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15199065 No.15199065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mmmmmm I'm a librul now mmmm
>vote for joe biden

>> No.15199080

Chomsky has advocated voting for Democrats his entire career, what are you talking about?

>> No.15199123
File: 48 KB, 691x221, B3EAD61E-1E48-45B3-A697-F73FB602B6F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the moral thing to do, although it basically neuters the left in America. Personally, I’m going to vote for the Greens.

>> No.15199135

As bad as Biden is, voting for him in November is a no-brainer.

>> No.15199139

Voting for Trump is unironically the only moral choice

>> No.15199147

Biden is a no-brainer

>> No.15199155

how do American leftists live with the fact that their attempt at bravery and wokeness revolves around voting for the "good" establishment party?
they like to dicksuck Europe so much but we at least have enough courage to vote for real outsider parties the establishment media seethes about

>> No.15199182

Are you literally retarded? The US has a two-party fptp system.

>> No.15199194

That’s why I’m voting for the Green Party candidate. It’s ridiculous that we are expected to make a choice between two horrible candidates.

>> No.15199240

are you mentally handicapped boy

>> No.15199241

American ((leftist)) can't even get their "socialist" guy elected as the candidate in their own party.

>> No.15199264

Extreme left and right are just tools to manipulate people with a slightly above average iq into supporting mainstream left and right.

>> No.15199270

So, yes, you are a retard.

>> No.15199271

The people do not vote for a president in America. The Electoral College picks who the president will be.
>While the electoral vote has generally given the same result as the popular vote, this has not been the case in several elections, most recently in the 2016 election.

>> No.15199293

You don't need 'tools'. It common sense to vote for the lesser evil.

Say you're in a prison camp and you get to vote on who you're guard will be. Do you pick the guy who beats 12 prisoners a day or the guy who beats 11 prisoners a day? It's no answer to say 'fuck that, I'm building a tunnel'. Obviously we're all working on the tunnel. But in the meantime, we could use one less beating a day.

>> No.15199296

Bernie supporters and leftists not voting or voting for Trump are the ultimate narcissists

They talk about wanting to help the poor, the uninsured, people in debt, the environment, etc but refuse Joe Biden because he doesn’t go far enough and is perceived as part of the Democrat establishment. This is in spite of the fact that Biden has shown to be open to compromise towards progressive policies, as seen when he adopted Bernie’s suggestions for lowering the age for Medicare eligibility and expanding debt forgiveness. Instead they treat the election like a video game where they just threaten another 4 years of Trump on everyone solely because Bernie didn’t win, even though that would only hurt the very people they claim they want to help as they get another 4 years without any policies to help them. And this obviously doesn’t include other branches of government the president has control over, such as the Supreme Court, which will affect law and policy for generations

Bernie supporters and leftists who refuse to vote for Biden do not actually care for the disenfranchised. The only reason why they even entertain the thought of having Trump for another 4 years is because they are typically in positions of privilege that insulate them from harm. They won’t get affected by things like the DACA repeal or the defunding of the ACA so they see another 4 years of Trump as a viable option. They are unironically the “Champagne socialist” stereotype, middle and upper middle class white Americans who care more about social capital than reducing harm to the very people they are trying to help.

>> No.15199297


>> No.15199298

>lesser evil.
They are literally the same product with a different label you fucking brainlet

>> No.15199315

anyone who considers themselves progressive and doesn't actively promote the complete destruction of the media industry for refusing to give a platform to anything that isn't an elephant or an ass should off themselves

>> No.15199322

Trump is more of a left wing socialist than biden

>> No.15199326

Not quite, moron.

>> No.15199329

It’s supposed to be a democracy: you can vote or not vote for whomever you wish. The democratic establishment don’t represent leftist beliefs so why would leftists vote for them?
>position of privilege
Why do we have a system where we have to give power to evil corporatist warnongers or be called immoral?

In the long term if the left refuses to tow the line and engages in outsider action like striking and organising worker’s movements, they may gain more leverage and power.

>> No.15199331

Is that why he funneled yet more wealth to the top 0.01% via tax cuts?

>> No.15199339

He lowered it to 55. Wow! Even Hillary wanted 50. And lmao if you think a guy who spent his whole career shilling for credit card companies is going to do anything for debt forgiveness. He helped make it impossible to declare bankruptcy and annul credit card debt. Fuck Demonrats. I hope Biden and Sellout Sanders get Covid

>> No.15199350

literally explain the difference between the democrats and republicans besides the fact they cater to different corporate interests

>> No.15199367

One wants more trans boardmembers of color and the other is of the opinion that lowering tranny unemployment is the way to go

>> No.15199371

Damn looks like commie Gandalf is gonna croak soon

>> No.15199416

>muh socialism iz wen da gubernmant does staff

>> No.15199422

Nice strawman, faggot.

>> No.15199434

>he still hasn't figured out that Trump is a left wing accelerationist

>> No.15199466

too bad the trans have adopted the third way ie the 41 movement

>> No.15199489

Handing over the people's wealth to a handful of globalist billionaires is not a form of 'leftwing socialism', brainlet.