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16049501 No.16049501 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything more to life than scraping together as much money as possible and trying to make the best of things? Does human strife really start and end at “ooga booga get tha money”?

>> No.16049504

>Is there anything more to life than scraping together as much money as possible and trying to make the best of things?

Yes. Read The Bible.

>> No.16049523

You're a cultural creature so the current zeitgeist will have some permanent effect on your long term desires and creation of meaning, but it isnt EVERYTHING that should bring you meaning. I would even say its lower than 50%, there's always something greater you want to strive for, there is no upper limit to meaning

>> No.16049659

There is more to life but in situations like today where the economy is a bit concerning, it does make philosophy seem like decadent nonsense for bored people.

>> No.16049712

> Is there anything more to life than scraping together as much money as possible and trying to make the best of things?

No. Culture and art are how we cope with this fact.

>> No.16049768

There is MORE to life, but you can't escape the need for resources and the work required to get them.

>> No.16049779

ooga booga get the pussy

>> No.16049803

Doesn’t seem that outlandish if you’re not already a slave to the system in spirit. If I WERE to amass enough money, to the point where I would never have to work again, you’re saying I could reach enlightenment/ascend?

>> No.16050449
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Scraping together as much money as possible is an extension of surviving, it is means to an end, but the question is what end. A cat may hunt one prey each say ti survive. But if you give the cat three preys each day that's luxury and yet still those luxuries are extension of survival it's still part of survival. The cat can't access higher thing than that. Like philosophizing and all that. But men can. If u amass more and more money those things become luxuries, but they still arent't anything except what animals can do anyway (the cat CAN tries it hardest to hunt 10 preys each day but for what it still survives well with one or two each day) and man because it can access higher things than animals can is OBLIGATED to see those out or else he becomes just another animal.

>> No.16050535

I have been extremely cynical from a young age, initially I wanted to study finance and be an investment banker, then when I realised that tech was becoming more financially lucrative I decided to study computer engineering instead. It's pretty sad and bleak that this was mindset from such a young age, I had a dad who was very harsh with me and certainly didn't have me growing up with any delusions of grandeur about myself.

I am likely going to spend most of my time writing if I can. I've always loved reading and hated school. I'm in the final year of my computer engineering degree and it has been brutal. However I've slogged through it and will likely finish strong with a good gpa. The reality is that I can always write, but the degree will give me the financial stability you talk about, and the reality is that 80% of people hate their jobs, so I may aswell get paid well for a job I will likely hate rather than get paid poorly for it.

Maybe I would have been better off studying philosophy and saying to hell with a job, I only fully realised how much more I would like to spend my time reading some of the great minds mentioned here rather than trying to rote learn equations and memorize things, I was smart enough to do whatever I wanted in university and maybe I made the wrong choice. My father's cynicism always won over in my head, I never fully believed I would "get anywhere" (whatever that even means) if I had went with a philosophy degree. I also thought the increased subjectivity of the grading would annoy me in comparison to something more objectively right or wrong like in math and engineering.

I don't know, honestly.

>> No.16050614

You would regret either choice I suspect, I studied philosophy and I regret it.

>> No.16051908
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no. It's about getting laid. a poor Chad fucks prime pussy for free and any bill Gates type would trade places with him in an instant. You don't need money to be happy, you need girls and friends

>> No.16051918

in modern society yes in the past no

>> No.16051942
File: 192 KB, 1400x2113, 9B643EAC-60DA-4E41-874A-DE4374F6026B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what the ruling elite want from you. Though for the past forty years they don’t much care if most of us lives or dies. They try to hide this of course. They mostly try not to think of your kind at all. We’re just pond scum to them.

>> No.16052046

I can tell you don't get laid much because once you do, it gets boring after far fewer years than you might expect.

>> No.16052063

I cannot believe in a God until the religious people show me that evolution is fake, with legit arguments, instead of asking me to ((believe)) in what some hippie jew said 2k years ago

>> No.16052072

Dude this maze looks so easy it sucks shit

>> No.16052079

I mean God of Bible or Torah or Quran or any similar organized religion, otherwise Deism seems quite sensible

>> No.16052084

>women live like this and see nothing wrong.
Disgusting THOTs

>> No.16052085

no. carlos castaneda.

>> No.16052094

Cool book, I put it on my To Read

>> No.16052096

Yeah there's really not much else going on unfortunately

>> No.16052187

cause they're in eastern europe or something. In the germany girls like that would be set up in nice apartments and driven around everywhere in BMWs

>> No.16052194

fuck that. sex and validation is life. Chad has a private smile thinking about every pussy he slayed. He can be broke ass poor but no one can take those experiences away from him and he will have richer uglier guys invite him to party for free with them because he's "cool". nothing replaces the feeling of succeeding at sex. That's what we're built for, not nice cars and new iphones

>> No.16052203

I hope one day you can become the chad you crave to be so you can realize how utterly wrong you are.

>> No.16052232
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So it would seem.
The best you can do is get tha money but never debase and chain yourself to it, pray/meditate, learn and think, teach others with compassion and understanding, and if the right moment arises in your lifetime: violently topple the world.

>> No.16052240

Both are extremes. Its like money, you dont think about it when you ve got it but its everything if you dont