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15510640 No.15510640 [Reply] [Original]

The White liberal is deeply unhappy. We know this conclusively. We know this from his rate of suicide, drug abuse, and mental illness. But the White liberal has never protested his unhappiness. He doesn't know how. He is too well-behaved, too well-socialized, too self-conscious and ashamed. Yet his anger and feelings of suffocation ultimately need to find an outlet -- entertainment media and angry tweeting can only go so far.

A Black felon dying from a heart attack under the guise of being suffocated by a White police officer was exactly what the White liberal needed to release his emotions. Finally the White liberal can voice his anger, his despondency, his shame, his feelings of alienation and emptiness -- and he can do it all safely with the masquerade of anti-racism. He is angry that Blacks are killed, yes, assuredly. He is ashamed at the state of blacks, yes, that's it. He is despondent that the police continue to kill Black people, when they should not do this, indeed.

All of the feelings he has about his own life can be voiced on behalf of George "Big Floyd" Floyd. He doesn't have to worry about how he would appear if he let his personal feelings out. He doesn't have to feel the shame of knowing himself. Big Floyd becomes the symbol of his own sense of self. Symbolically, he feels that he is the nigger. He feels the suffocation that the nigger feels. And the officer represents the cruel reality of the world, which he hates, because he has no meaningful way to confront it.

This is why the White liberal lashes out when you tell him that Black victimhood is mythical. Because you are telling him that his deepest feelings are mythical. Black victimhood is a referent through which the White liberal's deepest feelings of inadequacy are channeled and sublimated.

>> No.15510643

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15510647

damn i sure feel superior to the white liberal now
time for sissy hypno

>> No.15510671

>We know this from his rate of suicide, drug abuse, and mental illness
Aren't the highest rates of these things in red states though?

>> No.15510674

you have to understand that the leftist is a completely worthless human being who lives the most hollow lifestyle imaginable, for example to your average leftist a good time that makes life worth living is literally just getting high and watching rick and morty or just getting high

they are trash people and worshiping at the alter of a junkie home invader who got exactly what he deserved is how they play moral crusader and convince themselves that they are good people despite being among the worst of the worst that humanity has to offer and they know it deep down, hence why their entire sense of humor is often self deprecating and they need "motivational" memes like "you go girl it doesnt matter if you ate like pig and did nothing productive today youse a queen!"

>> No.15510701
File: 180 KB, 1242x1571, leftist_fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of it is sexual. as the right always taunted them, at this point it is undeniable. with shit like blacked, wood on a bed, "once you go black.." etc becoming entirely normalized among leftists it's obvious that so much of their politics comes from feelings of inferiority.

>> No.15510719

you don't achieve anything by posting this
fuck you

>> No.15510726

suck my big black dick white boy

>> No.15510730

>ITT: retarded american politics

>> No.15510733

based bbc

>> No.15510741


I don't know, it looks a problem with less depth: left-wing ideology and all its branches (feminism, anti-racism, etc.) as a replacement for religion.

>> No.15510745

Reducing politics and history to psychoanalysis is probably the gayest rhetorical tactic ever invented.
You're probably right in a large sense, but your post is still extremely gay.

>> No.15510747

OP made a serious post (even correctly using the term "liberal"), and you just had to ruin it with your retarded shitpost.

>> No.15510754

*it looks like a problem

>> No.15510761

That girl deserves a cinder block thrown at her head.

>> No.15510774

The issue here is self awareness, not whose superior to whom.
and yet they are extremely zealous and hateful towards their own kind.

>> No.15510853

She laughed at your tiny dick.

>> No.15510863

Dude we're gonna purge you XD

>> No.15510868

You're right
I find black guys kinda hot too I guess

>> No.15510873

You should prep her bull for her and watch him fuck her.

>> No.15510892

Do you think she can still laugh after I put her teeth on the curb and stomp on the back of her head until I can see her brain oozing out of her ears?

>> No.15510902

Don't pretend to be me you lefty/pol/ chink.

>> No.15510903

the thing is you just write that online, in reality you are a timid cuckold who would submit to her

>> No.15510910

Haha, I guess time will tell.

>> No.15510913

how are you going to hurt her and get away with it

>> No.15510925

Do you really not see the all out civil war that is on the horizon? When the time comes for self defense from the rioting leftists, I and many others will be ready to save this country by any means necessary.

>> No.15510934

It's okay when the left does it.

>> No.15510936 [DELETED] 

THere will be no civil war. There will be martial law and a militarized police state, which both you and the leftists will submit to, while Stacv gets face fucked by black cock and you cry and jack off in the corner.

>> No.15510943

Keep me out of your masturbation fantasies. Thanks.

>> No.15510945

not that guy but only like 40% of murders are solved, and that's factoring in all the absolute retards that get mad and murder people they know

>> No.15510947

What the hell does that even mean?

>> No.15510953

the thing is you would know her and it would come back to you

>> No.15510956

I take that back
Include me in your fantasy
Would my black master let me eat his cum from her fucked vagina?

>> No.15510964

Keep this board out of your pathetic angsty incel rage fantasies, cuck. Thanks.

>> No.15510965

These are two posts that could only be made by suburbanite dysfunctionals who thinks everyone with a date to prom is a subversive leftists and are fucked in the head for life because an adult told them they were smart in gradeschool.

>> No.15510968


>> No.15510996

ugh I'm a /pol/lack but my clitty is leaking just thinking of being made to kneel and fellate a strong black man

>> No.15511013

You have about 5 years of being able to hold these pathetic values and white inferiority complex before we forcefully drag you from your houses and put you down like a rabid dog on your front lawn. Enjoy the time you have left!

>> No.15511057

If posting violence fantasies on 4chan counted as politics, you guys would be crushing it. For now though, the far right occupies the same space in public consciousness as child molesters.

>> No.15511065

We'll have you leftists by the balls soon enough

>> No.15511111


>> No.15511138

I think a military coup is more likely than ever. When I looked up to see if anyone had said the same recently, there were plenty of articles about it having high and increasing support in previous years, no opinion pieces or articles about it this year though.

>> No.15511165

you have to understand that the rightoid is a completely worthless human being who lives the most hollow lifestyle imaginable, for example to your average rightoid a good time that makes life worth living is literally just shitposting and watching ben shapiro or jerking off

they are trash people and worshiping at the alter of a racist murderer is how they play moral crusader and convince themselves that they are good people despite being among the worst of the worst that humanity has to offer and they know it deep down, hence why their entire sense of humor is often self deprecating and they need "motivational" memes like "you go boy it doesnt matter if you have no social skills and did nothing productive today youse a king!"

>> No.15511170

>Do you really not see the all out civil war that is on the horizon
Thats what tptb want so they can swoop in during and throw us all in education camps, or swoop in afterwards and mop us all up.
Dont play into media division games. I thought right wingers were meant to be smart.

>> No.15511175

yes, yes you believe exactly what you're supposed, we know

>> No.15511183

>yes you believe exactly what you're supposed
Keikaku means plan.

>> No.15511185

I'm 6'5", a radical lefty, and I can shoulder press more than you.

if you said any of this to me in real life, I'd put you down on the spot. actually, I'd probably do it anyway if I felt like it

>> No.15511195

>A Black felon dying from a heart attack
Have you missed the video of the racist murderer crushing his throat?

It's insane there are people with evidence in front of their faces who just choose to ignore it and belive in propaganda because it makes them feel good and safe

>> No.15511201

Based alien with a throat on the back of his neck

>> No.15511207

Was a relatively /lit/erate post in terms of prose and style.

>> No.15511209

youd also kiss a black guy's boot if he told you to lol

>> No.15511219

only if he was taller than me

>> No.15511227

Its unironically animal fetishism, the nigger has replaced the minotaur of myth to become the modern mystical beast of virility. When whites engage in this cuckold activism, it's an informal acknowledgment of both the inferiority of the nigger as pure animal and the superiority of the nigger as pure animal. Remember civilisation will always be the marked, the abnormal, and nature the unmarked, the normal. They are subconsciously rejecting civilisation, and attempting to align themselves with the mean.

>> No.15511237

This ngl.

>> No.15511254

And 120 pounds soaking wet?

>> No.15511280

>I'm a radical lefty
You can just say you're a weak willed moron without morals my guy, we'd just assume the "radical lefty" part.

>> No.15511287

i could kill both of you with a single punch lol

>> No.15511300

They feel a need to do this because they know they're the weak onions cuck side. Note how the right doesn't because they know they're the dangerous ones, note how all statistics back this up and how even leading leftists like chomsky will admit the left is inferior in violence.

>> No.15511302



>> No.15511305

im sure buddy

>> No.15511306

It's fun to have fantasies, huh? lmao

>> No.15511314

Please just fucking kill yourself you worthless faggot.

>> No.15511317

It's not that deep. We'd all like to believe the world is getting better, we're becoming more just, we wont have to fight more wars against other people, that there are no irreconcilable conflicts

You could also push a model that talks about eternal fragmentation and how acquiescence ultimately only leads to slow death and degradation but it's too painful for most people. It's probably not even an evolutionary beneficial mindset in the sense that it's very pessimistic and that stuff tends to wither away with only few strong minds being able to stomach it, so even if people "understand", they wont understand for long and following generations will forget

>> No.15511319

sorry I couldn't hear you from way up here little guys
can you repeat that

>> No.15511320

You said what I have thought but haven't been quite able to put into words.
Does anyone talk about this in greater depth?

>> No.15511325

>He thinks height has any merit when he is in perpetual ectomorph skelly mode
I'm the perfecct height (6' 2") btw.

>> No.15511332

I'm 7'3 and have over 200 confirmed kills

>> No.15511354

this is a board for books faggot, go to /pol/, /news/, /tv/ etc

>> No.15511362
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>> No.15511408
File: 91 KB, 640x789, 1590950242322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one of the officers at my uni's tankie club and I take great pleasure in terrorizing the right-wing incels whenever they muster up the courage to leave their safe spaces and make a fuss in the quad, promoting their clubs.

We don't even have to argue with them. I can just ridicule them on their looks and they get visibly frustrated. None of them can do shit since I'm a pretty big dude.

I wish it was legal to beat them into a coma. I probably just want to hurt people.

>> No.15511456

Can't tell if larp or genuinely super cringe actually autistic teenager.

>> No.15511470

mythical rebellion and victimhood in general are used by these types of people as weirdly violent outlets.

>> No.15511473
File: 56 KB, 1172x659, EA42mJJXYAEzxWF_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15511482

It's weird you say that because this place has been calling for race war and revolution for 5 years now.

>> No.15511492


Lmao guess leftists aren't the only insecure ones. You politicucks are all the same.

>> No.15511494

>sucking the cocks of my capitalist overlords is so alpha
Nice one, pantywaist.

>> No.15511507

Whites should be put in cages. Left to their own volition, they are liable to chimp out at a moment's notice.

>> No.15511511

kill yourself you retard. this is off topic shitposting. fpbp

>> No.15511514


Whites have been discriminated against by blacks for decades now. Yet you don't see us falling prey to victimhood mentality, even though WE are actual VICTIMS of oppression. Blacks take our women, clog up our universities after only getting in on sports scholarships or bogus affirmative action decisions, They dominate our culture and push out legitimate art, striking at the very soul of the white race. Opioid abuse and instances of suicide have surged among my white allies in the heartland of America. The very ones who built this country. While other races prosper.

My brothers and I have been oppressed and victimized more than ANY other group of people in history, yet you don't hear us complaining about it. Not even once.

>> No.15511525

None of that is due to blacks, it's mostly Jews. You sound like a prog caricature of a white nationalist, i hope you aren't serious

>> No.15511537

Terrible bait

>> No.15511624

Bill Maher did a pretty good BTFO of "white liberals" on one of his shows, the segment was called "Wokemon Go"