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15762464 No.15762464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>hurr durr having fun is degenerate, rural life is better than city life, the best thing in life is to die in battle
Why is right-wing thought so completely impoverished?

>> No.15762487

>writing rants about traditional values against the dissolutive modern life after you spent your young adulthood drawing shitty painting, getting high on heroin and probably fuck other dudes

>> No.15762545
File: 312 KB, 1065x655, Ernst-Junger-and-Carl-Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right wing thought isn't, it's just retards like Evola. There are good right wing thinkers, but /pol/tards are too autistic for them and latch onto memes like that paralyzed autist.

>> No.15762585

whoa hello, based department??

>> No.15762592

idk about right wing but this sounds so boring

>> No.15762762

Evola is a bastardized Guenon.

>> No.15762765

That's because you're a dumbfuck urbanite.

>> No.15762780

Why do left-wing people insist that Evola is the only right-wing philosopher who has ever existed?
I know this is bait, but the answer is because he wrote some retarded LARPy stuff and so they can mock him, but only him, because they are really unable to address any other right-wing thinkers cause they would get btfo.

>> No.15762786
File: 252 KB, 780x1034, Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them ever talk about Schmitt since he already btfo them with facts and logic

>> No.15762791

>Why do left-wing people insist that Evola is the only right-wing philosopher who has ever existed?
Because you dithering morons post him like every two and a half seconds.

>> No.15762796

Also this, /pol/tards know about him and no one else.

>> No.15762803

Are there any good critics of Schmitt

>> No.15762805

Rural life is the dream. Life is on your terms 98% of the time. Like everything, it takes cold, hard work.

>> No.15762810

Worthy rightoid thinkers are fairly rare. Schmitt, Strauss, Heidegger, what else?

>> No.15762814
File: 67 KB, 720x723, vibe check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schmitt more like Shitt.


>> No.15762817
File: 14 KB, 217x300, Hoydegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftoids btfo'd.

>> No.15762834

based ngl

>> No.15762859

There literally are none, Marxists preferred to absorb his political philosophy than refute it. Liberals just try to discredit him by saying he was a Nazi.

>> No.15762864

Dugin is pretty good

>> No.15762872

At least Guenon is fun to read

>> No.15762982

Literally doesn't say any of this

Read Evola

>> No.15763007

>read an autistic retard who wandered around during airstrikes to feel edgy and got paralyzed because of it

>> No.15763014

If you don't read evola/guenon then you cannot form an honest take on Traditionalism because there isn't much about it on the internet that isn't either deranged leftoids lying about it or right wingers pretending they read it

>> No.15763032

I'm not entirely unfamiliar with Evola/Guenon, I have read Dugin who references both and have seen some scholarly analysis of it. I just don't find it that interesting, I don't think it explains things as well as material analysis.

>> No.15763034

because it's contrarian, consider how quickly the right went from being atheists to christians, if being christian becomes the norm they'll switch again to catholicism or something, if spending time in nature, living outside of the city becomes the norm they'll pack themselves into the city again

>> No.15763035

>having fun is degenerate, rural life is better than city life, the best thing in life is to die in battle
yes, good times make weak men fuck face

>> No.15763045

>good times make weak men fuck face
then you'd like to see quality of life decines then? what hardship have you faced lad?