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/lit/ - Literature

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16232065 No.16232065 [Reply] [Original]

Tedious routine after tedious routine
how do i rewire my brain to actually pick up a book, sit down and read

>> No.16232074

Just have it in your hand while your browse 4channel and from time to time read a page or maybe a half

>> No.16232077

turn all the screens off and sit in silence for ten minutes with a timer.

>> No.16232090
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I wish I knew....

>> No.16232115

Find a book you actually like and then when you get invested in it you don't want to even put it away

>> No.16232125

watch some long boring artsy ass movie with subtitles on criterian channel, that will calm your brain the fuck down and make you concentrate for a couple hours, then you'll be able to read probably

>> No.16232139

Oh man i love that stuff, I’m watching yorgos laminosor whatever his name is the dude that directed Dogtooth, it’s amazing how watching good art films makes you feel. It’s a weird experience for sure

>> No.16232160

> No there's... Reading requires sitting alone in a quiet room and I have friends, intelligent friends, who don't like to read, because they get - it's not just bored - there's an almost dread that comes up, I think, here, about having to be alone and having to be quiet. And you see that when you walk into most public spaces in America. It isn't quiet anymore. They pipe music through. And the music is easy to make fun of, because it's usually horrible music, but it seems significant that we don't want things to be quiet ever anymore. And to me, I don't know that I could defend it, but that seems to me to have something to do with when you feel like the purpose of your life is to gratify yourself and get things for yourself and go all the time, there's this other part of you that is almost hungry for silence and quiet and thinking really hard about the same thing for maybe half an hour instead of thirty seconds. It doesn't get fed at all. It makes itself felt in the body, and a kind of dread in here. I don't know if that makes a lot of sense but it's true here, in the US, every year the culture gets more and more hostile - and I don't mean hostile as angry - it becomes more and more difficult to ask people to read or to look at a piece of art for an hour or to listen to a piece of music that's complicated and that takes work to understand, because - well there are a lot of reasons - but because, particularly now in computer and internet culture, everything is so fast. And the faster things go, the more we feed that part of ourselves, but don't feed the part of ourselves that likes the quiet. That can live in quiet. That can live without any kind of stimulation. I don't know.

>> No.16232167

...to the point where you've lost that quiet part of yourself - where the dread manifested is just a corpse of something you used to know.

>> No.16232168

>yorgos laminosor
thanks bruh they have three of him on criterion about to peep some

>> No.16232188
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No problem brah his first one is slow with minimal dialogue, the middle one is hilarious but I haven’t seen the last one.

>> No.16232202

not trying to shit on watching art movies, which is cool in itself, but watching entire movies to prep for reading is hardly sustainable or a good time ratio investment

>> No.16232218
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Bro if you can make it through a dialogue driven minimalist French new wave film about a dude trying to break out of Nazi jail you can read a book

>> No.16232235

I agree with that and don't understand what contradiction you think this implies against my post

>> No.16232244
File: 298 KB, 1280x960, 599C7057-1A9B-4A1F-8FE7-C7B1316EE930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn’t imply a contradiction it’s a further explication of the position I’ve taken to help OP. I regularly tell people here that if they like proper literature they should get into art films, they go hand in hand.

>> No.16232256
File: 90 KB, 820x500, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ok. sorry for spilling the spagghetter then

>> No.16232302
File: 202 KB, 933x933, 01AC7173-E966-4631-8D0B-9AB65AF959E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries fren

>> No.16232675

read a collection of shorts and get back into the groove of it

>> No.16232701
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Break away from your enslaving habits, mortal. To know your freedom is to know your deepest joy.

>> No.16233366

take a week to go backpacking

>> No.16233405

Seconding this. Take a short story less than 100 pages to the shitter and read while you shit. You'll start reading more and more once you trade the phone for a book.

>> No.16235025

Unironically has helped

This bloody quarantine has fried my attention spam since we can do scarcely anything but the internet for hours upon hours. Now I can hardly read for over an hour or two without serious burnout, and I'm constantly consuming and finding more to consume. I miss my friends. I miss old times.

I just want it to be over, and get my real life back :(