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File: 97 KB, 640x409, 04EE49DD-A070-4A4C-88FF-E6263E1726BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15093125 No.15093125 [Reply] [Original]

>Of course we aren’t religious! What makes you even say that?! Yes that’s an idol we are meditating in front of, what’s your point?

>> No.15093134

There are different sects of Buddhism that range from western materialists to Tibetan monks. You can agree with core ideas without being too devoutly religious.

>> No.15093220

We all put religious belief in one thing or anothef, who cares anyway

>> No.15093235

I am pretty sure that opie's point is that these are probably all evangelical atheists that constantly bitch and moan about Christianity, as they seek spirituality wherever they can find it. They all have the look.

>> No.15093239

>There’s no self
>that’ll be 300$

Buddhacucks are the worst

>> No.15093247

I mean, what does being religious even mean? Does it mean strictly following the doctrines of a religion or does it mean dealing and thinking about the topics of religious discourse?

>> No.15093256

It means that dick in your ass isn’t yours faggot

>> No.15093259

Imagine being a christcuck and unironically making fun of other people’s religion, when your religion consists of loving a rabbi

>> No.15093263

Imagine being this anon

>> No.15093268

>You can agree with core ideas without being too devoutly religious.
That's unacceptable. Buddhists need to go on a crusade and exterminate the charlatans of the West who sully the tradition of Buddhism and spread lies that bound people further into samsara. Now is the time for the current Dalai Lama to kick the bucket so that another warrior-lama can be born to unite the three schools and lead the crusade. To protect the Dharma, sometimes you must kill.

>> No.15093275

Imagine if all the men in that room pinned down all the women and started fucking them.

>> No.15093278

Based Guenonian

>> No.15093293

Look at their faces. They don't have it in them.

>> No.15093296

>*tips fedora*

>> No.15093300

I imagine religion as adopting already established belief, where belief refers specifically to unfounded "knowledge"

>> No.15093424
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>> No.15093432

>omg I saved this picture

>> No.15093443
File: 280 KB, 705x535, 93A9A897-844D-4552-96C7-A90D5FCE68BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15093452

>I have a folder

>> No.15093570

I too adopt beliefs based on the how attractive their proponents are.

>> No.15093593
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those disgusting brainwashed plebs. Meditation is evil.

>> No.15093602

Dalai Lama says he's not reincarnating after he dies.

>> No.15093641

The Door sent a couple of casuals to recruit one of my friends. That didn't take so they sent one of their intellectuals. After he failed, they finally broke out the big guns and sent the hot chick. It was interesting to see what a variegated approach they took in attempting recruitment.

>> No.15093686

Why? Has he reached nirvana or is he just bored?

>> No.15093688


>> No.15093689
File: 7 KB, 241x209, 1585866960047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buddhist crusade
Literally the only acceptable vision of Buddhism is Western Materialist Zen
All the schizo shit has to go. In fact when you do that it become completely compatible with science and Marxism.

>> No.15093702

>Be Dalai Lama
>Thinking about not being reincarnated yet again because the world is so shitty and suffering is too much of a bitch to be a Bodhisattva and help other people overcome their suffering
>Know that if you choose to do so, the CCP will get to "pick" the next Dalai Lama
>Also know that having a religious leader chosen by secular and atheistic government will to the death of Vajrayana as a tradition
>Don't get reincarnated anyway

>> No.15093749

I am currently watching two decrepit, burnout hippies transmogrify from atheistic Marxists into turbo consoomerists. The interleaving waves of hypocrisy are precious.

>> No.15093789
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Do Theravada and Vajrayana really?

>> No.15093801

this isn't the hindu meetup

>> No.15093866

What you want is Christianity. You are thinking Buddhism is another Abrahamic religion. It is not.

It is sufficient for the Buddhist to speak the truth. It is the Christian and the Muslim who must kill for the truth. Fundamental difference.

>> No.15093985
File: 33 KB, 526x303, start-e1461929637694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhists are not ultra pacifists and they will defend themselves when they have to, and there have been lamas who have advocated violence for righteous causes.

>> No.15094049

Nobody complains about Bosnians.

>> No.15094096

How does reading the tipitaka cost money? It's free online.