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15936231 No.15936231 [Reply] [Original]

>A White woman writes BBC fanfic
>She is awarded the presidential medal of freedom
Was this really worth a revolution and a civil war?

>> No.15936246

Americans are cucks and kneelers. They would got through hell just to save their pets.

>> No.15937108

Boo Radley was a vampire.

>> No.15937159

Please just let us Alabamians have this one. Please. It’s all we got.

>> No.15937176

I'm gonna take the hate and say I enjoyed the book

>> No.15937232

The thing is what it does it almost completely unoriginal. The themes, plot, and characters are fairly shallow and seem more like archetypes than original characters. The message of the book is overdone, even during its original release.

Half the reason it gets so much praise is because it was a book about Blacks written by a woman, that's it really

>> No.15937238

as did I. Its not an outstanding book but its still an enjoyable read. Definitely one of the better books that you have to read in school

>> No.15937244

but muh neglectful father lawyer

>> No.15937516

its read by high schoolers, why the fuck would you think it has actual depth?

>> No.15937542

Me too. The message is heavy handed but the writing is great and the mystery about the neighbor is comfy as hell.

>> No.15937552

This thread isn't about the quality of the book, it's about the highest virtue in American society being BBC worship.

>> No.15937725

Read this in English class senior year and our teacher Miss Can't remember her name, never played up the facts that it was a woman that wrote it. Mostly this book is about justice and prejudice, noble things to write on.

>> No.15937741

He wasn't neglectful, just a hands off and let the children figure it out themselves type and there's nothing wrong with that. I get that he could be seen as neglectful perhaps by comparison with certain parenting ways of today in places.

>> No.15937773

He wasn't "neglectful" but he was emotionally non-present which could lead to the kids having poor emotional processes

>> No.15938840

It was ok. I'd say it barely hits a 3/5, but it makes sense to teach in schools as an anti-racism thing.

>> No.15938853

The film is better in just about every way. Gregory Peck's performance is fantastic and Lee's depiction of Scout's writing and speaking habits feels like a hollow aping of Huck Finn.

>> No.15938855

This. She pretty much did a caricature of Faulkner's Intruder in the Dust.

>> No.15938888

Is Intruder in the Dust any good though? I never hear it mentioned.

>> No.15938896
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>> No.15938901

It's a minor work of his but it still has better writing than Mockingbird.

>> No.15938960


>> No.15939050

Like I said, overdone and shallow themes. There are many books that do it far better

>> No.15939090

Middle school book that's meant to give insight into Jim Crow, which would be what the kids learn in social studies. That's in NY at least, not sure about the rest of the country.
It was an okay book, and my teacher played up the woman bit.

>> No.15939252

Mutt's law - If an American hears you don't hate all black people, they'll instantly picture their dicks going into you while they watch.
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