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File: 1.23 MB, 1263x1600, Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15714540 No.15714540 [Reply] [Original]

Which authors caused the most deaths of human lives through their influence?

Pic related for me

>> No.15714544
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>> No.15714585


>> No.15714592
File: 6 KB, 259x194, thebible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one author but this compilation of works by assorted ignorant savages

>> No.15714600


>> No.15714605
File: 7 KB, 200x253, evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're pointing to the wrong enemy

>> No.15714606


>> No.15714619


The thing is, you could point to hegel. But Hegel didn't have the intention of killing millions of people, Marx did however.
>inb4 never read Marx
You're very naive to think Marx had good intentions

>> No.15714635

Genuine question: What sets Marx apart from other ideological revolutionaries in that regard?
Anyone advocating revolution must expect that people will be killed

>> No.15714636
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whoever wrote the first 3

>> No.15714656

>implying the book of mormon isnt equally as destructive.

>> No.15714666

>Anyone advocating revolution must expect that people will be killed

Say that to Portugal

>> No.15714671
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give it ten years

>> No.15714837

the Logos.

>> No.15714926

Plato and Aristotle influenced pretty much every strand of human thought and thus caused most of the bloodshed in the western world.

>> No.15714937

Mao seems a lot more direct in that regard

>> No.15714944

>What sets Marx apart from other ideological revolutionaries in that regard?
his rhetoric was an is incredibly successful in accomplishing it's goal of dividing people and pushing them against one another.

>> No.15714991

me when i finish my book

>> No.15715008
File: 1.83 MB, 1448x2016, gay-faggot roussissy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15715036

>But Hegel didn't have the intention of killing millions of people, Marx did however.

>> No.15715142

Lol I’m extremely anti-communist but this line of thought is so tired and womanly.

>> No.15715168

Quran also.

>> No.15715197

Nice Masonic one hand pose there

>> No.15715437


>> No.15715462

you've clearly never read marx

>> No.15715479

Marx practically personlly starved Chinese and Russian peasants. His book just pointing out flaws in Capitalism also had the last chapter dedicated to saying "kill 300 quintillion because of me"

>> No.15716143

Wrong board.

Take this trash over to pol.

>> No.15716204

Outside Mountain Meadows, Mormons have basically never killed on the basis of religion compared to the other three, the most is a few sectarians or psychos acting solo like the LeBarons, the Laffertys, and the Oregon school shooter, and the first two of those spent their time killing other Mormons.

>> No.15716211

Thales of Miletus

>> No.15716214


>> No.15716216

Hariett Beecher Stowe
Debatably >>15714671

>> No.15716272

Marxism is the true German Ideology, Marx and Engels just didn't realise it

>> No.15716310

my parents structure their lives all the way down to their underwear based on the whims and delusions of a 19th century pedophile + con man. they're so brainwashed they might as well be dead.

>> No.15716327

OG Mormonism is fucking based, like an Anglo-Saxon equivalent of islam. Sadly modern mormonism is just a cuck cult.

>> No.15717680

Saying that Marx cause death is as stupid as saying Descartes caused the loss of spirituality, Nietzche was responsible for the Einsatzgruppen, or Simone de Beauvoir responsible for modern feminism.

>> No.15717695

The more an ideology has killed the better honestly. Shows they’re not LARPing

>> No.15717701

this is the correct answer

>> No.15717886
File: 56 KB, 1172x659, EA42mJJXYAEzxWF_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Descartes caused the loss of spirituality

>> No.15717895
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>Not one author but this compilation of works by assorted ignorant savages

>> No.15717921

Anyone who had substantial impact on China.

>> No.15717944

If only you knew how stupid you idealists really are.
Industrialization, wage labor, and consumerism, which are all emanation of Capitalism, caused the loss of spirituality. Not an author written 3 century ago which nobody even ever read.
In the idealist mind, everything is willpower, everything is politics.
By the way, common denominator of idealists, whether royalists, natsoc, or even Marxist leninists, is that they never talk about abolishing the mode of production. Idealism is only about political programs, reforms, reform this, reform that, identity, religion, whatever, but NEVER ABOUT THE CONDITIONS OF PRODUCTION.

>> No.15717980
File: 76 KB, 1136x852, joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up you souless materialistic Commie or we'll boot your ass like we did in the Cold war all over again

>> No.15718042

Nietzsche, if you know how to examine history. His attributable death count is far from over, too. His works influenced:

>the development of Nazi Germany
>the development of Soviet Russia
>the domination of American Capitalism and the development of American Ultraliberalism
>indirectly the development of many Communist nations
>indirectly all the military technology that has come from these societies

>> No.15718094

Since when do Capitalists have a soul, or maybe you are just pretending?

>> No.15718104

They're the only people today with souls. The enterprising capitalist sees the world as an Open World Survival Crafting videogame and turns barren land into structured society.

>> No.15718114

The ancient schizoid Shepard's that wrote the bible

>> No.15718116

Based idealistic Capitalist

>> No.15718197

Turning barren land into a soulless cold machine. Turning fertile land into barren land.

>> No.15718219

Cope, soulet.

>> No.15718223

You are so accustomed to ugly that you don't see it anymore.

>> No.15718259

4chan needs to implement some kind of basic test to prove you have read Marx before you are allowed to post about Marx

>> No.15718267

I'd rather country flags be enabled on every board so we can finally see where all the communist shitters are coming from.