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16298930 No.16298930 [Reply] [Original]

Violent books?
I've read American Psycho and Blood Meridian and I want more.

>> No.16298939

Preferable not books that exist purely for gore or horror types. Actual violence for whatever reason which drives the story.

>> No.16298959
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Blood Meridian isn't even that violent a book. Glanton killing those two kids was pretty much the worst thing that happened and it wasn't even that graphic. Any given Tarantino film is worse.

>> No.16298998

What about books that make you more violent towards others?

>> No.16299000

Im convinced you didn’t read the book.

>> No.16299020

what kind of violence?
I wanted to suggest some, but then it became clear that I don't know of any books where violence is such an overwhelming force.

James Patterson books are always pretty gorey, some Palahniuk books are pretty violent. There's Horns, by Joe Hill?
I don't know

>> No.16299021


>> No.16299039

>dog burning
It's an animal.
>dogs drowning
Sad, but again animals.
>Judge killing kids
Cruel but quick, one isn't even seen.
>Glanton dying
Pretty quick. Hack away lol.
>The Kids death
Extremely vague, only hinted at being bad.
>Black guy, killing racist.
Again you'd see worse in a Tarantino film
>Mexican barkeep death
Just gets hit in the head with a bottle.
>Snakebit horse
Pretty rough, but it's just nature.
>Ferry kills
Not even detailed.
>Other barkeep death
Just gets shot.

>> No.16299044

Titus Andronicus, Shakespeare's most violent play.

>> No.16299176

The Illiad. The Bible. The Mahabharta.

Also: have you asked yourself why you want to read about violence? Its kind of concerning that this should be the theme anyone is looking for.

>> No.16299241

My life is boring nowadays and fantasizing/reading about violence is an outlet

>> No.16299352

Way to ruin the story for people who haven't read it yet you fucking faggot

>> No.16299444

If your bored how about volunteering some time to help out somehow?

Honestly there are uses of your mental energy that are much more healthy and constructive. Try learning meditation. "Boredom" is a sign of immaturity imo- you should be looking to use your time not waste it (unless your so hopelessly hylic souled that you cant conceive of any idea of worth, value or goodness beyond your own hedonism- in which case go ahead and read gore-porn for the rest of your life.)
And yes, I say this with full comprehension of where we are posting.

>> No.16299461

child of god by mccarthy is pretty gnarly as well

>> No.16299489

Thanks for the spoiler you absolute cunt. I’m halfway through fuck you

>> No.16299513

You need A Clockwork Orange, OP.

>> No.16299519

lmao look at this fucking retard reading through an entire reply about a book he hasnt finished and then complaining about spoilers. Just turn off the monitor lmao

>> No.16299552

One of my favourite books, forgot to mention it in the OP

>> No.16299591

Do spoilers work on this board? If they do then you should fucking use them you giant faggot

>> No.16299613

Nice, just started it. Got accustomed to nadsat faster than I expected, the first page was the only one I really had to slog through and reread every sentence a few times. Now it’s just joyfully fun to read (Alex has just mentally coomed to the pleasure of classical music while his boomer parents seethe in the next room).

>> No.16299628

I enjoyed the book more after learning some basic Russian. Made it flow more. Have you seen the movie?

>> No.16299632
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>reading for the plot

>> No.16299672

Yeah but we watched it my friend’s basement with poor stereo sound and a noisy furnace nearby turning on infrequently. Made it almost impossible to parse the majority of what Alex was narrating, nevermind the nadsat.
Really loved the movie despite that. Looking forward to reading the full story with final chapter included.

>> No.16299688

You think that this greentext is "the story" of Blood Meridian, or, The Evening Redness in the West?

>> No.16299689

Really good book, definitely worth it. I wrote a dissertation on the book in the final year of high school and got an A lol, all about the duality of man.

>> No.16299919

Is that one of the border trilogy? The trilogy is definitely on my to read list.
I love the setting of the old West.

>> No.16299979

Joe Lansdale's short story Night They Missed the Horrow Show

>If they'd gone to the drive-in like they'd planned, none of this would have happened. But Leonard didn't like drive-ins when he didn't have a date, and he'd heard about Night Of The Living Dead, and he knew a nigger starred in it. He didn't want to see no movie with a nigger star. Niggers chopped cotton, fixed flats, and pimped nigger girls, but he'd never heard of one that killed zombies. And he'd heard too that there was a white girl in the movie that let the nigger touch her, and that peeved him. Any white gal that would let a nigger touch her must be the lowest trash in the world. Probably from Hollywood, New York, or Waco, some god-forsaken place like that.

>> No.16299988

>James Patterson books are always pretty gorey

Can you recommend a good or at least entertaining James Patterson book?

>> No.16299998
File: 1.16 MB, 1877x2842, John_Ringo-watch_on_the_rhine__hq-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Ringo's Posleen War series

>> No.16300039

did you even read the part where the indians massacre the american soldiers, scalp them, roll in their gore and rape the corpses?

>> No.16300341

120 Days of Sodom, Juliette, Maldoror, Moravagine, Tomb for 500000 Soldiers, Eden Eden Eden, Frisk

>> No.16300919

Like this anon said.
If you want something truly violent with absolutely no boundaries, read "Les Chants de Maldoror". It hurts me to label it as a merely perverse book, I think it has really beautiful content.