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14860462 No.14860462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If God is all good and his creation is perfect why does evil exist?

>> No.14860470

Because you view "good" from a human perspective. An omnipotent being will use different criteria for what is considered good.

>> No.14860471

I’ll be the first reply in the 200 reply thread. I feel blessed

>> No.14860474

Fuck you

>> No.14860475

I just cucked you :)

>> No.14860486

Why does Genesis skip on that part where God creates endless variety of deadly mutant viruses like flu, ebola, corona, AIDs and such? What was God's rationale for doing it? On which day God thought I'd be cool to invent degenerative brain diseases, cancer, gout, IBS? Was testicular torsion like a prank on his part?

>> No.14860490

AIDs is a punishment for sodomites
ebola is a punishment for African witchcraft
corona is a punishment for Chinese atheism
flu is nothing

>> No.14860493

How do you know he created them instead of simply allowing them to come into being?

>> No.14860497

When there are too many humans they must be wiped out so that new ones may come and play. Too Many Humans means the playground gets ruined.

>> No.14860517

>I'm going to invent diseases that kill indiscriminately to punish specific groups
I see God is a fan of dunking the baby along with the bathwater approach.

>> No.14860523
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God never created evil. He created Free Will
As such, you have the free will to sway away from his teachings, be a danger to community, and even have the freedom to rewrite his divine words itself in ways that is more favorable to yours

It's a sin, heretical, and you are completely free do to it...until you get punished by people who also has the Free Will to do the will of both the Lord, and goodwill of all

>> No.14860526

Of course, there have to be an incentive for other groups to also worry about the issues. It is the duty of all to stop the sinners

>> No.14860527

God is good, because God is truth, and truth is good. Evil arises because this universe and reality is perfect, in that it allows for anything that could ever possibly occur to occur, nothing else could happen (and we cannot conceive) of anything happening outside of the cellular rules that govern every single moment in this universe. If God is good, omnipotent and omniscient, then God will know all things that could ever occur, which means in the long run these things must be good. If God is not omnipotent and omniscient, then that explains the freedom of evil, but also presents you with the choice, the dichotomy between evil and goodness. Overall, God is probably, almost, definitely a force that exists. Perhaps we live in a small fraction of the universe governed by a 'smaller god', like some kind of puppet master in his own fraction of his universe - but ultimately all things are inside and expanding from the singular universe, or whole, that is God.

>> No.14860535
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Our parents got kicked out of Eden, you idiot.
Jesus' sacrifice cleased us of our original sins hence we have no need to follow the bs teachings in the Old Testaments. Instead, we got his new teachings.

Albeit, it's not yet enough to warrant a return to Eden. We gotta wait for the rapture

>> No.14860627


Awful answer, might as well be an Atheist.

>> No.14860635


Backward reasoning.

>> No.14860644

how so?

>> No.14860652

Easy. There are two smart answers.

1. The obvious one: God doesn't exist. It is an invention of the human mind to cope with the absurd and terrifying fact existence and death.

2. God is an inscrutable being an alien nature. Its calculations and processes are unfathomable. Morality as humans understand it do not factor into its infinitely multifaceted transcendent workings.


>> No.14860653


The true Good allows all things, not just good things.

>> No.14860658

Left out a few prepositions cos I just woke up

>> No.14860666
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Stfu Nigga

>> No.14860674


Omnipotence and omniscience do not necessarily imply that every thing that happens is good. Or, alternatively, assuming that every thing that happens is good does not necessarily imply that it is so through an omnipotent and omniscient God.

>> No.14860687

Evil doesn't exist, because everything that happens is actually good, because god wouldn't do something evil, because that would hurt my feefees
Funny how christcucks always claim that we can't know the nature of god until their childish comforts start slipping away

>> No.14860699
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Is he really a Christcuck, though?
What if he is Islamic?

Funny isn't it?
Atheists do not see any other religion than Christianity. Is it because it's filled with chill people?

>> No.14860702

I am an Atheist.

>> No.14860705

Evil is Perfect.

>> No.14860720

yea totally, this board isn't full of zoomers larping as catholics, maybe he is someone who fell for the guenon shitposting and converted to islam

>> No.14860726

Don't assume someone's religion, bigot
Atheists are pussies when it comes actual problematic religions.

>> No.14860734

Because the one you think of as god is, in fact, not god, but a melevolent entity that imprisoned us in this world of sin and suffering.

>> No.14860737
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desu even taking your bait at face value I would feel no shame
as retarded as islam is, there is just something unbelievably disgusting about christians

>> No.14860738

God is good in the sense of wants to create the best creation he can with the most good possible, but he can't fix the logical impossibility of having perfectly good beings also be truly free.

So he created this sinful broken world, where things go wrong and much suffering occurs because of our choices. A world were we get to be away of his presence, truly free, and we can show him what we are, if we will fight for good or evil. and after our brief lives are up, if we have chosen the right path we can return to spend eternity with Him, having grown to something a perfectly good world could never forge us into.

>> No.14860748
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What's the religion of terrorists?

>> No.14860751

why would god create free will instead of determinism?
also does god have free will?

>> No.14860788

Did you read what I wrote? please tell me if I worded it poorly. If God was GOOD, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent then everything that would happen would have to be for good. Am I wrong? Also, I agree with you on the second part I'm sure I said the same thing.

>> No.14860826
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>implying fighting the international force for impregnating wombs with african DNA is a bad thing

>> No.14860866

They hated him for he told the truth

>> No.14860880

Because free will is good but we choose evil.

>> No.14860886

We literally just had this thread

>> No.14860892

if there is a god then we have no free will because he already knows the fate of everything.

>> No.14860902

He wants you to become a God. You can't do that if you're a slave.

>> No.14860951

is forcing people that disagree with you to do your bidding a trait of moral goodness?

If No, then you have your answer

>> No.14860960

Humans don't have pure free will ... You can't will yourself to grow wings and fly. You are to do your best to be good in every situation accordingly

>> No.14860964

Is Christianity the first/last religion to be founded on cucking as a force of good? I can't think of any other religions with cucking as a central theme, other than Greek god rape but that's always an ambivalent event

>> No.14860975

so what?
that doesn't change the fact that god knows the fate of everything, therefore we have no free will.

>> No.14860978

>Am I wrong?

Yes. See:


>> No.14860980


>> No.14860998

>Because you view "good" from a human perspective
a good, but that bible isn't a human perspective i guess, just bend over and do what it says

>> No.14861006

Evil only exists when we choose to turn away from god. Which are primordial ancestors did and we still suffer the consequences to this day.

>> No.14861094

But evil exists outside of any choice we make. We can be perfect like Job, yet still be ruined by forces outside our control. This is a garbage post.

>> No.14861114

>I bestow upon you, my children, free will!
>Thanks, God, I'd like to exercise my free will and do some evil now
What the fuck is the point of free will if it's all one big entrapment set-up by G*d? Wouldn't faith only be real and true if people had a choice to deny God yet accepted him anyway? Christian God, on the other hand, works by giving you the >implication of free will because he's a coward.

>> No.14861118

To determine who really loves Him. Why give a gift to those who scorn it? Why give eternal life to those who hate life?

>> No.14861120

Because the root of all evil is shame

>> No.14861148
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Yep, fucked up essence of nature where a big fish eats small fish as a part of a food chain is all because of sins of our ancestors.
Also, natural disasters which kill thousands of people and leave even more in damaged bodies are all just a consequence of God not eliminating free will or something.
It's 2020 already and by this point people should already figure out that Christian view on theism is full of inconsistencies. The idea of God, who is also Good just doesn't work.
That being said, Gnosticism which is promoted by Hollywood and alike is also bullshit.

>> No.14861192

why does god fail to know who loves him or not

>> No.14861200

How many times does this have to be explained?

>> No.14861211

We he have to choose to reject him. That's the whole point of free will existing in the equation. He can't just assume, we have to take the action, even if he knows we will. Otherwise how will we feel accountable?

>> No.14861229
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because gnosticism is superior

2000 years of "Christians" twisting themselves into pretzels trying to reconcile an omnipotent God of Love with a world ruled by death and predation. 2000 years of metaphysical thought poisoned by sheltered, fed retards.

absolute cope, might as well worship fucking Azathoth. can you believe this shit?

>> No.14861237


>> No.14861288
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I went through the Gnostic phase too but you have to realise, the idea that the natural world is a disgusting abomination, while the civilised world with smog, factory farming, wage slavery, pandemics and nukes is somehow beautiful and "progress" towards anything, is utterly delusional and fucking retarded. Granted it took me a few years to resolve this but you'll get there. One day, you will wake up and realise, Gnosticism and anti-nature are on the side of all the things you hate. Good luck friend.

>> No.14861321

This Lord of Love also appears in Indian religion and philosophy. His answer is that life is transient and the soul immortal. In that sense, death and suffering are not tragic.

>> No.14861352
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I'm just baffled by this post. What the fuck are you talking about? Name one gnostic thinker whose contempt for the world wouldn't extend to this shitty cancerous civilization. Have you even read them?

lol Brahman is a fucking world-eater you cuck, pay attention when you're reading the Upanishads.

>> No.14861373
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Civilization is the problem. Not creation.
Creation is beautiful. Civilization is cancer.

>> No.14861383

Both are the problem faggot, if nature was a paradise civilization would be redundant.

>> No.14861390

God knows the future of all men, whatever deaths come of this are surely just to prevent future crimes

>> No.14861423

The people pushing this civilization HATE nature. That's why they are doing everything possible to undo it, erasing gender, race, reproduction, family, and all meaningful activities, replacing them with fiat attention points. They want to replace the environment utterly with the artificial. And what is transhumanism but an absolute rejection of nature?

Please wake up. All of the evils in this world are on the Gnostic side, all of the elites are pushing Gnostic paradigms. Please, please wake up.

>> No.14861465

then there's the Gnosticism that recognizes this and has nothing but contempt for both sides. wake up. your (justifiable) hatred for this civilization has swung the pendulum too far the other way. nature is preferable to this shitshow, but that doesn't mean it isn't an abattoir.

there is no true beauty in a universe where everything is eating everything. capitalism is just an intensification of this primordial fact

>> No.14861477

>never got to page 3 of the bible

>> No.14861498

We are caught in a reality that is both Good and Evil. What will you do? God is a dungeon master.

>> No.14861499
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>Civilization is the problem
Civilization is the best thing there is.
Fuck your unaboomers and zoomergretas.
A disabled person has no chance of survival in nature but has one in civilization because civilization is kinder than nature and actually values life.

>> No.14861505

>civilization values life


>> No.14861509

>A disabled person has no chance of survival in nature

>> No.14861512

this humanity inherently is evil

>> No.14861514

stfu varg, you dumb snow nigger

>> No.14861554

Beauty is a hallucination. Suffering is a hallucination.

>> No.14861562

> Brahman is a fucking world-eater

You're already one with Brahman though? He doesn't seem to be eating to me.

>> No.14861574

This reality is our food.

>> No.14861577
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Didn't civilization give you an access to elaborate heating systems so that you won't die of freezing cold in your sleep? Or a stable food supply so that you are able to have a meal 3 times a day?

There are definitely serious problems with our current social order where most of resources belong to minority of people but these are the problems of people's political impotence not a problem of the concept of civilization itself.

>> No.14861622

I like nature and all that but let's get real - What would life be like without the 4channel and all the other goods made by humans? Primitive life even if it was successful might still get really boring sometimes compared to this world. we are a people that have listened and seen thousands upon thousands of creative acts of humans. But you choose to listen to some autistic schizo that blew up a building.

>> No.14861632

How do you not see boredom as a direct product of civilization?

>> No.14861673

Agree with this. Constant struggle for survival is fun!

>> No.14861726

I do wonder if the Primitive man felt boredom. I'm sure he did and I'm sure it served him. Boredom often leads to newness. But I can see how a nine-to-five job could crush one's soul. the Excellence of being skillful hunters and surviving and protecting your tribe is very appealing. There are pros and cons to most things.

>> No.14861744

Evil is a creation, a consequence of our abuse of free will.

>> No.14861745

>His creation is perfect
Have you even read the Bible? Man is fallen in nature