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File: 70 KB, 764x617, bootlickingfatarabscum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15264008 No.15264008 [Reply] [Original]

why is the author Nassim Taleb such a massive bootlicker for the establishment and a totalitarian police state?

>> No.15264019
File: 133 KB, 960x955, comment-karides-Nassim-Nicholas-Taleb-an-observer-of-society-960x955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only during pandemics; other than that he is a localist and libertarian, with disdain for bureaucrats with no SITG

>> No.15264026

excremental thread

>> No.15264049
File: 24 KB, 611x271, taleb_is_the_new_reddit_hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds based. i am a bull in normal life, but when my wife fucks niggers i become a cuck, im still a bull, am i right plebbit?

>> No.15264073

That retarded boomer is afraid of a fucking cold, hope he dies from heath attack

>> No.15264082
File: 297 KB, 1356x1198, 1532559917617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a cold. It is a multiplicative pandemic from extremistan while the cold is an idiosyncratic event with Chernoff bounds from mediocristan.

>> No.15264100


>> No.15264157

take your meds you fucking walking dead boomer

>> No.15264328

>I have an idea, I want to endanger people and put strain on already overcrowded services cause uhhh I'm a retard lol
These people would have been executed in any other time period

>> No.15264344

Nassim Taleb doesn't like freedom because, as an Arab with a fat tail, he struggles to exercise it.

>> No.15264417

kek, thanks for that, had a good laugh. what a fucking pseud.

>> No.15264445

He's right on a fundamental level. Freedom ain't free. A lot of society's problems stem from the desire of retards to both have their cake and eat it.

>> No.15264468

>Implying there's a danger or services are overcrowded.

>> No.15264481

Based Arab.
Fully agree with him.
You, OP, on the other hand are cringe and a faggot.

>> No.15264518
File: 26 KB, 598x792, 1588168967983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based Arab.
>Fully agree with him.
>You, OP, on the other hand are cringe and a faggot.

>> No.15264539
File: 29 KB, 280x305, soyak smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll just post a basedak, that'll show him

>> No.15264555

He’s not. He’s a zero hedge type dude who’s built a career consulting about “risk” so he needs this Kung flu to be important otherwise his whole schtick will seem pointless.

>> No.15264558

If there was no danger or overcrowding why would anyone object to being marked down as a voluntary risk?

>> No.15264569

>San franshithole
>Pozzing not a crime
>Not social distancing is

>> No.15264572

Going on 70k US deaths. What would you call important?

>> No.15264585
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>>i'll just post a basedak, that'll show him

>> No.15264586

All you 'muricans and jewish are going to die if don't believe in COVID-19.
My health > your freedom.
Stay at home.

>> No.15264595
File: 240 KB, 866x812, soyak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>i'll just post a basedak, that'll show him

>> No.15264598

That's what the OP says they should let people do. But if you do go out your medical priority will be lower if you get corona

>> No.15264603
File: 76 KB, 785x731, 1588166655080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOO, not the on average 81 year old diabeterino elderlinoooos

>> No.15264607
File: 35 KB, 564x823, 1588423107958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>i'll just post a basedak, that'll show him

>> No.15264615

I’m not making an argument either way. I’m making the point that Taleb would be increasing alarm if there were no deaths at all. That’s his job.

>> No.15264626 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 782x758, soyboy angst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>i'll just post a basedak, that'll show him

>> No.15264635
File: 127 KB, 782x758, soyboy angst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>i'll just post a basedak, that'll show him

>> No.15264754

Filed under shitty, boot-licking authoritarian arguments in the same vein as
>If you have nothing to hide, why don't you just let us search your property without a warrant?

>> No.15264769

But searching your property is an imposition. Being listed as being a voluntary risk will harm you in what way? Unless you get corona

>> No.15264805

You're seriously arguing that putting fellow citizens on any sort of list that could potentially be leveraged in arbitrary manner to deny you medical treatment is a good thing?
Would you apply this same logic to faggots engaging in buttplay that end up contracting HIV or AIDS? In the west there's a moral obligation to treat patients regardless of their decisions previous to coming into the hospital, we don't just deny treatment to Tyrone the gangbanger, as much as we want to or could construe it to be a good idea.

>> No.15264807

(((nassim))) ?

>> No.15264826

seriously. in commiefornia and now washington there have been laws passed to make knowingly, intentionally infecting someone with HIV perfectly legal. but the common cold comes around and media overhypes it as usual, and suddenly going to a beach is a crime that should be punished by death penalty.

all i asked for was consistency. it's like these retards just regurgitate whatever their glowing box tells them and they never think about anything. i dont even understand how a creature lives with such cognitive dissonance.

>> No.15265131

Remember to go outside every once in a while anon. I'm rooting for you and hope you get your mental health back. Don't drown in the place of negativity and meaningless games you are obviously in.

>> No.15265140

Like fucking animals in a zoo

>> No.15265369

>Would you apply this same logic to faggots engaging in buttplay that end up contracting HIV or AIDS?
God yes.

>> No.15265442

dude what if american healthcare just suddenly stopped treating patients for any reason whatsoever LMAO imagine that... just IMAGINE!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15265454

a cake is meant to be eaten you stupid faggot, there is no point in owning a cake if you cannot eat it

>> No.15265458
File: 39 KB, 688x668, 1580014720817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why were faggots never held accountable for spreading AIDS? nowadays if anyone steps outside they are reviled for ignoring the quarantine and for being vectors of COVID. people are publicly shamed on social media for even questioning the mandatory quarantine, which implies that people are all personally responsible for taking every single precaution to not catch and spread the disease. well then why not apply this logic to AIDS riddled faggots? AIDS is way easier to prevent, just dont get fucked in the ass or shoot dope. am I supposed to feel bad that fudgepackers dropped by the hundreds of thousands because of a virus, but also spit on people who play in a park during COVID?

>> No.15265535

>be american
>be starving to death in quarantine because you weren't already a prepper with 10 years worth of canned food and MREs in storage
>leave to go to the supermarket for the first time in months
>police officer immediately guns you down for not obeying social distancing measures
>thank him for his service
>get sent to hospital
>staff refuses to treat you because you were put on the no-healthcare list
>get tossed out onto the street while nurses dab and film it on tiktok
>"a-at least i'm not living in authoritarian china"

>> No.15265629
File: 1.27 MB, 499x499, 1553734153126-0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risk management is a core part of his expertise, so he thinks about it a lot. His problem is that he forgets that when you think about something too much, you end up thinking it's more important than it is.

>> No.15265701

how can i get on the list this is sick

>> No.15265714

literally who

>> No.15265746

they have. i need new glasses desperately and the optometrists are all closed indefinitely. what am i gonna do, GUESS my prescription?

>> No.15265817

Don't be a speccy cunt and do better in the genetic lottery in your next life

>> No.15266129

I used to like him but he's a fucking loser and should be deported to back to Arabia ASAP

>> No.15266284

>said the bag-over-head-ugly incel
my genetics are god tier except my shitty eyesight

>> No.15267467

the same should be done with addicts and Narcan. only one revive and then you are just left for dead

>> No.15267498

T. libertarian incel defending the right of whores and normies to proceed fucking, consuming, smoking weed, endlessly. I want everyone shackled. Beaten. Tortured. Bloodied. Arrest the human race and collectively genocide the whole. Nourish the gay earth with the resulting ocean of blood

>> No.15267510

>everything that's not total anarchy is bootlicking

>> No.15267525

We might as well do the same with all overweight people, do not treat for any condition resulting from their shitty eating habits.

>> No.15267551

Fauci is the same person behind both absymal responses