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/lit/ - Literature

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16292637 No.16292637 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite Latinx writer?

>> No.16292641

Never use that term again, you stupid fucking NIGGER.

>> No.16292700



>> No.16292803

What type of gringo shit is Latinx, fucking cringe

>> No.16292807


>> No.16292818

SJW shit that makes no sense.

>> No.16292842

Arma virumque cano motherfucker

>> No.16292850

>Latin American
absolute state

>> No.16293755


Escribe bien hijo de puta

>> No.16293904


>> No.16293936
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>> No.16293938
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When it comes to /spiclit/ no one comes close to Rubén Darío

>> No.16293947

No, yo siempre onions puntual :)

>> No.16294002
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>> No.16294038

Llosa is good if you like adventure novel type shit that moves fast

Borges is a god obviously

Rulfo is fun in an isolated early example of surrealism way. Pedro Paramos is definitely haunted and activates certain energies

marquez is pretty much a god, and is the most classically inclined for the Boom generation, good with 5 dollar words, sensory as all fuck

Fuentes has a raw power and the authority you'd expect in cathedrals. Writes about architecture particularly well and does play the crazy prophet game which is fun if sometimes irritating

Bolano is a god and writes at a bit of a distance, this preoccupied tone that leaves a lot of plot in negative space

>> No.16294058

Bolaño is definitely not a god. Out of these people only Borges comes close to god status.

>> No.16294060

also every novel and certainly every novel in spanish is homage to cervantes. Almost all the tricks of the genre are lifted from him, and all your magical realist shit is as old as Quixote's madness inspired clarity

>> No.16294071

latinks. you gotta go back

>> No.16294077

eh maybe personal preference but Bolano is at least the only one on the list who comes close to borges in terms of being well-read.

>> No.16294080

Correct and Cervantes was a Jew, not a Spaniard so that makes Jews the most BASED race.

>> No.16294102

Aprende a hablar aweonao

>> No.16294103

Maybe. I doubt it, though. In an interview he said he used a literature dictionary and that he wasn't all that knowledgable. Also he only read in Spanish so he wasn't a polyglot like Borges. And his actual literature is nowhere near god status. I mean, have you really read the canon? He's good but he isn't a "god."

>> No.16294113

>Aprende a hablar aweonao
¿Quién le explica a este chilenito la evidente ironía?

>> No.16294119

it's a stupid white liberal cope word.

>> No.16294157

hm that bolano is a proper poet is quite nice, sensibilities of a poet don't usually translate well to fiction. He has a clausterphobic learnedless which I like, and is able to sneak in little parables/socratic dialogue type moments into stories within stories pretty seamlessly, something I find somewhat charming. He's also just very attentive at the sentence to sentence level. Metaphors are usually vague as all fuck until they suddenly make sense a few pages later, it plays the broken narrative/puzzle novel game but it doesn't at any point lose you going up its own ass. He's pretty fucking good with characters.

>> No.16294215
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prietos hirviendo

>> No.16294243
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>> No.16295747

Based thread

>> No.16295759

what kind of overweight white womyn came up with this abomination?

>> No.16295973

"Latinx" is just a way for white people to police foreign languages and feel progressive about it.

>> No.16296048


>> No.16296054


>> No.16296354


>> No.16296405
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>> No.16296883

pinche pendejo we xdddddddddddddddd

>> No.16296915

Absolutely based and Dariopilled
He is, in my opinion, the greatest poet in the field of lyrical aestheticism in any tongue. I genuinely consider much his oeuvre to be genuinely perfect.

>> No.16296982
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What is required reading for Mexican-Americans?

>> No.16297009
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Unironically understanding Sor Juana Inés and her marrying of Culteranism and Conceptism for a (mind the pun) new spanish baroque style.
Fuentes has many crucial works, however I'd call his Terra Nostra and his Espejo Enterrado as vital - they're the finest system of national introspection Mexico has produced. The author's attempt to rescue those three hundred years of colonial history back into the Mexican mainstream is of utmost importance.

Rulfo's small corps. His æsthetic is undoubtedly a triumph of your nation.

As you may have noticed; there is a pattern: you must understand Spanish [language] culture within its confines, and, furthermore, particularly from the Mexican perspective. This is the burden all of us Latin Americans bear, but it is also a blessing.

Therefore you mustn't limit yourself to a handful of novels, but the entire breadth of our culture. Do not merely read, but experience Don Quijote. Analyse Cien Años de Soledad, but do not be trite: read that which interests you. Gradually build, from the stones of your past, your one world. As our ancestors have done.

And so go forth. Read Carpentier, and Dario, and Seneca even. Identify with them. Become who you are.

[Place «Embrace tradition» stamp here]

>> No.16297046

Miguel Serrano. He was my entry into esoteric Hitlerism.

>> No.16297049

This post was such disgusting syrup I think it gave me diabetes.

>> No.16297323

Is Picasso Latinx?