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/lit/ - Literature

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15043319 No.15043319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this an original idea?
>humans develop consciousness as a form of biological paradox because of a blind mutation
>other animals are known for having such mutations kill them/impair them
>example a huge deer with gigantic antlers that rendered them extinct due to their size
>humans develop a brain so advanced at some point during its evolution it creates consciousness
>highest levels of consciousness humans analyze nature most profoundly and are the most philosophical (if you disagree with this point, name 5 australian aboriginal philosophers or 5 african ones on the same level of any european)
>the lesser races are slightly more advanced animals
>the higher races crave meaning and explanations because of a hazardous surplus of consciousness

The rigmarole of science is a meme, the answer at the end of nature is simply "be yourself and be an animal and submit to your instincts" anything else is coping. I don't read so if it's autistic let me know who refutes this/where I could learn more thanks cuties.

>> No.15043562

The sci-fi novel Blindsight is about that.

>> No.15043570
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This isn't about books or literature, the thread should be deleted. I'm sick of midwits treating this board as a dumping ground for their half-baked shower thoughts.

>> No.15043642
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>the higher races crave meaning and explanations because of a hazardous surplus of consciousness
It's not a massively original idea, no. If you're interested in a speculative approach to an idea similar to this, check out Spinal Catastrophism by Thomas Moynihan. He argues that cognition of the brain is in effect an evolutionary augmentation of the central nervous system, but he argues that it isn't technically an advantage because it heightens our sensitivity to suffering. He takes Schopenhauer's claim that "reality is nervous stimulation", and extends it to the field of mind, arguing that consciousness is, in effect, just an extension of the torture-chamber that is our nervous system.

The more conscious we become, the more exposed we are to existential ideas of depression, mortality, horror, despair, etc., such that life becomes increasingly unbearable. Basically the idea is that organic matter wants nothing more to return to the inorganic exteriority from which it came from, and the more we develop consciously, the more that materialistic death-drive becomes apparent to us.

>> No.15043661

evolution is real dumb dumb

>> No.15043691
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>> No.15043759

>calls me a midwit when i have a phd in neuroscience and he has an anime pic
this guy's a chad

>> No.15043776

Two books have already been suggested, I'm 100% sure you're a woman or a tranny

>> No.15043791


Great thanks! So if you're familiar with these books is there a final conclusion as to what we ought to do if we take this premise to the the truth?

>> No.15043814


>> No.15043851

What about Buddhism

>> No.15043874

This is why I said Spinal Catastrophism was a "speculative" approach, its not something you have to entertain in an absolute literal sense. He references Ballard throughout, specifically Empire of the Sun towards the end, which is basically about total omnicide. So take that as you will

>> No.15043968

Thanks for your help chad

>> No.15045186

Megaloceros the giant Pleistocene deer if you want more specifically about the animal you reference
The antlers are often attributed to pure sexual selection. Like a penis so large it drags on the ground and inhibits your daily functioning.
OP, you must read the Gospels. Jesus Christ is the answer. If you want to ignore that, yes, we are impeded by high intellect that is not put to immediate practical use for survival. 120 IQ makes great leader but past the 130 IQ you become difficult to relate to and wrapped up in your own world many times. Engage with your fellow man and woman, form a family, meet people, it is the only way outside of accepting the Divinity of the Creator.

>> No.15045201

a Norwegian philosopher literally said this and used the example of the deer, I forgot his name though. But no it's a very well established idea what you're talking about whether you want to call it philosophical pessimism, anti-humanism, anti-natalism. Rust Cohle in True Detective represents this point of view, for example. So it's very much NOT an original idea.

>> No.15045209

I'm thinking of the Last Messiah by Zapffe

>> No.15045438

Anything this simple has been thought of before