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File: 148 KB, 1456x970, please send me a kindle, in return you get my onlyfans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15127274 No.15127274 [Reply] [Original]

Evening /lit/ friends. Might anyone have a suggestion as to which ebook reader I should buy? I have about 15 books on my laptop, but the screen is quite poor for reading at extended periods, and besides, when i get in the mood to read a book, its by a lamp with a warm bulb luminescence, a comfy armchair, a herbal tea & a ergonomic small rectangle to read from. Not hunched over my desk with my laptops fatiguing blue light burning my eyes.

>> No.15127283

i've got a paperwhite
it works pretty well and the books are free so i don't have any complaints

>> No.15127305

huh, little lord fauntleroy over here with his 110 bucks to spare. I've just got done spending tons of buckaroos on buying my first car(volvo s40 since you asked) i dont want to spend any more you see...

>> No.15127319

no one cares about your gay ass car. buy a used kindle if you can’t afford a new one.

>> No.15127333

if you don't have any money to spend on an ereader, then why the fuck are you asking for recommendations?
go fuck yourself while you hunch over your laptop

>> No.15127334

Kindle Paperwhite. You can put all the .mobi books on it you want for free. My 93 year old grandma who wouldn't dream of using a computer likes hers. My dad is a huge fan of his too. I just got one and I like it so far.

>> No.15127351

I've got the one in your pic -- the kindle keyboard. It's larger than newer models, has physical buttons, and has an older e-ink display which more resembles real paper. Some call it the patrician's choice.

>> No.15127366
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 61wM92hULRL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. The true patrician uses the Kindle Kids Edition

>> No.15127370

my neck hurt reading that post,thinkan about hunched over nights to come, its a hard life being me

>> No.15127382
File: 2.46 MB, 2160x3840, 1586288539612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reading trap porn on my ereader atm

>> No.15127386

kindle kidz, lightweight & small enough to fit between cage bars

>> No.15127393

Not sure if you're OP or not, but my dad jumped on the e-reader wagon really early and got a Sony e-reader before the Kindle was released. New e-readers are far better. They have back lighting, the page turns are quicker, and they can hold more books. If you're thinking of buying some old random e-reader for $30 instead of shelling out for a Kindle, save up an extra $80 instead.

>> No.15127408

thank you mr amazon representative, smegma directly from our overlord bezos is going to be deposited in your bank account

>> No.15127426

You gonna just talk shit or do you have a better reaction you double jannie?

>> No.15127438

thanks for the advice on the backlight situation, i didnt know that. Americans are so much more pleasant, its fun staying up with my friend insomnia, even on 4chan, the designated shitting street of the internet, 4chan is reliably & predictably better on freedom hours. When im on 4chan during normal hours in my europoor country it just goes downhill, filled with brits(as corroborated by advertising metrics) and some french and germans. The place becomes filled with snide attitudes, uncreative discussion and malicious intent along with a general cynicism permeates the place. Being awake at these hours is like holiday:)

>> No.15127457

don't listen to that cheap whore, get a used kobo they are cheap have backlight and you don't need to join mr bezos little pretty girl club

>> No.15127473

y-yes sir. Thank you for your generous wisdom. I can be your pretty girl anytyme youd like sir big freedum american sir

>> No.15127499

also while im here,any of you libertarians got a copy mr theodor kaz1nskys rantings? i feel like showing society the middle finger !

>> No.15127557
File: 126 KB, 1440x447, unabomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't that hard to find.

Pic related: It was the Unabomber's published submission in a Harvard alumni report

>> No.15127594

true, but id be concerned about acquiring a copy, reading it & calling the experience concluded, except the material may have been edited by adversarys of free speech. Id trust 4chin to be able to supply a true to the author copy

>> No.15127664
File: 19 KB, 235x293, 1570321118661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eight life sentences

>> No.15127680

*crack*play stupid games, win stupid prizes*siips*

>> No.15127682

Kindle Oasis is the only reasonable recommendation. Anything else you might as well not buy one at all

>> No.15127688
File: 11 KB, 313x188, unabomber2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another good one, it's a citation in a mathematics article.

>> No.15127801

really makes you etc

>> No.15128085

This. Kindle paperwhite is great, and even if you spend 100 bucks upfront you get access to millions of books for free with libgen or zlib so you end up saving a shit ton of money.

>> No.15128102


>> No.15128483

Shitty resolution compared to the newer models. It'd be cool as fuck if someone had a guide on swapping out the display for a more modern one while keeping the chassis.

>> No.15128519

Kobo Clara HD.
Don't fool yourself with the "ergonomics", "extra backlights", or waterproof memes.
Don't give the megamonopoly Amazon even more dominance over the market, and then also limit yourself with their DRM bullshit and incompatability with epubs.
Don't spend more than you need to.
The Clara is simple: you read on it. What the fuck else do you want an e-reader for? No use getting distracted, you're gonna want to be focused on the book 99% of the time. Just go for this cheap option and import infinite free epubs.

>> No.15129259

>Don't fool yourself with the "ergonomics", "extra backlights", or waterproof memes.
"Dude you don't need all that extra stuff it's just a meme. Who cares if you won't be able to read in darker areas or feel comfortable holding it."
>Don't give the megamonopoly Amazon even more dominance over the market, and then also limit yourself with their DRM bullshit and incompatability with epubs.
Literally 2 clicks from epub to mobi/azw3. Oh fuuuck that drm really stopped me nooo. Not to mention that Kobo had an issue with charging ports on one of their models and told people to eat shit when they wanted them fixed. Meanwhile Chad daddy Bezos' slaves will bend over backwards to get your shit replaced ASAP.
>Don't spend more than you need to.
Clara and Paperwhite are the same price.
>The Clara is simple: you read on it. What the fuck else do you want an e-reader for? No use getting distracted, you're gonna want to be focused on the book 99% of the time. Just go for this cheap option and import infinite free epubs.
What the fuck are you getting distracted by on an ereader you autistic spaz???

You're a retarded faggot and should have someone beat you to death with your Kobo, homo.

>> No.15129395

So you're saying the only reason to get a kindle is to broadcast your latent homosexuality? Thanks that certainly does clear things up.

>> No.15129663

>get shit on for being a retarded faggot
>N-NO YOU!!! :'(

>> No.15129675

No need to act so assblasted about it kid.

>> No.15129684

can you upload your own epubs, or do you have to read amazon approved NWO books only

>> No.15129698

You'll need to install open sores bloatware to convert epubs into kindle trash format. Totally worth it.

>> No.15129753

Bought my Kobo Glo HD in 2014, haven't had any problems.

>> No.15129841


>> No.15129854

You install calibre, click like 3 buttons and wa-lá. Done.
Samefag Kobo chink shill detected

>> No.15130063

fuck off pajeet

>> No.15130354

Stay mad, you soulless creature of burden, for your load will only continue to grow as you shamelessly continue to sin by making out like a thief in the night with the oxygen and time of those more deserving than you.

>> No.15130355

dont listen to the faggot criticizing the processing power of calibre, you open it, send 15 books in whatever format you want, and dont open it again for months.

>> No.15130548


>> No.15130555

spoken like a true shitstain

>> No.15130653

Lol calm down

>> No.15131183

Kobo for a truly patrician experience

>> No.15131635
File: 51 KB, 413x243, 1584912157645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when i get in the mood to read a book, its by a lamp with a warm bulb luminescence, a comfy armchair, a herbal tea & a ergonomic small rectangle to read from

>> No.15131684

Fuck off, op wants to enjoy himself with a book - the people who say you have to treat reading like a fucking job haven't done any of the shit they prescribe.