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15360391 No.15360391 [Reply] [Original]

Books about this male phenomenon?

>> No.15360411

I despise how this culture is designed to murder friendship groups. Go through all of school seeing the same friends nearly everyday, only to graduate, spend the best summer of your life hanging with them every day, promising you will always be bros, before they all go to different universities. Then you either stay in your hometown and rot, or go to a university, and hopefully make a few new friends but it isn't the same. You see your friends maybe once a week. Then once a month. Then a couple of times a year. Finally all that is left is unfulfilled promises to "catch up soon" made over social media.

>> No.15360449

Do you feel like you play into that?
>Then you either stay in your hometown and rot, or go to a university
Why does staying in your hometown mean you're going to rot? Do you think there's an expectation or view that leaving your hometown = success?

>> No.15360471

>Why does staying in your hometown mean you're going to rot? Do you think there's an expectation or view that leaving your hometown = success?
Yes, Anon. I am really going to make it in a town with 60% unemployment with most houses below the poverty line. Just gotta fix my attitude and smell the meth lab.

>> No.15360486

>I am really going to make it in a town with 60% unemployment with most houses below the poverty line. Just gotta fix my attitude and smell the meth lab.
Damn America really is fucked

>> No.15360493

>60% unemployment with most houses below the poverty line
Well, your hometown sucks, but thankfully most of /lit/ isn't black, so that isn't really much of an issue.

>> No.15360498

>only black people are poor
This is what coastals actually believe.

>> No.15360500

Friends, relationships, community are the reasons to stay most of the time, that, like >>15360411 has pointed out, does often not exist anymore in a lot of places and I am sad to say that I have done the same, leaving my town, city and even country to study. Not in America either, it just has become the norm sadly.

>> No.15360504

Hey, OP here, and fuck you - I'm black as coal, nigga.
And as for the rest of you homeless fuckers and meth dealers, this is not what this thread was about. Please get back on topic.

>> No.15360508

There are a number of reasons for this, some economic and others cultural.

I think the 21st century offers the illusion of limitless choice, while also providing an economic reality which wherein choice is very limited. Perhaps not so much as in the days where our ancestors left school at an early age and took whatever manual work they could find in order to scrape a living, but still.

Many things today are optional, and the individual is reduced, or promoted, to a free being. This individual often has no familial duties (due to divorce, the decline of multi-generational family units in a localised space, and also the loss of industry to which a father could introduce a son), and his options for community is no longer restricted by geographical or racial considerations, and so instead of forming *necessary* relationships with local young men his age with their own interests and so on, he is instead able to form *voluntary* relationships with individuals online who share his exact, specific cultural interests. The latter relationships however, despite being meaningful in the sense that he is able to communicate with fellows he relates to directly and learn more about their own cultural tastes, skills etc (e.g. Mark Zuckerberg complaining that he didn't like baseball etc, so was pleased the internet allowed him to befriend fellow tech nerds online), they also tend to be briefer and less intimate. This board is a good example, but there are plenty of others (like zoomers making friends on Fortnite, etc). It perhaps even encourages a form of solipsism, whereby one only relates to and really gets to know others in the form of avatars, screen names, or even anonymous posts, thereby projecting much of own's own personality onto them (e.g. "we're all lonely autists here") or simply imagining what they are like on a deeper level, without ever confirming this. This, I believe, is why the internet is fundamentally a negative influence on real life community feelings, as the one of the inevitable results of voluntary online communities is that it greats groups of similar individuals who are refined to a sort of parodic image, such as the Incel, the Turbothot, the Boomer, and so on. Because these groups find others like themselves they then lose interest in transcending their own condition, and instead conflate the parodic image presented to them as representative of their group as a reflection of their innermost being, which then leads to futility, resignation, etc. Whereas in real life a rather shy, meek young man lacking a father figure could bond with a guy in his area who is a little older and possesses the traits he himself wishes to have (confidence, etc), and who in return might appreciate the shy guy's intelligence, patience, insight etc, leading to a mutual benefit and a stronger sense of localised community, instead in the voluntary online communities the shy, meek young man simply finds his tribe and rots with them.

>> No.15360511

The poverty comes from there being no reason for the town anymore, no jobs because no company will settle there and the community slowly dissolves. That has probably got to do zero with the inhabitants themselves.

>> No.15360522

Idk man, Dazai presents his reason in No Longer Human, Jose Maria Arguedas his one in The Fox From Above And The Fox From Below, and there are many more reasons you can find. From your picture I think >>15360411 made a good point, it's an existential hopelessness, no reason anymore when the one sole thing you loved is gone or will never be.

>> No.15360526

well said desu

>> No.15360533

Nice post anon.

>> No.15360545

The fact that communities need someone there to exploit their labor in order for them to survive is quite telling of the way we set up the west

>> No.15360587

It is a go-with-the-times issue. A community like that could still exist, farm locally, sell locally and all, but it won't, because as someone else in this thread pointed out very well, there are choices now and people will take them, no matter for the better or worse. This happens in all things human and is an ugly side effect to technological progress, rarely there will be a group who decides to reject something as a community that is perceived as making things better, or is allowed to do so. One area you will see this in, is the use of Machine Learning for all things image processing, no one is ready to stop, even though they all know their technology, which they want to use to better the world, is being abused for the exact opposite. They are dreamers, who refuse to dream on their own.

>> No.15360601

"Them good ol' days."
They were the same except everything was worse and smellier and people drank whiskey at bars instead of using the Internet.

>> No.15360603

I find this topic really interesting, about the existence of towns which were formed almost solely to house workers associated with a local industry (e.g. coal mining in West Virginia). When that coal mine leaves, the town of course suffers a crisis of identity, and its inhabitants are divided between those who stubbornly identify with it (due to ancestral ties, etc) and those who become rootless and seek wealth elsewhere. I would be tempted to assume this is one of the reasons Jewish communities have tended to become wealthier than other communities in whatever country they move to, not due to some kind of genetic disposition towards usury, but because they make the logical decision to move to cities and towns where intelligence can be exchanged for wealth, rather than settling and rotting away (frankly) in small, isolated towns whose existence depended during its heyday on the success of the local coal mine, or steel plant, or whatever. That isn't to say that steel plants have disappeared from small towns solely due to natural forces, as free trade has led to a race-to-the-bottom mentality for international companies trying to cut wage costs. But there is a real dilemma for anybody who grows up in one of these towns and is forced to choose between perceived duty to remain true to one's identity and familial history, or to pursue a more financially secure existence somewhere else where one's skills can be best put to use. The fear I have is globalisation will create a state of affairs whereby people are forced more and more to move to cities to earn any kind of living, the symbolic image being a depressed, isolated young man in a tiny rented room in an ethnically diverse megacity, renting from a wealthy landlord, working some tech-focused job despite feeling a growing animosity towards technology, only hearing his native language part of the time while travelling around the city, eating foods produced / manufactured on the other side of the world by people earning $1 a day, bombarded with cultural messages about how amazing and necessary sex and love is yet unable to find a romantic partner and also feeling a kind of revulsion towards the idea of sex as consumer product, reading mainstream newspapers which only reinforce the globalist status-quo by allowing no criticism of mass immigration or the easily observable differences in the behaviour between ethnic communities or any other easily observable fact is true (e.g., female dating preferences, tendency of ethnic groups to prefer their own communities, the idea of a job as more than a means of paying rent and saving money etc) and worst of all having no idea that another state of affairs is possible and would be more beneficial to his health, and that even thinking so, much less expressing the idea, results in guilt, fear of a flagging productivity rate, anxiety that one will be labelled as belonging to any number of peripheral culturally-rejected groups (incels, far-right), etc.

>> No.15360609

This is just reductive. You can acknowledge unintended consequences without pining for caveman days.

>> No.15360620

Not a book, but the documentary "Century of the Self" by Adam Curtis goes into this topic from a historical point. How we ended up with this individualism in which we think that we have a "true self" that can be expressed through material things.

>> No.15360624

This is about the feelings I have. In my mid-20s and am quite torn on how to deal with all of this. Had 3 amazing friends in HS, 2 joined me at college and and we were able to stick together for a while. The other will always be my "best friend" due to how we grew up together, but it feels so much different, like our friendship is solidified into an immutable form rather than the amorphous blob it was early on. Of the other 2, one I grew apart from early and only hear from him in the odd happy birthday text or whatever. The last became as good a friend as the first, but similar consequence where we feel like "forever friends" for better or for worse. Hoping a couple of us move to the same city at some point.

College precipitated the above, but I also made new friends there. I was close to home so I wasn't really leaving the one who didn't go to the same school as me. Struggled a bit and didn't feel like I actually had friends until the end of my Junior year. Had an amazing group of roommates my final year, but only communicate regularly with 2 of the 5 now. That year felt like it would never end, but when it did I never knew thought I'd be prepared for how much different it would be.

Enter grad school (still here now). Moved across the country and left the hope of frequent contacts with both of the above for twice-yearly visits home. Of course I still text some of these guys semi-regularly but we can't form real memories together anymore. "How's grad school?" ,"When will you visit again", "Up to anything interesting lately","Got a gf yet?".... fill our conversations whenever we have them.Same thing with most of my family now as well. Empty empty empty and like the difference between a good and bad book the focus appears to be on the happenings rather than how the author may be doing something, what he might be saying, and the tone left lingering in the air. Is this how life is as you grow up? Instead of my picture as enhanced freedom and intelligence supplementing these once-great relationships we all fall back on the same boring modes of maintaining these friendships through physical and temporal distance.

Machinic maybe, maintenance of friendships fast floats over (re)building these machines.

part of me says fuck it, leave it all behind, it's more pain to hold on to anything than accept that it was your past and you should do different things now. The other near-half still holds to the hope that some of these friends groups will re-materialize in proper form somehow. I'll see the same thign restart when I finish grad school, then move on after my first job,....

>> No.15360656
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“Let us flee then to the beloved Fatherland”

>> No.15360659

I'm not making the case for an idealised past, as mentioned in previous generations our ancestors simply lived within the mental and physical confines imposed by their usually small geographical region, and so being born in small town North Dakota meant knowing as much as was made available in North Dakota, rather than learning about Fernando Pessoa on the internet and being grateful for that extended capacity to discover things like.

The only point I was hoping to make is that the internet has massively increased the degree to which any single person is free, but this freedom has consequences which are perhaps initially entertaining, informative etc yet often prove to be negative on both a personal and local level. Whereas in any given small town one could previously attend a local Democrat political group, or a local Republic political group, which were to future political forums what tabletop games are to video games, one still lived in that small town alongside others of a different political leaning and so a common bond was formed, often through humour, an appreciation of shared struggle and ancestry, etc. Now these groups tend to become isolated and increasingly hostile towards one another, at the expense of a common ground, but with the benefit to each person that they don't have to leave their house or many any real effort to find fellows with the same political group. Add to that the loss of any kind of hierarchical structure to that community based on age, maturity, experience, knowledge and what you get is an impressionable young guy who is not steered in any way or taught to debate his elders etc, but instead spends his evenings doxxing some part-time minimum wage employee on the other side of the world who tweeted something which offended his increasingly extreme set of half-formed political convictions.

>> No.15360689

There's a distinct manner to todays form of communication, the short messages we send on our phones or Notebooks. They do not lend themselves well to saying something more than superficial and so the daily messages although some form of communication slowly become less and less and at some point stop. One way around it might be the writing of letters, because in them, there is only so much to be said about "How are you doing?", "How is university?", etc. and you have to add something actually meaningful. Look at lettercollections and how they often are way more, than just keeping up with each other, they are actual interactions between the people involved, a more refined talk you might have out on your porch in the evening or in your study.

>> No.15360694

here´s a you

>> No.15361431

Based thinly-veiled boylove poster

>> No.15361577

Great posts anon.

>> No.15361722

>I think the 21st century offers the illusion of limitless choice, while also providing an economic reality which wherein choice is very limited.

This. The choices are all related to expressing your self via consumer capitalism. Other forms of life are either stamped on or assimilated.

>> No.15361932
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>> No.15362298

You could make a similar analogy with personal diaries. Many many people today uses social media for what personal diaries were always used to, including political opinions, reflections of all kind. Now you just incorporate all that into the hive mind.

>> No.15362310

It loses the personal and truly confessional nature of a diary when it is fed through the dopamine maximisation algorithm built in to social media. The first priority becomes reach and self-branding, not unfiltered confession.

>> No.15362384

People playing around with ideas without ever bothering to go deeper, because if they did, they would realize their ideas aren't fleshed out, it's all worthless and superficial. A diary entry at least allows some depth, but still there is no dissenting opinion.
Also, this is about communication and I don't know how often you use a diary to communicate with someone, but I don't and yes that's why those social media posts are trash, because they are just there not to be talked about, a statement for someone to feel better or worse about themselves.

>> No.15362439

how to achieve this

>> No.15362475

Guys please, I just wanted books about penguins.

>> No.15362576


>> No.15362613

It is very diary-like, but now ones private thoughts have to be curated by likes and public approval. It probably works both ways so that your own inner life adjusts to whatever works best online. Cialdini has explained how people try to keep consistent between what they say and what they think, and that it works both ways.

>> No.15362735

i don't get it bros i thought the penguin had a big friend group
and what does male giving up have to do with friends

>> No.15362802

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.15363554

This post is why I still come here and why I always ditch any efforts to post any "meaningful" content in an attempt to make of myself something solid on social media

>> No.15363590

I always saw this as a sort of randomness in a non-linear thermodynamic way

It doesnt really matter if its less or more complex objects, there is always, call it, condition or a movement inherent to objects to move, steer, vibrate call it what you want.

Usually majority of objects diffuse sort of together as in Browns' motion experiment but every now and then theres this one particle that make its move somewhere else and usually gets lost in the abyss. But imagine that the pinguin or a prehistoric homo erectus eventually finds something, a tribe, a soulmate or whatever and a new life is born.

>> No.15363601
File: 37 KB, 256x390, Bowling_Alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you genuinely want a book suggestion, here you go

>> No.15363607

I also think you rightly point out thats its a male phenomena, tho I dunno why it is that way, and its one of the reasons we always see grass greener on the other side

>> No.15363975

Bottom frame= In search of Life
Top Frame= In search of Death

Yet, ironically, they both discover the opposite.

>> No.15364000


>> No.15364027

That hardly sounds like a design to murder friendship, we're just compelled toward a varied life and that's not a bad thing.

>> No.15364091

The death of Richard Russell was one of the major cultural moments of the 2010s for me. Life changing.


>> No.15365680

based :(

>> No.15365709
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>> No.15366365


>> No.15366392

source of top?

>> No.15366508

This. These rust belt towns could become communal, raising their own food, self-sustaining, have public services for things such as internet access, etc.
But that's too hard. It's easier to just smoke meth and die.

>> No.15366521
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>> No.15366539

if you want to get where you want to go, you have to run the other way, you know.

>> No.15366541

can someone make a pepe that is sealing the cave shut LMAOOOO
too dumb to operate photoshop

>> No.15366563

that's the bottom though

don't worry i found it here>>15364091

>> No.15366571

>nihilist penguin
He probably felt infected, if not suffering some brain trauma.
Those humans that suffer existential dread, pessimism and start espousing antinatalism, think they’re enlightened and are grasping the truth of the universe. The penguin has it right. It’s just time to go. Don’t infect anyone else.

>> No.15366580

Meth is a white drug, my dude.

>> No.15366594


say more about this

>> No.15366675

Pussy faggots who need to man up and stop bitching about >muh feels?
Try Notes From The Underground

>> No.15367680
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>say more about this

>> No.15367682

>can someone make a pepe that is sealing the cave shut LMAOOOO
I'm searching for a lost a Pepe buddhas fishing Wojacks from underground hell pits, this is the closest I've seen to that

>> No.15368488

Someone cplain the picture to me please. What am i looking at?

>> No.15368497


>> No.15368516

A madlad mechanic that hijacked an (empty) plane and flew it all by himself, even did a barrel roll before launching himself into the ground and joking about the whole thing on the radio.
A penguin that decided to leave the flock and seemed determined on fighting Antarctica alone, disappearing in the blizzard.

>> No.15368522

both died

>> No.15368587

Everyone dies. Even Jesus Christ went through that bullshit.

>> No.15368592


>> No.15368596

Christ is eternal you reprobate

>> No.15368598

Let me guess, evangelical? muslim?
The trinity is eternal. Jesus died and is resurrected. Or was he merely pretending?

>> No.15368601

death is an illegitimate concept for all but hylics

>> No.15368604

You just don't get it, check your thetan levels.

>> No.15368606
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everyone feels, anon

>> No.15368608

ok bugman

>> No.15368653

im seeing a lot of losers bitching about their shitty lives, not seeing actual book recs

>> No.15368691

You can never ever talk about 'sad' shit on /lit/ or 4chan in general, Every faggot incel will start to relate

>> No.15368700

i once saw a video on youtube that mixed the skyking footage with the penguin, but i never managed to find it again. anyone have it?

>> No.15368704

nevermind, found it again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWR-Qik3JCw

>> No.15368706

I went into this thread actually especting good recs, instead I only saw Bowling for Soup, which is kind of a meme work

>> No.15368813
File: 111 KB, 763x1152, Spengler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who to read

>> No.15368838

You mean Bowling alone?

>> No.15369014

This seems like 99% projecting but still I approve of this post.

>> No.15369043

Agreed, this thread is dominated by sociology try hards and /soc/ deprived dudes, while there is a salient lack of /lit/ discussion.

>> No.15369075

It seems that you fags live your lives for someone else not yourselves

>> No.15369089


>> No.15369127

>dude you're meant to be an atom lmao

>> No.15369158

>I despise how this culture is designed to murder friendship groups.

And you're a faggot that goes along with this instead of trying harder to keep the friendships

Neck yourself

>> No.15369195
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I have the same problem. The thing is, i dont feel like there's a way out of this. Not just for me on an individual level, but for the way that society promotes and incentivizes this. Political movements of the past have just wanted more freedom, and we now have more freedom than ever before, and we just find ourselves in a prison without walls, as the existentialists would call it. If anything, this dissolution of all bonds shows that we might need less freedom, but that's not politically palatable. What can we do?

>> No.15369200

>The thing is, i dont feel like there's a way out of this

How about reaching out to your friends and doing shit together?

>> No.15369203

Weve grown apart. Ive tried to initiate it quite often but theyre always too busy or they just dont respond for months anymore. Which sucks because we used to be very close.

>> No.15369218

Bait them instead of reaching out to them. Thats how I maintained my relationships.

For example: I posted instagram stories doing things that basically invite starting a convo. From there my friends who we had "grown apart" started talking and I took the lead and we did shit together

>> No.15369230

The only thing friends want to do is fuck your wife. If you want friends that don't fuck your wife, have ten kids and don't treat them like shit.

>> No.15369234

saddest most relatable thing i've seen in a long time

>> No.15369240


>> No.15369250



>> No.15369264

Physical proximity is the basis of most relationships. The most important power a friend has is to experience the same time and place as you and offer a different perspective.

>> No.15369291

>Physical proximity is the basis of most relationships

Straight fucking facts my guy

>> No.15369316

Shut the fuck up you complete loser. This culture is by far the EASIEST to maintain relationships with your friends. You have tools such as whatsapp, instagram, etc. and all fucking generations followed this same pattern of losing friends. It literally how life is, but instead of biotching about it how about using modern tools to leverage it?

>> No.15369354

Yet you add nothing yourself, could have mentioned one book each and we would be at five, even though that's still a joke of a number for the amounts of posts in this thread.

Decisive Moments in History by Zweig, the short story The Fight for the South Pole comes to mind when I see this picture.

>> No.15369359
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Those are superficial mediums that only convey a fraction of the information and feelings irl relationships do. Note that their rise also coincides with a culture built on friendships of convenience, so that even if they can bridge gaps between people, other forces are eradicating them at the same time.

We may have more ways to maintain relationships, but they are distant, not of quality. The generation that has grown up with the internet could easily be argued to be the most loneliest generation in recent history.

>> No.15369399

>Those are superficial mediums that only convey a fraction of the information and feelings irl relationships do

They are not used to maintain relationships you complete baffoon. Theyºre used to get your friends on the table again

>> No.15369418

That assumes your friends haven't moved to other places because of economic reasons (university, cheaper rent, opportunities), which leads back to the second post. I'm not saying it isn't possible, but you have to have a group of people willing to go out of their way for you as you are for them, not a common thing in these times. The time of blood oaths is gone.

>> No.15369448

>but you have to have a group of people willing to go out of their way for you as you are for them

Not unless you bait them like I do all the time. You'd be surprised of how much people want to spend time with you if they see you doing interesting things

>> No.15369469

I am sorry, anon, but you are simply wrong here. Take, for example, a 100 years ago: a guy gets some friends at school, and then they all disappear just like now, when some of you go to university, some of you start their own careers, some of you go to the army, not even mentioning starting families.
Again, after you come back from the army, you lose another bunch of friends.
And there is no way in hell you can keep tabs on them, maybe by mail, but "meeting up" and "catching up" is out of the question.
Again, maybe we should go back even earlier, say, 500 years ago, where people were not that mobile and tended to stay in the same social circle for their entire life (say, a village community). But here you have a different problem - how do you even get friends in such a situation? You have no shared interests (like you have with friends made in college or at work), and you have no quote-unquote "stress" to keep you all together, nothing you have "lived through", like the army does.
You might say "What about the guilds and the monastic orders and stuff like that?"
Well, if your concept of friendship entails that real, true friendship is limited to these closed communities, we come full circle in that these closed communities are formed much more readily in the current environment. There is simply much more people you can meet and so much more shit you can do, making you value real friends even more.

If anything, today's environment is the most conducive to keeping friendships alive. My dad and grandpa, for example, who have both served, constantly reminisce about their old buddies that they have no way of contacting now. A couple of years ago I set up a Skype call for my dad and his distant Polish relative, and let me tell ya, I have never seen an old man so amazed and happy before.
I, on the other hand, have a wonderful opportunity to catch up with all my school and college friends any time I am in town. I even keep contact with a guy that I met in a club 2 years ago, which, you know, you could not do before.

So stop being such a faggot.

>> No.15369490


I hate faggots who always complain that "HUUR DURR THIS GENERATION THE WORST AND LONELIEST" but have 0 fucking perspective of the generations that preceeded them

>> No.15369979

chris chan has better communication with his troll friends/girlfriends over emails

>> No.15370108


>> No.15370144

Yeah but not everyone has to be a whiny bitch about it like you. You think you're special because you feel sad sometimes? Man the fuck up, you live in the easiest and most prosperous time in human history. If you can't find something to make you happy you're just a fucking coward

>> No.15370161

All the people whining about friendships in this thread, fuck you. Be glad you ever had a friend. Many people did never have friends. nd now you whne because you lose them? Grow the fuck up. Get a grip on life for fucks sake.

>> No.15370166

holy... based

>> No.15370454

>easiest and most prosperous time in human history. If you can't find something to make you happy

Men don't need happiness, they need purpose and this world has deprived them much of it. There's a reason young men have retreated to escapist hobbies, especially video games. It gets a those qualities that were somewhere in the ancestral environment, but now have become increasingly absent.

>> No.15371059

Well said. I think a lot responses to this along the lines of "get over it" or "take advantage of the new technologies we have" are missing the point by making this the problem of an individual, rather than the collective problem it really is. You can't simply pretend that this trend of loneliness and alienation and being shunted around by the whims of capital isn't happening. And trying to categorise is as a problem of the individual is missing the forest for the trees. Look at the all the young people who have to rent, and may never have the chance to own their own homes, while older generations own the vast majority of housing wealth. That drives loneliness and precarity and just saying "you can zoom your friends" does nothing to address the material causes.

>> No.15371083

/lit/'s cultural analysis in a nutshell

>> No.15371144

I'm still friends with the guys I met in preschool

>> No.15371592

>they need purpose
Make your own purpose you fucking pussy ass faggot, you want society to hold your hand and make everything easy for you? Fuck off, the world isn't fair, you're not entitled to anything, grow the fuck up. If you're bitching about not being able to find purpose in the age of freest information where it is the easiest it's ever been to find or create purpose, you are, again, just a fucking pussy ass coward

>> No.15371602

What is the point of this sort of chest thumping when large scale trends are being discussed. Obviously a significant portion of men are not able to do what you're talking about.

>> No.15372154

I am in a deeply crippled state, I have literally no ideas about the future, no short-term or long-term plans, no motivation in anything I do. I am deeply disinterested in everything but mine isn't a stoic ataraxia: I still feel miserable, and often. I have no physical disabilty but it's like I'm handicapped, senility permeates my soul and there's no solution for it. Simulating a go-getter attitude is helpful but only on paper; I am an inept, I can't change that, I will always feel unfit and when society does not impose me certain standards I will, and I will fail them. Being aware that my life is slipping away from my fingers serves no purpose. I don't love

>> No.15372187

Your fear has been a reality for a long time now.

>> No.15372305

That's because they're pussy bitches, like you. In the past "men" like you would've gone to war and either been killed or shaped the fuck up. Forget about "trends," that's just another way of blaming society for your problems, either wake the fuck up and take massive action, take control of your life, or just fucking kill yourself already and remove yourself from the gene pool, not like any woman will want to mate with your pussy ass anyways, how the fuck can you protect and provide for her if you spend all your time bitching about how hard it is living in a 1st world country?

>> No.15372333

Join the military. I didn't go to college after high school and spent a year languishing like you, spending 4 years in the Army was the best choice I ever made. If nothing else it will instill some small amount of discipline and direction into you.

>> No.15372335

Somewhere in your rather inadequate mind you should be able to grasp the issue here, why are so many men now pussies? You appear incapable of bridging the gap between advice given to an individual and assessing why large numbers of people are behaving a certain way. Actually you appear incapable of doing anything bu waving your dick around in the guise of actually discussing the subject, I'm sure your next post will again contain nothing of value and merely reinforce that you're very tough and self-sufficient(you probably aren't since you feel the need to anonymously rage about it).

>> No.15372341

Having a favorite aircraft is male now?

>> No.15372347

Many of you need a wake-up-call. A slap in the face. A bucket of cold water. To snap out of this fucking phase of laziness and procrastination. To light a fucking fire under your asses.

The Internet offers all the advice you could ever need on how to get your life together. You have websites, you have books, you have the advice of other people, and you even know yourself what the fuck you have to do. But you don't know how the fuck to take action. You know how to swim, but you're too fucking scared to dive in the deep end.

So here I am to explain to you clearly why the fuck you aren’t taking action towards your goals. And how to fix it.

You always know what you need to do. If you could only follow it, you’d start seeing results. There’s no debate there. If you take action and systematically work towards your goals, you’re going to see progress. That’s just how life works.

Succeeding in most areas of life isn’t actually that difficult. 90% of success is showing up. If you can maintain a clear head and do what you need to do, work consistently towards your goals, and make steady progress, success isn't that hard to come by.

But people just aren’t willing to put in the work. Why? We’re too ugly. We’re too tired. We’re too lazy. We fear failure. We’d rather sit back and click through Netflix to watch a show we don’t even enjoy. We’d rather play another game of Fortnite and waste away our precious time here on a meaningless game. We’d rather sleep another two hours. We’d rather watch that hot pornstar get fucked by a BBC and then jack off.

Don’t lie. It’s what you do. But in reality, it’s what all of society does.

But just because everyone else does it doesn’t mean that you should. Stop living like the rest of the sheep out there and reclaim your independence. Start respecting yourself. Take responsibility for your own life. And don’t live your life like one of the many mindless drones out there indoctrinated into society, pawns to corporations and business, wasting your finite existence on a hodgepodge of meaningless and unfulfilling technological stimulation.

>> No.15372357

>why are so many men now pussies
Because society has become increasingly feminine and pussified after giving women the right to vote, and lack of war or hardship creates eternal victims.
Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times

>> No.15372371

The Vice of Self-Improvement
Most guys here live in a perpetual state of over-analysis. You read a hundred posts on 4chan, you read a couple more articles with click-bait titles, you read a couple self-help books, you watch Youtube videos, and you keep pretending like you’re taking massive action. Every once in a while, you feel like you have a fucking epiphany, and this makes you feel as if you’re learning and moving forward. When in reality, you’re stagnating and making zero progress.

“Self-improvement is masturbation.” You can thank our lord and savior Tyler Durden for this underrated piece of gold. You’re pretending to yourself that you're making progress without actually changing anything. Instead of being a pathetic, miserable fuck who does nothing, you're just a pathetic, miserable fuck who reads feel-good self-help bullshit, goes to the gym, and repeats affirmations to himself in the mirror.

In other words, stop covering yourself in layer after layer of fake pretenses, motives, and qualities. Stop searching endlessly for that next epiphany, and for that next piece of meaningless, external motivation.

Look within. Ask yourself what you truly want, what you truly desire out of life, and how the fuck you are truly going to change.

Don’t “improve” your current self. Change who you are.

The Plague of Inaction
I’ll take a wild guess and throw this out there—if you could list 10 things you could do right now to move towards your goals, you could easily rattle them off.

You all know what the fuck you should be doing. You all know you should ask that girl out, study fucking harder, hit the gym, open that business… you know you need to fucking do it. You know you it’d be good for you and you know it’s the right thing—but you don’t fucking do it!

You just sit around in a haze of useless procrastination and perpetual laziness, telling yourself you’re going to do that fucking thing tomorrow. And then tomorrow comes. You’ve woke up late, you’re feeling like shit, and something else came up. And so you put it off until tomorrow. And so on.

A few weeks or months later you look back and you realize that all that valuable fucking time has passed and is never coming back. And you’re no closer to your goals.

And the more this happens, the more you rationalize to yourself that nothing good will ever come of actually taking action, the more you decide to devolve into escapism, the more you condition yourself to accept defeat, and the more you fall deeper and deeper into a bottomless pit of defeatism.

>> No.15372382

You tell yourself that there’s no point in trying anyway. You never feel like doing anything. All you want to do is saturate your empty mind with a bunch of stimulating, pixelated nonsense and try to distract yourself away from your valueless existence through video games, porn, TV, and the endless stream of distractions at your fingertips.

We have a psychological term for that—“learned helplessness.” In a famous experiment, scientists gave electrical shocks to two groups of dogs—one that could stop the shocks by pressing a lever and one that couldn’t. Later, when given the chance to escape by jumping over a small barrier, the ones who had been able to press the lever immediately escaped. The group of dogs who had no lever just lay down on the floor and whined as they were being shocked.

The same effect is one of the major causes of depression. You repeatedly fail, learn that you’ll always be a failure, and struggle without escape. And when you’re actually presented with the chance to take action and change your life, you’d rather just stay defeated and mire in your own misery.

You’re probably realizing right now that everything I’m saying applies to you. And I’m going to tell you how to break free from this self-imposed prison.

Fear of Failure
If you were 100% guaranteed to succeed if you asked that girl out, started your business, and started lifting regularly, would you hesitate to go ahead with your goals? Absolutely not. You’d immediately do it.

You’re afraid to commit. You don’t want to tell yourself you’re going to quit porn and video games. You don’t want to commit to starting a new life. You don’t want to commit to breaking free from your endless cycle of procrastination. You don’t want to commit to anything.

Why? Because you’re afraid of failure. You don’t want to try and fail. What’s the point of trying anyway if you’re probably going to fail? Right?

Let me tell you something. You’re going to fucking die. You’ve only got one life. Every second you waste living below your potential is never coming back. Ever. You’re the youngest you ever will be right now. Think about that for a second.

If you keep allowing this pathetic fear of failure to control you, you’re going to live out a sad, depressing, miserable existence for the rest of your days. And you’ll be buried six feet under and everybody will be glad you’re finally fucking gone.

So, what do you do?

Make a goddamn fucking decision. Silence the voices of self-doubt and avoidance rationalization, and just do it. Commit to the decision. Write it in a journal. Tell a friend for accountability. Change your fucking environment.

Stop rationalizing, stop watching motivational Youtube videos, stop reading Reddit posts, and stop passively wasting your time waiting for that time to come when everything suddenly changes and you realize it’s time to start taking action. That time will never come. Ever.

>> No.15372386

>blaming society
pussy move desu

>> No.15372391
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 1461859030523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good post.

>> No.15372395

Tell all those inner voices to shut the fuck up and just make the FUCKING DECISION!

Start small and spiral upwards. Turn the shower cold for 30 seconds. And then a minute. And then go full fucking Bond and don’t turn it warm. Talk to one stranger a day. And then two. And so on. Go in small incremental steps that will exponentially push you further forwards.

The more you push yourself and actually see yourself making progress, the more you will want to continue. It’s a positive feedback loop, but this time it’s in the right direction!

If you don’t take action, you’re already a failure. Let your fear of failure propel you forward. Recognize it and accept it. And proceed the fuck on regardless.

Comfort Zone/Fearing Discomfort
Yeah, it’s fucking easy to wake up at noon each day, throw a pack of instant noodles on the stove, and sit back and binge ten episodes of Breaking Bad every day. Yeah, it’s fucking easy to just sit home, play Call of Duty, and avoid the gym.

It’s all you’ve ever done. And will do, if you keep living this way.

Your brain literally rewires itself to continue your habits, ways of life, and normal routines if you repeat them over long periods of time.

What you do, you become. And what you are, you do. It’s a positive feedback loop that spirals in whichever direction you choose. If you continue to act like a fucking buffoon, you will become one. Just like we say here that you shouldn’t look at what girls say, but at what they do—you are what you do, not what you say.

You tell yourself you’re going to start a Fortune 500 company, but you can’t even get out of the bed in the morning. You tell yourself you’re going to be fucking Casanova but you can’t approach that pretty girl at Starbucks drinking her fucking vanilla Frappucino. Stop deluding yourself and face reality.

So, what do you do?

Train yourself to appreciate discomfort. “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

You’ll never get anywhere in life if you do whatever you feel like doing. Love the discomfort and embrace the thrill. The pain of regret is worse than the pain of discipline. And ironically, putting yourself through discomfort will make your life miles better than you could ever imagined it to be.

How can you train yourself? Take cold showers every morning. Sleep on the floor with nothing but a blanket and a pillow. Dance in public. Intentionally force yourself to take risks.

Facing your fears head-on and pushing through discomfort is the fastest and most effective way to self-mastery.

Rewire your brain to be excited for new challenges. “The beast that bears you fastest to perfection is suffering.” - Meister Eckhart

Successful people love discomfort. They embrace the challenges. Without it, they would have nothing to live for. It’s what keeps them going.

>> No.15372403

Your “comfort” zone isn’t really “comfortable.” It’s just a place of stagnant procrastination and lack of progress where you just sit around, rotting internally and corrupting your potential. You only choose to stay in it because your fear of the unknown overwhelms your current discomfort.

No progress in life ever comes without pain and suffering. None.

The average person wastes 8-10 hours a day. Video games, Netflix, mindless browsing, cheap dopamine hits, etc. It doesn’t really matter. All procrastination comes from the same root cause—thinking that you have more time.

When you have a paper due in an hour, you’ll fucking finish it. If the bar is closing in ten minutes, you’re going to have ask the girl back to your place. If you have a terminal illness and have just days to live, you’re not going to be fucking watching TV or doing any of the other bullshit that we fill our lives up with.

When there is a deadline, you’ll get it done. Apply Parkinson’s law to dramatically increase productivity in your life:

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”

In other words, however much time you get to complete a task will be how much time you take to actually finish it. If you are given three weeks to finish a process paper, you’ll likely procrastinate the first two and half weeks and finish it on the last few days. If you are given two hours, you’ll fucking crank it out. It’s just how we work.

You think you have tomorrow. You always do. And how often do you actually do what you told yourself you were going to do when the day comes?

“The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs upon tomorrow and loses today. You are arranging what is in Fortune's control and abandoning what lies in yours.” - Seneca, the great Stoic philosopher

You don’t have the future. So stop expecting to do things in the future and stop looking forward. You only have today. Don’t fall into the trap of telling yourself that you’ll have time later. When that time actually comes, you’ve likely forgotten all about that goal and you’re even busier.

So what do you do?

Write down your fucking goals. I can’t overemphasize this. Writing your goals down has been scientifically proven to dramatically increase the chances that you meet them. Articulate them, describe them in fine detail, and journal about them frequently. Every morning.

Create positive feedback and accountability. Write out a checklist. Nothing will feel better than taking your pen and drawing a line crossing out the goal you’ve just accomplished. Nothing will feel better than having a checklist completely crossed off at the end of the day. And then taking the paper, crumpling it into a ball, and tossing it in the trashcan like Kobe in his prime.

>> No.15372410

Set a time limit. You don’t have infinite time available to you. How you allocate the finite expanse allocated to you is significant beyond measure. Force yourself to meet the goal by a deadline. Set a date. Whether it’s a few days, weeks, or months from now, set a date. A specific date. Don’t make it unrealistic. But don’t be lenient on yourself either. If you’re not serious about meeting your goals, you never will.

Wake Up to Reality
Consider this scenario for a second: “Imagine for a second that you have a senior thesis paper due at midnight tonight. It’s five o’clock in the afternoon, and you have thirty more pages to write. You’re sitting at your desk, exhausted, tired, and absolutely spent. You’re coming off an all-nighter and all you want to do is hop in bed. Bags of Doritos and chips are strewn across the floor around you. Seven more hours, you think! How the hell am I going to fucking get through this?

But you do. Even though you’re feeling like absolute shit, you push forward. You only get one chance to finish this thesis paper, and if you don’t, you’re fucked, you’re going to fail, and your life will turn to shit. You won’t graduate college and everything will head downhill. So you finish it.

For the next six months after you graduate, you have your own personal goals to wake up at five every morning, lift four times a week, start your own business, and lose thirty pounds.

But of course, what the fuck happens? You fear failure. You fall back into your routines. You fall back into your comfort zone. Your behavioral addictions begin to control you. Six months pass, and instead of being closer to goals, you’re even farther away from achieving them then you were before.

As a result of your failures, you’re set forth on a downward spiral in which you get a shitty career, marry someone you hate, stay overweight, have a financial crisis, become mired in existential anxiety, and fall into depression. Your life has turned upside down, and you consider suicide. Everything falls down around you, all your friends and family leave you, and you try to drug yourself senseless to numb yourself to the pain. Eventually, you die of an overdose.”

Failure was not an option with the fucking thesis paper, was it? Failure is never an option when you have a job, is it? If your boss tells you to whip up a two-page report on the company’s financial status by tomorrow, you’re going to do it. If you have an opportunity to get a promotion, are you going to waste it?

So why the hell is failure an option with regards to your own goals? Why are the goals society imposes upon you more important than your own?!

Why does getting to class on time matter more to you than heading to the gym? Why does sitting in your little office cubicle in your 9-to-5 job matter more than getting your fucking life together? Why is an essay due date more important to you than living up to your own life potential?

>> No.15372415

The Final Frontier
This is how many weeks you get in your life. And that’s if you’re lucky enough to live to the ripe old age of one hundred.

Not many dots, is it? You might be an eight, a fourth, a third, or maybe even half of the way through that. But it doesn’t matter. This is all you get.

You don’t get to live another life. All you will ever see and think in this world is happening right before your eyes. And you’re just wasting it away.

Billions of years of random atomic collisions and lucky mutations have led to your very fucking existence, and you’re wasting it on critically-acclaimed TV shows and video games. It doesn’t matter if you believe in an afterlife or not—you know that this is all you will ever get, here.

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” - Charles Darwin

You’ll never be twenty years, five months, and three days, six hours, and two minutes old ever again. Every moment in our lifetimes is a once-in-a-lifetime moment. We’re the only organisms capable of understanding our own mortality and the value of our existence, and we do nothing about it.

None of you truly understand how fucking short your life is. How this is the only chance you’ll ever get to exist here. You only have one childhood. You only have one youth. You only have one chance to live your twenties. And your thirties. And so on. You only get to choose a career once. There are no second chances, no rewinds, and no redos.

You’re on a train hurtling in only one direction—towards the end of your life.

You think you “understand” that we’re all going to die, that you only get one life, and blah blah so on. Right? Fuck no. You don’t understand it one bit.

If you truly understood the fucking value of your own existence, the shortness of life, and have internalized and accepted your own mortality, you’d be living a completely different life than you are now.

Let your fear of death and your understanding of your ephemeral, finite existence here push you to greater heights than you could have ever fathomed. After all, it is the only chance you will get.

What do you have to lose?

>> No.15372424

Closing Thoughts
Hopefully I sparked a fucking fire within your minds. That's what you need. You need to absolutely obsessed with success. Or you will get nowhere.

If you think motivation doesn't last, is bullshit, and doesn't work, you're not motivating yourself properly. Stop buying into other people's opinions and think for yourself. Of course you’re not going to feel like working all the time. But that’s what motivation is for.

People understand motivation wrong.

Motivation isn’t always something that makes energy and vitality course through your veins. Motivation doesn't mean waking up in the morning, feeling on top of the world, and ready to crush anything in your path. Motivation doesn’t always make you want to fucking fight gorillas. It doesn’t make you want to climb fucking skyscrapers. In fact, it doesn’t even mean that you feel great.

Motivation is knowing that you have to do something no matter what the fucking cost, and then going ahead and doing it. Even if you're tired, cold, and depressed, you’ll do it. Nothing ever happens without motivation.

”Discipline” is just motivation when you’re feeling like shit. Motivation isn’t just a fickle emotion. It’s the knowledge, and drive, with the full force and strength of your being, that regardless of consequences, you must achieve something.

And life's fucking hard. Nobody is disagreeing with you. But it's time for you to stop letting life passively control you, and for you to become the master of yourself and fucking destroy life once-and-for-all.

You can complain all you want, play victim, and cry about how unlucky you are. About how shit the cards you were given in life are. Go ahead. But nothing will change, and you’ll go on living a pathetic life you are.

Man the fuck up, I say.

It’s all on you. Nobody will change your life except you. No book, no Internet article, no quote, no video, and no philosophy will help you change your life, unless you choose to.

You’re dying right now. Stop sleepwalking through life and wake the fuck up.

How long are you going to wait before you start living the life you’ve dreamt of?

>> No.15372466

Thank you anon, I've been mindlessly browsing this shithole looking for some post like this. Now I can leave for good.

>> No.15372481

2020's gayest thread

>> No.15372494

Fuck women. Here you go, fixed

>> No.15372522

Purpose does not necessarily come from difficulty. That is a shit pussy idea.

>> No.15372543

Yes it does. Give me just one example to the contrary.

>> No.15372565

Cutting your own legs off is very difficult, and also completely pointless.

>> No.15372583

Strawman. Absolutely no one would ever suggest cutting off your legs is a purpose to devote your life to, retard.

>> No.15372606

That's life dude, you choose to cling to externals and then you despise it when things change. Things outside of you always change. Only when you're young is this illusion of permanence even possible

>> No.15372737

i know skyking is the top but whats the bottom? whats the penguin?

>> No.15372751

it's from that herzog narrated movie, the penguin is portrayed as sad and walks off into the middle of antarctica to die

>> No.15372840

>And trying to categorise is as a problem of the individual is missing the forest for the trees.

>Issues affecting men
>Being talked about as collective/systemic

Yeah, I won't get my hopes. People won't give up the chance to mock and ridicule us, especially women.

I mean, we have literal fascist scholars who have written about 1920s/30s fascism who on their books have said "Every young, horny, lonely, jobless man became a fascist 10/10 times" then will turn around and say "In regards to todays young, horny, lonely, jobless men, fuck em, they're just losers"

We have a crisis of expertise in the sense that too many people are poltically compromised and empathizing with men in this regard makes you "right wing."

>> No.15372921

It's a kind of navel-gazing feminine narcissism that's been cultivated by decades of antimale feminist socialization in schools and media. They correctly identify topics that exist in reality, like toxic masculinity, but their definitions of these things are always only related to their own experience. Toxic masculinity for them just becomes about "how men treat women" and they use it to bash men, when really toxic masculinity refers to the standards men hold for themselves, it has nothing to do with women. As Nietzsche said the two sexes run on different metabolisms and are forever misunderstanding each other, and right now the female perspective is the only empowered one.

>> No.15373039
File: 40 KB, 600x685, RealDougWalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, that's an entirely common existence anon.
98% of the friends you make are out of convenience for wherever you are in your life, not in that you are using them but a "I'll keep seeing these people for the next few years of my life so were friends now" way.
I can say that personally for me there is a big distinction between those friends and someone who genuinely cares about you.
I've only met two people my entire life who are the latter and while yeah i don't actually see them regularly, i always think of how lucky i was to meet them in the first place.
I know that ultimately if i was in trouble or needed to talk to someone they would be there for me and i would be there for them anytime so neither of you need to be in regular communication because you both know that.
everyone has individual responsibilities anon, it's just a sad aspect of life, your friends can't always be there and a lot of time you won't see them for a long time.
it doesn't take away the positive experience you get from knowing them though, in truth I'd say that i genuinely care more about those two friends i don't get to see often than most of my non-primary family members.

>> No.15374358

What do you even do with male friends? Play video games? I feel like I am too old for friends.

>> No.15374379

This is too idealistic. Most of the time people just go on with their life and pick up what they can.

>> No.15374581

>Last online: 9 years ago

>> No.15374592

>"Every young, horny, lonely, jobless man became a fascist 10/10 times"
Now they can become furries instead, which is legitimately vast improvement. Make love, not war.

>> No.15374646

At some point war is better than degeneracy.

>> No.15374685

Technology has changed things. People can see all the "degeneracy" they want in private and it is mostly harmless. Pleasure is better than pain, fucking is better than fighting.

>> No.15374812

Get an honest adult opioid addiction with coffee and nicotine and a bit, not much, of alcohol near the tail end to give a boost

>> No.15374839


>> No.15374846

>fucking is better than fighting.
this is unironically not entirely true

>> No.15374870

Thanks anon

>> No.15374875

Good posts anon

>> No.15374889

Hedonists might as well kill themselves.

>> No.15374891
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groovy post, anon. well said, well spoken.

>> No.15374900

there is truth i think to what you have said, though in itself awareness that it is happening does not save you from it

>> No.15374907

The pleasure utopia will exile all masochists.

>> No.15374913

delet !!!!!!!

>> No.15374952

leave everything behind

its liminal

>> No.15374963

these posts are dogshit

go away

they are completely devoid of spirit

you are recommending that i use Pomodoro Technique to achieve spiritual connection

>> No.15375018

Brave New World must be a utopia to you then.

>> No.15375022
File: 111 KB, 500x681, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His form of self improvement is a form of submission to a system built on eradicating masculine passion. It's the great irony that.

>> No.15375206

Thanks anon

All have broken God's moral law of the 10 commandments and must pay the fine of death, but Christ came to legally acquit you by paying that fine on the Cross. Jesus will pay your fine and you will legally be allowed into heaven but only if you believe the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)

>> No.15375325

>tfw my lifelong close friends are drifting more and more left as I'm drifting right
I don't know what's going to happen man

>> No.15375388

be outside it to see it for yourself or accept a story about it.

>> No.15375432

thanks, never seen this
almost made me cry

>> No.15375861

I've always felt that friends you make later in life are more similar to you and they stick around for longer periods of time. For instance there are very few people from my elementary class that I still have something in common with, while I hang around with people from my uni. Can't say the same for work colleagues though. I don't consider those people my friends.

>> No.15375892

I like this post. Is there a good book on this?

>> No.15375905

In what way do you think advances in image processing are hurting the world?

>> No.15375915
File: 48 KB, 690x800, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Eyes closed, we imagined our pain as a ball of white healing light floating around our feet and rising to our knees, our waist, our chest. Our chakras opening. The heart chakra. The head chakra.
>Chloe talked us into caves where we met our power animal. Mine was a penguin.
>Ice covered the floor of the cave, and the penguin said, slide. Without any effort, we slid through tunnels and galleries.
>Then it was time to hug.

>> No.15375965

My grandfather lost his friends in war, but my father still plays with his school buddies poker every week, while most of my friends are scattered around the world to get that juicy degree™. Living in the same place for more than 3 years is the exception for them.

>> No.15375969

Not gonna make it

>> No.15375972

The way it's supposed to work is that the kids you befriend in early childhood you're supposed to grow up with, and they'll be your tribe mates come adulthood and you'll work, farm and war together. If you're not forming a gang with your buddies you're doing it wrong. Our societies are now specifically geared to prevent young boys from forming these gangs though, they don't want societies apart, to assimilate you into the borg you must be alienated and largely alone. Friendships based on little more than a couple of hobbies, drinking or drugs.

>> No.15376022

I see your point, but what I was saying is that I managed to form a gang of friends at a later stage in my life and I think those tend to be more significant going forward. I went through some real hardships with those guys and I feel like their interests and outlook on life matches mine better than those early childhood friends. This could also be tied to the fact that my stem uni was predominantly male so it was easier to form a brotherhood type community.

>> No.15376061

You're lucky. I think for lots of guys nowadays their friendships mostly revolve around alcohol, partying and drugs, and when they move on from that they find those links dissipate, everyone drifts apart and they're basically left alone, unable to form meaningful new friendships with a new group of guys, as this does become harder in older age. Forming a group is easy in childhood but much harder in adulthood, especially when there's no real need for it. Without the need for a close-knit gang to survive the more likely path for many is just getting used to the loneliness, I know many like this. They maybe have a couple of buddies, their workmates and that's it. Almost all of their socialisation is with their gf and family.

>> No.15376266
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>> No.15376321
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If one thing I got from reading The Way of Men, is that culture does everything to repress masculine tendencies and destroy male-only in-groups that we need. Male comradery and the competitive environment we need to thrive are being relentlessly persecuted. There is nowhere where men can congregate without female intrusion.

Think of any traditionally very masculine hobby or community where men gathered and used to know each other and you'll see it has been infiltrated by women. Martial arts? Now they're yoga class 2.0. Weightlifting gyms? Barbells are slowly disappearing in favor of sanitized all-inclusive nonsense classes and dozens of different machines that waste your time. Any male-only organization has been sued into submission, the most glaring example being the Boy Scouts of America. If you ever had the audacity to fund such an organization you'd find your name dragged through the mud and you'd be out of a job.

That is why in modern times so many "hateful" subcultures have sprouted due to the internet to which so many men have been retreating, and why so many have become internet and videogame addicts. There is nowhere in the real world where we can be ourselves.

>> No.15376327

>people are in worse mental health than ever recorded
Massive amount of people (not me) are depressed whether you like or not. Pathetic attempts at deflecting like 'it shouldn't be this way because we have phones and stuff' doesn't change that fact.
I'm relatively alright with our times except there being too many niggers and co around, but it is indeed the times that are felt the worst by the mass of people living them.

>> No.15376330

Unironically, read Spengler

>> No.15376332

that is just the way it is i think. All relationships end, every one leaves, and thats ok. Its just important to appreciate them while theyre around.

Without trying to sound cheesy, the great thing is that you will remember all these people and their presence and absence impact your life in big ways. It's a good thing to miss people; it's much worse not to miss anyone at all

>> No.15376383

I know a lot of people that still keep in touch with their childhood friends and regularly hang out together. It has nothing to do with "culture" or any of the shit you're bitching about, it's a natural part of life that there comes a time where people simply diverge from one another and try to pursue their dreams and ambitions, but that doesn't necessarily mean your friendships are doomed or anything of the sort. If you care about them and if you don't want it to end, fucking take an incentive and get in touch with your old mates and try meeting up with them or something. Don't sob on 4chan about it as it ain't helping your dumb ass.

>> No.15376387

Stop fetishizing suicide.

>> No.15376397

Not him, but this is a nice post and thanks for typing it out.

>> No.15376414

What poets, or philosophers, discuss the life-denying character of beauty? The completely overwhelming reversal of the will to live in will to redeem?--; As Wagner would put it.

It makes me want to die.

>> No.15376416

The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati seems fitting.

>> No.15376432

It is. I stayed. I failed highschool. All my friends are finishing their sophomore year of college. I work in a factory with people who are 20 years older then me. Addicts. Smelly white trash. I haven't seen a woman I could date seriously in 2 years. I have no one to talk to. This is rotting.

>> No.15376443

Then start doing everything you can to get yourself out of this pit. You sound deeply unsatisfied with your life, have you completely given up and are just surviving or are you continuing the fight and have some sort of plan or solution for your current situation?

>> No.15376562

Hinterlands, bruh
Abandon hope all ye who enter here

>> No.15376585

t. pretentious faggots

>> No.15376654

I just watched the movie, is the book any different

>> No.15376661

I feel so bad for not recognising where this is from.

>> No.15376911

>At some point war is better than degeneracy.
The days of this have ended too. MAD guarantees that war takes the form of intervention or extinction. You can't crusade when nukes exist, and the conflicts that do exist are rubber stamped proxy wars.

Romance and War are both dead.

>> No.15377274
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never say die. Envision New Congo

>> No.15377483

>supposed to
Nope, just an insecurity induced by worshipping the spook of the tradlife.

>> No.15377538

Yet you poured your whole point in the mold you criticized so much. The self-help book. All your posts are slightly more agressive versions of the art of not giving a fuck of whatever selfhelp book is popular these days.

Even if we assume for the moment your methods are effective, where will they lead someone? Some examples you gave:
- Going to a gym
- Asking girls out
- studying / working
Why should one heave himself/herself to these goals?
You completely missed the whole point. People don't see the need for your goals. They have no interested in spending their days a certain way, the indifference is towards life itself of the options that are presented. The track is set up, now it is time to start running.
Well, the track you described sucks, and the only defense you have set up for it is that it will lead to a succesfull life. But the succes you describe disgusts me, there is no fundament to it. You run to run faster than others, get ahead further, but for what? Is there a price you strive for? Or is the goal to keep running, until you die? Because then you just got passed by, everyone who commits suicide just leaped past, and you keep running, running and running. Just so you can die a couple years later.

What do you do it for? That's the question, not how. Because frankly enough, if the how is the question self-help books do a better job than you do.