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15875206 No.15875206 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone do this shit? Does it actually help you churn through more books? If I wanted to do it, where could I get it? Does /lit/ recommend?

>> No.15875242

it has pretty serious side effects, but it's also extremely effective. Only do it if you want to get some serious work done.

>> No.15875257

Cope 200mg

>> No.15875276

what are the side effects?

>> No.15875659
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I'm prescribed 40mg's of equasym for my ADHD. The days I take it and the days I don't are night and day: on the days I take it, I read upwards of a hundred pages, practice piano, write; on the day I don't and shitposts and maybe read 15 pages. I haven't taken it in months -- it makes me feel like my heart is going to stop and it makes my insomnia much much worse. But it's pretty much necessary for when I did/do anything academic. So if you have ADHD yeah, the meds do work.

>> No.15875748

your sleep will be shit, the comedown is extremely depressing, and its neurotoxic

>> No.15875776

You'll masturbate without reaching climax for 8 hours at a time until your dick is raw.

>> No.15875862

More people use this stuff than you think. It's good, but you really gotta be careful with it. Take it regularly (as needed), but make sure you get stuff done when you're using it. Don't attach any unwanted behaviour to it. Be careful as well. A buddy of mine wound up in the hospital because he took too much and his heart sounded like hummingbird. This (>>15875776) also happens. Get your work done in public whenever possible. If you can find it, Slate Star Codex wrote a really good post about the side-effects.

>> No.15875888

Adderall and weed induced a manic episode in my case

>> No.15875896

Hey, me too!
I'm only just now beginning to rebuild my life after that shit. 2 years of my life, gone. It really isn't worth taking it OP.

>> No.15875942

If you doesn’t have the attention span required for the book you’re reading maybe you should try something easier and slowly progress to something more difficult.

ADHD is a meme now a days people forget that to actually sit your ass in a chair and study takes effort when compared to something like scrolling through social media

>> No.15876007

What was yours like? Mine was about two months long, followed by about a year of various levels of hypomania, followed by extreme depression that almost made me kill myself.

But I'm better now :DDD

>> No.15876017

From my relatively few binges of dextroamphetamine, it has greatly uplifted my writing. Ever since, any attempt has slowed to an endless crawl, which hampers any personal enjoyment in the act. If you consider that as a downside, another would be that paranoiac impulses that were practically nonexistent before have grown in me, and still remain to this day.

But, personal experiences aside, the question lies in whether the residential il/lit/erate would desire its outcomes. I have nothing other than the small drove of literary hobbies that live in me, so if you're just as remote and alone, why not go for it?

>> No.15876038

It greatly increases my focus and productivity but it has also made me psychotic when I took too much.

Also dont make the mistake of staying up all night and then taking more the next day to stay awake. That can really fuck you up.

>> No.15876046

You're just blaming the meds to avoid responsibility.

>> No.15876086

Is there anything that could increase concentration?

>> No.15876091

If Addy induces a two year long manic episode in you, then you probably have a very weak psyche anyway. I overdosed on dex multiple times, being psychotic as shit but never really lost contact with reality as I'm not a weak faggot.

>> No.15876098


>> No.15876140

>it has pretty serious side effects
That depends on genetics and dosage.
I'm on Vyvanse* 50mg, daily and I get no side effects, except for reduced appetite during about a 4 hour period and rarely I also get semi-dry mouth.

*Vyvanse is lisdexamphetamine which metabolizes to dexamphetamine which is the major active ingredient in Adderall.

>> No.15876142

doesnt help

>> No.15876188

Not really, no. I can tell you've never been on these medications in significant dosages. That's okay though man, you can just take our word for it. You don't always need to form an opinion on things you know nothing about my friend, only a moron always has something to say no matter the subject =]

>> No.15876206

Focusing on a mental task is as much a skill as any other form of physical activity.
It's not that temptation to open up my phone diminishes every time I read, but rather I learn to suppress the urge and as I keep resisting the urge diminishes until I go into a state of pure concentration.
It's analogous to playing an RPG over and over, every time you encounter the same enemies but you get better at defeating them with every run.

From my experience, killing these urges altogether is dependent on your brain makeup. For example some people can stop smoking and never feel the urge but others say they fight the urge to smoke day and night even after years of abstinence.

>> No.15876213

When my ex gf broke up with me I spiraled into dexamphetamine abuse. I took way too much and I would walk around for hours and hours at night, not eating or sleeping of three days, just talking to myself and writing down my thoughts. It induced a great self-reflection inside of me at the cost of almost going mad. Pretty sure I probably damaged some body parts, but I don't feel very different aside from my teeth being eroded a bit more due to severe dry mouth.

Now that I look back on it, it was dangerous as fuck. My heart rate went to 180 easily and I would have sudden heart beat skips of like a second which freaked me out.

Dex / Addy can be very therapeutic because it makes one aware of what one is suppressing because essentially you're more 'awake'. I always dislike the contrast with my sober muddle headed existence. Still the fear of getting a sudden heart attack will keep me from doing this kind of shit again. Just therapeutic doses for me from now on.

>> No.15876223

>significant dosages
You're supposed to take them in therapeutic dosages, not more.

Further if you're mixing CNS stimulant narcotics with other narcotics without consulting your physician you only have yourself to blame for unwanted side effects.

Further still a small subset of the population is prone to schizophrenia and other diseases of the mind and many things can trigger it, narcotics are no exception.

Don't forget that methylphenidate and amphetamine are real narcotics and are to be taken with care for legitimate problems, not for fun.

>> No.15876262

Doctors prescribe absurd dosages of Adderal, anon.

>> No.15876442

First start with high dosages of coffee. It is easy to get, less dangerous and actually has an effect. Maybe not with Balzac's 50 cups a day, but 10 cups a day will do.

>> No.15876543

if this post is what your writing looks like after being "greatly uplifted", I can only imagine...

>> No.15876573

I fucked my mind up with that I thought were small doses of Adderall. Just take caffeine pills bro

>> No.15876578


>> No.15876579

Unless you want to piss literally all the time it's better to just take caffeine pills at that point

>> No.15876634

What were you actually taking? Large doses or something else?

>> No.15876752

I cannot tell if that is a compliment or an insult. Forgive my autism, but elaborate

>> No.15876753

i already take shit load of caffeine but it makes me sleepy instead of concentrated.

>> No.15876787

i never got why people take more meds than perscribed.

>> No.15876857

First time I took dextroamphetamine, on the smallest dose of 1/4 if a pill. I felt nothing, or thought I didn't. So I took a whole pill the next day
I didn't sleep for three days.

>> No.15876905

Is it true even if you take it after sleeping a lot?

>> No.15876909

>this pill does not help
>maybe it will help if I'll take the triple dose
>this pill works nice
>maybe it will create miracles if I'll take the triple dose

>> No.15876910

kinda. it certainly doesnt give much of an energy.

>> No.15876914

That's because you're burning out.
Stop taking it for 2 or more weeks, then only take like 250mg in the morning, together with Teanin and Ashwagandha.

>> No.15877308

Lack of discipline.

>> No.15877474

Just drink loose leaf tea. L-Theanine and whatever else is in there works

>> No.15877776

It's extremely addictive, especially once you start using it routinely. I got into the habit of using it and things in my life went from amazing, to questionable, to totally fucked. I haven't had them in 3 months and my life has become a very complicated mess since then.

>> No.15877889

i'm adhd as hell, it helps you read boring shit in my experience. i think it makes your comprehension suffer though, i couldn't use the shit to study for math. i was able to skim a text book on psychology in an uncharacteristically organized and tactical way though. it will make you hyper-focused, but you pay a price in that you become narrow-minded and insensitive to nuance, you might become overly literal.

>> No.15878002

not that transcendental cult right? Anytime a bunch of celebrities tells you something is good, look into it for yourself first.

>> No.15878014

Hey me too

Only occasionally popped friends' Vyvanse but used ephedrine, nicotine, lots of caffeine. As soon as I quit dudeweed the mania came on

>> No.15878021

I took it in college, turned me gay

>> No.15878081

any way to archive this thread so I can return to read it?

>> No.15878088

5/10 wouldn’t recommend unless you just want the euphoria. In that case have fun for a few weeks, maybe a month. Then enjoy feeling like your head is going to explode.

>> No.15878269

Modafinil is better for reading imo. Adderall is basically just speed, it's fun but addictive and fucks you up. Take half a modafinil in the morning and you can spend the entire day focused and reading with very few side effects

>> No.15878727

You dumb newfag just look in the nonofficial archives

>> No.15878798

I'll take the rush over current apathy and low focus.

>> No.15878828

seems like a drug for business students and stem majors, not sure why you’d want to read more books purely for the sake of reading more booms

>> No.15878870
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did u get euphoria from addy? I never did, it just made me really awake and a bit jittery. coke on the other hand, that'll give you a euphoric rush. fuck I miss coke so bad; I dont miss any of my vices that I've given up; drinking, smoking, getting high, except for coke. however my wallet and heart are in better condition for me having quit so it hasn't been a total loss. anyways yeah addy is lame and you should just skip right to coke if you want a good time.

>> No.15878890

Law students binge on them too.

>> No.15879360

this is true

>> No.15880628

where to get addy online