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15131444 No.15131444[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why incels are wrong?

>> No.15131454

because they're ugly

>> No.15131474

This post proves incels are right

>> No.15131496

but they're ugly

>> No.15131533

Yeah they admit that they're ugly

>> No.15131535

and thats why their ideology is wrong, they're ugly

>> No.15131571

then stop giving them meta-affirmation.

>> No.15131683

Because they haven't won... yet.

>> No.15131685

nobody deserves sex

or even happiness

you get what you give

>> No.15131695

>you get what you give

You get what you take*

>> No.15131697
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>> No.15131699

They as self-entitled as s SJW.

>> No.15132083
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>> No.15132122

Incels think everything is about looks. Even if you are ugly, if you are not a complete failure in every other realm of your life, you should be able to find a woman

>> No.15132207

but i've been trying to give sex for years

>> No.15132210

Eliott Rogers exhibited a phenotype rather attractive in italian males of southern Brazil. If he wasn't such a jaded person and instead grew up in Brazil, cultured to its norms, I think he'd have some pretty decent game with women in the area.

>> No.15132229

They got stuck in incel feedback loop
They don't know how to leverage
They don't understand media they consumed

>> No.15132246

Brazilian Italians are all hapa mongrels? lol

>> No.15132271

>mongrels bad

>> No.15132282

They ain't.

>> No.15132299

I know someone who looks a lot like elliot. He fucks a lot

>> No.15132307

not asiatic, but indigenous brazilians/"native americans" contribute the high cheek-bones found in certain brazilians. The dick-sucking lips is another example.

>> No.15132345

did he have a 4.5inch dick like elliot?

those lips are from negroes.

>> No.15132367

Because the only options are masturbating like a faggot, having sex like a man or rape someone like a coward. Anyone that can't adjust themselves to being better than their worst self need to be more optimistic.

>> No.15132396

every single brainlet retard in the world is an optimist

>> No.15132403

It may surprise you to discover that asians and (their spin-off) native americans are closer to niggers in DNA than you may think.

>> No.15132411

having a small dick won't prevent you from fucking, it'll just prevent you from being good at it. Girls can't see your dick until you're already in the clear

>> No.15132424

>Girls can't see your dick until you're already in the clear
then word gets around...


>> No.15132437
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Why should women have to settle with ugly men? It’s only natural that they’d gravitate to superior males. The incel male has been out-competed in sexual selection and is left to seethe over his inferiority. Weak males are not entitled to reproduce and it is actually a net-detriment for the human race if they are permitted to. Incel ideology is fundamentally slave morality as it is based on ressentiment, envy and tall-poppy syndrome, advocating for egalitarianism in marriage (i.e. monogamy). I see a future of polygamous chads and a mass of seething incels. Humanity will be improved by the reproduction at a higher rate of chads and selective pressure against incel males.

>> No.15132470

to their friends maybe, but there are a lot of girls out there who won't know. Also having a small dick isn't as much of a death sentence as you want to think. Asian girls have little ass pussies and most girls don't get off through penetrative sex anyway.

>> No.15132483

have fun submitting your pressure cooker-esque wagie life to pussy and little leeches.

>> No.15132505
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>most girls don't get off through penetrative sex anyway
oh anon

>> No.15132508

Having a big penis doesn't automatically make you good at sex. It's incel-like mentality to simplify such a complex issue like sex.

>> No.15132509

>wagie life
I am not a slave, sorry. There is nothing more beta than wasting your best years working for others when there is no direct benefit to yourself or community

>> No.15132517

>those lips are from negroes
Elliot is a negro?

>> No.15132529
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>I see a future of polygamous chads and a mass of seething incels.
This is already happening, though.
But not everyone wants to be polygamous.
Not even every 'chad'.
People don't all conform to one mold, whether it be in the traditionalist or decadent corners of the socio-morality spectrum.

>> No.15132540
File: 243 KB, 680x709, Yes..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15132544

Prove it.

>> No.15132552


>> No.15132566
File: 1.23 MB, 1400x1495, Elliot Wasteland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prove it.

>angry, negro tier violent behavior
>kills indiscriminately
>fails to open a door when he has a gun
>only attracted to bottle blondes

>> No.15132567

Elliot was actually good looking, if not handsome

>> No.15132581

I am convinced now kek

>> No.15132591

they are even worse in that department

>> No.15132636

He was too 'stiff' desu senpai in an autismal r9k tier way. I remember in the video everything he did or said was robotic

>> No.15132646

>short as shit with a child like frame on top of being 10/10 autist

>> No.15132653

he was a literal psychopath

>> No.15132656

outing yourself as a virgin

>> No.15132668
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Their use of insight.
Plateau at gayman's misogyny.

>> No.15132673

Saying that having a small penis (read: very small) prevents you from being good at fucking doesn't imply that having a big penis makes you good

>> No.15132675

i think patrice was a faggot in denial

>> No.15132704

Most incels out there don't succeed because they don't put themselves out there, and are unwilling to go through rejection.

Elliot Rodger was like an 8.5 in looks. The problem was he was a psychotic little asshole. I think the other issue, though, is that he wasn't looking for a good match. He was horribly insecure, so what he wanted was a ditzy blonde model/pornstar, basically, for the status she would give him. If he had a good match, she either would've been someone just as neurotic, anxious, miserable, and materialistic as him, or someone incredibly accepting who would've helped him through is issues. Those weren't the girls he was looking for.

I know it's a cliche, but so many of the beautiful women I've wanted have wound up with dorky looking guys, and so many of my dorky friends have wound up with gorgeous women. The issue wasn't that they were better-looking than me; it's that they were all more confident, social, happy, funny, charismatic, and relaxed than me.

Not that I'm an incel, because I'm not, but I am terrible with women, and I am a depressive neurotic.

>> No.15132705

He was a cuckold definite

>> No.15132725

They aren’t.
Women primarily select men based on face, height, and frame. The men who have these things will be sexually success and the men who don’t have these things will be sexually unsuccessful.
You might say “But I know an ugly guy who is married.” It is true that when women get older they become more desperate to settle down with someone and they may lower their standards and be willing to date or marry guys that they previously wouldn’t have considered. However, these relationships and marriages always end in failure. Why do you think so many couples never have sex? Why do so many women cheat on their partners? Why do so many marriages end in divorce? The reason is because the woman settled for a man that she finds undesirable and she found out that she can’t force herself to find the man attractive.
If you’re an incel then you’re doomed from the start. Your genetics cursed you the moment that you were born. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m going to live my entire life without ever having sex or kissing or having a girl love me. If anyone else is in the same position then I recommend finding a hobby and putting all of your energy into that because the only other options are suicide or betabuxxing for a woman who will just hate you in the end.

>> No.15132773

Appearance is behavior. Better looking people have an easier time not acting thirsty. That latter is desired, the former is a cue.

>> No.15132800

>It is true that when women get older they become more desperate to settle down with someone and they may lower their standards and be willing to date or marry guys that they previously wouldn’t have considered
Not necessarily. I know many young woman (pretty women) who are dating subpar men.
>However, these relationships and marriages always end in failure.
Always? kek come the fuck on, kid.
>Why do so many women cheat on their partners?
That has happen and still happens to even handsome men.
>Why do so many marriages end in divorce?
Lots of reasons. Oversimplifying complex issues is indeed incel-like mentality.
>If you’re an incel then you’re doomed from the start. Your genetics cursed you the moment that you were born. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m going to live my entire life without ever having sex or kissing or having a girl love me. If anyone else is in the same position then I recommend finding a hobby and putting all of your energy into that because the only other options are suicide or betabuxxing for a woman who will just hate you in the end.
lol even if you're not in the Brad Pitt tier chad game you can still find a decent woman. You're likely just an average looking guy with low self esteem, and even if you aren't you can still get a woman despite being ugly. But you people want a top model tier woman and thats simply another game.

>> No.15132822

My Twisted World is a very interesting read. At least for the first two thirds. Would recommend to anybody on /lit/ to read it. Its a shockingly candid work. Somewhat amateurish and repetitive in some places, but his autistic oversharing of personal feeling is a breath of fresh air. It is somewhat cringey to read how desperate he is for love and recognition, but the desire for those things themselves is not cringey. Cool read.

>> No.15132837

Why do ugly people exist if they can't reproduce?

>> No.15132888

Ugly MEN don’t reproduce.
Ugly women still reproduce and pass their ugly genes to their sons which is how incels are born.

>> No.15132897

>Ugly MEN don’t reproduce
kek where do you live?

>> No.15132914

>Ugly MEN don’t reproduce

>> No.15132922


>> No.15132925

It’s not just about “putting yourself out there” and “getting over rejection”. You have to be a person that is respectable and liked to certain women.

If you have no friends, it might be because your presence is draining to other people and you need to work on your character. If you can’t even maintain friendships, attracting a girlfriend is out of the question.

If you get depressed when you are by yourself, if you can’t even entertain yourself and your own presence depresses you, then getting a friend is out of the question. Because who would want to be friends with somebody who can’t even feel good on their own?

Women have a wide array of different tastes, some women want attractive mates, some of them want mates who are artists or musicians, some want thugs, some of them want anime nerds, some of them want morally aligned individuals, some of them want somebody as fucked up as they are. The path towards getting a girlfriend is the same path as finding yourself, once you become the person that you want to be it’s pretty likely that if you expose yourself to women you won’t have much trouble picking one up. It has nothing to do with “game”.

And if you are the type of person who is miserable in their own company, you should start with meditation and contemplation. That is all you need to feel positive and then your positivity can radiate and attract people to you.

>> No.15132939

perfect fit for incelsplanning

>> No.15132940

It’s true.
Their wives get impregnated by Chad and the ugly guys just raise the child while falsely believing that they’re the father.

>> No.15132957

There's a plethora of white trash women and men reproducing like crazy

>> No.15132959


>> No.15132967

>incel fantasies
kek embarrassing