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/lit/ - Literature

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16216119 No.16216119 [Reply] [Original]

>when someone unironically takes notes when reading fiction

>> No.16216124

>The red curtains are symbolic of me (a man) being on my period, because I'm a princess and I read fiction

>> No.16216128

>taking notes ever
Never going to make it.

>> No.16216134
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How else an I gonna remember the villains name so I can call you it when we're discussing serious subjects ⸮

>> No.16216143

>>when someone unironically takes notes when reading fiction
There brain would probably explode if they tried to read philo or non fiction kek. Also, they are just faggots that saw the big boys writing in their books and want to be like them and it makes their little brain feel smart

>> No.16216144

i will take notes when and on what i choose to, you have no power over me

>> No.16216161

inb4 aminimum wage amerimutt points out the grammatical error which helps him cope in his shitty life

>> No.16216181
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>when I ironically take notes when reading fiction

>> No.16216195

I don't take notes but I sometimes go to websites like wikipedia or sparknotes if I don't get it

>> No.16216198
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When I unironically ram the pepsi bottle up my ass

>> No.16216303

This reminds me I was reading a budding grove and their is a part where proust starts describing one of the females characters clothing and someone had underlined that part and then wrote fashion at the top of the page

>> No.16216321

I doubt anyone cares about what you read or how you read it

>> No.16216473

Well, it would make sense for someone writing historical fiction set in France or a costume designer, to underline those lines and adding a title to remind themselves of what the highlighted parts are or to find it more easily. Maybe they were writing an essay on Prousts 'female' or gay sensibilities.
You will never know why they did it though, so I honestly don't get why you'd make a big deal of the notes or whatever mental aid system other people would use. Reading and interpreting text is a personal experience. It's not like you'd write them for a third party.

>> No.16216502

That was all that was underlined in a 700 page book. Also it appears as if you are flustered over my post for some reason. Are you perhaps one of those brainlets that highlights and takes notes in his highschool reading level fictional books?

>> No.16216503

this is quality post

>> No.16216505

There's nothing wrong with underlining or otherwise noting certain passages that resonate with you.

>> No.16216514
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>when someone unironically reads fiction

>> No.16216520

Oh yes! this fictional story pulled out of the authors ass really spoke to me let me underline it!!. If something is decently written like that in your little novel you can remember it without underlining it. Keep underlining in your harry potter books little brain.

>> No.16216541

Let me repeat what I said because it seems you missed it, which suggests you're a troll or a retard
>I honestly don't get why you'd make a big deal of the notes or whatever mental aid system other people would use. Reading and interpreting text is a personal experience. It's not like you'd write them for a third party.

>his highschool reading level fictional books
Kill yourself.

>> No.16216551

Let me repeat what I said since it still seems to be true.
>it appears as if you are flustered over my post for some reason. Are you perhaps one of those brainlets that highlights and takes notes in his highschool reading level fictional books?

>> No.16216568 [SPOILER] 
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>kill yourself.
Am i fitting in yet fellow 4channelers?

>> No.16216572

Hes not making a "big deal" of anything subtle strawmanner, hes sharing it as a small joke anonymously on an image board. Relax.

>> No.16216584

I read fiction and I get fucked in the ass by an overweight transvestite.

>> No.16216600

You seem to be implying there's something wrong with note taking because it's fiction, or that doing so is the sign of a brainlet, as if it wasn't common practice for students, writers, critics or scholars. Why would you make such assumptions with zero information?
Why would it be any different to taking notes on a philosophical text? What sort of retarded delusions might you have?
Again, I prompt you to kill yourself.

>> No.16216608

Why are you so assblasted

>> No.16216611

Yep as I had guessed from all your flustered posts you are that brainlet highlighting and taking notes in his children books. Pro tip: Try reading more it will get easier and you won't need to take notes in those fantasy novels of yours

>> No.16216623
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>Why would it be any different to taking notes on a philosophical text?
Do you happen to be american by chance?

>> No.16216625


>> No.16216633

>Again, I prompt you to kill yourself.
Alright redditor

>> No.16216634

Pseuds BTFO'D

>> No.16216639
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>> No.16216645

>the samefags keep upvoting and circlejerking around shit
lmao, you freshman faggots are insufferable

>> No.16216669

lmao get a load of this brainlet:

>> No.16217346

Post bookshelf

>> No.16217389



Get. Out.

>> No.16217465

Kinda this unironically desu.

>> No.16217547

You ok?

>> No.16219182

A great work of literature has a lot worth thinking about in. Taking notes for fiction is no different than for nonfiction.

>> No.16219193

Nice downvote /b/rother, I'm gifting you with silver :)

>> No.16219194
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>Fictionfags unironically taking notes in their teen novels

>> No.16219196

OP how are you surprised at this? Anyone reading fiction especially taking notes in the book can't be very smart to begin with.

>> No.16219199

Wild how so many great and influential writers were brainlets.


https://millmarginalia.org/ (mostly nonfiction, but he did write in his copies of Shelley and Burns and also Carlyle's novel sartor resartus)

>> No.16219203


>> No.16219205


>> No.16219217


Intellectual intuition > Erudition

>> No.16219245

I'll confess to having done that once to a YA novel. But it was in high-school so, wasn't much of a choice.

>> No.16219340

Leddit called, they wan't you back.

>> No.16219384

this thread is awful
>oh but im being ironic
fuck off and die, this is a LITERATURE board, go somewhere else to circlejerk your shitty philosophy or politics or religion

>> No.16219392

But I need to have general points to bring up in the book club.
I can't be expected to remember it all, I'm retarded.

>> No.16219546
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>> No.16219553

Taking notes when reading fiction is based. Taking notes when reading nonfiction, however... that's just cringe.

>> No.16219562

Plato is not hard to read in any way.

>> No.16219606

It's great when you buy an used book and manage to trace some brainlet's brain trying to figure shit out with notes such as

>violence against women(indigenous)

It's like you get two narratives for the price of one.

>> No.16219761

This board is just a /pol/ branch at this point.

>> No.16219856
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Why yes, I do read fiction for the fun of it, and I'm not insecure so I don't care what others think of me for reading fiction. How did you know?

>> No.16219884

>this fictional story pulled out of the authors ass really spoke to me let me underline it!!
>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.16219917
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>when someone unironically reads

>> No.16219928

Finally an optimistic take on such a blind-fury inducing act as defacing books. I met a girl who claimed I was "gatekeeping" for denouncing her scribbling notes (IN PEN) in a book that could potentially be resold / borrowed/ eaten infinitely otherwise.

>> No.16219931

what a retard

>> No.16219939
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>Tfw ADD-riddled brain can't process too much information at once and so I can't really experience multi-layered stories, just understand someone else's analysis of them

>> No.16219956

Well, you’re being a virgin if your reason not to scribble on your books is that you may give them to someone else later. It’s your fucking property. You can rip off the pages one by one after you read them if you want.

>> No.16219983

>you’re being a virgin
what's wrong with ascending
>if your reason not to scribble on your books is that you may give them to someone else later
the written form is sacred desu

>> No.16219995

>Caring for your possessions vs. telling everyone you reserve the right to destroy them like a child having a tantrum
Bugman opinion. What's next, it's your body so you're going to stuff it full of junk food?

>> No.16219999

based Joyceanon

>> No.16220004

I just go on warousu

>> No.16220014

>>Caring for your possessions vs. telling everyone you reserve the right to destroy them like a child having a tantrum
>Bugman opinion. What's next, it's your body so you're going to stuff it full of junk food?

What's next, it's your mind so you're going to stuff it full of DANK MEMES?

>> No.16220015

You’re both fat, lonely and lack any actual spirituality. You come to fourchan to jack off at anime gifs and hate on women. You’re both basically using /lit/ as your own version of twitter. You have no soul or capacity for literature as craft or an art, which is why you can only think in political or social terms.

>> No.16220027

>>the written form is sacred desu
>fetishizing symbols
Never gonna make it

>> No.16220030

>seething projection

>> No.16220057

Nice NPC respond. I have one too: dilate tranny

>> No.16220066

your entire diary entry post >>16220015
was an npc response faggot

>> No.16220070

>”No, U”
Bigbrain over here. You can’t even come up with an original insult or at least a different buzzword.

>> No.16220072

>pot kettle

>> No.16220147

fiction is art, non-fiction and philosophy arent, its not a fair comparison to make. its like if i went up to someone reading Hegel and was like "oh, you think youre smart? if you really were intelligent youd be solving differential equations, but i bet your monkey brain couldnt handle it." they arent even the same thing

>> No.16220325

Not him, but I read Parmenides recently and it was quite tricky. Am I a brainlet?

>> No.16220735

Did you read it whiteout reading anyting else by Plato. Maybe you missed some of his previous points.