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16306008 No.16306008 [Reply] [Original]

Tyler Durden is no longer transgressive. So what IS transgressive these days?

>> No.16306022

>striving for pure anarchy isn't transgressive anymore
And just like I began to believe in the end of history

>> No.16306027

Unironically the anti-liberal right

>> No.16306039

Cultivating a communal Sittlichkeit by a biological woman committing to a biological man making biologically-sexed children in a family structure with no-ironic authority

>> No.16306040

Haha being a trad conservative who totally isn’t a cryptojew! amirite fellow groypers?

>> No.16306047

Just beeing yourself.

>> No.16306048

This is the only correct answer.

>> No.16306050

Okay but give your honest opinion now.

>> No.16306065

Any form of philosophy, politics, religion and culture outside of the Neo-liberal range of acceptance and commodification capacity. if it’s outside of the framework people do not know how to handle it and will speak of it as if it was insane, crazy, out of this world, old fashioned, impossible, inhuman and so forth.

>> No.16306069

the man that says "the only thing I worship is the blood, my own blood and that of my kinsmen and that of my race, I need no other reason to sabotage the negro at any given chance, no reason other than 'because his blood is impure as it is not mine'."

>> No.16306073

So racial supremacism. Solid answer

>> No.16306077

Being a Christian, as it has always been.

>> No.16306090

>being a christian in a christian country, in a christian era, is transgressive
Something something standalone complex

>> No.16306107

The guy who responded to your question >>16306069 was not me, but it doesn’t matter because I agree with what he said anyway.

>> No.16306108


>> No.16306116

, fuck borugeois and their muh being subversive of taboos

youjsut know this shit show is women, their orbiters and fullon homos

>> No.16306123

Unironically national socialism

>> No.16306128

This is what happens when you literally worship a martyr

>> No.16306135

Should clarify, I want to write a transgressive character. Don't care if female or male

>> No.16306147

The "family" isn't going anywhere you dweeb

>> No.16306150

Being anti-liberal in a meaningful sense of the word, not "capitalism but with the people I like holding the keys instead"

>> No.16306153

Make it a drug addict with children who uses all his talent of mental gymnastics to justify hooking his kids on meth. Make him triumph (atleast in his mind) while doing so. Worse even, make him have good luck every time he ups the ante.

>> No.16306167

>christian country

Barely. The media and Hollywood shows outright contempt for it, at best showing it as antiquated or quaint.

>> No.16306172

>timescale of an ant
Anon you said
>as it has always been

>> No.16306174

Primitivist who wants to live in the woods and grow his own food, but the cops keep coming to beat him up for squatting on federal land

>> No.16306180

Neoliberalism is the rebellious son of Christianity. You have only yourselves to blame

>> No.16306188

T-that counts as transgressive?

>> No.16306207

I'd say so. The current model of society is built around everyone integrating into the global technological/financial system and you will quickly become an outcast if you start cutting out things like the internet, phones, cars, etc.

>> No.16306235

He didn't want pure anarchy.

>> No.16306256

He wanted out of mindless vapidity and consumerism via anarchy, no?

>> No.16306266

Durden is still transgressive insomuch as liberals are still as consumerist as anyone.

>> No.16306269

This is the only correct answer. Christ is the most radical being in History. I am not even a christian.

The most radical movements of the last two centuries are: Marx early writings (which have nothing to do, absolutly NOTHING to do with the cia brainwashed anglo conception of """marxism""", or anything to do with the academic inversion of his works, at all, zilch, non-existent, lenin is an unapologetic state capitalist, the antithesis to marx - everything you think you know of Marx is wrong. Have you ever read Marx? Lol. The entire point of institutions is to subvert radicality - academia exists to neuter Marx)
Then Debord, then Kaczynski. The talibans could count as radical but ultimately they are simply advocating for an anterior stage of alienation, the one they are comfortable with.

Radicality is not something new, something man produces. In fact it is the opposite, the timeless, atemporal state of Being, the rejection of production, the rejection of alienation, fragmentation, atomization. Radical means one thing and one thing only: the transcendent radicality of Being (vs the immanence of having) in the strictest pre-socratic sense. If you understand this then you will understand why every political movement, every art movement, every religion, every state of emotion, neurosis, civilization, language, culture etc... are all the negation of Being. This is why Kaczynski never produced a blueprint following the anti-tech revolution: the act of planning, of politics, is one of alienation.

>> No.16306283

By the way, transgressive is avant-garde, it is false consciousness, Kaczynski has brilliantly analyzed this dynamic in his essay "the system's neatest trick". There is only the radicality of Being, and what is bound to be récupéré. (revolution vs counter-revolution)

Transgressive (left) = introduces change, new models, avant-garde
Conservative (right) = consolidates current model in order to stabilize the system when change is introduced.

The left/right dichotomy is NOT a dichotomy, it is a dynamic.

>> No.16306308

Interesting take

>> No.16306313

What happened in the 19th century for transgressivity to become a virtue in itself when it comes to art? I definitely don't want some sort of eternal unquestionable worship of TRADITION but thinking that something can be good just because it is transgressive (while being completely vapid in every other aspect) is dumb.

>> No.16306318

What is Avantgarde?

>> No.16306319

Go read The Emperor’s New Clothes. It’s a fairly concise summery of what happened

>> No.16306320

ethnonationalists like the taliban or white supremacists are not conservative elements and they don't revert to a state of 'alienation' how the fuck is a close knit community of the tribe a state of alienation

>> No.16306322

I did not get that from it. Uhhh fuck I'm brainlet.

>> No.16306327

Bro wtf did you get from it then?

>> No.16306348

>how the fuck is a close knit community of the tribe a state of alienation

You can ask that about Jews who live in their own little city within an actual
city, and show hostility for those outside of their group.

>> No.16306349

>a crypto-fascist group of men revolting against the modern world
sounds pretty transgressive to me

>> No.16306363

The blackpill
Hating women is one of the few things in the modern world that you will be near universally condemned for

>> No.16306365
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I thought it was anti-big-corp

>> No.16306366

Anon, I....

It is, that too.

>> No.16306369

It was anti-incel, too, among other things.

>> No.16306372

Elaborate. It seems very mgtow and infact inspired that movement somewhat, so how is it anti-incel?

>> No.16306379


>> No.16306380
File: 68 KB, 768x574, the_boys_season_2_stormfront_aya_cash-5eca4a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it this?

>> No.16306397

>jewish actress plays character named Stormfront
Why are we here? Just to suffer? Just for corporatism to dunk on us with their mindless horseshit? Is god mocking us? What is this timeline

>> No.16306426

Incels by their very nature are self-loathing, introspective to a fault, and risk-averse. The latter feature is particularly egregious to the frame of the book, which shows its characters in a state of constant, roiling, anarchic change.

>> No.16306445


fucking based

>> No.16306546

You just described child pharmacology

>> No.16306550

You fucks are exhausting, even if you're trolling

>> No.16306551

Lol I guess. In that sense I was thinking more bootleg child pharmacology

>> No.16306553

Rebellious son of *protestantism
Thats where all this relativistic nonsense came from

>> No.16306555


>> No.16306569

>Then Debord
How so?

>> No.16306584

I wasn’t trolling. Step your game up.

>> No.16306616
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It’s still very transgressive to end the system one inhabits. Transcend Durden by not being such a sociopath.
I associate Fight Club with a sort of Stoic philosophy, but also a more community of soldiers like the Spartans. It’s too one-dimensional. Good story though.

>> No.16306642

As long as these “anti-liberal right” people understand that liberalism=capitalism

Immature boy’s answer. You should be sterilized and warned your hand will be chopped off if you harm anyone.
Cult of the dick needs to end

>> No.16306658

Capitalism predates liberalism

>> No.16306680

“The act of defending any of the cardinal virtues has today all the exhilaration of a vice.” – “A Defense of Humilities,” The Defendant

>> No.16306685

Technically you're right, but being a sun worshipping Pagan or a Buddhist is still better

>> No.16306770
File: 69 KB, 500x371, AEE76158-5155-40C7-8C08-D8B01A1908E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people yell at me that there was no such thing as capitalism until late 1700s.
Some people talk about it going back to, what, late Renaissance?
Capitalism as we know it is fully freed (liberated) from the crown’s control. That’s the distinction some drawn the line in. I see the use of money going all the way back as a primitive capitalism

>> No.16306864

There is nothing transgressive about Christianity. It seeks to eliminate all transgressors by principle.

>> No.16306885

Literally every institution does that. Some of them just end up promoting fake trangressive movements to keep the masses entertained

>> No.16306891

I would think incels are non-introspective since they attribute all of their maladies to external forces in an effort to discredit action

>> No.16306903

Christianity is not an institution, though.

>> No.16306908

>what is the Church

>> No.16306911

On the contrary this is a pretty funny occurrence. Not sure why you're so angsty about a hollywood movies while people over the world are been harvested alive for their organs.

>> No.16306912

Not Christianity lol. The church is something different. An institution is a type of transgression, in fact; Christianity doesn't want institutions built, because it wants no transgressions, period.

>> No.16306923

By this you of course mean your own personal interpretation of Christianity which is in accordance only with your own interpretation and not with the millions of other interpretations.

>> No.16306944

What lead you to this conclusion?

>> No.16306951

Not him

The fact that
>women are whores yaddayadda
Is far from introspective

>> No.16306970

It just bothers me that corporations take it upon themselves to play le ebin pwning dumbdumb political opponents game for profit and morons eat that shit up like coke. Sure, it's funny I agree, but coming from Amazon et al. I know that it's not about being morally upright, but instead it's sheer propaganda.

>> No.16306985


>> No.16306991

Seems extremely anecdotal, or based off a tiny sample size. Link something to show you aren't making this up on the spot.

>> No.16307015

Well I haven't really ever involved myself in incel/anti-incel stuff so I wouldn't know really. What I do know is how many blackpilled people talk about women.

>> No.16307111

Not him, but the incel community is famously virulent towards women. Yeah, I’m essentially saying “dude, trust me,” but whatever.

>> No.16307190

What a surprise, another retard tier take from moth. Capitalism isn't some sort of system, you don't go vote for the capitalist party, you don't live in a capitalist country, it's inevitability, it's everywhere, in every system. There is no non capitalist system. Any and all proposed "alternatives" depend heavily on capital to function. There is no alternative and anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial. If you really want to be "transgressive" so much go join some middle eastern guerrilla cell or pick a side in some subsaharan shithole's civil war. Really transgressive of you to be bitching and moaning about different gay hypothetical systems on the internet.

>> No.16307209

This is your brain on accelerationism

>> No.16307211

>There is no non capitalist system.

>> No.16307214

>duuuuh duuuuurrr everything is an ism

>> No.16307217

Point me to the feudalist party. Name a nation that calls itself mercantilist.

>> No.16307218

Are those still around?

>> No.16307223

>you don't go vote for the capitalist party
Economic systems aren’t usually up for a vote, no, but there are political parties in the world that either implicitly or explicitly support or reject these various forms of economics. Isn’t that a given?
Yes, I live in a capitalist country. It’s admixture of social programs hardly change it to something other. This isn’t even the case in the most soc-dem euro-states. They’re still capitalist.
Of fucking course there’s an alternative, you ideologue liberal scumbo.
>Now go into the desert so a CIA agent can shoot you.
You first, bootlicker.

>> No.16307227

Those both depend on capital to function.

>> No.16307234

I thought you meant "all economic policies are capitalism" not "capitalism is currently inescapable"

>> No.16307235

Are you even slightly interested in reading about non-money systems?

>> No.16307237

They also depend on humans to function but that doesn't make them humanist.

>> No.16307270

>ideologue liberal
If that's what you're getting from this you're even more of a senile retard than I thought. You do not live in a capitalist country. You're an american, you live in a republic of some sort. Nowhere in your nation's constitution is there any mention of capitalism. Every system depends on capital to function and this has been so for thousands of years. There is no such thing as different "economic systems", economics is capital, they are totally inseparable.

>> No.16307281

>non-money systems
Only exists in fantasy. There is no such thing as a non money system. All "systems" devolve into this "exchanges in value" shit. Even apes do this and will trade fruits and other shit.

>> No.16307283
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>responding to tripusers

>> No.16307291

I'd be careful about promoting any non-money system if I were you. Money currently serves as a dam holding back various barbaric tribes from ransacking civilization and driving it into the ground, and it's a less violent defensive measure than what was in the past, which was just plain old violence.

>> No.16307299

By that breath of logic capitalism does not exist, as no system openly calls itself capitalist.

>> No.16307307

>economics is capital

>> No.16307322

There are no economics without capital, there is no capital without economics. It's all the same shit and none of it actually matters. Keep larping about your good boy points.

>> No.16307336

That's not my logic, it's yours. Your logic was "it uses capital therefore it's capitalism". Capitalism is more than just "using capital".

>> No.16307337

>There are no economics without capital, there is no capital without economics
How so?

>> No.16307368

>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
>controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state for profit
>the guy fucking you up the ass made his money from private enterprise rather than private look what a difference it makes
Wow you're right, what a huge difference that makes. Semantics.

>> No.16307376

Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

>> No.16307388

Those are sincere questions. Without any elaboration those are just retarded vague pointers that doesn't prove or disprove shit.
Cope harder for the lack of answers.

>> No.16307399

Marxoidism and Communism can actually be transgressive still if it doesn't mean "liberal capitalism but where they are really nice to BIPOC people", which is the standard definition alive in the mind of the average self-identifying leftist today. More broadly anything that calls one away from "rational thought" which really means "a cost-benefit analysis of immediately apparent pleasures and pains" could be called radical because this makes one uncontrollable within the liberal paradigm

>> No.16307401

There is no economy without capital (wealh and valued resources). They are inseparable. I should not have to explain this to you. You're a moron.

>> No.16307410

This. Conservatism is the new counter culture.

>> No.16307425

What about economic systems like socialism, market socialism etc.

>> No.16307435

Those depend on trading capital just as much.

>> No.16307455

But there is a difference of ownership from private to collective

>> No.16307481

That's illusory. The bank owns your property vs the state owns your property. What a massive difference. Private entities can brand you persona non grata as opposed to the state. Great. You don't own anything and you never will. You are lent everything you "own" and those who really own it can and will take it all away on a whim, indifferent to whatever some faggots wrote down and called law, no matter what "system" you live in. In reality everyone lives under the same system, Central Banking.

>> No.16307487


>> No.16307491

What is the solution then?
Any book recommendations?

>> No.16307517

I don't think there is a solution. I'm sorry I called you a moron, I thought you were fucking with me. I'd recommend picking up A History of Central Banking by Stephen Goodson and The Babylonian Woe by David Astle.

>> No.16307519

>Marx, then Debord.
> The talibans could count as radical but ultimately they are simply advocating for an anterior stage of alienation.
>the transcendent radicality of Being (vs the immanence of having)
This man gets it.

>> No.16307525

Tell me what to read of Debord.

>> No.16307535
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Liberalism is superstructure, Capitalism is base.

>> No.16307548

Anti-Capitalist Traditionalism, like the Evolian kind.

Problem is the people attracted to this tend to be gamma male losers and freaks

>> No.16307552

>Problem is the people attracted to this tend to be gamma male losers and freaks
Everyone who has ever been attracted to a trend is a loser and a freak

>> No.16307558

The fact that you “yikes” is proof it is true.

>> No.16307565


All these people who wanna tear down the system don't understand that the first thing that's going to happen is Mexican and Midwestern warlords, mass sex trafficking, imperialism, and slave trades.

Yes the current system is decrepit and run by freaks but it is a system.

>> No.16307594

Yeah this is the only actual rebellious thing anymore

>> No.16307608
File: 110 KB, 1900x283, butterfly tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off please

>> No.16307626

>mass sex trafficking
sounds pretty based to me

>> No.16307703

>Cult of the dick needs to end
That isn’t a cult of masculinity except insofar as you attribute strength and will to masculinity. It’s a cult of genetics and the drive for your own genes and those of those you are related to succeed to the detriment of others. It’s intraspecific evolutionary competition and it’s old because it’s innate.

>> No.16307727

Butterfly cut off his penis and expects everyone to do so as well.

>> No.16307739

Not him, but The society of the spectacle. Then comments on the society of the spectacle.

>> No.16307760

>involving a violation of accepted or imposed boundaries, especially those of social acceptability.

Pedophilia, barbarism, orthodox fundamental religiosity, nationalism, racism, anti-semitism, asceticism

Transgression relates only to a distinct cultural period. Artistically, that which defies the social narrative and shocks the uninitiated. The quantification of degree of transgression is simply: go to a public space and voice an opinion. That which provokes the most potent reaction is the most transgressive. This will belie the fact that such a reaction is wholly dependent upon the culture of the people in that space.

>> No.16307790

sowing crochet while women are being sold is nobodies fault but the passanger

>> No.16307878

Saying the nigger word

>> No.16308126

>Only exists in fantasy
Hah, no. People are running them now, and for longer than you’ve been alive. The system hides them from you.
>if there was one it would devolve! So shutup!

>not real capitalism!
Politically it’s an oligarchy, a sham republic, of course. But it’s capitalist. Capitalism goes through rough stages and this “corporatist” one bothers the freemarket kiddies. But there’s nothing to be done about that now. Wealth (money) always accumulates to the top. Like you’d expect the board game Monopoly to be played without someone wiping everyone else out and lording it over them?

The top dog of the planet is a barbarous ransacking tribe, you knucklehead. Careful? I’d offer the salvation of non-monetary systems to all. This isn’t the bronze age, this is anthropocene. We’re facing certain extinction now.

>A priest of the cult mansplains

No and no.

>> No.16308171

As Napoleon and Nietzsche once said: holes should be silent about politics

>> No.16308213

There’s a hole in your dick.
More if I ever find out where you are

>> No.16308214

>A priest of the cult mansplains
>failure to address rational and empirical argumentation and so a middle-aged woman falls back on rhetoric worthy of a 15 year old retard
At least you’re consistent in your retardation and inability to argue without employing narcissism, just like every other lesbian I have ever spoken to.

>> No.16308220

Butterfly, weak as most incels are, they could still undoubtedly beat the shit out of you. Lesbians imagining themodelled the physical e

>> No.16308221

Being trans

>> No.16308223

Imagine themselves the physical equal of men will never end being funny, it doesn’t help that you’re always so out of shape too

>> No.16308232

>literally transgressing your own biological reality by mutilation
That certainly is transgressive

>> No.16308240

Epistemological sincerity, determination to engage with the limits of one's knowledge and perception, also described as "self-awareness." It is active inquiry into one's self and one's relationships with the world.

This is the eternally transgressive act, it always seek to mutate from the imposition of immediate appearance and the determination of past experience. The liberatory will is the will to discover.

>> No.16308244
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Feels good being a true rebel.

>> No.16308251

>the room covers their balls
So easy

>> No.16308264

To use more plain language: it's simply "honesty" with the understanding that this includes honesty to one's self, and between one's self and the world.

>> No.16308549

Probably isn't overly transgressive now. Seems like every kid under 25 treats their sexual organs like Me. Potato Head glasses

>> No.16308913

>I see the use of money going all the way back as a primitive capitalism
Then your definition of capitalism isn't rooted in economics. Keep in mind that the USSR still used money.

>> No.16308957
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Conventionally attractive women who like to top fat gay incels.

>> No.16308968

I don’t give a damn where you put your roots, but as I just wrote, I already know where people pit them.
> Keep in mind that the USSR still used money.
As Lenin himself said, they were doing capitalism. Please, by all means, let everyone know this. They never believe us when we tell them that the USSR wasn’t communism.

>> No.16308990

Would you say that a barter economy without currency is still primitive capitalism?

>> No.16308995

Yeah, being a Christian has been really so transgressive historical that it was a pan-continental, murderous institution that had an iron grip on Europe for over 1000 years.

>> No.16309004

Get a load of the reddit on this guy!

>> No.16309028
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>tipply tip tip

Barter is what currency starved communities resort to after the invading army has left the kings reserves dry. Book for you

>> No.16309059

Butterfly, I just want to understand what you mean when you say 'capitalism' because I don't understand what you're getting at. I suspect you might be getting at some form of expropriation of the fruits of the labor of others, but beyond that I'm not sure.

>> No.16309064

Holy fucking reddit you're a midwit.

>> No.16309075

Nope. Detransitioning openly.

>> No.16309097

tradcath LARPERs are so shit at trolling

>> No.16309123

what do these stand for?

>> No.16309160

edgy retard

>> No.16309195

Sorry, not an economics student, self taught, all that. It’s something that’s developed in layers, no? The term capitalism is relatively new and usually refers to the newest iteration. This book above is all about taking out money right up front. Non-market economy stuff. Did the ancients have a primitive, spotty, market economy? I suppose I should read Graeber’s Debt

That would leave you to dimwit status of course.

>> No.16309850

>If you understand this then you will understand why every political movement, every art movement, every religion, every state of emotion, neurosis, civilization, language, culture etc... are all the negation of Being
Can you explain what did you mean by this? Please.

>> No.16310267

Not him, but all those are organization of material production. Since the neolithic revolution, the obsession with human is to produce, not to be. Produce, whatever the cost. Things have more value than human lives. People endanger their lives in order to ensure that the production is undisturbed. Wage workers sell their lives away, in order to buy the latest iphones.

>> No.16310279

>disgusting black creatures, get out of my sight

>> No.16310307

This, anything legitimately anti-liberal in liberal society is transgressive.

>> No.16310308

The Bell Curve

>> No.16310312

"rational thought" refutes all the premises of post-war liberal democracy kek

>> No.16310380 [DELETED] 

>Like you’d expect the board game Monopoly to be played without someone wiping everyone else out and lording it over them?
Yes I would. You've missed the point entirely, as I predicted, because you're a total fucking moron, as always. I do not "like" or "support" capitalism, like you've been alluding you fucking stupid dyke. There is nothing to support, or hate. It just exists and is a persistent force that will never stop existing so long as mankind exists. Bitching semantics about different isms doesn't do fuck all because they are totally non existent. Oligarchy this and capitalism that and liberalism this ism ism ism. Some fag wrote down some shit about how he wanted things to be. Doesn't change the fact that these systems are total works of fiction and when "instated" (for lack of a better term) in no way function as initially outlined.

>> No.16310385

My huge cock

>> No.16310390

Antinatalist pessimism. It's the only thing that seems to trigger even this board.

>> No.16310400

>Hah, no. People are running them now, and for longer than you’ve been alive. The system hides them from you.
>m-muh faggy communes with no ownership r real guise i swear you just can't see them

>> No.16310437

>Like you’d expect the board game Monopoly to be played without someone wiping everyone else out and lording it over them?
No, I wouldn't. You've missed the point entirely, as I predicted, because you're a total fucking moron, as always. I do not "like" or "support" capitalism, like you've been alluding you fucking stupid dyke. There is nothing to support, or hate. It just exists and is a persistent force that will never stop existing so long as mankind exists. Bitching semantics about different isms doesn't do fuck all because they are totally non existent. Oligarchy this and capitalism that and liberalism this ism ism ism. Some fag wrote down some shit about how he wanted things to be. Doesn't change the fact that these systems are total works of fiction and when "instated" (for lack of a better term) in no way function as initially outlined.

>> No.16310472

I think that was the point retard.

>> No.16310489

Read Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue if you haven’t already. He provides an excellent account of managerialism and the creation of the “planned man,” where it came from, how and why it’s used, and whether there can be any alternatives.

>> No.16310492



>> No.16310525

All human endeavor is predicated upon material circumstance, the availability of resources, and so on. That doesn’t make them capitalist. Capitalism as a tradition of economic organization has a history, a cluster of beginnings. As of now, we don’t know of any definite ends, but that doesn’t necessitate there not being one.

>> No.16310653

To every "traditionalist" larper in this site:
Why don't you just move to some amish or other orthodox religious community? Why must you larp? You wouldn't last two seconds in the lifestyle you claim to want. A traditionalist society would never allow you to use a site like this one, or for it to exist, or for you to spend the amount of time you do masturbating figuratively or effectively. Why are you larping so much? Do you understand that if your dreams came to fruition people like you would literally be wiped out?

>> No.16310657


>> No.16310710

Do you want to read about them or not?

>I do not "like" or "support" capitalism,
Oh, okay, cool. Can’t really tell by your seeming defense of it.
> There is nothing to support, or hate. It just exists and is a persistent force that will never stop existing so long as mankind exists
Drunk on Mark Fisher defeatism? Why do you think I’d care to hear your teeth chatter? Your types cowardliness teamed with the bootlickers will most assuredly seal our doom. For something that isn’t a forgone conclusion.

Pantshitters and bootlickers will be the death of us

>> No.16310847

>defense of it
You're an actual retard. In one breath I am apparently supposed to be defending it, the other defeated by it, then supporting it once more.
Listen, you stupid dense ugly old decrepit fucking anemic skeletor-looking pungent filth-scented pants shitter hag. Things are the way they are, and have been the way they are for thousands of years. They will continue to function exactly like this so long as mankind exists, and fucking stupid narcissistic pinheads like you will continue to larp about "changing the world", ironically feeding into the same cycle like all the others before you. They are the way they are, and nothing, no one, will change the way this functions in any significant way. Mankind has been at a sociological standstill for thousands upon thousands of years. This is not defeatist, this is realist. You are a moron. I have not provided support, scorn, or defense of anything in my previous posts. I have only stated things as they are and have been. You are incapable of understanding that there are people do not give two shits about your stupid fucking isms. You are incapable of understanding that there are problems that exist in the world that others understand exist, but don't give a shit about because they do not sufficiently affect them. Instead you have to convince yourself that I'm some liberal or some capitalist or some other made up boogeyman because everyone who doesn't agree with you has to be some exaggerated caricature in your dementia riddled mind. Take the time to reflect on the fact that you've sheltered yourself in some pathetic delusional fantasy world and that nothing you believe in or propose is in any way rooted in reality.

>> No.16310904

Tyler Durden isn't transgressive.
He wasn't rebellion.
He was acceptance of mans primal urges, and offered an outlet.
He was literally the hero of the book, view in epic form of story telling.
Not trnasgressive, becuase his ideology was inclusive.
Like america in its hey-day he welcomed all the freaks.

The "transgressive" is the secret, exclusive, and clandestine.
Trangressives are those that keep their motives secret and use power to achieve their own ends.
Tyler wanted to liberate everyone.
A transgressive would want to liberate themselves at the cost of others oppression.

Ofc we could be talking about a particular version of a tranny, that likes to carry around blunt objects and bash peoples heads in.

>> No.16310976

>So what IS transgressive these days?

Trolling. Write about what you think that is in this here thread and be the change you want to see in the world today.


>> No.16310982

the protagonist of my novel Subversion is transgressive

>> No.16311010
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>> No.16311500

conservatism is fundamentally liberalism.

>> No.16311516

What the fuck are you talking about? You sound like an idiot.

>> No.16311539
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According to Angela Nagel, posting on 4chins.

>> No.16311554

This is the correct answer. Everything has to be obscured by irony because revealing your true feelings can be embarrassing. Being genuine is contrarian

>> No.16311602
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Radical Right.

>> No.16311840

transgressive is rejecting the modern ideological framework which practically everyone is within. it's too alien for most people to even comprehend.

>> No.16312439

Sidereally based

>> No.16312467

Anti-big-corp = anti-consumerist (for the most part, this could be reasonably argued against)

>> No.16312469

the word NIGGER is unironically and in absolute seriousness the most powerful word in the entire english language, in our entire civilization. the whole thing rests on this assumption that we're all basically biologically identical economic units that won't bicker or get into fights over what we look like and instead just work jobs for money and buy stuff with it. but you can throw a wrench in the whole thing, you can fuck everything up just by uttering this one simple word, a literally magic word from an earlier age: NIGGER. just by saying it, you divide, you separate, you make incommensurable, infungible. you destroy the egalitarian foundation of society, the deracinated fabric of our social order itself, because those things can't exist alongside words like "NIGGER". to say NIGGER is to separate yourself, to make yourself distinct, to assert an identity in negative, to say that i am me and you are you, and you're a nigger so FUCK YOU. never underestimate the power of that, never forget how scared they are of the word NIGGER

>> No.16312713

No, hope and promise and lying as an aspect of the human consciousness is superstructure, and toil is base.

>> No.16312747

You need the Tao, and to stop drinking the eschatology

>> No.16312931

tyler durden but racist

>> No.16313040

Anything starring a white man is inherently subversive and counter-cultural now.

>> No.16313158
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>> No.16313179

>country music

>> No.16313187

Radical centrism

>> No.16313200

So much mistakes in this post. I won't even criticize them in proper form. Okay, just for the retards who don't get it.
>You do not live in a capitalist country.
Definition of Capitalism: Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Central characteristics of capitalism include capital accumulation, competitive markets, a price system, private property and the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange and wage labor.
> Nowhere in your nation's constitution is there any mention of capitalism.
Private property is constitutionally protected. So is the state, the free market throught contracts, wage labor (labor law).
>Every system depends on capital to function and this has been so for thousands of years.
Capitalism first signs appeared in the 13th century, but it developed massively in the 16th century. It's literally in the wikipedia page of Capitalism.
>There is no such thing as different "economic systems
What is slavery, feudalism, Capitalism, primitive communism?
>economics is capital, they are totally inseparable.
Total bullshit. Feudalism didn't rely on Capital at all as a mode of production. Wealth was defined by land and serfs the lord owned. Not his Capital. In feudalism, you could have had more Capital than a powerful Lord, you would have been way weaker than him if you didn't own land and serfs.

>> No.16313234

>What is slavery, feudalism, Capitalism, primitive communism?
Nice try but commies think we simultaneously under neo-feudalism and capitalism; and they also see slavery as inherent to both. So the only alternative you're offering is primitive communism and besides those fags getting BTFO by indo-european chads it's also completely unrealistic in an industrial society

>> No.16313407

Neo-feudalism: from wikipedia: The concept of "neofeudalism" may focus on economics. Among the issues claimed to be associated with the idea of neofeudalism in contemporary society are class stratification, globalization, neoconservative foreign policy, mass immigration/illegal immigration, open borders policies, multinational corporations, and "neo-corporatism"
>class stratification
Capitalism, concentration of Capital
Capitalism, need to expand markets
>neoconservative foreign policy
Capitalism, need to absorb and expand new markets througth force, often accumulated with primitive accumulation (capture ressources).
>mass immigration/illegal immigration, open border policies
Typical and absolutely Capitalistic, as described by Marx in Das Kapital vol.1: the aim of the Capital is to replace one Yankee with 3 chineese.
>multinational corporations
What is a multinational corporation, if not a small and medium size Capitalistic entreprise which had a lot of success?
The State always acted in favor of the Capital. One example i have in mind is that in the end of the 19th century in america, the State artificially increased the price of land, so that the people couldn't access property and become autonomous, having their own means of production. Instead, they were obliged to work for a Capitalist owner of the means of production in exchange of a wage. Same regarding primitive accumulation in the 16th century in england. thousands of peasant were expropriated from their land in order to allow concentration of land in the hand of a few. The state enforced this, instead of defending the people.

>> No.16313651

us virgins obviously right op

>> No.16313704
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>> No.16314276

Of course, people with successful lives be it monetary or social don't go against the norm and want to preserve the status quo. Most of the time.

>> No.16314399
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it's insane how the most authoritarian and focefully conformist ideology in human history is in this age the only form of real opposition to the modern regime

>> No.16314451

nothing transgressive about it in the modern age

no that's just an average homeless dude

>> No.16314557

Wasn't that Durdens whole schtick though? He was sowing anarchy, but his end goal was a return to anarcho-primitivism. If a return to primitive society is transgressive, then Durden still is, even if the general cultural understanding of his motives has been divorced from the source text by the movie version.

>> No.16314615

If there was no trash this would be SOULposted on /tv/

>> No.16314943

I wish mgtow forums actually talked about anything other than women. Every mgtow forum I've gone on just keeps posting stupid articles about whores. Who honestly gives a shit about women if you're actually trying to go your own way

>> No.16314979

Welcome, to the FAR RIGHT of INCELDOM.

>> No.16315015
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What an unholy dumpster fire of a thread. 100+ posts asserting that being a Republican is transgressive. Have none of you guys even visited red states or what?

>> No.16315048

I agree, fellow butterfetishist

>> No.16315095

Everyone who isn't a communist

>> No.16315122

Anti-consumerist with anti-hedonist vibes.

>> No.16315139

>ctrl f rape
>ctrl f kill
>0 results
murder and rape are always transgressive pretty much, especially the people who justify having done them like terrorists

>> No.16315156

>The top dog of the planet is a barbarous ransacking tribe
Nonsense. There are FAR MORE bad characters among the poor than there are among the wealthy.

I even bet that most wealthy who are of a bad sort come from poverty at some point in their family history, maybe even hundreds, or thousands of years ago. From a genealogical perspective, the original poor class must have been the worst kinds of people, the most neurotic, self-centered, degenerate, and anti-social among human tribes — people whom no one else in the tribe would trust enough to barter with or to oversee assets or exchange.

>> No.16315184
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>> No.16315189

>Nonsense. There are FAR MORE bad characters among the poor than there are among the wealthy.
Completely delusional. Hasn't heard about Epstein, Jimmy Saville, Zandvoort, Marx Dutroux Networks in Belgium, judge Roche kids testimony etc...

>> No.16315195

>What is slavery, feudalism, Capitalism, primitive communism?
These all depend heavily on capital to function. Every economic system is the same. A bunch of fags just consolidate the power and decide what to concentrate capital on. Makes no difference whether or not they are a CEO, a king, or a state official.

>> No.16315201

>Feudalism didn't rely on Capital at all as a mode of production. Wealth was defined by land and serfs the lord owned. Not his Capital.
The land and the serfs ARE capital you fucking moron.

>> No.16315217

> Every economic system is the same. A bunch of fags just consolidate the power and decide what to concentrate capital on.
The history of capitalism is diverse and has many debated roots, but fully fledged capitalism is generally thought by scholars[specify][weasel words] to have emerged in Northwestern Europe, especially in Great Britain and the Netherlands, in the 16th to 17th centuries.
Source: History of capitalism - Wikipedia.

>> No.16315220


blessed post and I'm an atheist.

>> No.16315222

For me, it's Omnipresent AI Goddess

>> No.16315231

How can land and serfs be Capitalism if Capital emerged in the 16th to 17 century?

>> No.16315243

Even if somehow one could define serfs and land as Capital, which is far fetched, because Capital is supposed to circulate, and serfs did not, feudalism wasn't Capitalism, because it didn't function as a mode of production which aim was to make profit in order to reinvest this profit and make Capital grow. It was an entirely different mode of production, and even mainstream economists agree on this. You cannot create your alternate reality. It won't work.

>> No.16315272

Is that you?

>> No.16315290

Yeah, ask yourself who currently owns the media narrative: is it the rednecks in red states?

>> No.16315357

>late state capitalism is neo-feudalism
>w-what do you mean there's no a-alternatives to capitalism? what about f-feudalism?

>> No.16315385

You're naming handfuls of people there. Meanwhile, there are millions of poor who are just as horrible as any of them.

>> No.16315453
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Anon, that there are unscrupulous types among the lower classes is not up for debate, I wouldn’t like to see them in a position of power either. That is a major attraction in favour for democracy though. Their numbers would be drowned out by the majority, who are not evil or unscrupulous, pedophiles, sociopaths, etc.
Equality of sociopolitical standing will mute the bad elements and in a generations time eliminate most if not all
> the original poor class must have been the worst kinds of people, the most neurotic, self-centered, degenerate, and anti-social among human tribes
Not sure what you’re envisioning here, but tribal people were not like that

The left liberals may dominate, but the rightwing have their media outlets now too.

>> No.16315480 [SPOILER] 
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This is not me, this is Yulia Nova

>> No.16315484

The problem with the rich is the scale of their crime; they can defraud more than a poor person can, and more than likely get away with it because the law is on their side. However, being rich is easy mode. By that I mean there is not as much temptation to, say, rob others or do grimy shit than when you are poor, because while being legitimately rich you stop “needing” and start “wanting,” and for the greedy this sort of thing never goes away which is when the true psychopathy sets in.

>> No.16315740

>being rich is easy mode
Confirmed never owning something truly valuable to others.

>> No.16315765

yeah she's probably hot

>> No.16315822

Cringe post for telling the truth, high iq for accuracy

>> No.16315862

third-world nationalism consolidated inside first-world empires, usually acting from religiosity (in actual religion or political revolution)
terrorists are the real transgressives

>> No.16316143

>Even if somehow one could define serfs and land as Capital
One can, because they are property, and assigned value.
>Capital is supposed to circulate
No it isn't. All it is, is wealth. Wealth can be hoarded or circulated, does not change the fact that it is assigned value.
>feudalism wasn't Capitalism blah blah blah more shit about muh isms
>my ism isn't this other ism because they're different on paper. n-no nevermind the fact that they don't in any way function the way they were outlined on paper and that they all end up being the exact same. they're different on paper and that makes me a genius.
Economists are usurers and obscurantists. The amount of totally unnecessary bloated gate-keeping terminology in use by even the most base economists should instantly alert anyone that it is an obvious con.
>Capital emerged in the 16th to 17 century
Capital emerged when the first proto-human assigned value to shiny rocks.

>> No.16316194

big yikes, stop watching ben shabino

>> No.16316260

Check Turd Flinging Monkey's videos and his discord server, he actually talks a lot about politics and economics

>> No.16316269

No, the real moth is a "stupid dense ugly old decrepit fucking anemic skeletor-looking pungent filth-scented pants shitter hag" as outlined in the previous post.

>> No.16316276


>> No.16316325

kill yourself, everyone here hates you

>> No.16316343

Becoming Klan member as an Asian and then building communities based on one shared value - hatred of niggers.

>> No.16316369

You are the stone upon which I will build my church or something?

>> No.16317367

>Capital emerged when the first proto-human assigned value to shiny rocks.
Adam Smith defined capital as "that part of man's stock which he expects to afford him revenue"
If you apply this definition, not any wealth is Capital. For it to be Capital, is must be able a generate revenue.

>> No.16317395

Adam Smith is another fag who's writing attracts no one but social ladder obsessed narcissists. Capital is nothing but economic assets.

>> No.16317411

>Adam Smith is another fag

>> No.16317437

>That is a major attraction in favour for democracy though. Their numbers would be drowned out by the majority, who are not evil or unscrupulous, pedophiles, sociopaths, etc.
Majoritarianism is not democracy. Your "drowning-out" would also include all kinds of genius. You are, in all senses, Nietzsche's last man, which is fitting since you are in fact a woman.

>> No.16317441

Here's a little heads up for you in case you haven't noticed. Anyone and everyone who has ever published their "work" on economics or politics is a fag with an inflated ego and either did not receive enough attention during their upbringing or was often put in situations where they found themselves to be "powerless".

>> No.16318190

Venice did

>> No.16318215
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>both fight club and american psycho were written by sexually repressed gay men

Remember if you identify with either of these characters, you are identifying with a caricature of masculinity the author presented as a counter to his own effeminate nature.

>> No.16318705
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Unironically someone who had normal and sensible values a generation ago.
That's why I enjoy this TV show, because it fearlessly centers the narrative around a crusty gen x'er with right wing beliefs which were the norm decades ago. It humanizes the edgy villain. More than that, it is transgressive because it deflates the absurd essentialism of the left, which views anyone with slightly crusty backwards opinions as nazis. The most transgressive thing of all is showing that you can have conservative values and be a good, nay, a better person, because of it. It doesn't mean you have to be some edgy violent tryhard or extremist.

>> No.16318866

Remember though, anarchism is about challenging all unjustifiable hierarchies. Now give majority (by friggn district) rule a fucking chance FOR ONCE IN FUCKING HISTORY

Classic case of projection

>> No.16320018

Chuck would admit that today.
Remember when he said he read the Daily Stormer and like Andrew Anglin?

>> No.16320456

>thinking republicans are on the right
what the fuck man

>> No.16320478
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>> No.16321115
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>> No.16321123

Hey it's fake me again.
When are you gonna make a timestamped pic with that new tripcode to prove your me?

>> No.16321176

Besides congress, isn't everything ALREADY majority rule? It's certainly already the case for the arts, where art projects live and die entirely on the basis of what manages to maintain an audience. Government all the way down to the local borough level is voted on by the people. What more can we have? You want everyone spending every waking minute of their lives micromanaging every single position of employment inside every single government facility next?

>> No.16321189

Third Positionism and Fascism

>> No.16321203

nah that's normie/onions tier