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15849227 No.15849227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ so obsessed with trannies, let alone the rest of 4chan?

>> No.15849273

Anime avatar lifestyle. It’s a fantasy life so they hide online most of the time and have made 4chin their home board.
/lit/ isn’t obsessed with them, but the fragile kids from /pol9k/ who invade every board are obsessed with them (love/lust/hate) and use all manner of insults, which probably bring out a lot of trolls pretending to be trans. Not to deny there are any.

InB4 someone says it

>> No.15849292

your posts are just incredibly bad

>> No.15849300

You contribute nothing

>> No.15849303

if they hadn't been memed into the public consciousness by activists and the media literally no one would think or talk about them, they're less than 1% of the population

>> No.15849319

tranny bait to artificially stir up relevance where you have none. stop spamming boards pls, yes we can clearly see you are. you have a containment board, /lgbt/, please stay there.

>> No.15849320

its pretty obvious is it not? its the correlates heavily with the pinnacle of wokeness and 4chan at large is largely an antithesis to that movement. its pretty easy to see the causation here. i think you might be retarded. not to mention its promenace in modern discourse.

not necissarily wrong, but not getting the core of it

>> No.15849329

His contribution of nothing is net neutral. Your contributions reduce the level of discourse.

>> No.15849335

>muh media
>muh activists
>muh wokeness
Just admit that you have a deep desire to suck tranny cock

>> No.15849351
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Because people are being duped into thinking chemically castrating themselves will fix their worries and allow them to engage their deviant sex fetish holistically. Anime was the first mistake, and LGBT pride the second, where the latter feeds on the former to fester and grow in these fringe spaces (twitter/4chan/discord). I’ve seen quite the few people get duped into thinking they have gender dysphoria just to fall into a pit of endless degeneracy ane hedonism, just to end up even more depressed and suicidal.

>> No.15849357


>> No.15849366


>> No.15849367

Well, even The Golden One isn't so obsessed with trannies. Actually, he gives no fucks and is busy raising a family. What about you? Still discussing tranny dicks?

>> No.15849382

OP asked, I answered.
Nice setting an example btw.

>> No.15849391

Just kill yourself

>> No.15849398

The better question is why are trannies so upset over what 4chan says?

>> No.15849558


>> No.15849687

Dude aged badly

>> No.15849703

This post would be extremely funny if you weren't a self-absorbed cunt.

>> No.15849740

He always looked like turd on roids.

>> No.15849772

i have a fetish for MtF transsexuals but i acquired this fetish via anime trap pornography so i want to fuck them, not bottom for them. getting fucked by trans women is a boomer sexual fantasy acquired from "shemale" pornography magazines.

>> No.15849814

He was always quite ugly, but his self improvement, physical fitness and establishment of a family is very based even if he's cringe when he talks and larps as a pagan

>> No.15851021

Compared to this rotten website, he’s aged like a diamond.

>> No.15851377
File: 42 KB, 482x700, гарбо и гейбл ouo gh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people's personal insecurities make them desperate to cling onto old conceptions of gender. So much of their identity is grounded in this, and they fear what might happen if they lacked any clear waymarks to inform their behaviour and self-expression. So as a defence mechanism they lash out against the people who challenge this orthodoxy as heretics (trannies, enbys etc.). It's all just a giant cope.

>> No.15851684

we have too many pseud manchild trannies plaguing the board. see >>15849273 for an example.

>> No.15851698

Do you think it's trannies making the daily ''omg based mommy rowling'' threads?

>> No.15851732

Dilate, tranny.

>> No.15851748


>> No.15851754

imagine this level of cope

>> No.15851775

I'm surprised there aren't more threads about trannies. Our world is in act II of The Emperor's New Clothes, playing along with this delusion that the whole thing isn't nuts. Chuck Clymer, Todd Vanderwerff. Just aggressive men playing dress up. But we have to play along.

>> No.15851786

the ''everyone secretly agrees with us'' cope

>> No.15851796

I was here before butterfly and I can tell you that /lit/ both hates trannies and obnoxious poorly read wannabe anarchist dykes in equal measure

>> No.15851829

>I was here before butterfly
No you weren't.

>> No.15851856

Dilate, freak

>> No.15851879

no u

>> No.15851903

because the anons secretly want to fuck them?

>> No.15851920

I don't hate trans people. I just think they do not pass. 99% do not pass. That is a fact.

>> No.15851961

They're lolcows treated as golden cows.

>> No.15852018

Yup been here since 2005 and /lit/ since its inception.

>> No.15852042

how old are you?

>> No.15852118

Serious answer, it's because 4channer ideologues accept 'might is right' as a reactionary tenet. Basically, it views people's struggles or weaknesses (either circumstantial or more inherent) as evidence of objective 'inferiority.' This is always done after first identifying the 'in' group, to which the adherents of the ideology always belong to (with a few self-hating exceptions from other identity groups). The ideologues have a warped notion of ethics or morality according to which the 'weak' don't deserve any empathy or help or anything like that. Instead they desire to destroy the 'weak.' It's ironic given that many on 4chan then come and whine about why their life is so hard because tfw no gf and depression and NEET life existential crisis and other such things (like having diagnosed autism and being self-conscious cause of it). What's ironic is that these people are not going to be allowed to survive if their ideology were to become law. It's especially nasty that some people will use /lit/ to argue that one should join religious traditions that teach the importance of empathy and so forth, and then they advocate weirdo 'traditionalism' rightist identity politics, void of anything like empathy and swallowing the reactionary ideologue properly incompatible with the most pious elements of any major religion. The idea of human beings with dysphoria who would modify their bodies to try to alleviate that dysphoria just a little bit, is easy prey to these kinds of people. That's why they're obsessed.

>> No.15852170

>says the dilating trenny

>> No.15852192

Dilate :)

>> No.15852201

You’re a breadtuber. Lose weight.

>> No.15852211

Basically this. And because of the recent migrant wave to Europe there's now a surplus of men in many countries. An obvious solution would be to turn some of these men into cute girls and pair them up with incels. Two birds with one stone.

>> No.15852243

can you give your take on the staying power and proliferation of the Four Chinnel meme "are traps gay?"

>> No.15852299

they literally do

>> No.15852324

eh, mediocre take at best.
first of all, Nietzsche proved you wrong years ago
secondly, it was never about that. I think I can speak for many that we feel for trans-sexuals and for weak people. but there is a huge problem with treating this "dysphoria" in unnatural ways which are more or less perverse. I think the ideology here would be turning against modern and artificial more than against ressentiment.

>> No.15852389

Why do you believe 'the natural' is 'the good'? That's another difference between the 'might is right' ideologues and people with empathy. If you believe that the good is intertwined with nature (or just the universe) rolling dice and scoring well with you, of course you're going to think that 'treating dysphoria in unnatural ways which are more or less perverse' is wrong.

>> No.15852412

Good post. To a first approximation, 4chan is basically reddit for self-loathing people. The incels here adopt ideologies that best reinforce their intense desire for self-annihilation. None of it makes any sense, because it doesn't have to.

>> No.15852446

I don't necessarily agree with it but modernity is "might" in internet space. why good is intertwined with nature is first of all because natural ways hold true in the end, even in modernity and nature has power over us (the always silenced bible part you reap what you sow), second of all because of the will for nothing and lastly it's optimism because we need to believe that we are not born evil.

>> No.15852453

trannies ruin every internet community there is. I've seen them overrun other boards and chatrooms and their perversions and narcissism take over the entire community and culture. They do much the same in real world spaces as well. They're psyco and obnoxious and I'm bitter about my epxeriences with them

>> No.15852456


>> No.15852457

Dilate, tranny.

>> No.15852475

imagine being this wrong
>t. redditor

>> No.15852484

confirmed newfag

>> No.15852496

sounds like you're from reddit. I think self-loathing is a double-edged sword. It can be a desire for self-annihilation or for divine-existence. the simplifications you and the guy you replied to post here and project weakness onto every opposing poster while failing to realise it also stems from you, not just "incels".

>> No.15852518

There is literally no difference between you and a redditor other than the massive hate you have for yourself.

>> No.15852537

>sounds like you're from reddit.
No, I hate reddit too. I'm only here for the chronological posting format.

>> No.15852563

>No, I hate reddit too.
I don't hate it, I just don't see a reason to ever go there. I have not read a single thread on reddit that wasn't purely practical advice. From what I glanced over I could say it's a circlejerk echochamber.
I never even mentioned reddit in my posts before despite posting on this board for 5 years.

>> No.15852588

I don't like how the posts are all jumbled up by default according to popularity. That's not a recipe for productive discourse.

>> No.15852712

you actually think you said something insightful

>> No.15852714

yes. but mostly, it's the upvotes. however stop projecting onto incels, incel.
t. chad

>> No.15852730


>> No.15852755


Its not. You just keep replying to and posting in threads about it.

>> No.15852762

No, it's pretty obvious.

>> No.15852778

It’s a reaction to the bizarrely disproportionate attention they are given in the media and culture.

>> No.15852787


>> No.15852816

Wahhh everyone needs to be more empathetic! Like me!

>> No.15852829

Being guided by what is “natural” is a pretty good heuristic.

>> No.15852857

The separation of Male and Female is genetic, you sophist. It is a part of the most fundamental aspect of our biology. Where it just a case of people crossdressing and wearing makeup it wouldn't matter but people are mutilating themselves against their own essence from biology, even castrating themselves.
I know you're baiting but this point must be made to anyone who may unironically hold your statement to be true, just in case.

>> No.15852860

>Alas! There comes the time when man will no longer give birth to any star. Alas! There comes the time of the most despicable man, who can no longer despise himself.

>> No.15852900

>''men have a peepee, women have vagina''
This is the level on which you wish to discuss the impact of gender ideology on social relations?
>people are mutilating themselves
Don't fool yourself, even if exactly zero trannies opted for surgery you fags would be just as mad.

>> No.15852912

>if exactly zero trannies opted for surgery you fags would be just as mad
Surgery is just an extreme form of failing to accept physical reality.

>> No.15852956

You seem to think you actually addressed my point or said anything of note.

>> No.15853277

>Biology isn't real because it hurts my fee fees
This is the level on which you wish to discuss the impact of sexual dimorphism on social relations between groups in human society?
It's not just a case of penis or vagina, stop being reductive, reassignment surgery does not change who someone is genetically, genetics are the most basal component of who we are. Sex hugely affects endocrinology and the implications for biological funstion of an organism, for example women put more investment into offspring and so must be more picky about (successful) mates than men, thus they have higher standards than men typically. Why should sociology get more of a say on the form of an organism than biology?
>Don't fool yourself, even if exactly zero trannies opted for surgery you fags would be just as mad.
It would definitely reduce the number of people who dislike them, I didn't have much of a problem with it at all until I found out about the nature of the surgery: a biological male in a dress is not gross to me, a biological male having his genitalia altered into a facsimile of a vagina and vulva that must be given constant maintanence to prevent the hole closing (because it is essentially a deep wound) is extremely gross, and the former is objectively less a distortion of biology than the latter.
he absolutely did, he addressed the comparative extremity of surgery compared to other expressions of sex denial that are either less damaging (HRT) or not physiologically damaging (crossdressing). He just didn't clarify every single bit of it for you.

>> No.15853367

No one has said ''biology isn't real'' wtf are you talking about you mongoloid.
>It's not just a case of penis or vagina, stop being reductive
This is the level you ultimately reduced it to, though rather absentmindedly. I made a point about gender roles and you thought it was witty to retort that male/female are biological distinctions, as if this on its own speaks against anything I said.
>reassignment surgery does not change who someone is genetically
Why bring this up when literally no one is arguing against you on this point? Why this predilection towards battling windmills?

>> No.15853405

This is horseshit, trannies have far more political power than me.

>> No.15853425

>incoherently thinking that the dislike of trannies is a moral pov based on "might is right" rather than an aesthetic one
preddy retardo

>> No.15853459

Gender roles arise from our biology you dunce, our genetics and physiology affects the way we think and act. Gender roles didn't arise in humans from nothing, it arose from our biology, and supporting the concept of shifting gender is in denial of that biology.
>No one has said ''biology isn't real''
If you deny the genetic determination of sex and subsequent determination of role and behaviour from difference in physiology, you are literally denying biological fact.
>Why this predilection towards battling windmills?
it isn't the ingenious hidalgo's windmill if it's people really are claiming that the most fundamental aspects of our biology have no affect on who we are

>> No.15853530

After the death of the anti-gay marriage movement, all that energy needed somewhere to go. So you have the ant-trans movement.

>> No.15853546

>Gender roles arise from our biology you dunce
There's an underlying biological reality, which we then form socially constructed responses to. These are however not set in stone but are rather in flux, and are also informed by other factors. Case in point: gender roles have changed substantially over the last 100 years. Are you willing to say the same about our biology? If not, then biology is clearly not the only determinant.
>If you deny the genetic determination of sex
Literally no one does this. Point me to a person who says genetics don't determine our biological sex. You're still arguing against phantoms in your head you schizo lmao
>people really are claiming that the most fundamental aspects of our biology have no affect on who we are
Cool, but you're arguing against me right now, not some hypothetical person you dreamed up in your head. I know this may be hard because you're a literal retard, but try and focus your gaze for a bit. Also it's 'effect' not 'affect', are you also a barely literate nigger? You'd expect someone on the literature forum to have read a book in their life.

>> No.15853572
File: 99 KB, 736x514, external-content.duckduckgo-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just one of the gals

>> No.15853678
File: 213 KB, 879x739, 1594681262589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just one of the lads

>> No.15853717

Two reasons, one, aesthetic aversion, most trans people don't pass and are ugly, simple fact, and it's scientifically proven that people are far less sympathetic towards you in all respects if you're ugly or fall outside the social norms of looks.

Two, the vast vast vast majority of the userbase is white, 16-28, middle class, mundane, and lost with no purpose. They are the epitome of the phrase "no culture" so they fall into the trap of taking whatever ideology is thrown at them (usually right wing) and make that the entirety of their personality.

Then they like to pretend that they are intellectuals and "based" while completely ignoring any of the academic literature on the subject with counter "arguments" such as "cuck", "tranny", "dilate", "onions", "muh jew", "muh bezos", "based" yada yada yada blah blah blah, you get the idea.

Oh they also don't get laid, so there is a lot of sexual frustration, and self hatred in finding some traps hot.

>> No.15853724

yep, looks like we're both posting pics of men

>> No.15853739


>> No.15853776
File: 266 KB, 725x375, external-content.duckduckgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take that back

>> No.15853924

In general, we face disgust that's expressed as a morbid attraction.
Here, I think that lit has people engaging with new things, so instead of hate we get fascination.

feeling sad because we are -fetishised.

>> No.15854307

Better fetishized than ignored.

>> No.15854355
File: 485 KB, 1536x2048, 1587887769909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If eugenics etc was put into practice people would not have to be born into a life of suffering. There's nothing ironic about that and I am glad to see people who are suffering still have the strength to fully recognize the most correct course of action.

>> No.15854369

It does make sense, though such self-reflection and resolve is surely beyond you.

>> No.15854386

I think you missed the subtlety

>> No.15855461

>I've seen them overrun other boards
Which ones?

>> No.15855478

>/lit/ so obsessed with trannies
It isn't? At least not more than the rest of this website. And you can thank that to tranny and counter-tranny spamming

>> No.15855488

at least he could shine once

>> No.15855506

>project weakness onto every opposing poster while failing to realise it also stems from you
mmm, could it be?

>> No.15855509

There is no way you are over 18 years old

>> No.15855675

They are partially the bulwark of some antimaterialist/blank slates groups so they produce a visceral reaction in anyone whose reality is being challenged.

We could explain it in how the definitions of words work, a word in itself has no real correlation to its meaning as it solely is a medium of concept transmission. Everybody that's not being self-deluded to has in his mind the material concepts that limit the concept of man or women, accidents may apply like skin color or height but just like with animals, a duck is a duck even though we could call it fghes. When someone plays with the conceptualization of words like the trans do they produce a reaction from.other people as they are calling different concepts by the same words because the former want to confound the latter's capacity of judgement. This could be easily avoided by using different representations, a trans "man" isn't a man in the proper biological/materialist and so utilitarian way, is a transman, the same as a duck materially isn't a truck and of you try to tell someone that the latter is the former then you are just going to get yourself called stupid for fucking around with the materialistic-socially determined language .

This would be the reason why the normal folk doesn't like.them (apart of physiological repulsion that is individual), in 4chan specifically is because of a reaction, trans are in general ugly and develop mental illnesses at a much higher rate (Sweden has a very good report on this) so they are easily picked on and increasingly so when Twitter tads like the ones calling each other some buzzwords like incel try to negate it, like someone telling a bully that he isn't obese, while weighting 100kg, and that he's just hitting him not because of the joy he gets from it but just as a reaction from.the bully being "insult", the bully will.recognize that it is just a cope and continue fucking with him.