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/lit/ - Literature

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15399312 No.15399312 [Reply] [Original]

When are we adding him into the /lit/ anime and manga chart?

>> No.15399314

Literally who?

>> No.15399338

Can I get a quick rundown

>> No.15399474

>not recognizing Kino Punch

>> No.15399480

Never heard of it

>> No.15399606

Because anime and manga has its own board. There are, in fact, multiple boards where manga and the like is discussed. But weebs are never content to just have their own spaces until they've shitted up every other space as well.

>> No.15399695

That didn't answer the OP.

>> No.15399933

Okay unironical answer. Finished this early in the morning because the memes on /a/. I fucking cried at the end and in these chapters that generated the meme.
Apart from all the pop culture references the idea of a meta narrator that tells the main how to act, all the movie creation thing, and the end of life being a big cinema proyection. I can count at least very evident influences from:
>Borges and his take on inmortality (El Inmortal)
>Bergman (Fanny und Alexander)
>Kubrick (A Space Odissey)
>The Great Theater of the World motif
Plus the evident take on how morality and perspective can turn us into demons or heroes.
Very nice and emotional, literal came for the memes stayed for the beauty of narration.

>> No.15400323
File: 280 KB, 1024x768, Puff_pepe_suit_janny_pinned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*AHEM*... Anime website

>> No.15400329

WTF!? How is this pinned?

>> No.15400340

He isn't already? God-tier manga.

>> No.15400373

Definitely needs to be edited in. I say remove Ping Pong since the anime version is already in, but it would be better to add another Matsumoto manga in its place. But yeah

>> No.15400385
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Heh..... I controll the chans..