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15832459 No.15832459 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good idea to become a writer if I'm from Spain? I mean, our language is really extended upon this gay Earth but most people this days don't read anything but their Twitter feed. So... Would it be worth the effort? Should I write in English too? Being known worldwide would be cool.

>> No.15832479

Depende, ¿vas a escribir una novela romántica o de misterio?
Si no, suerte.

>> No.15832499

No me gustan las novelas de misterio y me interesa más la erótica que el romance. ¿Ganaría puntos si fuese una novela LGBT? Imagino que sí pero no quiero ser conocido por las cochinadas que se me ocurran.

>> No.15832571

You'd be surprised; ever since the boom there is a sizeable audience here in Latin America.
In fact once I even met, by random chance, one Patricio Sturlese - an Argentinean writer that, whilst I don't hold in the highest literary esteem, was touring my Central American city at the time. And frankly the man was quite knowledgeable in the craft and said things were going well enough for him.

If an argie can make it think of what you, from a genuinely civilised area, could do.

>> No.15832645

Why would it be a bad idea? Lots of Spanish and Spanish speaking authors sell, plenty are well appreciated

>> No.15833080

Dunno, I feel like less and less people read books these days.

>> No.15833115

I've been aving the idea to write something in English or French and then translate it to Spanish mighteslef if it becomes succesful.
I do like the challenge of writing in a foreign language.

>> No.15833152

Vete al extranjero e intenta hacer algo ahí, es lo que estamos haciendo todos.

>> No.15833273

Yo estudio español para dos años en esquela, pero yo no habla bien. Diese es muy mal escriben. Lo siento.

>> No.15833288

Euskadi ta Akatasuna.

>> No.15833297

You're not forgiven, go fuck yourself

>> No.15833476

You must be over 18 to be posting on this website.

>> No.15833539

Nobody I know IRL reads more than a book every year. I don't see why pointing out this trivial fact would mean I'm underage.

>> No.15833627

So the 50 or 100 people you might know are a solid foundation for picking a career? Have you even tried writing anything to find out if you'd enjoy the work?
If you were studying history or literature in college, would you say something as irrelevant as "none of the only people I know read more than a book per year"? Probably not, because you'd be surrounded by people who actually enjoy and care about reading.
Somehow your own, obviously biased, experience refutes an industry spanning dozens of countries, thousands of writers, hundreds of thousands of readers? The dozens of book fairs and events on every Spanish speaking country, attended by millions of people?

Hope you now realize how stupid and childlike your whole post sounds.

>> No.15833655

Escribe en español, no seas marica.

>> No.15833711

You're right. I'm just too pesimistic and biased. Sorry.
¿Y por qué no en los dos idiomas? El inglés es bueno también aunque a veces sea muy limitante.

>> No.15833732

Anon tu simplemente haz lo que te surja, no hay mayor homosexualidad artística que la de buscar popularidad o reconocimiento. (y no queremos sucios homosexuales por aquí ¿verdad?)

>> No.15833785

>Patricio Sturlese
I don't even know him, why don't you like him, anon?

>> No.15833954

I quite liked him as a person, but his prose isn't really that fascinating. His main genre is historical fiction.
He compared one or two of his works to those of Umberto Eco, but I wouldn't quite go as far. He's certainly serviceable as an author, and I'm certain he could be many people's cup of tea.
But between being a contemporary genre-fiction writer, and a commercial one at that, I cannot see him as much greater than a Perez-Reverte or maybe an Isabel Allende.
Not quite haute literature.

>> No.15834066

Based and euskaldunpilled

>> No.15834698
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Depends, what do you want to write about? is it non-fiction? could it find itself at home in a blog? then go ahead, writing in English will give you a larger potential audience, and as long as you get your point across clearly, online people won't mind your prose, grammar or repertoire of words that much

>> No.15834705

Depends on which area of Spain, either real Spain or fake pretend Spain

>> No.15834780

just stop thinking about writing and actually write

> most people this days don't read anything but their Twitter feed
this is hardly a problem for you if you don't have anything written

>> No.15834891


>> No.15834947

¿Por qué no? Siempre debes escribir en tu lengua materna y si eres lo suficientemente bueno, eventualmente se traducirá. Hablo español bien pero aun así elijo escribir en inglés, es mucho más fácil expresarse. No es que el español sea un idioma pequeño.

>> No.15835082

Sabes que te pueden traducir, ¿cierto?

>> No.15836716

no seas tan puto y escribí la concha de tu madre

>> No.15836734

Please explain

>> No.15837850

puedes escribir los dos, pero depende de que tan buen nivel de ingles tienes, y obviamente tendras un mayor dominio del español, ni siquiera Borges se atrevio a escribir en ingles.

>> No.15838461

La verdad es que tienes razón, anon. Se necesita un buen nivel de inglés para iniciarse en la prosa anglosajona. Solo leyendo trabajos no necesariamente cultos se nota la diferencia entre el inglés común y el de los libros.

>> No.15838750
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>Patricio Sturlese
This guy? He's from my hometown but I didn't know him, I may give him a try.

>> No.15840184

Esto. Primero escribe algo, coño.

>> No.15841403

That's him, and that was exactly the book he was advertising. A proper right lad.

>> No.15841447

>El inglés es bueno también
Opinion severely discarded
also I wanna write not for others, and I don't mean it like "i'm writing for myself hurr durr," I wanna write cause I wanna replicate and extend the beauty that is the spanish language, though it is a slight fantasy of mine to become so good at it that we finally kill off anglo-israelism dominance over language and force everyone in the world to learn spanish instead
one could dream tho
t. mexicano

>> No.15841494

forgot to say that my prose in spanish sucks before the one could dream though

>> No.15841528

Some of the most beautiful poetry and prose has been written in Spanish. It is a beautiful language with a wonderful literary tradition spanning hundreds of years and two continents.
Someone native in Spanish forcing himself to write in English is just really fucked up in my opinion.
Such a disregard of one's own culture is what made Spanish literary tradition so unknown to foreigners.
If we were half as good at publicizing ourselfs as the anglos everyone would be reading Calderón and Góngora instead of mediocre anglos.
t. español

>> No.15841549

Coetzee writes in Spanish.

>> No.15841606


>> No.15841898
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depende mucho, yo que vos estudio una carrera que te haga sustentar bien economicamente y en tu tiempo libre, podes escribir hasta terminar y despues encontrar una buena editorial para que se publique tu libro, algo similar hizo el personaje Ken Crosgrove de la serie Mad Men

>> No.15841952

La producción de ficción literaria sigue existiendo en los países hispanohablantes y no sólo no es una producción marginal pero una significativa y de buena calidad (en especial en comparación con la de otros países). España desde hace buen rato tiene una literatura más débil que la de hispanoamérica, pero claro que todavía se puede ser un escritor de español y sin que sea necesario escribir novela rosa o de misterio, o tener temáticas LGBT en su escritura. A parte de que la literatura en español (más la hispanoamericana que la española) ha estado de moda desde Bolaño con los anglos, entonces claro que un autor en español puede ser mundialmente reconocido.
Pero cabrón primero ponte a leer que se nota que no has leído lo suficiente.

>> No.15842066

Wasn’t 2666 originally spanish?

>> No.15842631

I write in Greek. I dont care it has very few native speakers. Its my native language.