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16133653 No.16133653 [Reply] [Original]

Books for a generation that can’t think for themselves?

>> No.16133658
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>> No.16133664
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>> No.16133672

That books looks like it makes you think.
You could’ve posted the Manifesto

>> No.16133686

This isnt even a good answer to the question, its not even clever. The reason you post on this board is because you have no friends, on top of that everyone hates you here. You need to stop.

>> No.16133703
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>> No.16133706

Good. Rationality as the basis for decision making is the worst idea in human history.

>> No.16133708

Not reading that. Everyone here hates you. You are a middle ages lesbian with no future, no past, no one to love you. You post on an image board amongst a bunch of teenage men because you are lonely.

>> No.16133824

It makes me think Marx was a retard.

>> No.16133829

Could a generation ever? the entire medieval ages was about the peons relying upon the church and nobles to do the thinking for them (this isn't meant to be a slight)
rather we shoudl read more hobbes and understand that there is no such thing as a vacuum of power, there will always be an authority to rise and take control, which today is what we recognize as the gay jewish disco

>> No.16133835

>This isnt even a good answer to the question
Yes it is, you dumbfuck. Get a hold of yourself.

>> No.16133837

Get a load of this retard. Rationality provides the only norms for decision-making. You are so lost.

>> No.16133845

how did I know this person was Jewish before I opened wikipedia.

>> No.16133848

There are men that make their living selling $2,000 vacuum cleaners. They sell them to fools, they sell them to engineers, they sell them to doctors, lawyers, plumbers, and politicians. Most of those people will defend their purchase of that $2,000 vacuum cleaner as a totally rational decision.

>> No.16133863

How neurotic do you have to be to feel like you need to load yourself up with arguments and counter points for some imaginary discussion you'll never have

>> No.16133880

What's your point? Were you dropped on your head or something?

>> No.16133904


>> No.16133911

Whores on this board
Attention whores on this board
Attention whores on this board
Attention whores on this board (Hol' up)
I see Butterfly freak, seven days a week
Wet-ass pussy, make that shitpost game weak, woo (Ah)

(You), (You), (You), (You)
Yeah, (You) fuckin' with a wet-ass pussy
Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy
Give her everything you got for that wet-ass pussy

>> No.16133913

its not at all, simp.

>> No.16133927


If you can't understand Nietzsche you are 1000% a pleb and get gassed regardless.

That's not to say Nietzsche is end all be all cause he isn't but to be unable to comprehend him you have to be either a stupid woman or a retard.

Nietzsche is the litmus test of modern philosophy.

>> No.16133930

You have no answer? A down syndrome sufferer may think it rational to put his fingers in a blender, therefore there is no rationality? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.16133934

>I can’t figure out labor theory of value
>It must be the books fault.
>The bible on the other hand makes perfect sense!

>> No.16133941

Nobodies saying that you lonely disturbed hag.

>> No.16133945

This looks exactly like something the devil would have typed up for some insufferable pseud to vomit onto a catholic imageboard

>> No.16133988

Quite frankly, I had made many rational decisions which I regret. I have yet to regret an emotional-driven choice I've made.

Pathos beats Logos everytime.

>> No.16133999

You don't seem to grasp what rationality is.

>> No.16134007

—> >>16133945

>> No.16134053

Hey I recognise that guy


>> No.16134184


>> No.16134209
File: 50 KB, 420x545, 1596757429233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting really tired of all the christ larpers on 4chanreddit, twitter

>> No.16134249
File: 27 KB, 450x300, jesus_dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if you could align your life so that Pathos and Logos are steering you, in the same direction, all the time?

>> No.16134414


I wish i was cynical enough to think up such a brilliant cashcow