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15448798 No.15448798 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here is an ex-christian?

>What event made you change your mind?
>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?

>inb4 ur a jeww: Alex Linder is widely considered one of the most important National Socialists living, and he has a n extreme hatred and avertion to christianity.

>> No.15450197

Why don't you start first ?

>> No.15450238

>What event made you change your mind?
Lost faith at age 18 all of a sudden. Saw the world as chaotic to fit a single worldview. Used to be Catholic.
>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
What separates "pagan" from official religions?
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
No, it's not the Spanish Inquisition.
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
Gnosticism is quite appealing and makes more sense to me now.
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
I have never felt the desire for ignorance.
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?
Don't think so, but people are insane where I live. Jehovah's witnesses or some other weird Christian sect would probably ruin deserters' lives.

>> No.15450257


Sorry i created the thread hours ago and got no responses, iam surprised its still up.

>> No.15450275

I don’t see why I should believe in something I don’t feel is real

>> No.15450285

>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?

>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?
What, do you think all the churches are like scientology?

>> No.15450292

what is real?

>> No.15450332


>What separates "pagan" from official religions?
Pagan by modern definition just means outside the abrahamic theological worldview. Everything outside christianity/judaism/islam is supposedly pagan. Originaly, pagan just meant rural, it comes from ancient persia ( look up Paighan, its where the christians got the word from).

>No, it's not the Spanish Inquisition.
This is pretty common to ex-evangelicals and ex-JW. JW is especialy notorious for low-key harassing people for decades.

>Gnosticism is quite appealing and makes more sense to me now.
Agreed, gnosticism is pretty good.

>I have never felt the desire for ignorance.
Probably the reason why you left christianity.

>Don't think so, but people are insane where I live. Jehovah's witnesses or some other weird Christian sect would probably ruin deserters' lives.
Yep, as mentioned before, evangelicals and jw tend to go after people.

>> No.15450354

Whatever I decide for myself

>> No.15450364

>Yep, as mentioned before, evangelicals and jw tend to go after people.
I didn't know that but it makes sense. Evangelicals are batshit crazy.

>> No.15450366


>What, do you think all the churches are like scientology?

Obviously not, but smaller cults tend to do that, especialy evangelicals and JW. Certain muslim sects also go to extreme lenghts against ex-believers, ranging from social shunning to honor beheadings.

>> No.15450369

The Holy Quran.

>> No.15450372

so there are many realities or just one?

>> No.15450390



>> No.15450401

>What event made you change your mind?
I noticed my prayers were almost never answered. If they were answered, usually something bad would end up happening that would stain things anyway. I was around 12 or 13.

>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?

I dunno. That idea is not clearly true to me.

>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?


>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?

I became quite invested in Eastern religion for a period of probably four years, before becoming interested in the anthropology of religion in general. I would call myself a Jungian at this point.

>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?

I never desired ignorance, as far as I am aware. I would say that when I was young, I was simply "unconscious" to the idea that Christianity might not be true.

>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?

Possibly some homosexual acquaintances of mine. But that was probably more because of their sexual orientation.

>> No.15450412

Please go on.

>> No.15450421

>I noticed my prayers were almost never answered. If they were answered, usually something bad would end up happening that would stain things anyway. I was around 12 or 13.

What denomination?

>> No.15450430

One with too many perspectives

>> No.15450454

On your pagan point, idk, but for me pagan doesnt just mean non abrahamic, but domain/patron gods and animistic qualities. Like shintoism is pagan, but zoeoastrianism or buhdism isnt.

>> No.15450458

I wasnt raised religious but i really liked biblestories and the via crucis paintings in churches as a kid.

>> No.15450459
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Anyone else here is an ex-fedorafag?

>What event made you change your mind?
>When/how did you find out atheism is just unenlightened contrarian ideas deformed by corporate greed and materialism?
>Where you bitched about on r/atheism after leaving?
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
>Do you know someone who got their account banned from r/atheism after leaving the echo chamber?

>inb4 ur a jeww: Alex Linder is a stinky chinky, so naturally he would be afraid of Christianity for fear of coming to face his chinky sins

>> No.15450464

Not Literature.

>> No.15450477

Not OP, but could you please make your own thread?

>> No.15450485

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.15450490


>> No.15450491

I’ve never heard of an ex Christian.
Only ex muslims

>> No.15450503

I’m ex Muslim

>> No.15450505 [SPOILER] 
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>Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.15450516

Hitler despised christcucks.

>> No.15450532


>we tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of christianity
>makes Heinrich Himmler second in command and create a paramilitarie made up entirely of pagan esotericists

Just goes to show how retarded you are. Christianity is a tool for rulers, nothing more.

>> No.15450533
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If you were some outside AI observer, there is something extremely tragic about the human condition.

We thought we were beautiful souls created by God, who sent his son to die for our sins.

Then we discover all of these beautiful things about us are just evolutionary developments to help us survive.

The romance is dead and we are left naked.

You would cry watching us from the outside.

>> No.15450542

>What event made you change your mind?
Used to be an avid Christian growing up. My parents (to this day still) really instilled that if you ever take the Mark of the Beast, you should choose death instead of burning for eternity. So at 13 I branded my left hand with my grandfather's rosary so even if I faltered later in life, I would be clearly marked as a follower of Christ already.
Anyway, it was other Christians that made me lose my faith more than anything in the Bible. That and I've always been avidly interested in science and the natural world, but was always chastised for not casting supported observations to the side for "the Bible told me so." I'm at a more agnostic position these days after the post-hardcore atheism of high school/early college, but I don't think I could ever authentically believe again, even though I try to follow many of the teachings because they are good messages.
>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
I don't think I'd phrase it like that, but after studying Norse mythology and some other elements of myth stories that play into resurrection. That said, all art steals from others, and the Christ story is still a great synthesis of elements to make something really original and lasting.
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
No, I'm not a JW or Mormon. At least I think Mormons have a level of enforcement/expectation for remaining in the church/faith. My parents just always check in to make sure my gf is saved and Christian (despite being together 10 years). I still lie to them about my faith because my arguing is not worth their peace of mind about my soul. Their bodies are breaking down and faith is all that keeps them going. I can thank Christianity for that.
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
Was raised Southern Baptist, my best friend was Catholic and I thought that was cool on a surface level because it had real world history and everything and I liked the aesthetic. That didn't last long. Buddhism always had a bit of an undercurrent and I tried understanding that, but I never meditated enough I feel. Would like to practice more though. Philosophy-wise, been trying to read into existentialism with Kierkegaard and de Beauvoir (and Camus if that counts), but honestly haven't read Sartre yet besides one of his plays. Those hold some value to me because of my materialist views of the universe at the foundation, but I see the value in choosing which path to play pretend with since they actually are relevant to the human experience we live, as opposed to our blip on the Earth, let alone the universe, that "is."
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
Weird way to phrase it, but I guess the encyclopedia collection I had as a kid that kept me curious and asking questions that were beyond the world view of the scriptures.
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?

>> No.15450545

>I’ve never heard of an ex Christian.

Lol, sure.

>> No.15450550


When I realized that the Bible was a bunch of half-made up jewish stories mostly irrelevant to my spiritual needs.

>> No.15450592

> I still lie to them about my faith because my arguing is not worth their peace of mind about my soul. Their bodies are breaking down and faith is all that keeps them going.

As an ex Muslim, I do the same thing. I will never admit to not believing but I think Islam is full of shit

>> No.15450599


Read Mein Kampft and Table Talks, Hitler despised christians, and for good reason.

>> No.15450601

Cringe picture, but yah. Though thankfully i was never too edgy about it. I was always a bit of a skeptic, but luckily i was honest enough of a skeptic to not reject the possibility of some legitimacy in Christianity when i couldnt find it. So i never went on a atheists rant. Because i felt that would be pure antithesis. So i had the mindset of if its unprovable and Unfalsifiable, why would i rage against it. I wasnt self absorbed enough to think i could know everything, but i could only know what was logical to me, so i didnt believe, but i also didnt try to prove it wrong. It was simply a subject that i had no concern with. I think Hume best sumerises my atheist (or more like agnostic) faze. It was outside of logic, so it could not be proven false by logic.

As i grew up i read more and experienced more. I am kind of proud at my younger self for being critical, but not reactionary.

>> No.15450620

i was an atheist, realized that there really is such thing as divine truth, assumed christianity was the holder of that truth, and then realized it used to be but is no more. now i believe that modern life is basically a lovecraftian nightmare that was kept at bay for millennia by jesus' sacrifice but the seal has been broken and now the forces of chaos from beyond the veil of sanity and order are seeping into our world and slowly breaking it down and grinding it into dust
i can't say to have ever had any kind of communion with god but i have seen more than enough of satan to be assured of his existence. i see him constantly in every facet of modern life, i see him in off the cuff remarks by strangers, i see him in the shelves when i go shopping. i see him on the tv, in the newspapers, he's on twitter and he lectures at college, he sits on my shoulders and whispers in my ear. if he's real then clearly so is god, but how can christianity be right if he's here and god isn't? i've never seen god in the eyes of others, i've never seen him on tv. maybe christianity used to be right, maybe it was never right but was close enough, maybe it's the most right anybody's ever gotten. but the reality is that no matter what things were like in the past, he's gone now and all that's left are cosmic horrors filling the void he left behind

>> No.15450622

I am an ex-Fedora. Used to always watch videos of atheists pwning believers, reading books by Sam Harris, Dawkins (still like both of them desu), Lawrence Krauss (hate this fucker) etc. Took me a while to overcome it. I started taking psychedelics at an early age (~14) and always had mystical-type experiences, but when I sobered up I (reasonably) would decide that it was purely chemical.
The biggest change for me was probably in college. I majored in math and physics, studying math really turned me on to the idea that there was some reality outside of our universe, a reality beyond materiality (which is however the basis for material worlds). Physics helped me understand the limitations of science, since most physical facts are actually facts about our models of reality and not reality in itself (no matter how well the model corresponds to reality). It also helped me see through the lies of people like Krauss, who claim that "particles" can pop into existence from nowhere to spread atheist lies (the proper response being to his lies being "where do the creation and annihilation operators come from?").
That all being said, I'm not a Christcuck and never found any of the Abrahmaic faiths particularly convincing. I just have seen that there is something more.

>> No.15450640
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>> No.15450649


You're a kind of platonist, I suspect most christians are actually platonist that don't know it.

>> No.15450653

Based and checked theist

>> No.15450661

Sounds more like a deist

>> No.15450687


He thinks that there is something more than matter, deists can platonists aka dualists, but they could also be monists

>> No.15450728
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>> No.15450753


He did despise christians tho.

>> No.15450754

Suddenly one day I realised I couldn't maintain standard conservative morality without hypocrisy if I didn't adopt objective morality
>but what if god isn't real?
>read nietzch
>read Sade

>> No.15450778
File: 51 KB, 600x800, cz-soi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15450791

What about transendentalism anon? I found it the only non hypocritical way besides absolute nihilism.

>> No.15450795

Would probably be better described as lapsed than ex but I left the church when I received a phone call asking where my best friend was. Turned out the dude had a schizophrenic break and was living out of a car thinking NSA was hunting him. Not that easy to sit and hear about God's great plan when the people you love are prisoners inside their own fucked up minds. Anyone preaching about mysterious ways should spend a year in abject poverty before they speak.

>> No.15450799

I do consider myself a Platonist. I wouldn't say I'm a deist, I do believe higher beings exist in our universe and I don't believe that our universe was created from the outside (self-creation/self-organization are very real tho).

>> No.15450827

Slight update: I don't believe our universe was created by an agent from the outside

>> No.15450834

Is this literature? Fuck off

>> No.15450855

if the post modernists didn't dominate christianity it would still be based

>> No.15450862

> Anyone preaching about mysterious ways should spend a year in abject poverty before they speak.
Idk if that follows. No shad, but isnt the point of christianity that its universally positivist? In terms of cosmology. The idea that there is good in everything? If poverty changed that, that would be very hypocritical for a universalist mindset.

>> No.15450870

To me, mental illness is one of the better arguments against an inherently loving universe/god.

>> No.15450884

The Bible is literature! Did I blow your mind?

Also, is there another board you can recommend for religious discussion?

>> No.15450886

PaganLARPing is sadder than Christfag LARPing because at least Christianity still exists as a relevant entity.

>> No.15450893

I don't think that is the point of Christianity. And even if it is, most proclaimed Christians probably could not go through with poverty.

>> No.15450904

>The idea that there is good in everything?

I wonder how many of the christians who think that have ever visited a leper colony.

>> No.15450916

>if god real then how come bad thing happen?
why are you all so fucking stupid
i hate you

>> No.15450929

Wut are You talking about? I dont think there has been a pagan in the thread really. Ima christian, but you cant keep seeing bogymen everywhere.

Maybe. Thats what ive personally gathered of it though. But then, thats more a critique if the people as individuals rather than the ideas. Though ideas are fleting and change from one person to the next.

>> No.15450966

Would you say you are more influenced by Augustine, or Aquinas?

>> No.15451025
File: 24 KB, 501x428, F7009838-D90E-4723-9C78-E718C217C93A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What event made you change your mind?
My family used to go to church. I guess I never really believe. As I grew up we stopped going to church I just stopped believe altogether. I never had an edgy atheist phase, I think religion is a good thing for more people. Now I realize that the church we used to go to was full of prosperity gospel bullshit. I’m interested in exploring the faith again.

>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
I don’t know enough about this.

>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
Not at all

>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?

>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
Ive only recently gotten into reading.

>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?

>> No.15451092

What do you hope to get out of exploring the faith?

I ask in part because you don't seem interested in the community ("prosperity gospel bullshit"), but you also don't seem interested scholastically (you were never interested in other philosophies).

>> No.15451248

By prosperity gospel bullshit I meant that the whole service was dedicated to “god is great and he’ll give you nice things if you pray” and never really discussed scripture or any lessons that could be derived from it.

I kinda feel like something’s missing, something spiritual. It’s kinda hard to describe.

>> No.15451453
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>>What event made you change your mind?
So my case is pretty weird, I'm white, but was raised almost exclusively by a Vietnamese family that adopted me when I was 6. They were hard core Christians, but I grew up around a bunch of other asian families. Eventually I took a liking to Buddhism in my late teens, it clicked with me almost immediately. My family supports it though and I've never caught shit for it because even though they are firmly Christian, my parents came here from Vietnam which is steeped in Buddhism.
>>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
Depends on how you're using the term pagan I guess.
>>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
>>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
See above. My brother's best friend was preparing to ordain as a Buddhist monk, got interested and haven't turned back.
>>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
Began with the Tripitaka, but I wouldn't consider myself a hard core christian that was steeped in ignorance like most red neck bible belters. I was exposed to a lot due to my weird/diverse upbringing.
>>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?
No, where I'm from Christians are quite tame. We don't really have a community of evangelicals or JWs

>> No.15451510

I’m happy you have a faith that resonates with you and your family is understanding.

>> No.15451531

OP are you a woman by chance?

>> No.15451534
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I realized that Christianity when taken seriously is a deranged death cult, and has largely been a force for evil in the world

>> No.15451547

I've always been really interested in scenarios like yours (sans Black kids being raised by Whites or Jews). What was it like, well, being White and raised by Vietnamese parents, independent of religion?

>> No.15451550

Isn’t most of that from the Old Testament?

>> No.15451570

Christians believe in the old testament God

>> No.15451575

>What event made you change your mind?
My priest telling me I wasn't allowed to come to church anymore unless I start identifying as my birth gender.
>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
I always knew it but didn't really care. If it helps you live your life it's valid.
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
Haven't really told anyone.
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
Reading the lotus sutra and some Buddhist websites. It's a real breath of fresh air being outside of religious orthodoxy.
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?
I've heard stories of ex Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses, but no one personally.

Inb4 dialate

>> No.15451588

Coming from Vietnam, my parents were pretty strict. They had two kids before they adopted me (a sole child), so I had a brother and sister growing up. They expected me to go to church with them and at least take part, but they never forced the actual beliefs on me. For a while I did believe, but something about it never felt right to me.
Aside from that I was just exposed to a ton of culture that isn't white (if white americans even have a culture anymore, which I don't even think they're allowed to celebrate eurpoean heritage without being deemed racist which is insane to me), which shaped me into the person I am I guess because it made me click with Buddhism pretty heavily, although I wouldn't say that is my identity.

Other white people all the time ask how I know about X or Z within Asian cultures, or accuse me of cultural appropriation because I'm a Buddhist (liberals are fucking pathetic I swear to god), without knowing my upbringing.

>> No.15451596

>>What event made you change your mind?
>My priest telling me I wasn't allowed to come to church anymore unless I start identifying as my birth gender.

And he was right to do so. You should quit your transgender fantasies for your own sake. You're not a woman because you believe you are and never will be. You are what you are.

>> No.15451597

remember, 42%

>> No.15451621

Go back to pol

Despite making up <1% of the population, white men commit a third of sexual assaults in South Korea

>> No.15451623

Did you learn Vietnamese to any appreciable degree? What made them want to adopt a White kid? They wanted another, and you were just the cutest at the orphanage? Was it awkward being "the white kid with the vietnamese parents" as far as the Vietnamese were concerned, or were they cool with it?

>> No.15451644

>quit christianity so you can be a tranny
>pick the one religion that not only explicitly rejects the religious assumptions that allow you to be a tranny but also says that they're responsible for all of your suffering
>dont even bother finding out what the religion is actually about

>> No.15451659

You people are so easy to make angry lmao

>> No.15451676

>My priest telling me I wasn't allowed to come to church anymore unless I start identifying as my birth gender.
Yeah, being raised protestant there were a lot of cases of "Don't come back" for way lesser reasons too. Usually based on how one is dressed. Motorcyclist going to a Sunday service? Better not have a leather jacket. Bringing a non-Christian friend to try church with you? If they're wearing a black t-shirt or something, their soul ain't getting into heaven through this church. You're better off.

>> No.15451694

Have fun never being an actual Buddhist and just appropriating the parts you like for your larp

>> No.15451699

Ex Christians were never Christians to begin with

>> No.15451702

When your world view is built on a house of cards, you gotta shout down anyone who may possibly disturb such a fragile construction.

>> No.15451703

>Despite making up <1% of the population, white men commit a third of sexual assaults in South Korea

Not the guy you're replying to, but Koreans (and Japanese) falsify crime statistics to save face and remove blame from themselves. Its a known phenomenon. Not saying that is 100% the case with that statistic specifically, but it very well could be. I'm the white kid raised by a Vietnamese family above who is a long time practicing Buddhist.

>speak vietnamese?
I can speak enough that I can have basic conversations with my parents and grandparents, but if things get wild and theres an argument (viet families argue constantly), I lose track of things easily.

>why adopt?
They wanted another kid (but couldn't have one) and they were good friends with my dad who was a single dad who passed when I was 6, my mom was a drug addict. He basically entrusted me to them before he passed due to illness.

>Was it awkward being "the white kid with the vietnamese parents" as far as the Vietnamese were concerned, or were they cool with it?

Most were cool with it and didn't give a fuck, I spent a lot of time with FOTB (fresh off the boat) families and they never cared. Ironically, it was the american-asian families who lived in the states for multiple generations that thought it was weird.

>> No.15451722

I'm glad things worked out well for you.

>Ironically, it was the american-asian families who lived in the states for multiple generations that thought it was weird.
I've noticed that Asians tend to have the weirdest diaspora-homeland relations. I think it's just a matter of distance between the West and Asia.

>> No.15451752

Thanks man.

>I've noticed that Asians tend to have the weirdest diaspora-homeland relations. I think it's just a matter of distance between the West and Asia.

They really do. Something I noticed growing up was that Asian families who had lived in the West for multiple generations had this IDEA of what the culture is like or supposed to be back home, but don't actually know it or have any experience with it and for some reason are super elitist/gatekeepey about it and try to mimic the culture.

Meanwhile the fotb families who are steeped in the culture don't give a shit and are just living their lives and are typically very accepting people. Basically, American/Canadian Asians = super weird people a lot of the time.

>> No.15451830

Quit samefagging. We get it, you don't like NBA and brand name sneakers. You're not like the other boys, you're quirky and edgy, and based on that you've created an identity and value system based on rejecting what you perceive as the status quo by whining about the most hate-crimed group in the country online. You're based and redpilled and you pwn the libs daily by making a fool of yourself in replies to Trump tweets sucking the dick of a guy who's never even read siege. Not every thread is a tranny hate thread and you teenage faggots need to find somewhere else to live out your everyone-clapped popularity fantasies.

>> No.15451943
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>christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism

>> No.15451977

Why is this wrong?

>> No.15451982

mental illness

>> No.15451997


Nah man. I just think that if you're born with a dick you're a boy, and if you're born with a vagina you're a girl.

You have troubles understanding this apparently.

>> No.15452017

Answer the question, bug.

>> No.15452040

If you can't see anything wrong with it your brain is broken

>> No.15452048

Even if your views were absolute and undeniable truth it would still be pathological behavior to whine about trannies in every 4chan thread imaginable.

>> No.15452090

I was an edgy positivist/nihilist in my teens and these views contributed to a psychotic break. Not long after, when I got seriously into literature, I encountered ideas that made me question my preconceptions. Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Anselm, Pascal, and Tolstoy were some of the most disruptive. My mindset was slowly altered in my late teens and early 20s. Nowadays I don't really fit into any Christian denominations but I lean towards Christian beliefs.

>> No.15452094

Okay I'll bite. How do you reconcile Buddhism with being transgender? Namely, it doesn't seem compatible with views on sexual misconduct (e.g., amārgasthāna) as well as seeming at odds with controlling ones desires (desire to be the opposite gender in this case).

>> No.15452106

I used to love reading popscy, laughting at old traditions, and feeling smart for studying phisics. But all changed once I started reading history and philosophy. I learned what are metaphisics and made me realize that materialism is also a way of thought and experiencing life.

>> No.15452114

So no answer, bug?

>> No.15452142

What is good about punishing babies? I think the burden of proof lays upon you

>> No.15452444

Why is it wrong to be a death cult? I don't understand your question.

>> No.15452656

>I think the burden of proof lays upon you
I'm the skeptic here, asking why you claim that thing is bad. The burden of proof is on your to convince me.

I don't see how those sentences were bad.

>> No.15452738

I'm the second guy you're responding to. Let me see if I can help explain what might be troubling about the sentences.

>God killed the firstborn males of the Egyptians

Most people find the murder of innocents disturbing and evil.

>God commanded Moses to kill infants and children.

Most people find the murder of innocent children disturbing and evil.

>God commanded Josue to kill infants and children

Most people find the murder of innocent children disturbing and evil.

>God, speaking through the prophet Samuel, commanded King Saul to kill infants and children

Most people find the murder of innocent children disturbing and evil.

>God allowed infants to be eaten by their wicked parents

Most people find the murder of innocent children disturbing and evil.

>God's judgment of killing evil infants is invoked by King David.

There is no such thing as an "evil infant". So, most people find the murder of innocent children disturbing and evil.

>God inspires the Prophet Osee to curse evil infants

There is no such thing as an "evil infant". So, most people find the murder of innocent children disturbing and evil.

I guess it's matter of empathy-- having feeling for your fellow human being. I don't know if I can help you to understand past that.

>> No.15452752

>you go first!
>no, you go first!
>no, YOU go first!
keep it up, champs!

>> No.15452758

Ex muslim here. It was pretty easy to leave, I just stopped going and changed my phone number. Never heard from them again. They don't know my real name or address so I can't be found.

>> No.15452785
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>Most people find
Why would this matter to me as a skeptic? I care about truths and facts, not subjective matters.

>> No.15452868

>There is no such thing as an "evil infant"
there actually is in a sense. the idolators engaged in all kinds of degenerate sex-magick to try and corrupt the infants. God is being merciful by putting a stop to it.

>> No.15452887
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>Most people find the murder of innocent children disturbing and evil.

>> No.15452891

I'm sure that's what all serial child-murders whisper to themselves as they rock back and forth.

>> No.15452907

>What event made you change your mind?
Reading on events as or things considered as byproducts of miracles. Incorruptible bodies was a huge hit, why should they putrefy in the first place? The idea that incorruptibility as a partial state sounds super shady. Besides that, radiocarbon dating comproves the shroud of Turin was a medieval forgery, there's no actual evidence for the miracle of Fatima and Virgin of Guadalupe looks exactly like contemporary artwork. Why wouldn't a divine being interact with the world somehow? Besides for very obscure events which have no way of being known, transmitted through unreliable oral tradition.
Besides that, religious sectarism in regards to protestants, even a certain demonization of them. Although they do it to the catholics too.
Oh yeah, also the Old Testament. >>15451534
shows why
>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
Don't see it this way.
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
I used to be catholic. And no, they don't do that. Actually the ones I still talk to are pretty chill during social contact.
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
No. The other narratives sound just as ridiculous.
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
None in particular as my milieu wasn't too conservative. Paul Veyne and Peter Watts were nice reads from the atheistic Weltanschauung, but reading them wasn't essential to the process at all.
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?
No. That mostly doesn't seem to happen anymore because of secularization.

>> No.15452914
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>they rock back and forth
That is exactly what the idolators engaged in to try and degenerate the children.
They hate God and want to abuse creatures made in His image.

>> No.15452920

We're not talking about what's true. We're talking about why those parts of the Bible are "bad". It doesn't matter if they are true or not in this discussion. (Are you even the person I was responding to?)

At the very least, most of the infants mentioned had nothing to do with "sex-magick" idolatry.

>> No.15452928

Sounds important, you should tell everybody you meet about this. Tell friends, family members, passing Policemen, Psychiatrists, Social workers. Send your manifesto to the FBI, make sure to put your name and address on it so that they can contact you to hear more about it.

>> No.15452935

Fucking murderous bronze age OT logic. Dont forget unbaptised children being condemned because their parents failed to follow a fucking ritual that god could totally make possible because he wants to save every soul and divine providence exists.

>> No.15452964

I don’t know if I am or not I guess. I realized I like poets and artists more than I liked philosophers and theologians. For sure, I don’t think matter is all there is and maybe there’s a creator but I certainly can’t know him. If it’s more about performing the proper rituals than knowing, then I’m really just a drop in the bucket. It would be like trying to fight oxygen. I don’t have any grand ambitions for my life and I’ve suffered a lot, probably more than most others but I can still live every day as if it’s there to make me a better person. That gives my life some meaning, even if only a little bit. After all, life is short and it’s not like I have anything better to do while I’m here so I might as well try to transform my pain into kindness and worry about the big picture once it comes into view. If there is a God, I think he would be happy with that.

>> No.15452981

>Not a lit thread
Janny Janny do your job

>> No.15452995

Are you making a jibe by saying the Bible isn't literature?

>> No.15453025
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>extremely christian
>sick and picked on by everyone from childhood up to adolescence
>no one helps and when they try to help they just screw me over more
>pray and nothing happens
>curse god and nothing happens
>every day gets worse
>picked on less for being atheist by fellow christians than being super christian
>edgy atheist debunk phase
>get into mythology
>get into ancient religion
>read Aesop every day
>read Dante and Faust
>sickened by all the sin around committed by people who believe they are good
>people judge everyone as opposed to "judge lest ye be judged"
>sickened by my own sin
>begin to regret abandonment of god
>want hell to be real more than anything
>try to pray but can't believe anymore no matter how much I want to
>mfw I know in my heart that no one will suffer for the constant evil they act upon themselves and others

>> No.15453075

What's the point?

>> No.15453105

>regret abandonment of god
Seems pretty clear right about here, don't know about you.

>> No.15453117

>sick and picked on by everyone from childhood up to adolescence
>no one helps and when they try to help they just screw me over more
It sounds like you’ve been through a lot, anon. How are you doing now?

>> No.15453137

It sounds like he abandoned god because his life was terrible. I'm not sure what his problem is.

>> No.15453173

I was a christfag-lite as a kid; never too into it but I was baptized Catholic and definitely believed in God and the power of prayer and shit. My Dad was raised Catholic but largely abandoned the religion as a whole around 2002 when the child abuse scandal blew up, I guess that since my household was way less religious after that I kind of just stopped caring.

Nowadays the problem of evil keeps me from believing in a benevolent all-powerful God. It seems like there's so much inhuman evil and senseless suffering in the world that there's no way anybody who loves humanity is in charge of it all. I also think that if there really is a being out there that transcends all time and space in both scope and power, then the range of human experience must be far too limited to understand such a thing, let alone interpret it and base our lives around it.

>> No.15453182

It doesn't matter how I'm doing now. I'm doing just like every other rat is doing. Doesn't it make you sick how people can live with themselves thinking they believe in something and live the complete opposite way? People calling themselves christians and judging all others. People calling themselves atheist proclaiming the moral highground over christians while supporting mass hedonism to the point that they'd support killing the unborn. People snitching and tattle tailing left and right on anyone and everyone about anything and everything. They all laugh about it. It's funny. >Haha I'm free of all consequences watch me masturbate on the remains of the human race while I preach down to you about my holiness
Makes my fucking stomach churn.

>> No.15453192

I am an ex-christian but religion changed my life. I just didn't find religion in the church :p
The bible still holds more wisdom than any other book or theories westerners are exposed to

>> No.15453218

Now you must transcend thought.

>> No.15453228

Well, so what religion changed your life? And/or what religion did you settle on?

>> No.15453233

I wasn't really ever a full believer, the texts never made any logical sense, all there was hearsay - like the prophets having some problem, going to next door and wow! suddenly angel appears to them giving solution.

much later; no since I live in a civilized country; no; book of job; no I live in a civilized country;

>> No.15453242

>all there was hearsay
All you hear now is hearsay too. What difference does it make?

>> No.15453274
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You shouldn’t wish to be real so that the people who hate can end up in it, instead you should hate for those which you hate to redeem themselves and live more virtuous lives.

>> No.15453277

truth value, what difference does it make if someone would claim narnia to be real?

>> No.15453278

Probably that the hearsay he heard in church never happened to him. Most people don't get to meet angels.

>> No.15453281


>> No.15453292

>What event made you change your mind?
I'm not sure there was a specific event. I grew up in a christian home, went to church every Sunday and youth group whenever that was. But I never engaged with it, it was simply all I knew. It just seeped in that I don't know anything, and my loss of faith grew from there. My parents divorce also played a part I think. Honestly I think I believe in a God, but I don't know if I could ever sincerely go back to Christianity.
>When/how did you find out christianity is just
pagan texts deformed by semitism?
I guess just now lmao. Although I've found it interesting learning how certain tales and things taught in the bible can be found in other works.
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
Now I sort of am, haven't done much research, but I'd like to.
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
I don't think I ever felt a desire for ignorance
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?

>> No.15453294

I don't wish for the betterment of anyone anymore. People have had time to better themselves. All I want is consequence. Very simple. For everyone, not just those I hate.

>> No.15453311

I'd say it'd make just as much difference to me as if some academic type brought up some discovery that affected me in no way whatsoever. I go around telling acquaintances stuff like I don't believe Helen Keller existed or the ocean is bottomless. Not that I believe any of that, but the vile anger and conviction they react with is unnatural. Who fucking cares? What difference does it make to you?

>> No.15453322

The bullying is in the past. They moved on but you haven’t. Move on.

>> No.15453351

This isn't about bullying, I'm not some gay kid. I had a good end of school. I moved on already. If you think that my dislike of people avoiding consequences and indulging in non stop hedonism stems from getting called names and getting pushed around in school then you're a fucking moron.

>> No.15453367

What is I?

>> No.15453384

The pursuit of truth is valuable. If you go around purposefully spreading misinformation, you probably can't understand why.

>> No.15453390

If you care this much... You probably have unresolved childhood trauma.

>> No.15453410

Answer the question. What difference does it make to you whether some faggot discovered some particle or not? What difference does it make in your life whether or not some other faggot went to the moon? I wish I could look up at the sky and wonder what the stars are. Instead I'm stuck here with the thought that they're just balls of gas and they probably aren't even there anymore because some fucking know it all took it upon himself to spread the glorious truth.

>> No.15453417

Yeah you're right caring about things means you're mentally ill. God forbid anyone believe in anything they say anymore.

>> No.15453437

Coming close to the truth means being better able to live in peace-- if not being more likely to achieve goals.

What you are getting confused about is which information is important to learn, and which isn't. That's wisdom. Regardless, if you start to spin lies or ignore what is likely, you are tearing down the walls of your house and may bring down your roof altogether.

>> No.15453449

Feel the same after reading so many US serial killer cases. Those fuckers outright played around with murdering people. Which they were shot, burnt or tortured on sight for joking around peoples' lives.

>> No.15453450

Caring enough to throw a temper tantrum as an adult (I'm assuming you're 18 or older) means you may be suffering from a neurosis, yes.

Speaking calmly and taking action to change things is the healthier path.

>> No.15453453

I’m an ex Mormon and my dad gave the church my address and phone number when I moved. They won’t leave me alone. I wish is was more Jewish in that you didn’t need to go to church to be part of the tribe.

>> No.15453456

low attention span

>> No.15453463

Never really religious, but lost all cultural sympathy after reading Mark Brahmin's work. Also reading Ways That Are Dark, the chapter and parts on the christian missionaries made them seem just like the insufferable Liberal NGOs that descended from them. The same delusional view on the progress in their mission in spite of all evidence to the contrary, the same unwillingness to admit that they couldn't really change native peoples past the superficial level and make them just like them.

>> No.15453475

>better able to live in peace
You think the peasants knew much of anything? They lead peaceful lives. I look at people in eastern european countries nobody could point out on a map, they're illiterate, they don't care about anything that doesn't concern them, they live the most peaceful lives.

>> No.15453485

>temper tantrum
I don't know what world you live in wherein this is a temper tantrum. I'm explaining this pretty calmly. People who are throwing tantrums rarely have the patience or levelheadedness to write clear concise sentences, or to have coherent discussions.

>> No.15453502

>You think the peasants knew much of anything? They lead peaceful lives. I look at people in eastern european countries nobody could point out on a map, they're illiterate, they don't care about anything that doesn't concern them, they live the most peaceful lives.

Somewhat I envy them.

>> No.15453515

This is an excellent point, and I do agree with what you are saying.

The problem is people like us. Educated Westerners. In my opinion, we have essentially entered a path of no return. In order to reach the same peace that the simple peasant has, we must take the opposite path-- prove to ourselves through wisdom that the profound simplicity of the common man is the truth.

>> No.15453531


>want hell to be real more than anything

>I don't wish for the betterment of anyone anymore. People have had time to better themselves. All I want is consequence. Very simple. For everyone, not just those I hate.

>This isn't about bullying, I'm not some gay kid.

>Yeah you're right caring about things means you're mentally ill. God forbid anyone believe in anything they say anymore.

These are not healthy thoughts. I recommend seeking help either interpersonally or through philosophy.

>> No.15453534

That's what I meant when I said I wish I could look up and wonder what the stars are. You can't wonder anything anymore for more than a few seconds before you google it and forget about it.

>> No.15453541

I think they're pretty healthy. I think they're exemplary of how the world is sick. If you saw your leg rotting away and the gangrene crawl up your leg, would wanting it to be amputated be an unhealthy thought?

>> No.15453560

When the world was created, it was good. What happened was that sin entered the world and tinged everything.

>> No.15453561

Then wonder about something we don't know much about. I recommend the unconscious mind.

>> No.15453571

I would amputate it and then get back to my work.

I would not stare at it and scream. And I would not get on a computer chat board and type "AAAAAAAAAA" while swinging the limb around and banging it into furniture.

>> No.15453581

Why doesn't knowing the truth make the stars make them more special to you? Anybody can write a story about what they are and every culture has one. But it takes effort to find out the truth.

>> No.15453599

>And I would not get on a computer chat board and type "AAAAAAAAAA" while swinging the limb around and banging it into furniture.
that's a perfectly normal reaction though

>> No.15453604

Yes that's clearly what I'm doing. No one should ever speak up when they have an issue with the current state of affairs lest it would make you uncomfortable.

>> No.15453609

Anyone ex-religious and realise the absurdity of their former religion? From the outside, it seems like an extreme cult.

>> No.15453611

cults are good though

>> No.15453627

It makes them infinitely meaningless. People used to make stories out of the stars. They were grand. Now they're balls of gas and they aren't even there. How meaningful is that? I'm looking at some gas that isn't there.

>> No.15453641

I guess if you are weak and have no real intention of solving your problem... maybe.

Do you think complaining and making generally ridiculous statements on an anonymous chatboard is going to change anything in the external world? Why don't you speak up outside your house?

>> No.15453649

That's why you should learn what they mean for the human race psychologically, mythologically.

As I recommended previously, start studying the unconscious mind.

>> No.15453653

There are many more enlightened churches who accept the idea of 'come as you are to worship.'

>> No.15453659

>my dislike of people avoiding consequences and indulging in non stop hedonism
>wah people won't stop enjoying things
What the fuck happens to someone to make them like this? All I can imagine is that you were diddled as a child

>> No.15453667

I know what they MEANT for the human race psychologically and mythologically. It means NOTHING for them now. I want it to mean something for ME psychologically and mythologically.

>> No.15453677

>I have to enjoy everything all the time
>everything has to be enjoyed and if I don't enjoy it it must be purged
>if I stop enjoying myself for one second I want to die

>> No.15453680
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>What event made you change your mind?
I felt that Buddhist philosophy made a lot more sense and didn't want to be reborn in a heaven realm where I'd eventually run out of positive karma and stay stuck in samsara.
>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
It's not pagan it just incorporated pre Christian traditions
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
Yes i converted to buddhism
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
Never had a desire for ignorance(atheism)
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?

>> No.15453686

I never implied any of that, you obviously have some kind of pathological obsession, serious question who diddled you?

>> No.15453688

We know why the stars shine and the process of how they came to be, but that doesn't mean we know everything about them, there could be anything out there: lost civilisations, space-dwelling lifeforms, megastructures, starships. Maybe this is just sci-fi nonsense, but in my experience, real discoveries are usually more amazing then fiction can invent. The way I think about it is that early man didn't know anything about his own planet, he thought beyond the limits of his village the world was populated by monsters, now we know better, but it doesn't make the world or it's people any less fascinating, why shouldn't we feel the same way about space?

>> No.15453711

What you don't realize is that they still have significance in the unconscious mind. Religious experiences and great revelations are still possible, but for many of us they will require the journey into the unconscious.

>> No.15453713

>I never implied any of that
And I never implied people shouldn't enjoy things, would you look at that, it's almost like you're a retard or something.

>> No.15453730

I don't care about sci fi anymore. I used to love sci fi until I realized all it's been whittled down to is the discarding of the world in favor for the exploitation of extraterrestrial resources. People want to explore the stars so they can bleed the earth dry then move on to some other planet and do it all over again.

>> No.15453753

>>What event made you change your mind?
Going to college, reading some books, and unironically having sex (immediately showed me how fundamentally ridiculous “morality” is, and this was only intensified when I later learned what real morality is and how anyone peddling you pragmatics is a huckster and an ideologue). The sex was bad fyi.
>>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
Like when I was 12 and realized the whole Old Testament/New Testament/Saul discrepancy. Continued to just wish it away with “It’s all apart of God’s plan” or “it all coheres somehow, don’t worry” until realizing, “oh wait—no it doesn’t lol.”
>>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
Yeah—my mom got pissed and still sends me church sermons every so often, though our actual relationship is fine. Very minor problem compared to having to wake up every Sunday and pretend like you care whenever you come home for summers.
>>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
Yeah—history of philosophy and existentialism, both of which I have since grown out of. I guess Buddhism but once I really lost my religion (like inverse of Pascal style) I kinda know there isn’t a totalizing philosophy (except for absolute barebones, general outline stuff like Kant or cultural/psychological stuff like Nietzsche) that’ll really satisfy my kind of spiritually immature desire for answers.
>>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
I have no clue what this means. I never had a desire for ignorance. I started seriously reading after I had a teacher talk about how the classics would improve my personhood and then she taught me Shakespeare and Keats.
>>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?
Yeah, oddly enough, had a lot of Mormon kids come to my college (I guess admissions targeted Salt Lake City with free waivers?) and the horror stories were redundant and sad.

>> No.15453786

>What event made you change your mind?
Realising that Christianity is the source for that which I hate, it’s necessary conclusion kills all meaning and value.
>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
Reading the texts and seeing the values
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
No, if I would have been there might’ve been hope for Christianity, but it is all to weak.
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
It was desire for ignorance that made me leave Christianity. If you leave Christianity because you wish to serve The Word, or because you think God in the Bible is not Good enough, you are yet still a Christian.
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?
Sadly, no.

>> No.15453800

I see what you're saying, humans do have a tendency to infest, consume, destroy and then move on. And part of that is human nature, but I think the bigger part of it is culture, this kind of animal behaviour is encouraged because there's money to be made. But if space-travel becomes common place, that kind of thing is going to have a very hard time keeping it's monopoly on the human soul because resources will be too plentiful for banks and corporations to starve their opponents to death in the way they do now. There will probably be other space-faring races and if they've survived this long they probably have laws against mindless animal consumerism and a some kind of military force strong enough to enforce it. And, I honestly think if humans ever colonise space, the majority of space-colonies will be populated by people like yourself, who just want to get away from it all and live the simple life because I suspect you're not alone and a lot of people would agree with what you say.

>> No.15453828
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>too plentiful for banks and corporations to starve their opponents to death in the way they do now

>> No.15453835

I just want to be Enkidu in Gilgamesh before the whore.

>> No.15453845

oddly you seem to be taking the position that we really cannot know anything and nihilistic view about meaning, so everything is just subjective, constructed or what not, in your defense of god.
well, my belief is transcendental, that there is an reality irrelevant of my belief about it. so in short, when ever someone makes claim about reality ofc it matters to me.

>> No.15453847

It's easy to pass judgement while not providing your own point of view. For instance, Peter Singer thinks it's okay to kill babies because it is justified in his utilitarian framework. Kant thinks it's wrong to lie to the baby murderer at the door because in his deontological framework, you cannot lie for any reason.

Matthew 7 says this
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

It is wrong and I would even say evil and malicious to use reason to pass judgement without also using reason to formulate a moral system that is better than the one Christ taught.

>> No.15453852


>> No.15453855

Enkidu's just chilling by the creek with the cows dude.

>> No.15453857

are you insane lmao

nobody cares if you convert to/away from Christianity

>> No.15453866

People are providing their view. Such as "Killing babies is wrong". That's not a crazy idea, right?

>> No.15453871
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When I discovered that "incorruptible" bodies were actually dessicated husks I was so incredulous. I guess those frozen Inca mummies are all saints as well.

>> No.15453874

You got it wrong. I'm tired of people latching on to "beliefs" they have no real investment in. Why are there so many people trying to debunk flat earthers? Why does it bother them so much? People flip out when I use the Helen Keller one. As if they have some sort of emotional attachment to her. Half the time I tell them she was faking, half the time I tell them she wasn't real, every time they act like they knew her personally.

>> No.15453877

We're very different people. that story made my blood run cold, no matter what Enkidu and Gilgamesh did, they were marked men. Sooner or later they'd have to die and then they would go to that horrifying Sumerian afterlife, I felt very bad for the for all Sumerians, heroes and ordinary men alike, who spent their whole life in the blazing desert heat, thinking that damned underworld was going to be their ultimate fate.

>> No.15453881

Read Gilgamesh.

>> No.15453882

Ah, it's you. Okay, just an interesting way to phrase the desire.

I mean, if you don't want to try to attain wisdom, or investigate a mystery, there shouldn't be much stopping you from moving to a small country town and living a simple life. I think that's what a lot of people do.

>> No.15453888

That's my end goal but it's borderline unachievable with the dollar in my country and the property prices.

>> No.15453890

I know Gilgamesh. I've just never met or read of someone before who wanted to BE Enkidu.

>> No.15453893

Your homework is to read "The Epic of Gilgamesh" and then, go to Youtube, where you'll find a video of a language expert singing the introduction in Sumerian whilst playing an authentic Sumerian instrument.

>> No.15453895

Had Enkidu not slept with the harlot he'd have stayed innocent and grazed with the cows the rest of his life.

>> No.15453900

Are you saying it's more expensive to live in a country town than the city? That sounds quite uncommon.

>> No.15453920

That's how it is here. Country towns have no jobs anymore and high property taxes and land prices because boomers get cottages. I've witnessed entire towns just turn into boomer cottages. I'd be lucky if I could buy an empty acre for 200k.

>> No.15453923

Why is it wrong? You're not God are you?

>> No.15453927

I see, it was an "Adam and Eve" type thing, where he lost his innocence and became a mortal creature. Perhaps my memory is faulty or maybe I was just to much of a fool to understand the subtext,

>> No.15453956

You're not American, right?

So you have to be God to know something is wrong? Do you do whatever anyone tells you to, because you haven't been told whether it's right or not? I wonder if you would commit awful crimes, just because your pastor ordered you to? It seems there is no use in talking to you.

>> No.15453964

I'm not 100% sure myself but if I recall correctly Enkidu is originally on par with the strength of Gilgamesh and a hunter or farmer of some sorts pays a harlot to get him away from his herd of cattle. When he washes himself after, he washes away the scent of familiarity that the cattle sensed.

>> No.15453969

No I'm from Canada. It's pretty bad here when it comes to land pricing. Everyone is just crammed into 3 or 4 cities.

>> No.15453978

Guys, I know this was supposed to be a bait thread intended to get Christians and non-Christians to argue, but something miraculous has happened here; OP's plan has backfired, we're all being respectful of each other and we're actually talking about literature, This is like the Christmas Truce of 1914, it's wonderful but, it's also very fragile, so everybody put the rifles down.

>> No.15453994

All you did was tell me X is wrong. You didn't say why. You didn't explain anything. You just acted like you were the king of the world and issued a decree.

I gave you two examples, utilizing reason, and showed how they justify killing babies. On what authority do you make your royal decrees?

>> No.15454022

Well, it still returns to point: 'does the sun rise every morning'. Once you adhere to empiricist epistemology ofc you can and should argue against different 'results'. Doing otherwise would be admission that we really cannot know anything about the world
Then there is the pragmatic side that holding incorrect (dangerous) views about the world will cause (in)direct harm to oneself.

>> No.15454033

You are mentally ill if you are seriously advocating infanticide.

Our conversation is over.

>> No.15454047

Do you support abortion?

>> No.15454048

None of it matters because at the end of the day you're just going to follow the same routine like everyone else does. At the risk of sounding cliche, you're just a cog in the machine. People obsess over all these different factoids they know, then wake up to an alarm every day and work for good boy points so they can do it all over again the next day, and at no point do any of these factoids come into play. Same day over and over till you die, and you'll instill this kind of routine into your children willingly, so on and so forth.

>> No.15454053


The officers are here! Armistice is over! Everybody get your gas cape on and return to the trench, YOUR SIDE'S trench. Sod this for a game of soldiers, I'm going to desert and swim across the channel to freedom

>> No.15454068

If you know you're following a routine, you can break it. I do it.

If you don't break it, it's probably because you feel satisfied with your cycle. In which case, why worry?

>> No.15454084

You must be unemployed or in school.

>> No.15454102
File: 5 KB, 275x183, 95DDDD26-9640-42D6-A0D7-299E575AA2FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be fucking insane to be ok with killing children

>> No.15454124

Yes, I'm unemployed because I was in the process of switching jobs when corona hit.

Because I wasn't going to work a job I didn't love for the rest of my life, I gave it up.

That might sound crazy if you don't have the strength or finances to break your cycle. If the latter, save money. If your heart is truly set on a better future, you'll find a way to escape.

>> No.15454135

There are no jobs to like. People who say "I love my job" are liars.

>> No.15454136

Also, I broke my routine while I was working. That's not complicated. Simply meet new people-- go to events. I recommend Meetup.

>> No.15454137

>Christianity is not Christian enough

>> No.15454142

That's absolute bullshit. The working world has jobs for you to enjoy, if you're willing to work hard, say and act the right way, and do the right things.

We are all continually striving to make the world a better place through technology and faith in others, so I know the workplace is improving.

If you keep on posting with this DOOMER bullshit, I will call you out on it again, bitchboy

>> No.15454144

There is a career I am quite passionate about. If I can make money through it, I will have a job I truly love. I work everyday towards making that job a reality.

Besides a passion like that, there are some jobs that will make you happier, and some that will you make you unhappier. If feel you are trapped in a routine, it's probably time to try for something better (if not completely beloved).

>> No.15454149

Reasonable people kill unborn babies every day.

>> No.15454164

>the world a better place through technology
Technology has made the world a worse place. There are literally no jobs to like. Never once have I though "Great! I get to wake up at 4am to get to a jobsite" or "I'm so glad I get to smell like fryer oil permanently" or "This is awesome! I love taking the bus for 3 hours just to share a cubicle with some other shithead for the whole day just so I can take the bus for another 3 hours to get home". You're a faggot.

>> No.15454195

Actually I lied, I liked working on a farm, it was low tech but the place closed up cause some shit for brains opened up a factory farm in the same town and took over essentially. Nothing like that exists anymore. Not for long anyway.

>> No.15454196

I already believe you are deluded, but I'm curious if you actually have a narrative in mind-- Would you rather work as a feudal farmer than be living with the current job market?

>> No.15454199


>> No.15454200

Ah, the question is answered. Well you know, depending on your country, it's probably not that hard to get a minimum wage job on a farm. I have a friend doing that kind of work right now.

>> No.15454212

The farms aren't the same anymore. I used to just carry hay and put plants and veggies in the back of a truck while some guy drove it. We were like 6 or 7 guys. No checks, no papers, no direct deposit, just cash.

>> No.15454229

So even farm work is too "complicated" for you now? Because there are checks, papers, and direct deposit? ...Direct deposit?

This is becoming silly.

>> No.15454245

No it's not that. There's all this shit you need to do with machines. All these other nobodies you gotta meet. It's excessive. I'm tired of everything being so excessive. When you're working for some faceless company and your boss is untouchable you get treated way worse. I worked construction too and they got bought out by a bigger competitor. Everything went to shit with demands. They don't even treat you like a person.

>> No.15454289

>They don't even treat you like a person.
Welcome to capitalism.

>> No.15454394
File: 249 KB, 383x384, statue-tumblr-png-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What event made you change your mind?
It has been many years since I lost faith. Sometime during the end if my preteen years, my family moved and didn't fit in at a new church we were at. This is atleast what I've been told and I didn't mind it much. The events were a chore anyway.
>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
I have no idea
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
Nah but some relatives looked down.
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
Classics if American high school literature. Amerifags know my feel. The one book I would rate as most impactful was The Stranger. Yeah yeah, i know.
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?
I have a strong relationship with a Mormon friend that match your question.
Facebook let's you block people without needing to be friends with you. Boomer Remover.

>> No.15455307

Oh don't rise to him honey, there's nothing wrong with a little infanticide now and then, it's good for the faith. All that love, all that forgiveness! Can you feel it, brother?

Not caring about things the rest of society cares about may or may not get you labelled a sociopath. In this case, you're fucked. Infanticide is root-level, it's one of those social contract thingummies, something we can all definitely agree on. I would scruple that if you genuinely can't see anything wrong with the bible calling for the killing of newborns and children, and this isn't off-key bluster, and you're not a christcuck blind to your own hypocrisy and only able see other christcucks as human (D'oh,so much for that forgiveness thing!) then this is why people find you weird. And if you agreed with all this up to the point i called you weird, then i hate to be the one to break it to you, but you are.

Also, why the pic of the hatemongering bugman?

>> No.15455683

>Anyone else here is an ex-christian?
>What event made you change your mind?
could not justify believing in religion
>When/how did you find out christianity is just pagan texts deformed by semitism?
not how I really saw it
>Where you persecuted/spied upon after leaving?
my dad had a "what to do if your child loses faith" book. That was it really. Also he banned me from reading The Golden Compass as a kid
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
not really. just interested in the reduction of suffering in general
>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
hmm more general discussion with other people my own age in high school, being exposed to new ideas
>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?
my uncle, sort of.

>> No.15455941

>Anyone else here is an ex-christian?
I was raised around Jehovah's Witnesses and Bible studies, but never got invested.
>What event made you change your mind?
Probably because I wasn't interested in meetings and didn't made any strong connections with people. The environment was so relaxed that I fell out of it.
>Were you persecutued/spied up after leaving
Ive heard horror stories about Jehovah's Witnesses but have never experienced or seen anything that involves persecution or spying. At worst is gossip or rudeness
>Were you interested in another faith/philosophy?
Philosophical, literature and metaphysical takes on reality sparked my interest more than literal understanding. I still have a Christian bias because of the everlasting life promise.
>>What literature helped you overcome the desire for ignorance?
Power of myth and legends and inner dialogue
>>Do you know someone who got their life destroyed by christians after leaving the religion?

>> No.15457029

Same. Catholics still try to weasel out of it by saying it only happens temporarily and occasionally, but it sounds so ridiculous in theory: "God, to show one has lived a saintly life, grants temporary and partial preservation of the deceased in CERTAIN areas of the body and during CERTAIN periods after death".
Keep in mind an omnipotent being should logically be able to do it. It's not like someone's asking for a square triangle.
And if you ask that for a Catholic he will probably answer: "Well, i guess he is just testing our faith by letting it decay".
It really baffles me.

>> No.15457045

I think that was it. The oxen even refused to approach him afterwards.