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File: 22 KB, 200x270, Atlas0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1555491 No.1555491 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.1555497

Great, douches too lazy to read can still go through their "asshole Randian phase" thanks to this movie.

>> No.1555523

kill all objectivists

>> No.1555540

Can you give me, a britfag, an example of an "asshole Randian phase"? Does it occur to young university age males in America? What happens to them?

>> No.1555549

i blame bad education

>> No.1555551


ppl who read rand but not smart enough for nietzsche tend to think that simply acting like you are better than others makes them so.

>> No.1555552

it's like nihilism for hipsters

>> No.1555554

It's funny because it'll be the Battlefield Earth of the decade.

I mean, watch that preview and tell me it looks good.

>> No.1555562

My Science this looks worse than any trailer Ive ever seen. I didn't even like Atlas Shrugged but it doesn't deserve this kind of treatment.

>> No.1555580

RAILROADS because those are relevant.

>> No.1555598

Let's write headlines for reviews of Atlas Shrugged: The Movie: Part 1.

I'll get the easiest out of the way first.
>Objectively Terrible

>> No.1555608


It has the black guy from house on it.
I now think much less of forman.

>> No.1555632


>> No.1555637

But no srsly if this looked anything like Bioshock I probably would see it on opening day.

>> No.1555651

>implying rand has original contributions that warrant a school of thought
rand was mainly remarkable for how much wrong she can manage in one sentence.

>> No.1555662

>More recently, the author of The Virtue of Selfishness and the statement "if civilization is to survive, it is the altruist morality that men have to reject" has found an unlikely pair of fans in the Hollywood humanitarian set. Rand "has a very interesting philosophy," says Angelina Jolie. "You re-evaluate your own life and what's important to you." The Fountainhead "is so dense and complex," marvels Brad Pitt, "it would have to be a six-hour movie."


>> No.1555672

Reading it I had moments when I was convinced it was satire or left wing propaganda. I mean her ideas are retarded just on face value alone. It seemed like an long-winded, though readable, straw-man of right wing ideology.

Then I realized that people actually buy into this shit. I'm very glad I read it. Now I know that people like Ron Paul are witless fools. I had actually suspected that there was some, almost, reasonable basis for their thinking, but I was wrong.

Howard Roark says that poor people are just less competent, lazy or presumably genetically inferior. And only the truly selfish give to charity. Wow.

>> No.1555678

Once you learn that she was a unsuccessful second rate Hollywood screen writer it starts to make sense.

>> No.1555684

>Brad Pitt


>> No.1555691

i h8 confident ppl, they always get away with shit

>> No.1555709


> Can you give me, a britfag, an example of an "asshole Randian phase"?

The "asshole Randian phase" or "Randroid Phase" is when a young man (or sometimes woman) mistakes himself for a Randian hero in a Randian world and begins to feel that anything they are able to rationalize is thus rational and therefore objectively so.

The first part of that is a commonplace occurrence because around 15-23 most people are still able to easily believe that something as simple as reading a book and deciding that you want to be something makes it so. Rand's characters are particularly appealing models for this because they are genuinely meant to be heroic and not realistic, but readers aren't necessarily able to distinguish this and mistake them (and the villains) as representative of reality. Additionally, being able to say "I am an Objectivist" rather than "I want to be like this character in this book" makes more people take this seriously than (say) the young men who want to be Heinlein's undeniably fictitious Lazarus Long.

The latter part is particular to Objectivism and it's overall mistake of treating humans as unbounded in their capacity for reason. (In Rand's defense--something I can't say I enjoy saying--most of the scientific evidence for bounded rationality and cognitive biases came decades after her major works.) The young Objectivist often seizes on the ability to cite "reason" as an excuse for anything they want or believe without learning to analyze their own behavior and motivations or question whether their reasoning is sound, instead favoring the heroic fantasy in which they already know they are right (it says so in the book!) and being questioned or persecuted only solidifies that belief. This is the thing that makes them excruciatingly obnoxious in conversation about almost any topic.

>> No.1555779



>> No.1555794
File: 21 KB, 419x346, 1296616950460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1555816


>> No.1555826

What's with all the God damned threads about Rand?

If you like her: I get it.

If you don't: Why are you fueling the fires?

>> No.1555830

bashing rand and randoids is one of the great joys of life.

>> No.1555848

What the fuck is this shit even about? From the trailer I just saw trains and CEOs at parties.

>> No.1555862

The movie is basically a low budget direct-to-video secure-the-rights cash-grab made by c-list people, but for some reason it got a theatrical release.

>> No.1555876
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1286306641441s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an awful book written by an awful woman sure to be a truly awful film

>> No.1555907


> implying Eat, Pray, Love was a bad film
> implying Harry Potter was a bad film
> implying Twilight was a bad film and didn't deserve that Oscar

> flug feceas

That's what ReCaptcha thinks of your post, and I'm inclined to agree.

>> No.1556250

>Atlas Shrugged, and So Did I

>> No.1556258

You have shitty taste in movies.

>> No.1556277

at least they have their target audience

>> No.1556287

> trailer
"Hang on, this actually doesn't seem terrible. Although the TV-style lighting is pretty bad."

> Part 1
"Oh for the love of Christ."

>> No.1556288

Usually, trailers hide the fact that the acting is terrible. This one doesn't even pretend to cover it up. Look at how wooden and "talking head" the lines all are in this thing.

I'm shocked, really.

>> No.1556316

haha, that was my reaction as well

>> No.1556345



Ayn Rand's characters were all wooden talking heads.
These actors could be very very good, and their acting impeccable... they just have absolute shit to work with.

>> No.1556603

>atlas is shrruging of shame

>> No.1556627


I never read Atlas Shrugged, but wouldn't it make more sense to have it be an airliner or something more relevant to the times?

>> No.1556636

It's actually in the future when America realises that trams and trains (like in superior Europe) are the way to go.

>> No.1556646

God that just looks...horrible.

I'm reading the book right now, and some parts of it are just hilariously bad. Like I'm sure this movie will be

>> No.1556670


I love trains in principle but the US is just too goddamn big.

>> No.1556682

>implying Europe and the US are not similar in size
Also, cannot into trans-Siberian.

>> No.1556701

Actually, it doesn't look that bad. Not something I would go see, but I don't get why you would say it looks so bad..

>> No.1556717

It looks melodramatic as fuck,
horrible lighting, soap opera tier acting, ect ect

>> No.1557436



>> No.1557453

>horrible lighting, soap opera tier acting, ect ect
>horrible lighting
>rewatch video immediately
>either you have a very high standard of lighting, or...
>10/10, you made me watch the video again.

>> No.1557458

This seriously looks like the quality of a Left Behind movie with God swapped out for capitalism

>> No.1557461
File: 16 KB, 307x438, Austin..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This trailer is making me...


>> No.1557465

Trailers are supposed to make you interested.

They asked it like 10 times and I still do not care who the fuck John Galt is.

>> No.1557471

Oh god why can't I stop laughing

>> No.1557475

Jolly good show.

Bro dont you get....You are John Galt, he lives inside your heart.

>> No.1557481

I haven't even read the book and that sounds stupid as shit.

How would The Matrix have gone if Morpheus said, "But Neo, don't you see? You don't need to find the Matrix. That Matrix was in you the whole time!".

>> No.1557489

*you get it

Fuck, I dun goofed...but I aint deleting it.

Also, does it seem like their gonna make Galt fat, based on :12-:16?

They hired Limbaugh didnt they?

>> No.1557492

Check Imdb, bro. He is being played by Dick Cheney.

>> No.1557493

>> The young Objectivist often seizes on the ability to cite "reason" as an excuse for anything they want or believe without learning to analyze their own behavior and motivations or question whether their reasoning is sound

Thank you for explaining this. I have a friend who's never read Rand but keeps citing "pursuit of reason" as the philosophy that will unite all humanity in common consensus and agreement if people can only be encouraged to see how cultivating logic and reason will benefit their lives. And I keep telling him that while that may be true, everyone operates with a slightly different definition of what exactly is right and true and logical, and people are piss-poor at filtering their biases out of their "logical" conclusions too.

I agree with this.

>> No.1557502

Im joking. Actually hes a genius who figures out how to get FREE ENERGY but got butthurt when the autocompany he worked for tried to do a commie thing. He got so butthurt he decided to gather up all the capitalist supermen who run the world (yes theres a handful of rich fuckers whom the world cant function without, roll with it) and bring the world to its knees by convincing them to hang out at his place.

He then proceeds to make the longest radio speech of all time.



>> No.1557786
File: 104 KB, 1000x686, 48239_1649486433886_1138733077_31857501_6211222_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlas never got hugged