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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 80 KB, 812x550, sudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1514358 No.1514358 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel that while you sit comfortably in your well-heated house, living during the peek of Western Civilization's quality of life, you still complain? You think that the reality of life is so bland, all the while gorging yourself at least three times a day on God knows what. If the slightest inconvenience happens to you, you just fall back on your pathetic philosophy that life is filled with nothing but pain and suffering.
All this is happening while not too far from you, people are starving and actually being subjected to misfortune on a grandiose scale.
And what do you do to stop it? Nothing, you just sit home and read the latest Stephen King novel.

>> No.1514364

no u

>> No.1514366

Take your higher than thou assholyness and shove it up your ass. Dickless.

>> No.1514370

Starve physically or Starve spiritually or both..none of the options are good.

>> No.1514374

And yet OP is spending time complaining about people on 4chan.

>> No.1514375


fuck africa

>> No.1514376

OP is a fatass

>> No.1514378

>Stephen King
Fuck you for trying to insult me.

I only read the highest quality.

Dean Kootz

>> No.1514380

You speak as though we should care, as though it is our responsibility to care, while you obviously do not. If you did, why are you taking time to berate people who do not care at all instead of helping out, yourself?

>> No.1514382

Feels like you misspelled peak.

>> No.1514392

It sure is lovely to be a Westerner in the 21st century. There is no culture or time period I would rather live in. I'm with you OP, up until you start talking about how we need to help the rest of the world. If they had more stuff our decadent lifestyle would seem less impressive in comparison. Is there a way we can make them poorer?

>> No.1514403 [DELETED] 

OP...remember that "Walmart's" incident you stupid fuck.

Also fuck skinny niggers...that's what happens without welfare.

>> No.1514399

i contribute by reading and writing and contributing to the general fund of human knowledge. what about you? sounds like you spend your time frowning at others.

>> No.1514400

>enslave entire people for millenia

>get mad when they later encounter problems

>> No.1514405

>people are starving and actually being subjected to misfortune on a grandiose scale
Theirs, not mine.

>what do you do to stop it? Nothing
You're absolutely right, and it suits me perfectly fine.

>> No.1514410
File: 45 KB, 446x650, sudan_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you are still upset about that?
I guess I fooled you pretty well.

>> No.1514412

ivan k confirmed for worst tripfag
partly because of the pretentious name

>> No.1514420

I volunteer at Samaritans to help suicidal people, at local second hand bookstores that raise money for charity, do cross-country marches for charity and also help out with volunteer first aid services from time to time.

None of that is saintly and I believe most people have enough time and money to fit at least one or more of such things into their life. If everyone did that then we could have big improvements in such areas and charity and compassion would increase greatly.

I used to be quite apathetic and sit and home saying 'why don't people do all this stuff to help?', then I came to my own philosophy which is that morality is all about standards: if many people gave half their pay cheque a week that would become the accepted thing to do, and the only way to hope to reach some standards is by leading by example. For if everyone sits around waiting for someone else to make the first move - no one will.

>> No.1514422
File: 98 KB, 500x406, Not a single fuck was given that day guy in a flood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1514423

I feel great. Maybe i'll go outside and leave my car running for an hour just because.

>> No.1514427


Stopped reading there

>> No.1514434



>> No.1514438

You can't even spell

>> No.1514443


1. That wouldn't affect my overall argument
2. Obviously you are not familiar with British English

>> No.1514450

>then I came to my own philosophy which is that morality is all about standards: if many people gave half their pay cheque a week that would become the accepted thing to do, and the only way to hope to reach some standards is by leading by example. For if everyone sits around waiting for someone else to make the first move - no one will.

itt your best shitty kantian ethics knockoffs

>> No.1514452


I don't accept Kantian ethics, I'm a virtue ethicist. I think the problem with other ethical theories are that they aren't possible to employ while I see virtue ethics as being quite easy to adopt.

>> No.1514454

Not mad at them for encountering problems, that is inevitable. Mad at them for shitting on the billions of dollars the world gives to help them.

>> No.1514457

>he has "ethics"

>> No.1514459

Hi there.
Thanks for posting. Though our fine board is primarily about literature, and is usually assumed to center around fiction, we enjoy the occasional post on philosophy, politics, or in your case, deep personal moral criticism. Unfortunately, your post does contain a few errors, which I would like to address, if I may.

To begin with, you would seem to indicate that perceived happiness correlates directly with wealth. This is a common misconception, but careful statistical analysis has shown that, in fact, the two do not correlate at all. Happiness, in fact, has more to do with social context than quantitative measures of wealth, and, according to statistically normalized and significant measures, people in Nigeria are much happier overall than people in the United States. Happiness, it seems, has to do with one's sense of safety and security, which in turn is based on what your life experience has led you to believe is the best you can expect. If you grow up in a village as a subsistence farmer among other subsistence famrers, you will be much happier with much less than if you grow up as a member of the working class among members of the middle class.

So you can see, dear poster, our wealth is not a blessing, but a curse. It creates divisions between us, and breaks up the basic social bonds that hold our communities together. It creates false, impossible standards to which we are obliged to hold ourselves. It turns us against each other, and fosters a pervasive sense of manipulation and mistrust that haunts us not only as individuals but as a society. How could we wish that on the poor, happy people of the third world, who live genuine lives, full of tragedy and reward?

I admit, however, that you have made one attribution which angers me beyond the point of forgiveness. If you EVER imply that I enjoy Stephen King again, I will find your family and rape them to death. Die in a fire you awful fucking faggot.

>> No.1514471

>this is what communists actually believe

>> No.1514476
File: 21 KB, 419x346, 1295447025434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1514490

I can't believe anybody believes this dreck. Do you know why Egypt is revolting? They can't afford food. Yes, they need money to survive. Such is the world.

>> No.1514496

>Happiness, in fact, has more to do with social context than quantitative measures of wealth, and, according to statistically normalized and significant measures
wealth, even narrowly construed, contributes to a great degree in the determining of social context

rest of your post fails to take into account this crucial point

>> No.1514497

Egypt. No Food. This is the first in all human existence. The only nation that is known for the life giving and fertile Nile river. The world really is about to end.