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File: 331 KB, 969x500, philosopher tierlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15476890 No.15476890 [Reply] [Original]

This is for all the noobies.
Don't waste your time reading anything below D.

Also dont bother with Schopen either. He is just a cranky old incel... and I am not even memeing

>> No.15476934

Low-effort bait post. Enough with the brainless shitposting, faggot.

>> No.15476937

>Nietzche S tier
>Aristotle that low
>Peterson not 1000x garbage tier
>baudrillard that low
>marx shit tier
>whom I assume plato and socrates are shit tier

awful awful thread OP

>> No.15476951

I agree with you and with OP a bit but Marx is straight garbage. He is completely inferior to Hegel and lets his emotions for communism lead him by ideology instead of rationality

>> No.15476967

>no Schopie
>no Hobbes
>no Mainlander
You missed some God-tier there

>> No.15476969

spoken like a true radlib

>> No.15476972

That's dumb

>> No.15476974

t. never read Marx

>> No.15476976

Nietzsche is garbage tier. It doesn't matter what you think. It matters if you can communicate it. He gets lost in poetics and obscures all his reasoning, to the point that what he's actually written is a bunch of bad edgy nonsense which a less rigourous student projects their own frustrations onto. Chomsky and Bertrand are at least c tier, just below Witty. Locke is inexcusably garbage. Worst of all of them. Finally Marx is unfortunately essential reading, only because his damn retarded terminology is everywhere at an unprecedented level. Kudos on everything else here. A lot is right

>> No.15476984
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Cope, seethe, and dilate.

The greeks are garbage aside from Aristotle and you know it.
Peterson is the most cited modern psychologist in the last 50 years. I am not joking. His writing is better than his lectures. But even then he is still D because modernity produces garbage philosophers.

Marx is a brainlet and wrong about everything. Literally thinks labor theory value is a thing lol

>> No.15476985

The meme of Schopy being a pessimist needs to go. Also your list is completely shit.

>> No.15476995

the only ones who approve this list are the voices in your head you damn schizo

grow up, faggot

>> No.15476996

Imagine being this wrong about everything.

>> No.15477005
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This poster is not older than 16 years old

>> No.15477022

iirc didn't schop refer to himself as a pessimist?

>> No.15477033

>Chomsky and other memes approved
>Socrates, Plato, and Marx are garbage

The state of this guy

>> No.15477046

>Kant is acknowledged
>no late 20th century thinkers

>> No.15477106

Goonan above all.

>> No.15477121
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You let your own political biases get in the way of creating an accurate list.
>Peterson above Marx
Peterson shouldn’t even be on this list, let alone above Karl. Marx’s critique of capitalism still holds true to this very day, even if you have problems with his alternative.

>Martin Luther King is garbage
I guess. But then again, why is he even on this list in the first place? For fucks sake op, are you trying to prove something?

>Aristotle is that low
What the fuck? What the actual fuck? OP, I want you to tell us what YOUR definition of justice is, because this ain’t it.

>You can’t even see the names half the time
Nice editing, op. Good job.

>> No.15477184
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>Marx is a brainlet and wrong about everything. Literally thinks labor theory value is a thing lol
That’s not the only thing he wrote about. That’s not even really relevant at all. In fact, most communists don’t even believe it in the first place.

What do you think about the exploitation of surplus value, or alienation? What do you think about the contradictions that arise within capitalism, which are still happening to this very day? The anarchic instability of the free market system? Imperialism? What about abolishing private property? All of these things still exist even if the LTV is false.

You’re a psuedo.

>> No.15477452

>>baudrillard that low
Where are you seeing Baudrillard??

>> No.15477489

Holy based

>> No.15477499

/pol/ tourists are so easy to spot. can't help but stand out like a sore thumb

>> No.15477529

i have yet to see a strong critique of negative dialectics, so imo Adorno

>> No.15477531

Yes and all of the things he wrote about, as you described he missed the mark on because he was blinded by his own personal bias. You cannot have a society without private property. You only give rise to anarchy and anarchy gives rise to governments that install property laws. It's inevitable and that's why we're here.

It's not exploitation of surplus value because you don't own the surplus. The surplus is derived usually by mechanations, superior processes, bargaining power, access to retail suppliers and so on. If you want your surplus value not to be 'exploited' then start your own company. If you can't, then why whinge? Youre inherently admitting that a managerial class within work is necessary because they can do something you cannot and without them you would have no surplus value, therefore they own it.

>> No.15477562

i get that marx's predictions/ideals are retarded, but literally go try to get a retail job, go through an hour of gay personality quizzes, then get paid minimum wage to get shit on by retards. he was right in pointing out the ways capitalism harms people, even if there isn't a better solution atm

>> No.15477687

Wow, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15477728

>his own personal bias
Kinda the point, don’t you think? You write ideological texts to get other people to believe what you believe.

>You cannot have a society without private property.
And why not?
>You only give rise to anarchy
Oh. So a property-less society is only possible in an anarchist system? Well, that’s objectively false. What about syndicalism? There are many systems of governance that abolish private ownership of the means of production.

>It's not exploitation of surplus value because you don't own the surplus. The surplus is derived usually by mechanations, superior processes, bargaining power, access to retail suppliers and so on.
In a system without privatized production, you would. For the sake of argument, let’s say all businesses are owned by the workforce instead of a capitalist. Sure, right now, all of those things are handled by the capitalists. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

>Youre inherently admitting that a managerial class within work is necessary
I admit no such thing. You don’t need capitalists (owners) to do any of the things you listed above.

>you keep saying managers
A manager and a capitalist is not the same thing. The capitalist owns the property. The manager manages the property. Technically, a manager is still a proletarian IF he is not the capitalist. But you can be both a capitalist and a manager in some cases.

In a system where private ownership is abolished, you can still have managers when you need them. But they will be appointed by a mandate of workers when it is necessary.

>> No.15479370

Putting Hume that low reveals your 95 IQ like nothing else.

>> No.15479378

Have you rated them by how cool their first names sound?

>> No.15479440

>no Gómez Dávila

>> No.15479448

fpbp. You haven’t read three quarters of these.

>> No.15479470


>> No.15479480

OP I hope you choke on monkey piss as you’re dragged through the swamp by angry swamp niggas and beaten to death with clubs

>> No.15479484

>Marx’s critique of capitalism still holds true to this very day, even if you have problems with his alternative.
This. Gettin' real sick of dumb niggers thinking about things that aren't binary in binary terms. Capitalism and Communism aren't the only two fucking options.

>> No.15479494

And least crop it properly so we can see the lowest tier names.

>> No.15479508

Thanks for not including surnames you fucking idiot. Not all of us spend most of our time on Wikipedia enough to identify them.

>> No.15479558

Tier S: Aristotle, Kant, Wittgenstein
Tier A: Hume, Russell, Chalmers, Hegel
Tier B: Marx, Rousseau, Voltaire, Baudrillard, Plato, Nietzsche, Kripke, Fodor, Foucault, Rawls
Tier C: Kierkegaard, Marcus Aurelius, Hobbes, Pyrrho, Confucius, Smith, Pascal
Worthless: Camus, Sartre, Descartes, Dennett, Heidegger, Popper
Subhuman: Aquinas, Anselm, Ockham, Ayn Rand, and all the hip contemporary Petersons

>> No.15479570

Kant and Nietzsche were destroyed by Guenon

>> No.15479583

Thinking of starting to read spinoza because i see his came come up a lot - what does this dude even believe in and why should I read him?

>> No.15479586

>also known as ʿAbd al-Wāḥid Yaḥyá after his conversion to Islam

>> No.15479615

point them out to me uwu

>> No.15479672

Go to bed Jordan

>> No.15479679

stop responding to this literal garbage bait everyone

you're right

>> No.15479695
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>you must be 18 to post

>> No.15480355

Aristotle believed democracy only works in ethnostates. Get that fuck out of C and into f tier

>> No.15480378

>Aristotle believed democracy only works in ethnostates.
It does, I am following the election of Surinam right now, because old Dutch colony and its literally, yeah we need to vote for this Hindhu party, so the Nigger party gets less power and we can finally arrest the semi-dictator for a bunch of murders he did. Now the Hindu party needs to ally itself with the forestniggers, Javanese and Mulatto's in order to get a majority. Thats not politics.

>> No.15480388

Thats so racist though

>> No.15480405

>Thats so racist though
Yes, thats what you get in a multicultural society. People start seperating into in and out groups.

In America blacks and hispanics vote democrate, but imagine if america had a multi party system. You would get the negro party, the hispanic party, the indian party etc.

Europe already has muslim parties, then the White Europeans start creating ethnic parties, then the left gets the votes of minority groups. yeah. then politics dies.

>> No.15480425

>no Aquinas

Not even gonna comment on all the meme inclusions, that's a yikes from me, bro

>> No.15480446

He's more or less right tbf, though your summary is rather flippant

>> No.15480467

I chuckled, not quite sure why. Missing Guenon and whatever other memes are trending on lit.
For a while someone was incessant on posting some Indian guru. Osho or something.

>> No.15480477
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>marx garbage tier
i won't even comment on others but claiming marx is garbage just an indicator of how little u understand his view.
he didn't produce ideas about economy his main focus was concerns against rapid change technology brings compered the rest of human history.
he tried to predicted about consequences of change and its still unresolved topic because we are still in continuous rapid change and certainly couldnt find best way to live.

>> No.15480489

omg i just checked aristotle etc and realized i got baited hard there is no way someone that retarted exist

>> No.15480744

Having Rawls in B tier is a disgrace. Brainlet tier philosopher, worthless tier

>> No.15481338

S: Kant, Plato,
A: Spinoza, Heidegger, Baudrillard, Deleuze, Carl Schmitt
B: Nick Land, Kierkegaard
C: Descartes, Leibniz, Socrates
D: Hume, Locke, Aristotle, Epicurus, Chomsky, Nietzsche, Hegel, Marx
F: Russel, Zizek, Peterson, Sam Harris, Rand, Stirner, Camus, Satre

>> No.15481346

Oh and Wittgenstein is F also

>> No.15481390

Come on, Plato should be at least B tier.

>> No.15482369

Let me fix it for you
S: Plato, Kant, Aristotle, Heidegger
A: Spinoza, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Socrates
B: Wittgenstein, Hume, Descartes
C: Locke, Rousseau
D: Marx, Sartre, Epicurus
F: Chomsky, Peterson, Confucius, Rawls, King, Harris, Rand

>> No.15482377

finally a based fucking rating

>> No.15482393

S: Spengler
F: everyone else itt

>> No.15482486


>> No.15482510

Ethnicity is same culture not same skin. Aristotles right on this, and you should resist materialism popularized in the form of skin color

>> No.15482543


>> No.15482560

>garbage tier
>half of them aren't even philosophers
Guess how I know you don't know anything about philosophy

>> No.15482783

What a stupid fucking thread.

>> No.15483175

>No Stirner
Leave and never return

>> No.15483198
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Ayn Rand should be in a bottom row of one.
How the fuck is John Rawls at the bottom? And how the hell did Descartes and Locke beat out Hume?

>> No.15484517


>> No.15484711

Almost nobody here reads, this is a circlejerk board. The most pretentious board ofc, as barely one or two have read those fellas.

>> No.15485689
File: 1.28 MB, 1388x1605, doug on plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15485713

Agreed on pretty much all counts, except Heidegger and Hume are both too low.

Nietzsche is S tier though, don't let the religious faggotry stop you from keeping him in that top slot.

>> No.15485720

Nietzsche was f crazy. But the OP is delusional.

>> No.15485737

shit rating, never come back to /lit/

>> No.15485798

That man really put peterson alongside Heiegger and Hume and saw nothing wrong with it

>> No.15485803

You haven't read Marx.

>> No.15485824

epicurus too

>> No.15485868

>Heidegger, Aristotle, Hegell and Hume not higher
>Juden Peterstein and Noam Chomsklitszy, not in garbage
>Spinoza as good as Kierkegaard
>Wittgenstein better than Hegel, Aristotle or Descartes
>no Schopenhauer or Fichte

>> No.15485873
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