] [Original]

Allow us to imagine that each board elects an ambassador to represent their respective community. Who would you nominated?

gestures to self

>> No.1484161


>> No.1484168

I like to think I'm an upstanding fellow
That's why I starting going to some boards besides /v/
Why are you asking this question anyway, I saw you made a thread there.

>> No.1484172

Sorry, I've been up for three days.

>> No.1484176


>> No.1484177

/Lit/'s Lovely Taiga, obviously!

Everyone knows 4chan loves attention whoring cunts.

>> No.1484181

I don't remember when Capsguy became C4PSGUY, and frankly I preferred him when he was only on cruise control, but even if we disagree on that one little issue, he is still one of the most amazing, most intelligent, and most distinguished people on /lit/... no, on the entire entity of 4chan!

I mean, let's talk about this for a minute: First of all, if you ever even bothered to listen to him, you know he is smart, reasonable, and levelheaded (more than can be said of many anons and tripfriends alike).
Beyond that, he has carved out his niche in such a distinctive way... He's obviously not really "anonymous", since anyone would know him in a heartbeat, but he's not a tripfriend either. He's an INNOVATOR, if you think about it.

Yes, C4PSGUY has got to be our representative. He'd really teach the rest of the boards that we aren't all stuck up hipsters...

>> No.1484188

oh lawl, this is even worse than the cultish tripfagpoll bullshit

seems like every fucking trip on this board ends up making a wank thread eventually,

CourageWolf is the only character I can actually nominate. The tard attempted to organize a book club that has probably collapsed by now, and never made a wank thread so far as I know. Now gtfo

>> No.1484237


>worse than the tripfaggot bullshit
>nominates the tripfaggot

good to see you could stop yourself from posting in this thread.

i'm having trouble discerning if this post is sarcasm or not.

>> No.1484247


Who the fuck are you?

You haven't been here long enough. Also the fact all your reaction images are anime disqualifies you weeaboo.

I vote for D&E.

>> No.1484251
File: 47 KB, 376x490, jgl-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one man worthy of that self-appointed title, and he only trolls here periodically these days.

>> No.1484254

That kind of makes me sad. I CAPSGUY was ok.

>> No.1484260
File: 206 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've already begun ambassador duties! Thanks for making me all your queen.

>> No.1484270



>> No.1484282

Hello /lit/

Please tell your resident tripfag to kindly get the fuck out before the more butthurt of the /v/bunch actually spam your board to death ?

>> No.1484283

So it's true: Linux users are all Aspies.

>> No.1484285


>> No.1484288


No, that's the tard who always posts in leetspeak.

>> No.1484289

Taiga's been here a few days at most. We can't control these morons.

Tell your board to chill out and ignore the trolls like we try to.

>> No.1484297

I would never elect a tripfag as ambassador. They in no way represent us as a community.

Catch-22 situation, innit?

>> No.1484305
File: 1.09 MB, 1440x900, Torment 2011-01-19 02-59-33-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there /lit/.

I was wondering, what is your opinion on Planescape: Torment?

>> No.1484323
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>> No.1484335
File: 65 KB, 464x347, icac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh c'mon now Taiga. I'd like to hear your actual opinion.

>> No.1484341

Definitely CAPSGUY

>> No.1484342


I love Black Isle Studios' RPGs, and Planescape was one of the best.

>> No.1484348

So what's your answer to the question? You know, THAT question.

>> No.1484355
File: 45 KB, 604x378, Shaqintosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw not even /lit/ likes taiga

>> No.1484362

Keep your shitty tripfags out of /v/ and we will keep our tripfags out of here. Now lets go home Commissar Girlfriend.

>> No.1484364


>not even /lit/

Hey, what's THAT supposed to mean?

>> No.1484373

it's because it originates from here, nothing else

>> No.1484376
File: 93 KB, 350x233, ss_curb_0610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Originates from /lit/

>> No.1484382

Taiga is lame as fuck. I am the Antichrist of Prof- I mean /lit/.

>> No.1484386

where the hell is it from then? maybe if we find out we can kill it somehow

>> No.1484411


Where trolls are concerned, the only winning move is not to play.

>> No.1484414

this taigaa character popped up a barely a week ago and has been throwing his/her weight around trying to become an important /lit/ tripfag despite not in any way demonstrating an ability to discuss literature or engage in rigorous intellectual debate. this is why someone like D&E (as fucking insufferable as he is) would make a better representative due to his total-asshole erudition and unstoppable condescension. there are, of course others who fit this role.

>> No.1484415

But I want to talk to the anon about Planescape!

I'll come back just as soon as I get my answer.

>> No.1484424


Well, try not to shit up /lit/

>> No.1484431

Oh c'mon. Would you expect me to do something like that?

>> No.1484445


Given recent tripfag experiences...

>> No.1484442


I'm sorry, Commissar. I'm afraid I can't answer your question. I haven't actually finished the game, I'm only about halfway through. I'm one of those people who will play on a binge then quit for extended periods of times.

>> No.1484453

Started out on /a/ and I guess migrated to /r9k/. After /r9k/ died she started popping up her.

>> No.1484455

Well give me what you think about it. What can change the nature of a man?

Recent? I've been trying to be good as of late.

>> No.1484468


At least Christfag appears to be gone. Best thing to come out of /r9k/'s deletion.

>> No.1484473
File: 40 KB, 553x473, 1290206827279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1484153 /v/ here
Damn son, your thread died pretty quickly. That's what happens when you don't have an actual discussion. Of course, your need of attention is more evidenced by the fact you used to be on /r9k/.

You combat trolls by keeping up a good rep separated from their faggotry. I've seen what you /lit/-gents are capable of this eve and I respect you for that. I may try to visit more often when the semester kicks in since I'll be taking a course on 19th century fiction. Take it easy folks.

>> No.1484477


Ciao, frau.

>> No.1484488


Oh that question. I was wondering if you were referring to something a little more specific within the game. And still, it's a mouthful of a question. Based on what I know about the Nameless One, I'm going to bet living through Death definitely has an impact. But it depends heavily on the man being changed and what the definition of Nature is. Basing it as something relatively close to personality, it could be any kind of close powerful experience, most commonly, I'd bet, any number of social experiences could do it. Such as death of a loved one in unreasonable circumstances, a jilting, and so on.

>> No.1484514
File: 15 KB, 500x500, thumbs upc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you haven't completed the game, then I will not bother you with my speculations. My first answer was nothing, because I had thought that whether a man's nature changed or not would depend on his initial nature. It would be his nature to change it, and by that thought, he wouldn't be changing at all. A little weird I know, but that's what I had thought originally.

Thanks for answering, I'll be back to /v/ now. Adieu.

>> No.1484526

I'm ready to download that thing that blocks trips just so I never see this stupid bitch again. Anyone know what it's called or where it is?

>> No.1484528


Need a link?

>> No.1484530


>> No.1484535


Hey, back to /v/.

>> No.1484537

Perfect. Thanks.

>> No.1484540
File: 25 KB, 325x301, waaagh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1484562


>That's what happens when you don't have an actual discussion.

You must be new to /v/ as well.

>> No.1484571
File: 51 KB, 848x480, sad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ has banned your ambassador


>> No.1484590
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>> No.1484591

Fuck off bitches. I hope someone sage your thread into oblivion with scat pics. Someone do it to this thread and every thread related from now on. We can win this. Don't hear what others say, you know what are we fighting for.

>> No.1484603
File: 32 KB, 800x617, paul10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Taiga, I really cannot stand you. That list of literature you posted and said you enjoyed was shit awful. You have been here a week you do not have any kind of reputation or status on here yet. You see people like Tybrax gaining notoriety and want to have the same recognition so you proclaim yourself "/lit/'s Taiga" like this board gives you your identity or you are associated with it in any way. I do not enjoy your posts, stop making them. Stagolee is the king of /lit/ if there was even such a thing as ambassador, instead of just something you made up, Stag would be it. But he does not need that kind of delusion because he is a legend.

>> No.1484611

Hopefully you won't last long here.

>> No.1484620
File: 129 KB, 750x500, LiveTaiga7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, for these trials will make me stronger in the same way Beethoven wrote his greatest music after he went deaf. Yes, I can hear it now, the Ode to Joy behind me as a march forward towards a glorious new beginning.

>> No.1484628

I agree with this sentiment (although going forward I will probably engage in a policy of hiding every Taigathread)

also fwiw i would nominate you for the fictional position

>> No.1484635

The fuck are you talking about? Not only do we have no ambassador, but you are originally from /a/ in the first place.

>> No.1484638


>> No.1484643

'bout time.

Mind you, raiding produces a positive flow on anon on the board- so it's actually not that bad an idea to shit on other tards every once in a while. Trolls serve their purpose

>> No.1484650
File: 53 KB, 550x733, LiveTaiga4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have..... ideas.

>> No.1484658

>implying you haven't been banned from /a/ over 9,000 times already anyway if you are the same taiga

>implying you aren't one of the worst trolls in the history of /a/

>implying anyone could possibly like you and you have to make these threads for briefs spurts of attention and/or any semblance of meaning in your life

>> No.1484678


A camwhore and attentionwhore that claims to be female and usually uses /a/ as his blog, starting "Hay guise, this thing happened to me today, what do you think" threads, usually accompanied by avatar faggotry of Taiga from Toradora. (There's also one in Fate, she's a school teacher of Shiro)


You probably just an imposter anyway.

>> No.1484679

Stagolee was an pretty lame-ass duckling who I personally laughed at for the first month and a half of shit-posting.

'ol stag got reasonably good after that, but to be honest even know he's a bit of a disappointment. It's like seeing an amputee play soccer or something

>> No.1484683
File: 57 KB, 384x575, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1484687

Calbee !Y4SoHX4AQw Sat Aug 8 23:24:39 2009 No.23805566
hey guys, my new tripname


I don't know who you are, but impostors in general are rather shitty.

>> No.1484692


sage for tripdrama.
I hope our new janitor will delete these kinds of threads.

>> No.1484697

Beethoven withered away and died shortly after he went deaf. Feel free to follow suit.

>> No.1484714
File: 131 KB, 267x271, icecube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I read about attention whoring cunts on /lit/, and find a thread made by one on the first page.

>> No.1484720

listen duder don't go thinking that taiga is 'one of us' we all pretty much hate him/her

>> No.1484725

Thanks for bumping the thread back to the first page.

>> No.1484762

This has to be a troll

>> No.1484832

Not a troll, just my Steam name for trolling purposes with a few friends. I befriended the Taiga.