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/lit/ - Literature

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16152681 No.16152681 [Reply] [Original]

>Read a philosophy book
>Don't understand it
>Create bait post on lit criticising it for something obviously wrong
>Anons angrily and smugly explain comprehensively why that's wrong and clarify the main points of the book in the process
>I get a free /lit/-approved book summary
Works every time.

>> No.16152722

Your welcome OP.

>> No.16152751


>> No.16152785
File: 109 KB, 1022x1024, 6396A0F8-BF7D-42B4-8D69-861009C3DF06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make threads on /pol/ using arguments I’ve heard leftists using IRL
>whole army of autists pick the arguments apart and post counterarguments, which then also get reviewed by the autist-army for any flaws in the logic
>use the best counterarguments IRL to dab on leftists

Works every time.

>> No.16152801
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>> No.16152944
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>feel lonely and sad
>tell my /lit/bros about it
>they listen and cheer me up
thank you /lit/bros i love you

>> No.16152969

>See dumb shitpost on topic I'm somewhat familiar with
>Channel gorgias and swift
>Destroy thread, leaving everyone misinformed and confused
>Shitposters who darst challenge me are destroyed and I am established as the intellectual authority
Im like the joker but a scholar

>> No.16152975
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dam bruh u got me blushin

>> No.16152979
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>hey internet strangers whom I'll never meet, and by that I mean bros
>please cheer me up

>> No.16153028

>it’s the inevitable basedposter
Cheers to you too friend, there can be no light without the dark

>> No.16153112
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>See dumb shitpost on topic I'm somewhat familiar with
>Scroll through the thread, read all the posts but don't reply
>Think deeply about who is right and who is wrong, update my worldview accordingly and continue lurking.

>> No.16153135

>not articulating your understanding
>not having your biases measured by other anons
>not analyzing how your updated worldview is incongruous with notions you’ve held in the past

>> No.16153149

>not getting BTFO

>> No.16153157

Your understanding is still going to be shit because its based of random posts on 4chan so the best you’ll be getting is random excerpts with no context or botched descriptions. Im glad you make threads like that because it’s honestly a good idea but basing your understanding off of those is foolish my friend

>> No.16153192

I post a picture with a tranny and write something about equality on /pol/ and watch the replies

>> No.16153211

lookin good anon

>> No.16153235

Farming (you)s is pretty fun, dont do it myself but its fun

>> No.16153296

>whole army of autists pick the arguments apart and post counterarguments,
>"seethe dilate cope cringe bluepill"

>> No.16153318

you forgot
>"have sex incel, who hurt you"

>> No.16153347

For every 100 replies that are garbage, there’s at least one that’s absolute gold. Autists who spend all their free time arguing with strangers for fun, unsurprising get very good at arguing over time, lots of practice

>> No.16153358

Nobody who’s sole source of argumentation is 4chan is good at arguments, and wouldn’t last in a real debate. Even less so on /pol/ where it’s mostly an echo chamber

>> No.16153362

>For every 100 replies that are garbage, there’s at least one that’s absolute gold
I have never in my entire life seen such gold, never. Name one instance.

>> No.16153380

>Try to make a genuinely informative post
>Nobody replies and the threat instantly plummets to page 10

>> No.16153388

If nobody replies to your post, it means you're right. Because no one could think up any comeback or refutation.

>> No.16153434

>calling /pol/ an echo chamber

Lol, butthurt r*dditor detected, even if you hate /pol/, it’s undeniable that it has the most diverse spectrum of ideology out of any forum in the world, everything from tankies, to trannies, to AnCaps, to Nazis, to liberals, to socialists, to conservatives, and everything in between, all arguing with each other 24/7. /pol/ may be a shithole but it’s also the exact opposite of an echo chamber

>> No.16153441

No leftist would last in a real debate either

>> No.16153463

into the trash it goes

>> No.16153516

Now, this is the most interesting thing about the /pol/ psyche.

He claims that a leftist could not last in a debate, yet simultaneously believes that the left has won, and has permeated every single aspect of our culture so comprehensively that in order to even articulate this state of affairs, he must draw on metaphors from science fiction, from science fiction where reality itself is a fabricated simulation - one must take the redpill in order to wake up from an illusion that is of genuine cartesian scope. The left has won so hard that all ontological and epistemological presuppositions are suspect. Remarkable, isn't it? And the left cannot meme, he says.

The leftist cannot last in a real debate, the /pol/fag says, cocksure of himself, oblivious to the fact that if he revealed even a tenth of this powerlevel, he would be permanently socially ostracized, jobless, friendless, with an even lower chance of romantic and sexual success than he already has. The leftist cannot last in a real debate, the /pol/fag says - the /pol/fag cannot even exist in a real debate, since the /pol/fag is preemptively precluded from ever participating in civlized discourse.

Instead, he toils away the same trite old points on his anonymous imageboards, shares his oft-expressed opinions with those who agree with him, all the while his youth and energy is dwindling away.

Truly, the gayest form of existence there is. My advice to you would be to cope, seethe, dilate, and to stop posting bluepill cringe.

>> No.16153535

All of that is irrelevant though. World power isn't determined by rational debates. If anything, you're proving their point.

>> No.16153553

If all of that is irrelevant, then /pol/posting is even more pitiable.

>> No.16153554


>> No.16153559

It's effective propaganda though, /pol/'s views have grown considerably over the past 5 years, whether you like it or not.

>> No.16153563
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>> No.16153573

Kek, there is no "left." The left as an ideological movement has been completely colonized by capitalism and has abandoned class action in favor of intersectional idpol. Social progressivism and rightist economics; it's the perfect storm of bullshit to solidify and maximize the power of wealthy international capital.

>> No.16153591

Sneed's seethe & cope

Agreed. I am speaking of the internal contradictions of the /pol/ psyche.

>> No.16153624
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>He claims that a leftist could not last in a debate, yet simultaneously believes that the left has won, and has permeated every single aspect of our culture so comprehensively that in order to even articulate this state of affairs
You're extremely gullible if you think permeating through society requires any sort of rational technique or debating. It takes the form of the opposite, in fact.
Look into this fellow, for instance:
Or see pic related. It recommends permeation through the exact opposite of what you're saying.

>The leftist cannot last in a real debate, the /pol/fag says, cocksure of himself, oblivious to the fact that if he revealed even a tenth of this powerlevel, he would be permanently socially ostracized, jobless, friendless, with an even lower chance of romantic and sexual success than he already has. The leftist cannot last in a real debate, the /pol/fag says - the /pol/fag cannot even exist in a real debate, since the /pol/fag is preemptively precluded from ever participating in civlized discourse.
This is where the redpill terminology comes in, because someone on /pol/ has had all contemporary social rulings dropped and become null. And all the sudden they realize when they try to argue from the reasons they got there to begin with, they're met with faggots like you: people who's primary form of "argument" is based on emotions, accusations, and doing his best to attack people's social capital above their arguments. You find those things very convincing, obviously. And it's really the soul of most anti/pol/ shills like you.
I know you think this makes you look like a sly, clever man who's above it all, but anyone with sense sees you're talking a lot and saying nothing. A shallow mind who doesn't think, and doesn't care about truth, but ultimately how he perceives himself and how others perceive him. Which is why you sincerely (not ironically) divert the topic to irrelevancies like sex and work when discussing ideas.

>> No.16153654


>> No.16153668

This. I've gotten extremely good to the point people IRL are screaming at the top of their lungs at me and aren't even talking about the argument. They're just assailing my personal character or bringing up something in the past or anything. I've even had someone admit to being so incoherent and fallacious that they justified it. It's actually great because it shows how vicious people are and deep down the only reason they're this upset is because they do not like you deep down. To see people this mad at you and take things personally shows their true feelings. I used to get very upset and nearly cry in situations like this because these were once people whom I cared for, even tenderly loved in terms of family. And to see them scream and resort to name calling and mockery while you're so level headed shows they've always hated you are that no matter how golden your argument, no matter how polite and civil you are, they will likely rabid dogs continue to foam at the mouth. While I don't believe in God, I do defend the idea of hell here because it's quite controversial. Here is a good example of why theologians believed a wicked soul can never be remedied. They feel such a hatred toward a god that is infinitely good and no matter how amiable, kind, merciful he is, they will always spit in his face. Anyone who has dealt with the cruelty and stubbornness of some people when you've done nothing to them should see why such an otherwise inconceivable extreme is justified.

>> No.16153675
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>> No.16153681

>sneedposters are also neoliberal redditmigrants
Well color me surprised.

>> No.16153694

Bro, you just got BTFO.

>> No.16153710

He is unironically going to MSpaint the screencap

>> No.16153715
File: 3 KB, 372x115, Screenshot_2020-08-17 lit - Read a philosophy book Don't understand it Crea - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.16153723

:) :) :) :)

>> No.16153734

You just got RAPED

>> No.16153745

Not yet, but my gf just got off work, so it wont be long

>> No.16153752

>he gets pegged by his girlfriend
What a surprise.

>> No.16153753

When he says cannot last in a debate he means as if doesn’t have the argument, not as in being forced out of normal living.
When considering this fact, the fact that the right ‘cannot argue’, that is, isn’t allowed to speak, only supports the idea that the left is in power.

>> No.16153759

All the /pol/cels have is their fee-fees. They're completely incapable of rational thinking.

>> No.16153762

What's the point of reading philosophy? It's not like it does anything for anyone anyways.

>> No.16153767

Philosophy is something you do, not read about.

>> No.16153768

nah, haven't tried it yet

>> No.16153773

That doesn't answer my question. What's the point of philosophy?

>> No.16153776

>people who's primary form of "argument" is based on emotions
>A shallow mind who doesn't think, and doesn't care about truth
>typical /pol/ seething about women and minorities
>"truth," not based on emotions
Lol dude

>> No.16153893

The same as science.

>> No.16153925

Just say what is outright or fuck off

>> No.16153953

That doesn't answer the question.

>> No.16154000
File: 34 KB, 1873x243, philosophyscreencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him. this is vaguely related

>> No.16154013

If you actually visited the place youd be surprised.

>> No.16154022

Lol would not be shocked if this was a samefag.

Look, the main core of /pol/'s intelligent people left ages and ages ago for better pastures, in fact I would go as far as to extend that claim to all of 4chan beyond the few enthusiasts who enjoy the "anonymous" posting structure or are just looking for a forum with a low barrier to entry and decent levels of posting activity. There is simply too much traffic and too many people on this site to look at any one board and claim its members to be the golden threads of some kind of deep intellectual masterpiece like the purple prose you painstakingly wrote out.

You should read Seneca's On the Shortness of Life. The way he justifies the reading / study of philosophy in those pages is beyond reproach in my opinion. The only thing I can add to what he said is that the most useful philosophy one can study is the one that can be explored in one's own life - he doesn't say this himself but it's implied by the practically oriented people he talks about in that writing and the elaboration he makes on his own Stoic ideas. Outside of that, unless one is studying for a degree in the subject or in something related I feel the justifications for even bothering with the subject can get too shaky to stand behind.

>> No.16154029
File: 40 KB, 600x515, noice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NP. Nice penis by the way

>> No.16154036

The pursuit of truth.

>> No.16154060

It can help one have a deeper understanding of their own existence or the universe at large, and can help one to change habits that may be standing in the way of their happiness.
Of course, that all depends on what philosophy one reads, how they interpret it, and how much they allow it to affect them. Give an idiot any philosophical work and 9 times out of 10 they'll still be an idiot afterwards.

I agree with giving Seneca a shot. The stoics get memed on this board (largely by people who have a shallow understanding of it), but Seneca has always been a great philosopher imo even if you remove him from stoicism.

>> No.16154080

But what does "knowing yourself" do for you? Name a philosopher that was wealthy, world famous and had major political influence (besides Marcus Aurelius, he got this stuff from being a king, not a philosopher).

>> No.16154097

Do you really think there's no value to life besides being wealthy, famous, or influential?

>> No.16154101

You are presupposing that material wealth, fame, and political influence are the purpose of life.

>> No.16154115

>There is simply too much traffic and too many people on this site to look at any one board and claim its members to be the golden threads of some kind of deep intellectual masterpiece like the purple prose you painstakingly wrote out.
What a disingenuous reading. No one said anything about deep intellectual masterpieces. It's about people using arguments and being met with insults, accusations, and injuries to social capital, and it's in response to this post>>16153516
You say purple prose, but if anything, that post exemplifies it more than anything, filled with literary refrains pathologizing his opponents with ambiguous and inscrutable claims. It looks like in the exact same style as your writing, interestingly enough.

>> No.16154118

you're emotionally weak frog boy

>> No.16154136

fuck you sprinkle boy, swan dive off a building

>> No.16154258

Most based comment on 4chan right now

>> No.16154270

>Truly, the gayest form of existence there is. My advice to you would be to cope, seethe, dilate, and to stop posting bluepill cringe.

>> No.16154299

>Works every time.
Except everyone on /lit/ is doing the same thing because this board is generally too stupid to understand any of the texts it purports to love.

>> No.16154303


There isn't. The fact is that if you aren't the Trumps, Musks, Gates, etc... you are irrelevant and most likely never will be. "Personal meaning" doesn't matter.

>> No.16154306

I haven't yet once been surprised by the, uh, rhetorical prowess of /pol/.

>> No.16154313

to what bro

>> No.16154316

The world is organized via wealth. It doesn't matter what I or anyone else would like to value; what actually has value (and therefore can be traded for fame, influence, etc.) is capital.

>> No.16154330

In general and don't call me bro.

>> No.16154331

>go deadlift
>dopamine synthesis goes brrrrr
>feel good
>deadlifts have value
q.e.d. d.y.e.l.

>> No.16154335

what the fuck does that even mean, irrelevant in general?

>> No.16154340

You will die and be forgotten.

>> No.16154348

So will the wealthy, famous, and influential.

>> No.16154355

this is like the faggot who said Thus Spake Zarathustra didn't say anything about why nietzsche didn't like christianity yesterday

>> No.16154356

Not likely. Otherwise we would have no idea who people like Hitler, Caesar, or Napoleon were.

>> No.16154357

and why should I care about that i'm dead nigga lmao

>> No.16154367

Why do you need to be "relevant"?

The vast majority of humans throughout history have been long forgotten. Yet they are still just as dead as those who will be remembered forever, recognition holds no meaning for either of them.
If you die either way, and your memories and senses disappear forever, then it's better to live happily while you have the ability to do so. Wealth and fame is irrelevant.

What you choose to value has value. If you choose to value your own peace of mind and happiness over capital, that is just as valid as one who values the opposite.

>Fortune is a slave in the house of a wise man, but a slave in that of a fool.
To value only material wealth is to be a slave to it.

>> No.16154385
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>> No.16154394

Those people will die and become historical novelties. They're accomplishments will be anecdotes to the common man.

>> No.16154397

Then by your argument nothing is relevant and doing anything is a waste of energy. "Personal meaning" is irrelevant. "Happiness" is irrelevant.

>> No.16154401

>What you choose to value has value.
No. What has value is what the hegemony declares has value. Lifting, gardening, being a ski bum, I can certainly orient my life around any of these things and countless others, but as enjoyable as a life lived in pursuit of these things may be, there will always be a bit of double consciousness, a crack in the firmament of my enjoyment through which the light of my irrelevance shines through. We can certainly bolster ourselves against this fear, but we cannot dispel it.

>> No.16154402

You are thinking too short term. It is almost certain one million years from now no one will know or care who Hitler, Caesar, and Napoleon were. Billions of years from now human beings will be an entirely different unrecognizable species or have gone completely extinct.

>> No.16154413

So then nothing matters and doing anything is a waste of energy.

>> No.16154420
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>> No.16154432

>*buuuurrrrp* MORTY, morty, everyone is going to die mooooortyyyyyy, that means NOTHING matters, you get that, you little piece of *buurrp* you little piece of.. shit?

>> No.16154449

Nah, we're fairly close to early anti-aging therapy. Bezos has states openly he itends to become negligibly senescent (largely non-aging) and go to live in space.

>> No.16154455

It's not a waste of energy, just a transfer.

>> No.16154490

How'd you come to that conclusion?
While it's true we all die someday, and afterwards it may well be that what we did no longer holds meaning, we're still capable of feeling, thought, and reason in the present. To hone these attributes will let us leave the world happily and with a clear conscious.
>"Personal meaning" is irrelevant. "Happiness" is irrelevant.
Hard disagree. Personal meaning is what makes us individuals (which isn't to say that people don't share meaning/values, or that their environment doesn't play a role in those things).
The meaning of happiness depends on one's definition. Short-term pleasure will fade quickly and rarely has much depth, but true spiritual happiness will always be with someone and can give them peace until death.
I see your point, though don't know if I agree with it. Too well made to refute though, so cheers. Do you not think it's possible to live outside the hegemony, or to not care for what it says?

>> No.16154505

>preemptively precluded
verbosity has entered the chat.

>> No.16154593

>No. What has value is what the hegemony declares has value. Lifting, gardening, being a ski bum, I can certainly orient my life around any of these things and countless others, but as enjoyable as a life lived in pursuit of these things may be, there will always be a bit of double consciousness, a crack in the firmament of my enjoyment through which the light of my irrelevance shines through. We can certainly bolster ourselves against this fear, but we cannot dispel it.
That only has value to you because being "relevant" has value to you, which thereby allows you to value these things made valuable to you precisely because they act as a means to getting to that initial value of relevance. That the other person you were arguing against didn't immediately suggest this suggests to me that he is too a poor thinker.

>> No.16154611

>How'd you come to that conclusion?
I pay attention to what's going on in the world.
>we're still capable of feeling, thought, and reason
All of which are personal attributes which are irrelevant.
>Hard disagree
Then we'll just have to disagree.
>true spiritual happiness
Doesn't exist

>> No.16154668

>I pay attention to what's going on in the world.
What happens in the self is far more important
>All of which are personal attributes which are irrelevant.
Everything we believe or feel could be chalked up as a personal attribute. I don’t see HOW they’re irrelevant.
>Doesn't exist
I think if one really believes they have it, then they do. I’m not more of an authority on their happiness than they are

>> No.16154773

>What happens in the self is far more important
Which is a sign of being a narcissist.
>Everything we believe or feel could be chalked up as a personal attribute. I don’t see HOW they’re irrelevant.
Because your beliefs and feelings are irrelevant. Once again, if you believe otherwise, you are a narcissist
>I think if one really believes they have it, then they do
Which means you think your personal believes are more important than facts. Guess what this makes you.

>> No.16154803

>if you believe in value besides material wealth and fame, you must be a narcissist

>> No.16154876

It does. Whether you want to accept this fact or not at this point I don't care.

>> No.16154972

So someone who seeks to gain material wealth and fame above all other desires (such as human connection) is a well-adjusted individual, while someone trying to better themselves and their perception of the world is a narcissist?
Double jej, head back to your cove

>> No.16154984

You act like you talk big and shit, but I'm sure if you went there you'd get your ass whooped
if not prove it with archive links

>> No.16155011

power has nothing to do with rational debate. You are a retard. People with power do not stop themselves because of muh morals

>> No.16155013

How is non-material things considered "better yourself"? It does nothing to make your life better. It just makes you feel better, which I've already established is completely irrelevant.

>> No.16155043

>changing your outlook on life doesn’t make it better
Demonstrably false. All it takes to be in paradise is to believe it, and I don’t doubt that there are people poorer or less educated than me who love life far more. You can be wealthy beyond measure, but still unsatisfied at the time of death if you continue to desire more.
>which I’ve already established
You’ve established nothing besides your opinion

>> No.16155054

If you want to set your standards to something even the homeless guy picking up cans on the side of the street can accomplish, knock yourself out. I want better.

>> No.16155062

Finally a based comment

>> No.16155082

>faggots like you: people who's primary form of "argument" is based on emotions, accusations, and doing his best to attack people's social capital above their arguments
holy fucking God the irony

>> No.16155095

>I want better
Didn’t you say that personal beliefs and wants are irrelevant?

>> No.16155114

Yeah. Money, fame and wealth are indisputable relevant. You're the one arguing for other things.

>> No.16155122

Indeed. It so eloquently dismisses any point the right makes without having to focus on a single one.
The one flaw, and you'll see it here, is that some posters are replying along the lines of "the left never lets as debate as you say! Our arguments would totally win in a fair rational debate."
They would, and have, not. They rely on sophistry and Karl Rove's (I think that was him?) dismissive tactics to remove the left from converse altogether by making it woefully tedious.

How ironic they've lost any ground that has a smidgen of quality control on it: including public discourse.

>> No.16155133

So wants are relevant if they’re for money and fame (both of which only have as much value as you choose to place in them), but not if they’re for furthering your understanding of the world and deepening your relationships with others
Materialists truly are beyond redemption

>> No.16155169

Understanding and relationships do nothing for you unless they get you money, fame and power.

>> No.16155196

So anyone who is fulfilled without money, fame, and power are just faking it?
You seem to be interpreting your values as objective and irrefutable, which is rich coming from the one who called others narcissists.

>> No.16155211

>So anyone who is fulfilled without money, fame, and power are just faking it?
Yes, I will die on this hill.

>> No.16155242

I respect the conviction, but then it only takes the happiness of one person in a worse position than yourself to prove you wrong. And since there’s billions of people out there who’s perceptions we’ll never know, it’s fair to assume there’s at least one.
I’m finished arguing, have a good one

>> No.16155270

>a verbose five paragraph response to a nine word shitpost

Looks like someone got triggered lol

>> No.16155278

Anyone who tries to say they are truly happy but are dirt poor are lying to themselves and lying to us. But you're right, I'm done arguing with someone who is delusional. Enjoy having nothing to show for your existence.

>> No.16155321

>Enjoy having nothing to show for your existence.
You won’t have anything to show even if you’re wealthy though. The majority of wealthy politicians in history are forgotten today, and the same will be true of you a hundred years from now, regardless of how much you “make it”
>Anyone who tries to say they are truly happy but are dirt poor are lying to themselves and lying to us
spoken like one who’s never experienced financial adversity, kek

>> No.16155342

>the worst posters on 4chan also browse the worst board on 4chan

Well that’s not surprising

>> No.16155689

Actually, my life has been nothing but financial adversity. I was born to loser parents.

>> No.16155865
File: 40 KB, 410x598, C0CE717A-973F-4971-9494-1A5ABF8E0302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tards BTFO

>> No.16155997

Holy shit lmao. the second /pol/tards leave their hivemind they get absokytely fguckign dnbde

>> No.16156108

Then why bother doing anything if no matter what you do you will be forgotten?

>> No.16156124


>> No.16156141
File: 37 KB, 389x451, 1597092448446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now, this is the most interesting thing about the /pol/ psyche.

>He claims that a leftist could not last in a debate, yet simultaneously believes that the left has won, and has permeated every single aspect of our culture so comprehensively that in order to even articulate this state of affairs, he must draw on metaphors from science fiction, from science fiction where reality itself is a fabricated simulation - one must take the redpill in order to wake up from an illusion that is of genuine cartesian scope. The left has won so hard that all ontological and epistemological presuppositions are suspect. Remarkable, isn't it? And the left cannot meme, he says.

>The leftist cannot last in a real debate, the /pol/fag says, cocksure of himself, oblivious to the fact that if he revealed even a tenth of this powerlevel, he would be permanently socially ostracized, jobless, friendless, with an even lower chance of romantic and sexual success than he already has. The leftist cannot last in a real debate, the /pol/fag says - the /pol/fag cannot even exist in a real debate, since the /pol/fag is preemptively precluded from ever participating in civlized discourse.

>Instead, he toils away the same trite old points on his anonymous imageboards, shares his oft-expressed opinions with those who agree with him, all the while his youth and energy is dwindling away.

>Truly, the gayest form of existence there is. My advice to you would be to cope, seethe, dilate, and to stop posting bluepill cringe.

>> No.16156166

3 and you will never have sex

>> No.16156232

Explain what is the point of being remembered by some fucktards in the future.

>> No.16156241
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Master Entp debater here. AMA.

>> No.16156248

Because anything you would do would be pointless if it is not to get money, fame and power.

>> No.16156265

What about taking a shit? Cut down on the anime, dude.

>> No.16156275

I don't watch anime. I'm not a nerd.

>> No.16156300

You still haven't explained what's the point of being remembered in a future, that you are not a part of. Is Genghis Khan having a posthumous orgasm right now just because I mentioned him or what?

>> No.16156327

What's the point of being forgotten? Why should I have to explain why I want to matter? The people who want to be losers should have to be the ones to explain themselves.

>> No.16156348

What an odd way to say: "I don't know."

>> No.16156372

Whatever, loser.

>> No.16156378

How are you gaining power by shitposting on 4chan, btw.

>> No.16156397

I own up that I'm a worthless loser. I have no way to earn any significant money, fame or power. When did I say otherwise?

>> No.16156415


>> No.16156451


>> No.16156554

You actually don't own it up, you demonise it in others in order to feel more removed from it, seek peace within friend.

>> No.16156610

I don't want to have peace within. As long as I'm poor, I want to hate myself.

>> No.16156613

Damn bit sad how backwards you have it while being 100% certain. Luckily you won't have to worry about wasting half your life chasing money/fame/power to then find it doesn't make you happy, since you seem to dispirited to try doing so in the first place.

you should know though happiness is always there if you really want it. dont worry about being too corrupted by your many years of being bitter. paths a bit longer but no less achievable

>> No.16156624


>> No.16156635

I've seen "happiness" destroy too many people around me to ever trust it.


>> No.16156643

What's it to you what I feel about myself? I hate poor people, I am poor, thus I hate myself. It's that simple.

>> No.16156648

I guess some people are just born to be rats.

>> No.16156653

I seek to understand how one becomes like this.

>> No.16156656

Not an argument.

>> No.16156680

Recognizing your place in society.

>> No.16156699

Why would you want to improve the life of someone you hate?

>> No.16156706

Who said I wanted to improve my life? You make a lot of assumptions about me.

>> No.16156717

>muh /pol/ bogeyman
Face it there is just as much insightful posts there as on /lit/, which is like maybe 4%. It's just a much faster board so it looks a lot more shit at first glance.

>> No.16156722

In that case you are not worth my time.

>> No.16156739

I never said I was. All I asked was to name a philosopher who had money, fame and power without being a noble or king and you guys took it into this weird direction instead of answering the fucking question.

>> No.16156748

destroy in what way? pleasure is not the same as happiness.

if you mean genuine happiness destroying their drive for fame/money/power, maybe its because its more enjoyable and meaningful.
why do you value so much? what do they give you aside from some nominal "respect"/recognition from strangers?

>> No.16156843

Made too many people ok with being mediocre. Disgusts me.

>> No.16156877

literally me
also me

>> No.16156895

>He claims that a leftist could not last in a debate, yet simultaneously believes that the left has won
Immediate strawman
>The leftist cannot last in a real debate, the /pol/fag says, cocksure of himself, oblivious to the fact that if he revealed even a tenth of this powerlevel, he would be permanently socially ostracized, jobless, friendless, with an even lower chance of romantic and sexual success than he already has. The leftist cannot last in a real debate, the /pol/fag says - the /pol/fag cannot even exist in a real debate, since the /pol/fag is preemptively precluded from ever participating in civlized discourse.
>it's outside the overton window so that makes other arguments good
so this is the power of the left

>> No.16157183

Holy fucking shit, /pol/cels eternally blown out of the atmosphere, just look at how the seethe has reached critical mass in the replies.

>> No.16157954

I am prescribing 500 milligrams of intravenous copium to all the assblasted repliers to this based post.

>> No.16158077
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holy basidentitermes it does work

>> No.16158253

copypasta potential

>> No.16158437

The left is so powerful because they subvert and bar free debate.
Debate isn't what decides power and the left actively alienates and discourages debate with actually dangerous ideas.

>> No.16158455

pretty sure thats already pasta, at least ive seen it before

>> No.16158542
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>Truly, the gayest form of existence there is. My advice to you would be to cope, seethe, dilate, and to stop posting bluepill cringe.

>> No.16158620

do you want some sprinkles with your brain rot

>> No.16158625


thinks he's the princess

>> No.16158633

Genealogy of Morals by Nietzsche was the worse book in history, no wonder he went mad in the end writing shit like that...

>> No.16158663

>The leftist cannot last in a real debate, the /pol/fag says - the /pol/fag cannot even exist in a real debate, since the /pol/fag is preemptively precluded from ever participating in civlized discourse.
>Instead, he toils away the same trite old points on his anonymous imageboards, shares his oft-expressed opinions with those who agree with him, all the while his youth and energy is dwindling away.
>Truly, the gayest form of existence there is. My advice to you would be to cope, seethe, dilate, and to stop posting bluepill cringe.
Holy shit this is a savage triple-tap. No wonder the /pol/fags are crying so hard.

>> No.16158667

How does it feel to be ignored

>> No.16158670


>> No.16158674
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Cheers anon. I hope you find better friends and God.

>> No.16158680

but muh ebil nazi board, i read it on vice

>> No.16158688

But in the process of doing something wrong, you obviously also gained a miniscule understanding of the book, because differentiating the wrong from the right requires you to have an understanding of parts of the right to consciously go for something wrong.

You are not stupid, Anon!

>> No.16158709

Just because its edgy in every direction dosent mean it covers a large spectrum. Its not the exact opposite of an echo chamber its a fucking cesspit of 20 year old reactionaries who are banned on twitter

>> No.16158718

I would kill myself if I thought this and if you find it to be absolute truth (which I doubt) then I do suggest you die.

>> No.16158721


Ruthlessly based. The cope in response to this post is proof of how thoroughly /pol/ sewage has seeped into this board. Three years ago everyone would be agreeing with you.

/lit/ is a leftist and post-left board. Polfags OUT.

>> No.16158723

I want to, and probably will within the next 10 years just like the majority of the population.

>> No.16158728

If it makes you happy.

>> No.16158730

It won't, but whatever.

>> No.16159366

truly based post making tradcells seethe

>> No.16159409
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extremely based
ignore the seething trannies

>> No.16159756

Because the question is fucking retarded materialist logic that only money and power are worthwhile, which the majority of noteworthy philosophers vehemently disagree with

>> No.16159764
File: 182 KB, 602x740, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Read a philosophy book
>>Don't understand it
cringe as kek lmao dead hahahahahahaha

>> No.16159789

>the self-proclaimed poorfag who hates himself is disgusted with perceived mediocrity from others

>> No.16160847
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>> No.16160925

So, be surrounded by people who don't matter? Never really care about anyone?

>> No.16161116

Since your definition of people who matter is only the rich and powerful, yeah you’ll never meet anyone and can never make a genuine connection

>> No.16161132

Know what, I'm done. You keep thinking you are saying something unique, but you keep making the same bad arguments that everyone else makes with me. You want to be a slave and never be genuinely happy, knock yourself out.

>> No.16161148

You seem incapable of understanding that there are different temperaments and personalities among humans, you think that everyone is just like you.

>> No.16161160

>You want to be a slave and never be genuinely happy
>says the man who is a slave to material wealth and being viewed as famous by others
>says the man who openly says he is never happy
Sounds like projection to me, bucko

>> No.16161305

Just drop it. We're not going to agree.

>> No.16161351

I agree. Hopefully your understanding of human emotion matures with age and goes beyond the material to include virtue.
Don’t rope, you still have much to learn

>> No.16161361

That was me and I was right.

>> No.16161363

If you're not going to respond then just don't respond lol. You can't imagine people with minds different than your own, this is a sign of autism

>> No.16161919

Leftism can't exist without censorship.

>> No.16161937

I don't understand you people. You deride me for wanting something tangible to show value, but then you give nothing that denotes value. You talk about how most people are genuinely happy, but they are not. And all you do is attack me because I recognize all of this. I have grown up. I'm 34. I've been around the block a few times. Just because I don't lie to myself about my place in society and the place of those around me is no reason to constantly treat me like shit. Oh, well. When our superiors wisen up and start off the rest of us, maybe you will finally get it.

>> No.16161959

>mostly an echo chamber
>catalogue is always filled to the brim with people posting stuff that goes against the perceived norms of the board and every autist always replies and bumps the thread to 300 posts

/pol/ is unironically the opposite of an echo chamber, every time anything happens that hurts what you people see as the right wing /pol/ narrative there are a dozen+ threads a day

>> No.16162132

Don't let things people say on an anonymous mongolian carpet crafting forum get under your skin. Autist, faggot, and retard are common words used in debate here and to take anything personally is silly.
We're not making fun of you, just your dumbfuck philosophy

>You deride me for wanting something tangible to show value, but then you give nothing that denotes value
That's because value is subjective and material wealth only lasts you for so long as you're alive to spend it. Once you die your wealth, fame, and reputation all cease to matter, so what should be most important is simply to live a happy and virtuous life in the time you have. Time is far more valuable than wealth, since you can never get back spent time,
If you're dependent on money for your happiness then you are a slave to it.
>You talk about how most people are genuinely happy, but they are not
Don't recall saying most people are happy. Most people probably aren't happy, but everyone is capable of it since happiness isn't a physical state but rather a mental one.
If someone is depressed but well-off financially (which in your philosophy is impossible), giving them more money won't suddenly make them the happiest guy around. A change of perspective and habit is what will achieve that.

I'll echo the recommendation earlier in this thread about reading Seneca's On the Shortness of Life. It goes over the gist of what I'm saying far more eloquently than I can put it.

>> No.16162230

>dumbfuck philosophy
Fuck off.

>> No.16162246
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not an argument. sounds like someone got refutered

>> No.16162275

Ok, I'll read what you have to say.

>Once you die your wealth, fame and reputation all cease to matter
So nothing you will ever do will matter so don't bother doing anything. Your words not mine.

>If you're dependent on money for your happiness then you are a slave to it.
Everyone is a slave to something. I rather be a slave to something tangible than some religious or emotion based crap.

>A change of perspective and habit is what will achieve that.
Yet you name nothing because you know that you have nothing but more religious and emotion based crap, which, as I have stated constantly, I don't care about.

>> No.16162283

Absolutely sick digits bro, shame you wasted them on such a cringe hot take.

>> No.16162383

>So nothing you will ever do will matter so don't bother doing anything
Unless you believe there's more to life than those things (on which your stance is clear), yeah. There's no value in having a child or loving family since they won't net you any profit; may as well sit in isolation and do nothing until you waste away.
>Everyone is a slave to something
Most are, but not all. This is just a cope to justify yourself refusing to improve.
>I rather be a slave to something tangible than some religious or emotion based crap.
But your "emotional crap" is your own and within your control, and if you know how to direct it then you are no longer a slave but a master.

You believe it's impossible to be happy without wealth, and believe you aren't capable of becoming wealthy. You're making yourself miserable with your own arbitrary expectations.

>> No.16162441

>having a child or loving family
I would not bring a child into this cruel world, money or not. Anyone that is worth me even considering starting a family with I would tell to go find someone better than me.

>This is just a cope to justify yourself refusing to improve.
What's the point of "improving yourself" if you are never going to matter?

>But your "emotional crap" is your own and within your control, and if you know how to direct it then you are no longer a slave but a master.
But you will never have control over the stuff that matters, so this rings hollow.

>You believe it's impossible to be happy without wealth
Yet you don't name anything else tangible that would make people happy.

>believe you aren't capable of becoming wealthy.
The vast majority of people that grow up in a low income household (such as me) will die in the same income bracket they were born into. This isn't me saying this. This have been proven.

>You're making yourself miserable with your own arbitrary expectations.
Yet you don't give any basis for saying you're great other than just belief that you are, which isn't enough for me.

>> No.16162477
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Based on what? You just flat-out admitted in any real debate you'd go out of your way to censor, silence, and destroy any opposition you deemed /pol/.
You're a loser in every way possible and some would say are impossible.

>> No.16162498

>What's the point of "improving yourself" if you are never going to matter?
To make existence more bearable and enjoyable before the inevitable abyss.
You can still matter to those close to you if you can cultivate loving relationships, and for most that's enough. You don't need a chapter in history books to matter and be content.
>But you will never have control over the stuff that matters, so this rings hollow.
You'll never have control over everything, but that's just all the more reason to exercise control over the one thing you have total control over: yourself.
>Yet you don't name anything else tangible that would make people happy.
Because tangibility isn't necessary for happiness, and even if it were there would be no single thing that would make every person happy.
>The vast majority of people that grow up in a low income household (such as me) will die in the same income bracket they were born into. This isn't me saying this. This have been proven.
The income bracket isn't the point I'm getting at, it's your assumption that you must be miserable if you're in that bracket. It just locks you into a negative spiral.
>Yet you don't give any basis for saying you're great other than just belief that you are, which isn't enough for me.
And you give no basis for saying you're worth less than rich men except a belief that money is the only key to worth.

Genuine question, do you believe it is okay to do an immoral act (like murder) if it enhances your wealth?

>> No.16162517

Look, I've humored you, but we are just not going to agree. No back and forth is going to change that.

>> No.16162522

Fair enough, this has been going in circles long enough.
Have a good one, don't rope yourself, remember to brush your teeth