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/lit/ - Literature

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15348879 No.15348879 [Reply] [Original]

Thomas Hardy: 5’1
William Faulkner: 5’5
H.G. Wells: 5’5
James Baldwin: 5’6
J.R.R. Tolkien: 5’8 1/2

>> No.15348885

Manlets are the keepers of civilization.

>> No.15348893

5'8 1/2 is okay.

>> No.15348896

Manlet cope is the most powerful engine in the universe

>> No.15348905

Women selecting for height rather than intelligence is the actual problem here. Society and not women themselves should be responsible for partner selection.

>> No.15348916

In this highly sexually charged society, they are starting to select for penis size now. How big is your penis?

>> No.15348918

There should be a script that appends height to the name of every major male historic and literary figure on every web page you visit.

>> No.15349010

Ernest Hemingway: 6'0
Dashiell Hammet:6’1
Arthur Conan Doyle: 6'2
Karl Ove Knausgaard:6’3
Diogenes: 18'0

>> No.15349276

>was 6'1
>slouching and anorexia made me 5'11
any books for this feel?

>> No.15350445

Romanian deadlift and stretching

>> No.15350464

>intelligence is better than brute strength
only a stupid weakling would think this

>inb4 height doesn't mean strength
cope more framelet

>> No.15350752

Some of them are old enough they weren't manlets at the time. Tolkien was born 1892, so reached adulthood circa 1910. Men in 1910 were ~4 inches shorter. So he's about 6'0 equivalent. HG Wells, born earlier, is a 5'10 equivalent.

Faulkner, 5'9, Hardy, 5'7, Baldwin gains 2-3 inches when you adjust for the average at the time.

>> No.15350772

>Thomas Hardy: 5’1

That explains why he's always so depressing

>> No.15350783

oh my god it makes so much sense now

>> No.15350822

>overrated genre hacks and hemingway, the biggest bore of all
i guess manlets DO produce better literature, huh.

>> No.15350891

The thread should've ended here.

>> No.15350898

>intelligence is better than brute strength

>> No.15350907

Why are burgoids so obsessed with hight?

>> No.15350910

Why? Who cares?

>> No.15350919

>>intelligence is better than brute strength
but that's true, dumb caveman lanklet.

>> No.15350974
File: 500 KB, 1400x787, 32210694-E162-4AA8-AD35-1F504E811D91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salinger was 6’2

>> No.15350978

I have no idea. I strongly suspect that it's because we're obsessed with sex, and anyone obsessed with having sex will naturally become obsessed with the standards set by women for their partners. These standards have emerged from their proper place as natural instincts to be molded by culture and morality and transformed into general standards by which men and women are to be judged in all areas of their lives. Hence the memes you see here and all over the rest of the internet: "Have sex," "Sounds like you've never made a woman orgasm," "incel," "virgin," and so on.
The corollary is, as you've likely noticed, that women attain a status akin to moral infallibility. Women can do no wrong to men, because it is their standards that determine what is right and wrong, and since they set the standard to be whatever it is that they're feeling at the time, it is impossible for them to ever be in the wrong. There are obviously numerous caveats and exceptions that I'd need to add to explain this last bit properly, but you get the point.

>> No.15350987

Imagine a world where not everything was engineered around your insecurity

>> No.15350994


>> No.15350995

Nah, he's mostly right.

>> No.15351002

based and truthpilled

>> No.15351155

This indeed always describes someones writing style even though they are not aware of it. All the ugly/short/poor mfkers write about depressing shit, meanwhile chads write heroic epopee

>> No.15351190
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>> No.15351227

The incel is immunized against all dangers: one may call him an idiot, peasant, pleb, chauvinist, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an incel and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.15351230
File: 30 KB, 481x550, 1588932105266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15351234

He kind of looked Anglo.

>> No.15351252

Haven't read that negro but literally none of those wrote "depressing shit." Dramatic, maybe. Realistic, perhaps. But nothing quite "depressing". Tolkien and Wells are a joy to read, even. I reject your hypothesis.

>> No.15351264

Those Jews are essentially European-blooded.

>> No.15351282

The Ashkenazi Jew has some Germanic genes.

>> No.15351287

Didn't know there were kikes in this board too.

>> No.15351407

You're right, I expressed myself wrong. Depressive isn't a good word for it. A better term would be incel-core. You just know incel-core when you see it. Meanwhile you read a page of something like Blood Meridian and you can tell it's a part of chad-core canon.

>> No.15352148

>chad-core canon
is that what we're calling Oprah's book club now?