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/lit/ - Literature

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14942499 No.14942499 [Reply] [Original]

Which books deal with the surreal, dreamlike, mysterious and unknowable quality of the world?
It can be philosophy as well.

>> No.14942599

Bump, I want titles like this too.

>> No.14942608
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>> No.14942830

I'd suggest some books on magic realism like hundred years of solitude. Maybe also the Steppenwolf

>> No.14942846

Looks like my gf.

>> No.14942860
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>> No.14942872

magic realism is a good idea but only if you're willing to be at least a bit knowledgeable on Latin American culture/history. Not that it's indispensable to appreciate regardless but it will be much more rich

>> No.14942877

my diary desu

>> No.14942883

>Virgin Woof
>diving into spicology just to read some book

>> No.14942911

>t. uncultured nigger

>> No.14944289


>> No.14945004

unironically most of lovecraft deals with dis

>> No.14945009
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>> No.14945219

Finnegans wake
The tunnel
Lot 49

>> No.14945253

The Republic by Plato.
Nausea by Jean Paul Sartre.
The Quran by God

>> No.14945316

Murakami's wind up bird chronicle

>> No.14945331


>> No.14945611

Lovecraft or Borges

>> No.14945672

that Nag Hammadi copy is the most up to date collection but it sucks ass, Marvin Meyer is retarded

>> No.14945674

Moby Dick

>> No.14945727

Killing Comendatore too

>> No.14945786

the hand part?

>> No.14945792
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You only had to ask.

>> No.14945804

fyi the spics are the only ones that have created actual lit in the past half a century
you mongolid

>> No.14946056

yes, definitely lovecraft.

My god he is so good, i recently started reading him. Once more i have to accept how absolutely shit /lit/ is at reading and how i should never let this drive me away from an author. He is like Huysmans. The aesthetic decadence, the excessive sensual overdrive in his descriptions. A true post-romantic writer.

>> No.14946190


>> No.14946208
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This, and A Separate Reality

>> No.14946210

Yes, and it sucks. The colonies were a mistake.

>> No.14946215

>Marcel Schwob (Book of Monelle, anything)

>> No.14946282
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I would read Hebdomeros if I were you. Read the Paul Eluard manuscript at the end of the book first though.

This book is a piece of shit. Breton writes like a scholar, not a poet.

>> No.14946299

It rocks.

>> No.14946344

Thanks for pointing to my thread
I realized just how unappreciated his works are in current times had to shine light upon /lit/

>> No.14946711
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have you read the two page azatoth? its very emotionaly impactful and pretty obviously about his own situation and need for escape.

and of course there is beyond the wall of sleep wich hides behind a veil of cosmic horror a story about a frenship.

>> No.14946714


>> No.14946724

woke, I hate how almost all of the discussion about Lovecraft is limited to his cthulu shit and how he was racist, when imo his best work is his more dreamlike stories (a lot of these are also blatantly aping Lord Dunsany who is also a good suggestion)

also the the first couple pages of The Silver Key is quite /lit/erally me

>> No.14947028

The dream quest of unknown kadath is one of the comfiest works I've ever read. Great for hot summer nights with the windows open and listening to dungeon synth.

>> No.14947089

rec me some dungeon synth deepcuts

>> No.14947449

Depressive Silence - Depressive Silence II
Arguably the best dungeon synth release ever recorded.
Fief - Fief II
Old Tower - The Rise of the Specter

>> No.14947620
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good recs

For some surreal ones I would add:

Aindulmedir - The Lunar Lexicon

Mythril Spectre and Paths

Forlorn Kingdom

>> No.14947649


>> No.14947681

bro im not gonna make you a custom mixtape just listen to the albums like you really think im about to waste time doing the same thing for some random dude on /lit/ that I would for chicks in middle school that rejected me? get real

>> No.14947707

raymond roussel

>> No.14947744

Hey, a mention of Huysmans out in the wild and for the reasons I love his writing. Nice. Guess I need to read Lovecraft then.

Have you read Proust? I feel like he's the light/"good" side of Huysmans. His descriptions of everything esp. nature are just as intricate but instead of nightmarish it's joyful. I usually am not especially affected by optimistic stuff but Proust is just something else. I'd recommend him to OP as well since his descriptions seem to touch on some kind of intrinsic essence of the thing and it's often very magical.

>> No.14947765

This is a good list

>> No.14948037

Chants du Maldoror

Chevenghur maybe

>> No.14948140

>people recommending Lovecraft
I'm looking for dreamlike rather than nightmarish.

>> No.14948449

>he hasn't read the Dream Cycle stories
Here's a list of them all.
Get to reading lad