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15491674 No.15491674 [Reply] [Original]

Substitute thread maker edition.

PREVIOUS >>15471560

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>> No.15491718

that episode was more terrifying than any X-Files episode.

>> No.15491785
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Last friday I bought these, did I do good?

>> No.15491792

dammit. I didn't write again. I'm completely off the wagon

>> No.15491822

Obviously. Number 1 brand of cigarettes where I live (South America)
>Monsieur Taco
So he inserted some local place he likes, wow.
It's probably one of the most famous brands for mouthwash worldwide. You can find it everywhere.
When your reading comprehension suffers this much people tend to nitpick on the little things.
>Carolyn and Jennifer were around the same age when they were adopted. So why does Carolyn know about mouth rinse, and not Jennifer?
To showcase how adaptable the MC was, and how eager she was to explore and discover new things and live like a normal person. She was the first to venture out, right? From a Father that lords over his children, to a "Mother" who's their own age and is more a friend than a power figure.
>King Kong, but not know Godzilla
It's unlikely, but perfectly possible. King Kong is much older than Godzilla and Godzilla was imported. King Kong has a bunch of tropes attached that have been memed in a lot of media (gentle giant, likes pretty things, the skyscraper scene).
>it pulled me out of the experience, as I'm trying to understand the rules
>But just enough to visualize the scenes in my head.
Trash readers need being spoonfed details to form mental pictures. Ambiguity bad.

>> No.15491919

Why isn’t there more fantasy horror?

>> No.15491930

OK, look, I don't have the gumption to go investigate all of the products to verify your claims. I remain doubtful, but I'm not going to focus on whether or not they're worldwide products, because that point is pretty much insignificant when it comes down to the that fact the products are use in such a glaring and inconsistent manner.

>So he inserted some local place he likes, wow.
He kept referencing it repeatedly, and how great the guacamole is. It was multiple times throughout the book. I suppose it was meant to be this running gag. But it just came across as product placement. I'm not even saying for sure it is product placement, because fuck if I know. I wouldn't put it past anyone to make a few extra bucks by dropping brands in their books though. That's a potential money maker there.
But regardless, it still *reads* like product placement. ery forced and out of place.

>To showcase how adaptable the MC was, and how eager she was to explore and discover new things and live like a normal person
But she also thinks about how they all sneak out to get tacos. So much so that they call the road to the taco joint the road to tacos or some shit. Jennifer has had a weed hook up for years. Oh and I neglected to think of this before: Jennifer's entire catalog is healing. If how does she not know about mouth rinse? If you really want to argue about how well known Listerine is world wide, then it should be known to Jennifer what mouth rinse is and how to use it. Apparently Listerine has a history going back to other medical uses as well. Jennifer should be able to identify the chemical properties and uses of Listerine by the scent. Yet she still needs instruction on how to use it.

Also, we know that the librarians know about the outside world, because they reference it all the time in their relation to their catalog. Where languages are from. The fact that some librarians speak different languages across the world. David being a an Erwin fanboy. The various references to excursions they've all had. Yet the medical professional never heard of Listerine? Really...? Like Really. Cmon.

>It's unlikely, but perfectly possible.
Dude, it's SUPER Unlikely. If you pointed to the sky and exclaimed "GODZIRRA" in an engrish accent, everyone would know what you mean immediately. No one would be confused like "I don't get it. Who is godzirra?" Fucking Dave Chappelle did a godzilla parody.
But maybe it's different down in South America. Maybe you're more ignorant of the big green guy. Not the US. Every single US citizen alive knows Godzilla by name and image. The likeliness of Steve not knowing Godzilla is unbelievably small.

Look, man. Just because you have this weird personal gripe against people complaining about product placement in books, doesn't mean I have autism. You clearly have some kind of chip on your shoulder. And you're dumping all your frustration on me.

>Ambiguity bad
Ambiguity needs purpose.

>> No.15491966

BOOK CLUB VOTING: https://www.goodreads.com/poll/show/201953-june-book-club-nominations

you must be a member of the sffg group to vote: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1029811-sffg

discussion happening in the established discord

>> No.15492115

>products to verify your claims
Where I live we have Walmarts. I have a Listerine bottle in my bathroom. I used to smoke Marlboros. I switched to Lucky Strikes. The brand that makes the toothpaste I use is literally named Colgate-Palmolive. They sell hair products as well. They used to air Palmolive commercials with local actresses.
You strike me as one of those ignorant Americans or Europeans who are dumbfounded when they learn people in certain less privileged parts of the world have cable TV or Internet, as if this wasn't the year 2020 ffs.
>But it just came across as product placement.
I had no idea it was a real place. I read it and thought "okay, so there's this place in the world the book is set that has good guacamole and the characters enjoy eating it".
>product placement
You keep talking about this as if it was a bad thing. 9 times out 10, product placement is done to sell shit, promote brand awareness, exposure, etc. Do you honestly thing this guy is advertising stuff? Maybe hoping Listerine will drop him a free life time supply of shit? Jesus Christ.
The worse part is you haven't explained why it's bad. You said "it felt forced" and took you out of the reading. Well, that's entirely like your opinion, man. See Autism and the point above.
I don't have to know if some brand of cigarettes in a Mishima novel is real or what the packet looks like. I don't have to even know how the International Hotel of Tokyo was like or lengthy descriptions. Until I read Nausea I had no idea what that jazz song sounded like and it's mentioned like 5 times in the novel.
Did any of the above took me out of the reading? No. In The Library at Mount Char I didn't find the brand names grating or distracting.
>Ambiguity needs purpose.
Dumbest thing you've said so far. What's the latest book you've read that devoted 20 pages to describing a living room? Hell, even Tolkien forgot to describe 1 or 2 tree roots. Ambiguity is inevitable and there's nothing wrong with it. A good writer will use a few key words to make a short description more vivid or accurate. Or just entirely ignore that because it's not important to what the story he's writing.
Granted, in this book's case it might be the product of the writer's amateur career. But I formed my own picture of the library, of Father, etc. When not given details, make your own.

>> No.15492197

>You strike me as one of those ignorant Americans or Europeans who are dumbfounded when they learn people in certain less privileged parts of the world have cable TV or Internet, as if this wasn't the year 2020 ffs.
No, I assumed that with all the anti-American bitching everyone does, that you would have your own products, with your own branding. And not just import everything from entertainment, to hygiene products, to cigarettes, to the news from America.
Colgate-Palmolive = American company
Listerine = Jointly owned by American companies
Marlboro and Lucky Strikes = American made too.
Why don't you have your own cigarettes? Your own mouthwash? Your own soaps?
If I'm guilty of anything, it's for assuming that you have your own culture left. But apparently, I'm the asshole for not thinking that you're part of the US empire.

>I had no idea it was a real place.
Same. However, the frequency of its use really set my alarm off. I finally looked it up at the end, when Steve and Carolyn ate there. That's when I was finally like "hang on, let me google this". It was just glaring, like I've been saying. He doesn't naturally incorporate these references into the book.

>Do you honestly thing this guy is advertising stuff?
I'm not saying for sure he is. I just find it all suspicious. At worst, it's product placement. At best, he's just doing a sloppy job at referencing known products. Now matter which perspective I look at it from, the results are bad.

>The worse part is you haven't explained why it's bad.
Yes I did. I gave you one example that shows you how it actually breaks the internal logic of the story. Is that not enough of an explanation?
I also explained how they stop to emphasize the products. Like how to use listerine. Or how great the guacamole is. Or, I forgot this until just now, since you mentioned a hotel. But there's that part where Carolyn somehow transports part of a hotel into the library. And I forget what name they called it. But they kept repeating the brand name, and emphasizing how comfortable it is. I mean, really, what a better way to advertise a hotel, than when a character is far away from home and looking for comforts? And then you spend a paragraph or two talking about how great this specific hotel brand is. It's GLARING.

>I didn't find the brand names grating or distracting.
Maybe you're just not all that observant, huh? I have a friend like you. He never understands how I seem to notice things that he never notices. One time I explained that I just notice stuff without even trying. That we were just watching the same show at the same time, and taking notice was as easy as breathing. He called my attention a "super power". He's also a complete fucking moron. Nice guy. But pretty fucking stupid. Can't be over 90 IQ. But you know, he works on himself and likes to learn. But he still tries the "well I didn't notice [obvious thing]" to excuse flaws.

>> No.15492218

>Dumbest thing you've said so far. What's the latest book you've read that devoted 20 pages to describing a living room?
Dumbest thing YOU'VE said. Why do you go so far extreme in the other direction? From no detail to then too much detail? That's disingenuous as fuck, and you know it.

When I said Ambiguity needs purpose, I only meant that it needs to add to the story in some way. Boost the narrative somehow. Ambiguity can work to make someone appear mysterious. And so you can get away with ambiguity for some time. But then when you reveal the character as just a man in the first few chapters and then throughout the book, you never play with the idea that he might be something different, then ambiguity doesn't serve anything. It didn't accomplish anything. It was just a void where detail could have gone.

And again, I'm not even asking for a lot of detail. By the end of the book, when they finally get around to describing some of the library's structure, it's not a whole lot. But it's enough to build a general idea. Pyramid shaped. Tall staircases that are shorter than they appear, furniture on ceilings. That's stuff that would have been nice to know sooner. In fact, adding these details so late is kind of annoying, because it breaks some of the visuals I've already substituted early on.

>> No.15492364

What are you going on about mate?

>> No.15492380

>But apparently, I'm the asshole for not thinking that you're part of the US empire.
Not an asshole, just an ignorant fuck. You don't seem to understand how capitalism and the full extent of globalization. I don't buy USA made Listerine. Colgate bought some local chemical companies or set up their own factories. Like they do all over the world. America exports brands and franchises, then route the money back home or to some offshore tax paradise.
>Yes I did. I gave you one example that shows you how it actually breaks the internal logic of the story. Is that not enough of an explanation?
And I explained to you how it's a retarded take on why she knows how to use Listerine and a bunch of how the outer world works (>>15491822).
As a child, didn't you insist on going back to McDonald's or whatever new place your parents took you? Of course they're just finding some new food to be delicious so they act like children about it.
>Maybe you're just not all that observant, huh?
Maybe you do have autism? I made an observation of how the listerine thing was not a matter of age or "internal logic", but rather a part of characterization with an everyday thing.

>> No.15492435

combining two niche genres that don't have a 100% readership overlap minimizes your potential customers

>> No.15492438

tl;dr lol

>> No.15492466

>Writing books according to what sells
This is a good reason people spit on genre fiction

>> No.15492501
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>Not an asshole, just an ignorant fuck
Well not for the reasons you originally assumed about me. You claimed I didn't know you guys have "cable TV or internet". Now you're moving the goalpost to "You don't know the locations of manufacturers." Which, I do happen to know, and I was already working under the assumption that these companies set up shop in other countries. None of what I said before conflicts with that notion.

And let me just add now: None of this petty squabbling over the recognizability of brands is helping your argument. Because knowing the brand is part of the problem in the first place. If they made up a fake brand name, then it would be no issue. Or if they just used generic terms like "mouth wash" instead of "listerine", then again: no problem. Their recognizability is the problem.

>And I explained to you how it's a retarded take on why she knows how to use Listerine and a bunch of how the outer world works
And I utterly dismantled your poor explanation in the very next post. >>15491930

>As a child, didn't you insist on going back to McDonald's or whatever new place your parents took you? Of course they're just finding some new food to be delicious so they act like children about it.
I might be able to accept this reasoning, if product name drops weren't so frequent. Or if their infatuation with the taco place was more natural sounding. But... Maybe you don't know what I'm talking about when I say glaring product placement. Maybe I'm trying to explain something that you don't have any knowledge of. It's a tonal thing. So if you're tuned to hear it, then you won't. Here... this video is very obnoxious, but it explains things https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxFFnd3tSNA

>I made an observation of how the listerine thing was not a matter of age or "internal logic", but rather a part of characterization with an everyday thing
It is a matter of internal logic. Because it BREAKS internal logic. If they wanted to characterize Carlyn as the type of person to try new and different things, then they shouldn't trample over Jennifer's character as the most knowledgeable healer to do it.

>> No.15492507

>Star Wars and a bunch of decent pulp
Nigger, you are an NPC.

>> No.15492510

Not everyone likes the ideal of a starving writer.

>> No.15492581

I'm playing Mechanicus and fuck this game is good, do I bother with any of the admech books? I know pretty much nothing about 40k.

>> No.15492600

this is exactly what lit fiction does lol, or are you slightly too young to remember when every single book cover looked like Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and was about a divorce.

>> No.15492622

Man i really enjoy reading the Halo series, except the karen travis trilogy. any other books like it, i can read after im done with Halo?

>> No.15492638
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You enjoyed that trash by Eric Nylund?
What the fuck nigga?

I remember that the Dark Heresy Mechanics supplement was excellent.
When it comes to Wh40k novels, Mechanicus or otherwise, they can really be a hit and miss affair. I remember that Titanicus by Dan Abnett was pretty good (although not focused exclusively on Mechanicus).

>> No.15492650

It was alright. It was still 10x better than the kilo five trash that karen travis wrote. But troy denning is my main favorite halo writer tbqh.

>> No.15492686

It ripped the concept from Ringworld by Larry Niven, so you could try that.
That said, I enjoyed Halo (the games at least) right up until anything involving the Flood. It has an interesting conflict and an interesting setting then suddenly >ooo space zombies
Then I stopped giving a fuck

>> No.15492698

I'll give it a go. I'm not expecting Nabokov or even Herbert.

>> No.15492710

I don't know about that. The UNSC was described as a banana republic, the SPARTANS were a hi-tech death squad, the whole convoluted story of those children being whisked away by ONI ghouls in the night, all of that was just terrible characterization.

Dan Abnett is always solidly good, sometimes being excellent.
Which can not be said for most of the Black Library authors.

>> No.15492711

Any recs? All I really know is Throne of Bones.

>> No.15492723

>That said, I enjoyed Halo (the games at least) right up until anything involving the Flood.
So like halfway through the first game?

>> No.15492732

There were parts in the games that focused on shit other than the Flood even after that, but the flood did ultimately drag down everything yeah.

>> No.15492847

Please enlighten me.

>> No.15492863
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Pic related is bad
Irrational characters are bad
Good guy - bad guy dichotomy is bad
The plot is all over the place and achieves nothing besides being a unit in itself
You should start by reading Greek drama and Aristotle's Poetics before you get into contemporary scifi.

>> No.15492912

What is the most pessimistic and hateful fantasy novel? Like pure contempt for the human race in fantasy form?

>> No.15492938
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Not traditional fantasy of course, of he doesn't write novels, but there you go.

>> No.15492987

Falconfar saga by Ed Greenwood.
Especially the first book Dark Lord. Towards the end the shit happening has no respect for human life what so ever and never should happen to anyone.

>> No.15493095

>Every single US citizen alive knows Godzilla by name and image.
So you speak for America now?

>> No.15493109
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Somehow I doubt this is what he's asking for.

>> No.15493167
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What the best Kim Stanley Robinson? Is this any good? 2312? New York 2140?

>> No.15493204
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Please list all the numbers that apply to you.

>> No.15493257

Not the original anon, but thanks. Added to my backlog. That seems entirely fucked up. Should be an interesting read.

>> No.15493286

Mars trilogy is what you want to read first, it's his most acclaimed but it'll also show you exactly what his writing is like so if you like him you can then move on to the other stuff

>> No.15493307

I don't know of this anon >>15493286 but I read his New York underwater (2140) first and enjoyed it enough to try another of his other books, red mars was horrible. I dropped it a few chapters in. Couldn't take the autism.

>> No.15493465
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i just started marathoning this today. what will i think of it? it's my first reynolds.

>> No.15494055

We are on page 8 and I'm not bumping. Just want to be the last to post.
We have 19 users and 43 posts. sffg is dead. You fucks don't monitor the thread so you can say w/e shit you like.

>> No.15494074

Forgot the new Kloos came out, think I'm gonna get back to new releases in june whilst still reading a bit of xianxia and then move onto classics in july.
Last two months have been nothing but xiaxia which is still better than what I usually do which is to burn out and read nothing for 3 months, this way I have some backlog to get through.

Probably will finish the murderbot novel first but of what I'd read so far it wasn't especially gripping.

Prefer being dead and the odd ontopic post to the alternative of 300 offtopic posts we get most weekends

>> No.15494079

I'm 100 pages into the first Deed of Paksenarrion book, and am wondering, does she ever doing anything wrong? So far, the worst she's done was have a slightly wrinkled shirt and said sir instead of lord.
My one friend asked me to read the book, so I'll at least finish it, but I'm dying for anything to actually happen. They're marching off to war now, so that's promising, but it's still pretty thin.
And what's with all of the names? Are you expected to remember the one off mentions of the Glamberbung faction or the Itchy Weasel religion for 9 books?

>> No.15494093

Each paks book is distinct, book 1 is war, book 2 is heroic trials book 3 is heroic quest.
It may feel a bit mary sueish but I think establishing paks' ability and righteousness is pretty essential to the story it wants to tell.

>> No.15494105

Dinosaur books. We need more dinosaur books.

>> No.15494141

I guess that's what I mean, though. She doesn't seem to be deficient in any notable metric.
She jogs a marathon in the first chapter, she picks things up just as fast or faster than anyone else, when she's wronged it is to cartoonish levels of abuse and rapery and the perpetrators are severely punished (I'm sure they'll turn back up again later on), she's the one to spot the Duke even when nobody else can see it, she's thinking and reasoning the same way as her commanders are.
I get that everything was written in one omnibus tome, but I just don't feel the hooks grabbing me.

>> No.15494152

(Why are the guys at the top talking about mouthwash?)

>> No.15494207


>> No.15494220

guy was claiming product references in some book were too regional too america, but then kept mentioning stuff sold globally as their examples

>> No.15494304

When will we get another fantasy series as well written as ASOIAF? It's been years.

>> No.15494314

I had no idea autism has such horrible effects.

>> No.15494353
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>> No.15494373


>> No.15494505
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I've read this book and found out it's part of an apparently large universe by the author, who is also the author of other large universes.

Does anyone here knows about this Michael Anderle/Michael Todd? Is there a reading order for the Zoo? Is the Kurtherian Universe worth getting into?

>> No.15494556

It's dead because the discord whores want social media shit in the OP.

>> No.15494598

Wow that cover looks horrible.
I am gonna check this out.

>> No.15494680

Can someone recommend me some good fantasy. Main requirements are strong male protagonist, very few females, strong well defined magic system, it must be an actual action adventure not romantic drama in fantasy setting.

I have just read mystic apprentice, recommended by amazon, and dear god it, it started out ok, but several chapters in and it was just a fucking romantic drama, with mc talking with his gf and pondering about life for 20 pages at the time. This is all fine but why have this in sword and sorcery category??

>> No.15494745

>strong well defined magic system
Do you really enjoy pages of extrapolation on how fictional physics get warped by magic writing or wrist flicks while saying the "true name" of an object to command it to behave in a certain way?
>Jimmy threw a ball of fire at johnny but johnny dodged the fireball.
>Jimmy drew the magic rune in the shape of a circle with a five pointed star on his palm and flicked his wrist like an elegant swan stretching it's neck while chanting "fireballis et flies" repeatedly before spinning around and hopping on one toe to launch a ball of fire at johnny but johnny dodged the fireball.
Literal filler.

>> No.15494957

There has to be an explanation why saying magical words invokes magic and it has to make sense.
The actual style of writing is not that important as long as it's done right.

>> No.15494975

>There has to be an explanation why saying magical words invokes magic and it has to make sense.
Why would you even read fantasy if you are that much of an autismo?

>> No.15495004

>There has to be an explanation why saying magical words invokes magic and it has to make sense.
Usually it's because le gob did it
or as i said, some nonsense about the true language of the universe which usually stems from, le gob named everything and that's why they exist in the first place
Same with runes
It's kind of like maths irl except with voodoo added on.

>> No.15495043

Because I like action and adventure fantasy with characters, story and plot.
If it is some just philosophical writing with author using some loosely defined fantasy setting to convey a philosophical idea or concept then I will not read that. Also romantic dramas where feelings of love and take precedence over everything else is also not my type of books.

>> No.15495090

>le gob named everything and that's why they exist
If it is actually used and exists in a fantasy world then there must be reason and explanation for it and it should even be tied to the story and plot of the book. If one is not given then it's a type of fantasy I am not interested in.

>> No.15495141

Sanderson, at this point you should know whether you like Sanderson or not. Well defined magic systems but way too much annoying women, IMO.
David Gemmell. Just everything he's written. Low magic and magic is not very defined, but I reccommend it on the grounds that he did some of the best action around. Grim without being the exagerated grimdark for the grimdark gods of nowadays.
Brent Weeks, both Lightbringer and Night Angel. Has romance but it takes a second place to the actual adventure.
Glen Cook. Everyone will talk about Black Company, but my favorite of his is the Garrett P.I. series, basically Nero Wolve in a fantasy setting with more action.
David Dalglish. Bunch of fantasy series in the same universe. Has a strong ttrpg vibe without actually using ttrpg rules. Portays paladins exceedingly well.
Hilari Bell, Knight and Rogue series. Low magic, but well explained. I avoid female writers as much as possible, but this particular series is one of my favorites.

>> No.15495162

I can't wait for the Dune trailer.

>> No.15495191
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When is it supposed to drop?
Everything I saw looked really, really bad.

>> No.15495249

>very few females
Why is this important?

>> No.15495324

goodreads group membership change takes effect in some hours. Requirement will be changed to having marked 1 SFF book with 100k or less ratings as read. Any member not meeting this requirement will be removed, though is free to rejoin at any time after meeting the requirement.

>> No.15495330

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.15495355

Females normally ruin any good story.

>> No.15495437

They're a part of the world though, that's like saying women ruin real life.

>> No.15495443

Well they do.

>> No.15495879

I really enjoyed it - takes a while to really get going but it really opens up. It's the only Reynolds I've read, but i'd read more based on this.

>> No.15495895

>Check the Nebula winners
>All women writers

How good a book would a straight white non-disabled man need to write to win a Hugo/Nebula in the 20's? Is it possible?

>> No.15495941
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nothing, even "males" (if the name of the author in pic related is "male", I doubt) write shit Sci-fiction today.
just read books until you hit the year 2010 of publication and that's all.

>> No.15495957

What are some fantasy series which have nicely done romances? Wheel of Time is basically the only fantasy I've read that had cozy adult romances that didn't make me want to skim pages and I don't really want to reread it because it's an investment.

>> No.15496070
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Big fantasy fans: where does Malazan rank for you? Most people I know telling me to read it aren't big fans of the genre in general, so I'm curious what seasoned fantasy readers think.

>> No.15496124

Deadhouse gates is one of my favorite books

>> No.15496131

Any good rational fic, beside fucking fanfics, and already read blindsight, second apocalypse, give some good ones.

>> No.15496227

Surprised Pinsker won although I guess they benefited from having an insanely well timed novel given that it's about life under social distancing.

>> No.15496306

Chalion, Sun Wolf and Starhawk, Unnatural Magic, Each Imager series and Modesitt in general.

Each Chalion book both has and is a romance with the relationships being between both the protagonist and both their love interests and their gods.
Sun Wolf and Starhawk is a really well done case of characters realising what they already felt under the surface. The writing when Starhawk has to finally confront her feelings is really good.
I read Unnatural Magic for the main plot but ended up reading on for the romance which initially feels like a disconnected subplot, the main plot ends up being kinda rote but the romance was really engaging. It's an oddball couple setup but the character work on it is really good.
Finally Modesitt loves to pair his male protagonists with smart partners who become able schemers. I've not read an outright romance by him but it's still always a nicely handled element.
Magician's apprentice series is also worth a look if you're not bothered by gay romance, the protagonist's relationship writing feels undercooked but the stuff with the secondary pov character is well done.

>> No.15496319

Swordspoint/Riverside series is fantastic, is gay tho

>> No.15496365

Read the first Murderbot noella and it was pure trash. I got baited by goodreads anon.

>> No.15496377
File: 513 KB, 750x1000, Trygalle Trade Guild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it. After reading nearly nine books the setting finally starts to make sense. I think I'll follow up with the other series set in the world.
The series doesn't hold your hand at all, but the depth and breath of the cast and world is worth getting lost in it on occasion.

>> No.15496451

I couldn't get on with the first book at all and haven't gone back yet.

>> No.15496524

Thanks, I will check those out.

Thanks. I will add these to my never to read list.

>> No.15496578

Thanks for the recommendations, these sound nice.
I don't mind gay romance as long as it's simply romance between men and not gay romance for the sake of being progressive and the story itself takes a backseat. I guess I'll find out where this one falls.

>> No.15496828

Where do you get your ideas to write your own stories?

>> No.15496959

The premise is probably less than 5% of what makes a good story. Execution is far more important. So write what you know, what you want to read, or any random idea.

>> No.15496965

plagiarize old stories nobody remembers

>> No.15496970

Normally you don't, you just copy others while changing some things.
Sometimes you can literally dream up ideas or settings, though personally I haven't experienced this very often.
How you dream them up is to you, sleep and try to recall dreams in the morning, or find a method of meditation that works for you.
I one time came up with a tune (I am not musician but my mind was somewhat occupied thinking about music that day), it happened almost spontaneously, the process is made up of several steps, get into the state of mind that leads to meditive state and then just stay there, spontaneous though may or may not occur.

>> No.15496975

It would have to be about climate change or something politically relevant. That's the only way to win literary prizes now

>> No.15497050

>Noticing things is autistic

Yep. Let me put it this way: Say there was a game show. And on this show, they ask random people on the street "do you know Godzilla?". Now you, as a contestant, have to guess whether or not the random strangers on the street knows Godzilla. Would you ever guess "no"? Just estimating the odds, would guessing no ever be a good guess?

>> No.15497076

>guy was claiming product references in some book were too regional too america
Actually no. I mentioned all the products early in the argument, in the previous thread.
And then in only a couple posts, the other anon convinced me that they were global brands. But the fact that they're global brands wasn't the end of the argument.

Also, I wasn't claiming that they were too regional. I was claiming that they were too recognizable. The other anon seemed to have this weird idea that the products being global meant something. When it didn't.

>> No.15497097

What's some good post-apocalyptic fiction?

>> No.15497102
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>> No.15497130

Oh also, in the previous thread, I wrote three large posts, with various critiques on the book. But the other anon only wanted to argue about product placement for some reason. He just became hyper focused on that, ignoring the other points I made. He didn't want to talk about character motivations, or plot structure or anything like that. He clearly has some chip on his shoulder regarding product placement. He must have been salty about a past unresolved argument or something.

>> No.15497348
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>> No.15497362

This is a fucking retarded argument, but...

...you are also retarded for even responding lol

>> No.15497373

/sffg/, help me find the will to write tonight. I'm getting anxious just thinking about it

>> No.15497385

Perhaps it is behind the couch

>> No.15497397

Why wouldn't I respond?

>> No.15497407

because debating with retards on the internet who use such stupid logic is fruitless

>> No.15497443

I get a kick out of it.
And besides, sometimes people are genuinely not considering your viewpoint when they post, and talking to them might persuade them to think more like yourself. Or vice versa. Maybe talking they end up persuading you.

>> No.15497684

What you "magic is mysterious" fags don't understand is that the mage is the protagonist in our books, not the chad swordsman, devilish rogue or the smarmy barbarian. If you are reading a book about a magician who can't do magic, then it isn't a book about a magician. If he is without magic and has to gain it back, fine. But why the fuck would we read a book (or books) about a magician protagonist who doesn't know how to do magic. You cunts are always used to viewing magic from the outside, from a non magical view point, but if the protag is the mage and we are seeing through his eyes, then of course it won't be mysterious to us. If it did he isn't a magician.
Jesus fuck you "magic is magic" fags have to be conan faggots.

>> No.15497739

>1 SFF book with 100k or less ratings as read.
That makes no sense. You can easily say any sff book with one rating or more. Show us on the dolly where the 100k plus rating book touched you.

>> No.15497843
File: 158 KB, 1020x582, animal-hero-tapir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You steal them from tapirs or "ain't going nowhere" threads on /lit/.

>> No.15497865

Seeing as The Outer Worlds won best writing over Disco Elysium. Impossibly so

>> No.15497959

What would you suggest instead?

>> No.15497974

Which science fiction greats have the best short stories? I've been reading a lot of Clarke recently and it has been a fun journey. I somehow missed the short story format entirely during my teenage SF phase.

>> No.15498066

I don't know why you came up with such a specific rule, so I can't suggest anything in its stead. I'm just saying that it seems that a book with 100k plus ratings touched you in a no no place.

>> No.15498093
File: 42 KB, 312x499, who goes there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading John W. Campbell's collection and they've been pretty solid so far. He's hung up on atomic power, but that was just the age. The Thing is a more faithful adaptation than I expected it was.
Some of William Gibson's stuff is good too.

>> No.15498225

Dresden Files soon...

>> No.15498362

It's to exclude anyone who has exclusively only read the most popular stuff which doesn't really help for recommendations. 100k is still a lot for most SFF books. It's not that specific.

>> No.15498422

There are many popular series that have less than 100k goodreads rating. I thought you did it because the philosofags joined the group and refused to read sff books (like they do here), so it was a stopgap to get read of those mental cucks.

>> No.15498451

Yes, I know that it doesn't exclude some of the most frequently discussed series in these threads, but there wasn't any need to make exceptions for them.

Almost all of the members removed had 0 sff books listed, that's true. Over half removed didn't have any books in the account at all.

>> No.15498522

>if the name of the author in pic related is "male", I doubt
Are you retarded? How many women do you know of are called David?

>> No.15498959
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Anyone got any incest kino?

>> No.15499251
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles E. Gannon came close this very year and his books aren't remotely good.

The Years of Rice and Salt if you can't take the autism.

>> No.15499287


>> No.15499767

Is there any book about modern or cold war era weapons users in fantasy land?

>> No.15499836

ASOIAF (obviously)
Time Enough for Love (Robert A. Heinlein)
The Left Hand of Darkness (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Ada, or Ardor: a Family Chronicle (Nabokov, very light speculative fiction)

>> No.15499837

Daniel Black. Has all the weapons.

>> No.15499843

Don't you love it when the mom just can't take it anymore, and sneaks into the sons room for some dick?

>> No.15500044

bamping this
gonna need some wholesome sibling romance and rough wild fucking preferably in a fantasy setting like Gothic and Witcher

>> No.15500084

Chronicles of Amber from Guns of Avalon on, Merchant Princes

>> No.15500198

What does /lit/ prefer? Hard magic systems or soft magic systems?

>> No.15500210

hard and smart

>> No.15500223

Like Brando Sando?

>> No.15500244

and GoT obviously
and Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura

>> No.15500287
File: 344 KB, 1500x1391, 1574651165642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic systems are for autistic manchildren that wank over power levels

>> No.15500462

>calls people manchildren while posting a pic with two meowths from pokemon, the ultimate manchild franchise

I like magic that isn't some ass pull. I just don't want some army appearing out of the MCs ass when it was stated that he can't do it all book. Smug authors who think they are smarter than their readers and can pull one over them deserves to go hungry. So many authors are hungry now that Sanderson has shown the light to the masses, they will no longer accept the dribble that authors used to dash at our feet.

>> No.15500502

I started reading Salvation, by Peter Hamilton. A Straussian read of the material makes me think he's /ourlad/, but otherwise it just seems thoroughly pozzed.
>lampshades the mongrelization of the United States
>in the distant future, the last remaining sentient races are being liquidated by an unseen adversary
>mankind's response to this seems to be to put transsexual deviants (((in charge of))) their kids and train them to be child soldiers

>> No.15500572

Salvation is pozzed, I got to the trannies point in the book and then dropped it. But his other books are ok, commonwealth saga was pretty comfy, night dawns trilogy was also good. Because PFH has a real publisher, I suspect (((publisher))) pushed for all that tranny shit for renewed contract.

>> No.15500605
File: 55 KB, 960x720, cec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody else here space out the lines in whatever ebook they read?
I've been doing that for quite a while since it's really annoying when the text is so compact. Otherwise it's easier to get lost when reading. Hopefully i'm not low iq for doing this.

>> No.15500729

I have my kindle set to the medium spacing option but I grew up reading those discworld books that are like 8pt print

>> No.15500736

book an eye test anon

>> No.15500832

What e-ink ereader do you faggots use? I'm thinking of supplementing my audiobooks with ebooks. There are so many good books that never saw, or will never see audio, and good audiobooks are becoming a scarce resource.
Do they still do text to speech? Can amazon remote lock them? Do they have sd card ports for expansion?
I don't mind investing in something good (not that 2k bucks ereader I heard about years ago though).

>> No.15500856
File: 82 KB, 220x250, croaker_t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Glen Cook. Everyone will talk about Black Company, but my favorite of his is the Garrett P.I. series, basically Nero Wolve in a fantasy setting with more action.

I always found Garrett PI massively overlooked because everyone always props Cook's dark fantasy works.

>> No.15500865

Nebula winners these days hold as much as weight as Good Reads winners.

>> No.15500884
File: 166 KB, 1175x925, Silverfox_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly. I'd say problem with Malazan is it requires from you to already be neck deep in fantasy so it won't overwhelm you. This is too much ask from your average reader. It's also at odds with modern way of writing fantasy which relies more on quickly making emotional connections with the characters so you care about them. I've lost count how many times Malazan totally switches the cast.

>> No.15500895
File: 148 KB, 825x1238, 712nyC97BjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Earth Abides a very comfy post-apocalypse novel. Very low scale and not bombastic in any way, though. More of a character drama with time skips.

>> No.15500968

every single book that won is good, why complain about stuff you haven't read?

>> No.15500980

Begone, hole.

>> No.15501134

Look into chinese brands, but if you want a kindle then buy kobo at least.

>> No.15501325

Kobo Clara

When plugged in it works like an external drive, so you can just drag and drop files. No account bullshit

>> No.15501425

you can do that on any ereader with calibre

>> No.15501581
File: 360 KB, 1200x2001, don-ivan-punchatz_foundation-and-empire_ny-avon-1973_n305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sci-fi and fantasy books have the best retro covers? pic related obviously

>> No.15501634

dick has an era of very good covers and one of awful ones, the current ones are bad iirc

>> No.15501649

dunno, in my third world country David still is a male name, but that author is a Canadian subhuman.
if you ask to the north american subhumans about their gender, you have to guess his "gender" or go to jail.
therefore, for me, a normal person, watching the decadence of the north american culture, that subhuman is "female".

>> No.15501662

Guys please I need your help...
I am trying to remember the name of this series, or just any of the names of the books. If anyone knows it, I promise to love you forever.
Here are the clues I have:

Short stories/novellas.
All of the stories have characters that are linked in some way, it is all set in the same area. Mostly all set in one specific town.
There are a very small amount of wizards, approx. 3. One of them is cursed to change appearance every so often.
One man is possessed by a God, I believe his name is Tempest. He is kidnapped and taken to a tower in one of the stories, where a madman performs experiments on him.
There is a leader of a group of assassins, I think his name starts with a "J". He and Tempest(?) dislike each other.
Most of the stories involve the same tavern. The tavern-keeper himself has a few tales around him.
There is a merc/thief guy that crops up quite a lot. No idea of his name sorry, I believe he is known to be quite handsome though.
IIRC the stories themselves are held together by an actual story-teller in the book.

Not sure what more I can give you, I have very broken memories of random events that happen in the book.

Cheers boyo's.

>> No.15501893

you sound like you have a lot of friends and a large penis

>> No.15501912

i mean, i keep my text as small as possible for no discernable reason, but spacing text isn't a brainlet thing, its an eyesight thing

>> No.15501931
File: 226 KB, 1110x1500, 1582322917647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, how do you know?

>> No.15501980

>oh no, this giant god thing is heading towards our city, we are doomed, nothing we do can stop him!!!
>nevermind lol, a tree just sprouted up and caged him inside it right as he got here, everything is cool lol
its hot garbage, ive read the first 6 books, but only because i purchased them, i should have pirated them first.

>> No.15501982
File: 32 KB, 334x499, dv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? Came across it earlier and piqued my interest with the "pandemic terrorism" angle

>> No.15501998
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>> No.15502004

Isn't silverfox supposed to be some thicc fertility goddess that looks like she needs a dick in her 24/7. That pic is okay I guess, but I'm not getting the lust vibes you read she puts out in the books.

>> No.15502034

Slightly above average. It's nowhere near as complex as moronic fanboys insist. The fact they mindlessly repeat stupid shit like "it doesn't hold your hand" should tell you just how capable of original and critical thinking they are.

>> No.15502046

because I saw them picking you up from your estrogen treatments

>> No.15502078

What's the battery life like?
Does it have buttons?
What's the capacity book wise?
Can you use it at night?
Is it heavy?
How well do you read with it?
How long does it take for eyestrain to occur (8hrs straight use without problems?)
Can you load apps to it?
Can it read cbr/rar files?
Does it have the built in dictionary think I heard other ereaders have?
I assume you owned one and use it, that's why I'm asking you these questions.

>> No.15502096

>can't refute my vision of the north american culture
>have to use subhuman tranny jokes to make me feel "insulted"
¿¿que paso, gringo?? ¡antes eras genial!

>> No.15502138

>antes eras genial!
>all English words
>up the stakes in time and get friendly

>> No.15502179

How do you chuckle fucks know when an audiobook is being worked on, or will be released?
Is there a site other than amazon-bezo-audible that informs the reader /listeners of upcoming works? It has to be somewhere, i hear faggots talk about books being dropped months before it happens.

>> No.15502218

>can't refute my vision of the north american culture (I'm waiting)
>can't demonstrate me that author is male (I'm waiting)
>still trying to derail with jokes (I'm bored)
and I'm not trying to get friendly, pal.

>> No.15502378
File: 201 KB, 750x1018, -CYslozpKpQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, time's up, even asking her discord friends, this idiot can't tell me if the author of that sci-fi trash is male or refute why I see north american culture like a bad thing, pretty sad coming from /lit/.
good bye /sffg/!!

>> No.15502599

>He now lives in New York City with his dog Mary Shelley
Author living in New York City is huge red flag.

>> No.15502810

I'm a different non taco speaking anon, anon.

>> No.15502849


>> No.15502858

Everything is a red flag to you idiots. No matter what you will pick some stupid reason why a author should be avoided.

>> No.15502927

>he doesn’t scrub a potential new authors social media for leftist ideology.

>> No.15502936

Le kill your le self le m8

>> No.15502984

>reading the author and not their work
/pol/ in a nutshell.

>> No.15503115
File: 733 KB, 1668x2222, patrick-rothfuss-2014-kyle-cassidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharing the same ideology is far more important then one's quality of work comrade... I mean kameraden.

>> No.15503279

>What's the battery life like?
I'm not totally sure. I've never managed to drain it before plugging it in to put more books on
>Does it have buttons?
Only a power button
>What's the capacity book wise?
If they're epubs it can store over a million. I'm not sure what sort of impact that might have on performance though, i've only got a few hundred on mine
>Can you use it at night?
Yes, it has a backlight that adjusts based on available light, you can also change how bright it is when it gets dark
>Is it heavy?
>How well do you read with it?
Not sure what you mean
>How long does it take for eyestrain to occur (8hrs straight use without problems?)
I've never had eyestrain using it, but i've never read for more than a few hours at a time
>Can you load apps to it?
I don't think so
>Can it read cbr/rar files?
>Does it have the built in dictionary think I heard other ereaders have?
English, French and Spanish. You might even be able to load more. It's probably my favourite feature as I won't always look up a word if I'm reading a paper book

>> No.15503618

god damn sffg. I have created so fucking many fictional creatures for my setting by the end of this I'm going to need a literal pokedex at the end to sort them all

Any idea what to call a centipede-like creature made of stone? I'm thinking something like Minerallipede

>> No.15503663

Every single poster in here who moans about awards is always like this, they've not read anything they're upset about.
idgi like why be mad about something you don't otherwise engage with

>> No.15503685


>> No.15503691

You just love to shove your head in the sand.

>> No.15503791

Does the MC at least kill her?

>> No.15504075

Anyone read this shit?

>> No.15504131

>>15503618 Onyx

>> No.15504293

Just finished Knife of Dreams, the last WoT book written by Robert Jordan. Is it actually worth reading the Sanderhack conclusion, or did he cock it up far too badly?

>> No.15504341

if you enjoy them, yes. robert e howard is great

>> No.15504494

You already cocked it up by reading past book one.

>> No.15504566

It's not necessary for it to be a TOTAL mystery you retard, but it needs some degree of mystery, otherwise it's just dumb super powers. You want a wizard not a fucking power ranger.

>> No.15504599

BOOK CLUB - https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m

dune is the selection, discussion will take place in the #dune channel, readalong tentatively scheduled to start on the 7th.

>> No.15504852

You may be thinking about Tattersail.

>> No.15504961

Go read non magician protagonist books if you want that, faggot.

>> No.15504965

Going to be my first time reading Dune I can't wait to start it

>> No.15504977

Yes. Fuck! That bitch just begs to be breed.

>> No.15505003

/sffg/, I'm debating whether I should serialize my novel online rather than publishing it.

I knew from the start this story was going to be hard to sell to a publisher. It's too cartoonish to be sold as an adult story but too violent and vulgar to be marketed it kids. on top of that, for someone who's interested in cultivating a fandom, a serialized release schedule is useful to maintain interest in a story and build a culture of speculation and obsession around it. To be honest though, the main reason drawing me to this idea is the dream of one day replicating Homestuck

>> No.15505078
File: 1.05 MB, 4356x1656, 1322730273223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replicating lightning in a bottle
dream on pal

>> No.15505090

lol its pretty fucking dumb and every time i talk to malazan fanboys they always shout something like >>15502034 said

>> No.15505170

Well, depends on what site you choose. If your story fits the site's audience and you have enough of it to hit whatever frontpage analogue it has, you might get a pay to read ahead/bonus content patreon running.

>> No.15505234

Have you posted your story somewhere else first? Or this is your first story? I'd recommend you to post some stories on Royalroad or similar sites to gauge the interest of the audiences.
If you're ballsy then just publish it on amazon.

>> No.15505354


I wouldn't use a niche site like that. My book would get drowned out by the content of other users and those sites don't have enough of a userbase to get what I'm looking for. I'd have to start out using a significantly larger social media site to get early readers either by posting my content there initially or commissioning fan art from the user base or a combination of the two.

I'm well aware it's a pipe dream. Homestuck had a ludicrously complex story that people talked about like it was /lit/erature, fun characters, incredible music by none other than Toby Fox and a much funnier and more original creator than I'll ever be.

That said I can replicate some of the factors. My only dream is that I can measure up to at least be on the same scale

>> No.15505368

REH is good for conan, the good pulp horror lies with Lovecraft, though. Conan is mostly Lovecraft's style in a shittier form --yet enjoyable still.

>> No.15505383

They vary wildly. Deadhouse Gates and Memories of Ice are exceptional with the rest being good to okay.

>> No.15505450

Unless you already have a following on that social media, you might remain even less noticed than on those sites that have an advanced search function.

>> No.15505461


>> No.15505488

/sffg/, I need a new rotation-based superpower for my character. rotating limbs was a mistake. it's hard to describe, and harder to justify without casually giving her animesque super strength.

it still needs to be something that I can tie in to acrobatics and that can be positively gory when used no holds barred, but it can't drift into any other "element" like gravity

>> No.15505595
File: 96 KB, 620x413, 1530170641312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that people who read or write chinkshit and LitRPGs should be set on fire.

>> No.15505800

Haven't read this one, but I read his River of Gods some years ago. It was pretty interesting and decently written.

>> No.15505935

every action the character takes rotates them into one of 3 states. super speed, super strength or super agility.
for example when character is super strong it a punch will hit hard but will be at the speed of a normal human. then it rotates to speed and so on.
this can also lead into plotlines where character looses control of the order of rations and has a random rotation after each use. and gotta find a way to fix themselves.
doesnt seem like an overpowered power to me and its easily explained and can be used in clever ways.

>> No.15506165
File: 108 KB, 500x647, Ragdoll-DC-Comics-Secret-Six-Peter-Merkel-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ragdolll as depicted in the comic Secret Six is probably right up your alley.

>> No.15506300


>> No.15506328

this was the best post-apocalyptic novel I ever read

>> No.15506332

Malazan is #1 for me, if we treat BotNS as sci-fi rather than fantasy. Currently reading Paths of Ascendancy, Wu and Dorian's comfy hi-jinks in creating the Malazan empire and going from one hare-brained scheme to another is very addictive and might actually be a better introduction to the series at large than the big Book of the Fallen stuff.

>> No.15506340

>Chapter 2 of Deadhouse Landing
>As always, the dislike in the girl's voice was obvious, and, as always, Sail chose to ignore it. She found the waist of the skirts too tight and realized she'd have to get Viv to let them out once again; she'd always been curvy, but perhaps there was a limit.

>> No.15506530

Do we have a romance chart?

>> No.15506835
File: 1.38 MB, 579x807, Dayside Taldain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end up finally finding a hard sci-fi Doctor Who story

>> No.15506837

Urban fantasy by women usually turn out to be romance novels.

>> No.15507233

I'm going to finish my fantasy book and all you fuckers are going to buy it, read it, and give it 5 stars on Goodreads, okay?

>> No.15507308

What's it aboot, eh?

>> No.15507493
File: 22 KB, 317x499, 51EY7uQAwiL._SX315_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favourite fantasy novel

anything similar?

>> No.15507504

Try Elric.

>> No.15507508
File: 224 KB, 1080x1080, therealsjmaas_74896041_442955556623296_6336825714652688256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15507936

Is incest acceptable yet? How well over would a protagonist boning his hot mom go?

>> No.15507957

Oedipus is well accepted into the literary canon, why should you do worse?

>> No.15507980

Oedipius is a tragedy though and more of a cautionary tale about fate. Then again my protagonist is a bit of a scumbag so it's not like I'm glorifying it.

>> No.15507999

It's okay if she's hot

>> No.15508007

OP here. Just letting you know that you can't rely on me to make threads regularly. I did it once, because it was convenient. But I don't want thread duty.

>> No.15508066


>> No.15508216


Please do not advertise this one in the thread anymore. This is run by a pedophile and there is a hidden CP channel in that Discord. Being in it will put your account at risk.

>> No.15508271

As long as mc is fucking his (female) cousin or niece it's fiiiiiine and absolutely acceptable, fucking a sister is dangerous waters, fucking mother is line you
should not cross. Also no homo relationships unless your a fag.

>> No.15508274

stfu bitch. You are the new thread slave. I escaped years ago and you aren't making me do it again.

Don't put any discord in the OP.

>> No.15508280

That's fine too, but especially don't do that one unless you want to get people's accounts deleted for being in a pedophile Discord.

>> No.15508304

A-a-are you back, Sarahposter?

>> No.15508382
File: 412 KB, 512x512, k7nn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there scifi books that go beyond the scale of one galaxy?

>> No.15508418

you salty bastard, you can't just leave

>> No.15508427

Currently reading The Waking Fire, if it's like any other of his book then it should be a decent read.

>> No.15508446

The end of Revelation Space goes up to filaments, but in a story told to a character. Maybe Star Maker by Stapledon, it goes over 2 billion years of future history.

>> No.15508458
File: 15 KB, 460x288, pedobear_1714073c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you gotta lie. There is nothing in there.

>> No.15508500

It's a hidden channel with cp in it - you can't even see it exists unless the owner gives you special permissions. Very disgusting. Don't go in there unless you want to risk your account being banned.

>> No.15508501

okay choice of magic fag, the audiobook is up. will report by tomorrow when I finish.

>> No.15508517

Can someone just recommend me one somewhat well written fantasy book that isnt bullshit to read in these quarantined times? I refuse to believe this genre is dead.

>> No.15508518
File: 114 KB, 460x460, 6895744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how did you get permission?

>> No.15508585

that's a thick book. good reads keeps plastering it on the front page for some reason. effective looking cover, though.

>> No.15508659

Looking for some broad recommendations, /sffg/.

The following are the sffg authors I have loved enough to have physical copies of, and would say most define my tastes:
>Abercrombie, Bakker, Glen Cook, Gibson (Neuromancer series only), Harrison (Light series, will get Viriconium), Herbert, LeGuin, Miller (Liebowitz), K.J Parker, Peake, Tolkien, T.H White, Wolfe and Zelazny.

I'm particularly looking for recommendations in fantasy, sword and sworcery type stuff, as I've been reading through a heap of the SF Masterworks series. Looking for a break from SF and to see what authors I've missed in fantasy that I've covered off in SF (Clarke, Asimov, Dick, etc.) if thry have any equivalents. Of the SF series I best enjoyed Bester, Dick and Pohl.

Also as a side, anyone ever read anything by Miller that wasnt Liebowitz, and was it worth it?

>> No.15508660

>that isnt bullshit to read
>I refuse to believe this genre is dead.
people don't answer recommendation requests worded like this because it sounds like you'll moan about whatever is suggested

>> No.15508676
File: 199 KB, 622x933, 3433047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THICK author, THICK book.

>> No.15508690

Are you unable to read?

>> No.15508716

>I'm particularly looking for recommendations in fantasy, sword and sworcery type stuff
You could try read some Conan.

>> No.15508760

Conan and Elric I've somehow never got around to, which is more what I'm after? I see both universes have lots of content, where do I start? Only Conan is the Arnie film, and I've never seen or read any Moorcock except Behold the Man.

>> No.15508801

All the Conan I've read are stand alone stories so you could pick any one at random or read through them in publication order. My personal favourite is Queen of the Black Coast


>> No.15508812

>The We Thought Last We No Longer Astronaut Needed Her...

>> No.15508828


>> No.15508906

>Looking for some broad recommendations, /sffg/.
John Green. I'd say Sarah Maas but Sarahposter already posted her itt.

>> No.15508905

See >>15508501

>> No.15508956
File: 189 KB, 1080x1350, d880dde959f0b2c911df1b2bb99679a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but I was joking, you just might be serious.

>> No.15508957

unlike you, welfare neetfag, I work. I can multitask when using an audiobook. If I were to read books in my free time I wouldn't get to read much.

>> No.15509126

we know you're lying because the whole civilised world is in quarentine

>> No.15509129

What kind if job do you do that allows you to multitask? A trucker?
Also I am not on welfare, I wish I was though.

>> No.15509158
File: 609 KB, 2618x3774, [www.gonewild.co]waifu (40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but I am working from home. And will continue to do so for quite some time.

>> No.15509485

Proof reader. I work in media.
Basically, typing shit people wrote so it can be digital, and checking shit other people typed for grammatical or spelling errors. Been doing it so long that I can listen to low bandwidth books like that while doing my work.

>> No.15509542

I fucking hated River of Gods but haven't read this

>> No.15509577

Ok, waiting for your report.

>> No.15509626

Conan is a little less nuanced, a little more brutish and fun. The stories are a bit formulaic but surprisingly less than one would expect; there is usually something pretty crazy and unexpected.

Elric is a bit more modern, a bit more grim, a bit less fun. Elric is also not really an aspirational or especially fun protagonist, which Conan definitely is.

>> No.15509954

Sounds exciting bro.
You pull a lot of pussy?

>> No.15510196

Well I make money, so girls flirt with me thinking I will simp ("oh I'm so hungry, buy something for me anon"). I might break down once or twice and buy something, but never more than once for the same girl.
I also don't trust females, so I can't pull pussy. Don't want no rape charge, or a surprise baby. Spending your youth on 4chan then transitioning to the adult world really fucks with your perspective of people. I can't trust anyone to be intimate with them. Also having female friends telling me how they blatantly cheat on their bf with someone else if they are cute enough makes me stay clear in general.

>> No.15510263

So you don't pull pussy, do you pull dick? You also seem to be transitioning.. how is that working out for you?

>> No.15510315

Almost finished with The Hobbit. Nobody told me it was a children's book.

>> No.15510335

Every foreword I've ever seen for the hobbit immediately mentions that Tolkein came up with it as a bedtime story

>> No.15510341

Did you not realize that when, in the opening chapter, the reader was directly addressed and explained to? Nor when this continued throughout the book?

>> No.15510388

IDK I love the ending and think Sanderson did a great job.. except for Mat chapters

>> No.15510390

Are you implying that I'm a tranny?
You know there is vocel right?
>if you don't fuck pussy you are either a faggot or a tranny

>> No.15510457

Would you fuck pussy if it was presented to you spread wide open?

>> No.15510551

You were never metoo'd, were you?

>> No.15510709

What the fuck are you niggers on about now
First it's Listerine and now blogging

>> No.15510804

We joke about the 'tism and basedboys and tranny's but they are here, with us, posting.
Truly a chilling thought.

>> No.15510911

Maybe because you are a child.

>> No.15510970

I thought this was a series for adults

>> No.15510980

Maybe you're just retarded.

>> No.15510993

Maybe you're coping.

>> No.15511789
File: 87 KB, 800x1015, Maybe-Its-Maybelline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15511792

/sffg/, I'm beginning to think this spinning-themed character was a horrible idea.

I just wanted to add a female character to a group that was formerly a sausage fest and since so many people were posting AtLA memes i got the idea for a character that was supposed to be Toph if her parents made her take ballet. It seemed like a good idea at first but now I'm realizing that because my characters have no issues killing the only way to make her seem like a brute by comparison is to go all the way into coldsteel territory and make her a fucking edgeloli who turns her enemies into to puddles of gore. On top of that, she's now the only girl in a group of villains led by a sleezebag, and she's an absolutely perfect parallel to a character who has a crush on said sleezebag's parallel, which means it would be bad storytelling NOT to put her in a creepy-ass pedo relationship

>> No.15511875

How to become more creative? I want to twist and twist science fiction, I see the works of those I admire and I can feel depth, I worry about my ideas not holding this amount of depth and quality

>> No.15511911

make her into bonesaw from worm

>> No.15511958
File: 7 KB, 121x200, stormbringer cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Elric worth reading after Stormbringer?

>> No.15511976

unfortunately I already have a Kenzie and a creepy girl who mutates people. My cast isn't big enough to double up on personalities or powers.

>> No.15512216

okay, I've thought this over more and I'm weighing my options to make her seem less edgy and more like a violent tomboy, and here's some ideas

>she just beats the monsters to death with hand-to-hand combat instead of using a weapon.
>same thing as above, but she doesn't kill the monster, just beats it unconscious and then humiliates it in some undetermined immature but preferably non-fetishy way showing she wasn't even hunting it for food or the safety of others, she just wanted to beat something up for the hell of it.

the downside of both these approaches is I don't know how I can justify my characters being too freaked out by her behavior to approach her.

>> No.15512320

Jesus fuck this book is thick. I can brain someone with it.

>> No.15512328

No, you should go watch marvel.

>> No.15512349
File: 1.27 MB, 2300x1737, cosmere_constellation_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What filth do I read next?


>> No.15512451

lmao at this fake as fuck roleplay

>> No.15512499
File: 8 KB, 246x138, you_fucking_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she just smells really bad

>> No.15512517

>I can't experience something in life, therefore if someone else talks about it then they larping

>> No.15512585

Alright I just finished this a couple of hours ago and I've been on the Malazan wiki ever since. While I enjoyed Gardens of the Moon this was something else entirely.

Jesus Christ what an ending. I don't think I've ever hated a character more than Mallick Rel ever.


>> No.15512589
File: 56 KB, 648x386, Deadhouse Gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course I forgot the image.

>> No.15512809

Memories of Ice is even better, bro.

>> No.15512847

Deadhouse gates really was an amazing ride

>> No.15512886

Fucks sake mate, if she's gonna be in the edgy villain group, make her a goddamn edgy villain.

Power wise just give her air powers, she uses spinning kicks and whip kicks to create wind blades, when she fights she leaves her opponents in bloody pieces, literally. Fighting style she uses a mix of ballet, capoeira and taekwondo, which her parents let her learn because they're good leg exercises to help with the dancing.

>> No.15512966

Cool story bro. Why are you trying so hard to get the link removed just so your shitty discord is the only one linked?

Go seek attention somewhere else.

>> No.15512973

really? i kind of thought the ending was the worst part. felt very rushed and almost comical. like the characters just turned into parodies like monty python or something. the other plots in the book basically went nowhere as well. 6/10 just because most of duiker's story was good

>> No.15513009
File: 37 KB, 479x487, coltaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15513044

>Le Cold Iron, Le Chain of Doges
He's a sellout and nothing more.

>> No.15513070

Hot take - remove all D*scord from the premises

>> No.15513106

Behead those who insult Coltaine

>> No.15513450

Hotter take: close 4channel down and move its archive to wherever reddit stores its shit

>> No.15513857

This. Anyone who posts about Disc should be straight-up banned, and if you can't talk about SCIENCE-FICTION and FANTASY, your newfag ass shouldn't be posting here anyhow.
Not that newfags will ever listen because they're spoiled children or young adults with crippling developmental issues.

>> No.15513900

You can defend that pedophile's child porn server all you want, but other people are going to be disgusted and want to take it down. This is a public service.

>> No.15513950

You are an attention seeking faggot who owns the other discord in OP and you are telling lies to try and get the link removed so only your discord is in the OP.

Are you 12 years old? Go get attention from mommy.

>> No.15513972

the guy saying it's a cp server is rosecrypto, mad because he got banned, NOT the other discord's owner.

>> No.15513977

I read all Wolfe, now there is no more Wolfe

>> No.15514013

Time to read Ayn Rand!

>> No.15514098

Stop defending pedophiles.
Guess again.

>> No.15514214

I don't use discord so often and have to ask: you need proofs before reporting that shit??

>> No.15514297

What's with those covers? They're an eyesore.

>> No.15514302

They all look like self-pub and illustrators are expensive

>> No.15514313

Clark Ashton Smith. Pic up Lost Worlds, if you like him go balls deep and buy these: https://camelotbooks.com/books/detail/the-collected-fantasies-of-clark-ashton-smith

>> No.15514320

The Children of Hurin

>> No.15514345

> do you need proof before saying something on the internet?
obviously not

>> No.15514504
File: 240 KB, 1280x896, tumblr_5361e4aba070a4fe63e313bc09a39efe_e111c2d5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just finished Claw of the Conciliator last night and I feel sad about Jolenta. I feel like she was written as to represent every woman who judges herself the queen of creation due to her untamed beauty, but seeing her wither and die was a giant bummer.
Then again maybe I just wanted to fuck her.
God I love these books.

>> No.15514567
File: 49 KB, 640x481, This is very good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? goosh goosh

>> No.15514585

>tfw you will never fuck your granny

>> No.15514676

Not really how I imagine Dr. Talos at all, got such a clear picture of something entirely else in my mind
But I mostly like everyone else
Hethor looking a bit too young, imagined him as older and more hobbled
Jonas maybe looking a bit too mysterious, I envisioned him as ordinary on the outside

>> No.15514949
File: 123 KB, 486x597, image0-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books on "forever wars"? Huge global wars that are waged by either superstates or alliances. And seem to have no end in site and will eventually leave the earth as one big vacant battleground. Not looking for something post apocalyptic(book of Joan) but during it

>> No.15514956

*during it

>> No.15515176


>> No.15515181

Where’s the new bread?

>> No.15515244



>> No.15515795

you're a faggot