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/lit/ - Literature

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1636028 No.1636028 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the great literary works that they simply don't teach you about in high school or college?

>> No.1636037

Brothers Karamazov
The Stranger (sometimes)
The Trial
The Castle
Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest

>> No.1636038

The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.1636046
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>> No.1636054

shut the fuck up Wilde isn't taught in HS or college

it's often censored because of the rampant homophobia that plagues the US

>> No.1636056


He said "great," moron. Nah, just kidding, that is a good call.

I like to think some modern musicians/poets should be considered. Roger Waters really does deserve to be part of the poetic canon. Possibly Biggie Smalls or Tupac. Bob Dylan's usually explored some. Honestly, Joyce doesn't get enough. If you're lucky you read Araby and The Dead. Portrait should be required fukken reading. Lots by McCarthy. Winesburg, Ohio. Faulkner for the most part.

>> No.1636057

Where did YOU go to High School?
That's a 10th grade required reading book at the one I went to

>> No.1636075



>> No.1636081

Anything by any author that isn't Western, not counting Chinua Achebe.

>> No.1636084

well good for your high school

i bet they told you it was a gothic horror though

>> No.1636092 [DELETED] 

actually its steampunk faggot

>> No.1636096

see, this is exactly the thing

you aren't fucking funny

not at all actually

stop it, please

>> No.1636099 [DELETED] 

wasn't trying to be funny
was trying to piss you off
+1 says the king

>> No.1636106

if you feel the need to alert me as to your intentions then they probably were never alive and well in the first place

>> No.1636109

We read things like the Happy Prince and the Selfish Giant in class when I was 8

>> No.1636112

Catcher in the rye is a good one, it's relatable for a lot of people.

>> No.1636111 [DELETED] 


>> No.1636117


>> No.1636122

those are fairy tales specifically written for children

but that's sweet that they did that for you all

>> No.1636123

My contribution reads as:
TBK, Pynchon's shit, Infinite Jest, The Moonstone, Lost Illusions, The Idiot, Shoplifting from American Apparel

>> No.1636125

cool deleting of the posts faggot

>> No.1636126


Catcher in the Rye is generally required high school reading.

So no.

>> No.1636130

im am not D&E

>> No.1636131


we did dorian gray in my history of sexuality class you lose

>> No.1636133

But those are also tales specifically written by Wilde. Which is my point.

They've actually got more than one audience btw.

>> No.1636134

shut the fuck up

i could easily green oval the thread and post screen caps

and i like how you're doing your
>reference big name tripfags and leech off their personality
thing again

>> No.1636136

No, i think your a faggot who neds to fuck off catcher in the rye was not a high school class it was very deep and probably you cant understand it because your a shallow fuck who has no brain

>> No.1636138

By insulting D&E I am leeching off of him?
ok bruh

>> No.1636139

but i didn't say Wilde i said Dorian Gray

you have a history of sexuality class?

where do you go to school?

>> No.1636141
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>> No.1636142


Probably some shithole like Berkley or Reed that has a Queer Studies program.

>> No.1636144

Also, the "canon" is way overemphasized.

Poetry is given a miss. Anything Asian or African is given a miss. Most Eastern European stuff is given a miss.

I recommend personally...

-The Key by Yusuf al-Ani (It's a play, I recommend it as a substitution for Shakespeare everyone has already heard)

-The Ramayana or Mahabarata (In place of Greek tragedies that everyone has already read or heard of)

-Journey to the West (Nifty, but not sure what it would replace)

>> No.1636145

>trying to ignore the fact that he is a post-deleter
just by mentioning his name you appear affiliated

you are such a fucking dolt

>> No.1636147

I am no troll i am serious catcher rye was very profound, articulately written, and is an fascinating study of the tenage angst/intelligent person who hates people.

>> No.1636149



not even an esp progressive one just had some professors who know what's up

>> No.1636150

>look I post i originally replied to
>shut the fuck up Wilde isn't taught in HS or college
Hurr durr.

>> No.1636153
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>> No.1636154

i want to go there :(

>hurr durr
fuck off you e-citizen dullard

>> No.1636159

17 year old pseudo-intellectual detected

>> No.1636163

Your just shallo and mismature mr troll

>> No.1636168

no-name in-coherent pseudo personality detected

>> No.1636172

>fuck off you e-citizen dullard
Says the card carrrying e-citizen dullard

>> No.1636176
File: 27 KB, 402x337, sanity1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god... I feel like the only Tripfag who hasn't wholly given in to his own ego...

Pic related.

>> No.1636180


>> No.1636202

you're not even a tripfag

you're nothing

>> No.1636205

>Hasn't given in to his ego
>Hasn't given into his ego

Non sequiter detected

>> No.1636207

>Non sequiter
this board is filled with know-nothing filth

>> No.1636208


I said wholly.


That did get a chuckle from me. Well played.

>> No.1636213

oh it must've been simply tickling!

horribly, i was pretty serious

>> No.1636215

Behemoth and Isabelle Huppert would be two examples of such. All others are twats.

>> No.1636220

Isabelle lives through favors and Behemoth really doesn't talk much

This board has horrible taste

as evidenced by my on going castigation

>> No.1636229

>Knownothing filth
Non sequiter detected

>> No.1636232

you're stumbling over yourself

>> No.1636237
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>mfw I usually post as anon or under other names, and you recall nothing of my work... just kidding, mostly. I'm not that important... in the grand scheme of the cosmos, because the multiverse if infinite

>> No.1636247

100% agree with Lolita.

Although (and most of you will think I'm trolling, which I'm not), I think it's a book that really is too "deep" for most high school students to understand.

>> No.1636248

Non sequit-
Self-destruct imminent in 5,4,3,2,1....

>> No.1636253
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>trying to be cute
>bringing up the multiverse
>spelling errors, genuinely sounds like a fool

>> No.1636257
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is this funny to a single person?

>> No.1636268


You amuse me more than I amuse you I think.

>> No.1636273


I will say nothing more, so continue to shit up the thread... also, Oscar Wilde is vastly overrated, and there is no anti-gay conspiracy in academia these days.

>> No.1636275

But Lolita does get read in highschool.

>> No.1636277

well aren't you just the puppet master?

you pull the strings and i'll be the fool to dance in your court

fucking tard

>> No.1636278


I'm doing a whole bunch of stuff in my french classes about africa. but then again, i'm majoring in french and african studies. but i also read stuff like une saison au congo in high school.

although I think the question was about lit in english. and most english depts only care for american, british and irish lit. sometimes canada and australia are mentioned. this bias never seems to be explained.

>> No.1636281

Nigga where?

>> No.1636286

he's not even that popular

stop shitting yourself

>backing out of the argument because he's afraid he'll run out of things to say

>> No.1636292

UK for sure. It's pretty entry level.

>> No.1636295

What highschool did you go to? I jelly.

We read crap like brave new world and 1984.

>> No.1636307

>brave new world

everyone knows about it so i cant be speshul and like it at the same time!

>> No.1636308

This is my first time here on /lit/, but it would still like to say.

Will you contribute something or shut the fuck up and leave?

>> No.1636310

Which are also good books. Why go to a lit forum when you don't even like reading?

>> No.1636312

>Implying i called it crap and it wasn't just a replacement for 'things' or 'stuff' and you're entirely overanalyzing it like you belong in a sophomore english class

Wait a minute...

>> No.1636315

Proust...in search of lost time

>> No.1636320

You need to lrn2english broski.

>> No.1636321

No one said i didn't like reading. Granted word choice could have been used within the context of my post, but no one said they were bad books.

>> No.1636325

I'm contributing a lot just by parenting you rascals

>> No.1636332


There are far, far too many to list.

Saul Bellow is typically completely skipped over, possibly because of antisemitism, possibly because he is a more recent writer (and we like to attribute greatness to older works before newer ones);

War and Peace is rarely touched except in Russian literature programs. This is because of its length I'd assume, but it is considered by many to be the greatest novel ever written, and certainly deserves to be read by anyone who calls himself a true literate.

The novels of Maupassant, Proust, Dumas, Hugo, Hardy, and James are rarely taught, except in specific literature studies (French lit, English lit, etc.).

There are too many to list. Education in the humanities and liberal arts is sorely lacking in our time.

>> No.1636335

it was largely ambiguous


>> No.1636337

But do you know the laws of thermodynamics?

>> No.1636340
File: 36 KB, 291x400, alrighty then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I liked 1984.

Also, I didn't read a book for a class until my junior year of high school when I decided I was becoming a complete dumbshit in regular English.

>Freshman year
>supposed to read The Odyssey
>watch the movie instead, takes an entire week
>Sophomore year
>mvq I didn't do shit and still aced every test

inb4 hurr braggart, anyone who's been in a regular English class at a public school can attest that you don't learn shit

>> No.1636342


We aren't really arguing about anything, save that you claim I don't effectively exist in response to my pointing out that the assembled tripfags would rather argue than help out OP.

Also, more for OP.

-Romance of the Three Kingdoms (As opposed to the Illiad. Never heard of high schools reading that, but it could be a local thing)

-Dream of Red December (Don't know what it'd go in for, don't care either)

-Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison was pretty damn good, so I'd leave it in, but if you wanted you could try replacing it with Tsugaeri if you can find it translated (it should be by now).

>> No.1636347

college actually exposes students to a tremendous amount of literature but most students either don't show up to class or fail to pick up on the great works from the superfluous

its the same problem with science majors...most beginning college students think entry level physics is filled with a tremendous amount of formulas but it's really just about 3 or 4...the major being f=ma

most people can't recognize gems from the garbage...and that's what an instructors job is to teach you this skill

>> No.1636352

I read the Odyssey when I didn't even have to in high school. My favourite piece of work in freshman lit was comparing Tintin to something or other.

>> No.1636353


Yes, I am minoring in physics and took AP physics back in high school. I don't deny that you can get a solid technical education in the modern university system, but it is necessary to be well-rounded. And our liberal arts programs are lacking.

>> No.1636356

>assembled tripfag
you've been here longer than he has

you're also actually learned and, although kind of dull, you're useful

OP got a lot of suggestions and i'm sure he's happy with how this has turned out

>> No.1636359


Oh, you suddenly remember me?

>> No.1636360

Tales from the Arabian Nights, seriously.

>> No.1636366


I would've preferred that to verbs, adjectives, and nouns all day erryday. And spelling tests. Jesus Christ.

>> No.1636369

>its the same problem with science majors...most beginning college students think entry level physics is filled with a tremendous amount of formulas
That's really more of the problem, the focus on formulas. They may know F=ma, but do they know what it means, and the law it's derived from?

>I don't deny that you can get a solid technical education in the modern university system
I was more making the point that, at high school, everyone will have read Shakespeare (more or less), but next to no one will have a grounding in basic science. The problem is across the board, really.

>> No.1636371


Noooooo... well, actually yes. It gets snubbed in Arab circles, and isn't considered high literature. Today it gets differing reviews based upon who's doing the reviewing.

Most of the Arab classics are poetry, and reading that in english is a bit of a waste.

>> No.1636372

oh i thought you were Pseudemys

nevermind then

still, even a new tripfag is better than a 1-month old lolrandumb mulatto pile of nothing

>> No.1636387

Ulysses, Portnoy's Complaint, Juliette (deSade), Naked Lunch. All good books with jerk off scenes.

>> No.1636388


>implying you aren't a pile of nothing

>> No.1636393

oh i get this sometimes

it's nothing but a defense mechanism

>> No.1636396

>I was more making the point that, at high school, everyone will have read Shakespeare (more or less), but next to no one will have a grounding in basic science. The problem is across the board, really.

Ah, I do not know. I think that opportunities exist for enterprising students. AP classes for example, and if one's school doesn't offer these, one can take them online. The same goes for the IB program, and to a lesser extent honors classes. I feel certain that if one takes the maximum APs offered one has a solid technical grounding before university, with some dabbling of history and literature.

But truly no public education system on the planet will offer the quality of education that autodidacts receive. Especially with the advent of the internet. I read Plato's works online for free online when I was a senior in high school. Opportunities are there, people just don't take advantage of them.

>> No.1636397


If it matters, I'm usually on /tg/, /x/, and occasionally here. Been here a while, but not ages and ages.


I suppose I should explain further: poetry in Arabic translates poorly because arabic has literary devices and avenues to communicate meaning that have no equivalent in English.

There is a particular passage I remember that is about the coming of the days of god, and your first impulse is to say it sounds ominous as fuck. However, the choice of lettering in the original arabic indicates that it isn't meant to be read harshly, which means that it goes by the secondary interpretation, which is pretty upbeat.

Then again, for college level poetry I recommend cutting out some of the medieval european stuff and sticking in some of the really smutty arab poems just to throw people off. I'll try and remember a few good ones, I have my books nearby.

>> No.1636408


I'm deeply offended that you think I'd need a shallow defense mechanism against you.

>> No.1636411

Its funny how you imply that /lit/ is some sort of elite club for cool kids "LOL you ain't been here two minutes,kid. You ain't worth shit"
Most people browse /lit/ for 20 mins then get on with their lives.
how many hours are you on /lit/ per day?

>> No.1636418


Let it go Ralph: thread has been derailed enough.

>> No.1636423


Turns out I had my poems on pdf, so that's a no go.

>> No.1636426

who the fuck is ralph?

>> No.1636429


If you don't get the reference, and can't be bothered to google it, don't worry about it.

>> No.1636441


>> No.1636442


>> No.1636502






>> No.1636554

The Third Policeman
The House on the Borderland
The Wind In The Snotty Gobble Tree

>> No.1636566


How the fuck did complaining about those three things draw in cancer?

And there are plenty of writefag threads and homework threads. Shame about the /lit/zine but that wasn't because of people complaining, it's because of people being lazy.

And I haven't seen the cancer-level significantly change since the board first began. There have always been some annoying tripfags and some decent ones (and the rare awesome one) and people complaining about tripfags are a million times more cancerous than any tripfag could ever be.

>> No.1636642


I've noticed a huge slowing, and a higher cancer rate, but the cancer may just be more obvious due to fewer posts and post variety.

>> No.1636644


you're still talking about me

>> No.1636646


Not you, you don't qualify as cancer.

>> No.1636650

/lit/ has slowed a lot and seems to be used by 20 people.
do you think they'll get rid of it?
They probably should

The higher proportions of shit posts are going to result in two possible scenarios 1)the board peeters out and dies 2) the shit posts attract more shit posters and tripfags

>> No.1636651

well that makes me happy

i can go to bed with a smile on my face

>> No.1636655

stop bitching '/lit/ is fine

the lot of you just seem to have dropped a book on your toes all at once or something

>> No.1636705
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LES MISERABLES, 1,000 times Les Mis.
My high school stopped teaching the book. The students were deemed too "stupid" to discuss the
the degradation of man by poverty, the ruin of woman by starvation, and the dwarfing of childhood by spiritual and physical night. No instead we will read Catcher in the Rye. Let's focus on your problems students. Forget that there is social injustice. rant rant rant more rant

>> No.1636710


I read three different plays by Shakespeare in high school but there wasn't a single mention of Goethe, the German Shakespeare.

>> No.1636718


Did you go to an American public high school? Schools don't like dealing with parents that get all upset that their children are reading about stuff about demons.

>> No.1636739


Second for Goethe.

>> No.1636769

Cellini - Autobiography.

It's the most bad ass thing ever written. Too cool for school.

>> No.1636772


we got Thomas Hardy though, i guess he was ok.


>> No.1636780


Dude, except for Infinite Jest, I read all of those books at school, except the Brothers Karamazov, that I did in my first year at university.

I went to school in England, and I was always frustrated that they ignored American writers who I thought would be great, and there are great American writers that I suspect I've still never heard of.

>> No.1636782


That's cos he's shit. Anyway, you usually study English literature at school, so unless you study German, why would you get into Goethe?

I did Elective Affinities at university - hated the fucking guts out of that thing.

>> No.1636800


There is a reason that nobody calls Shakespeare 'the English Goethe'.

>> No.1636875
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>> No.1636891

Where did the thread go?

>> No.1637923

that he died like a hundred years before Goethe's birth, for example?

>> No.1637939

Speaking of Faust, don't forget about Marlowe's
"Dr. Faustus". Besides its other qualities (e.g. beautiful dialogue, careful characterization, etc), it also has a scene where Faustus conjures up demons. I immediately disqualifies it from being taught in American public high schools. What I wouldn't give to gave seen an original production of the play. The audience, I'm sure, would have been dead silence since belief in witchcraft was almost universally accepted.

>> No.1637942

Bleh, must proofread.

"This immediately disqualifies it from being taught in American public high schools. What I wouldn't give to have seen an original production of the play. The audience, I'm sure, would have been quaking in their boots, since belief in witchcraft was almost universally accepted at the time..