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/lit/ - Literature

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1637680 No.1637680 [Reply] [Original]

ello, /lit/. I'm a transplant from /tv/. I decided to move to this board because I know more about literature than I do cinema. Although I am an aspiring filmmaker, it was impossible to discuss any of it at length because the board revolves around posting pictures of young female celebrities and trolling.

My favorite authors are Goethe, Byron, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Stendhal. My favorite philosophers are Kropotkin, Stirner, Marx & Engels and Aristotle.

>> No.1637765

You may be a quality person who adds legitimate substance to this board, but you're just going to stir up shitstorms with a trip and a name that long. Just sayin'.

Also /tv/ is terrible. I'd say it's the second worst board.

>> No.1637891

OK?? Post something interesting then??

>> No.1637897

thrice this.

>> No.1637908

It's strange to see that you love writers like Dosto and godless philosophers like Kropotkin, Stirner and Marx.

>> No.1637921

no it isn't, he is just experiencing his russian 'phase'.

>> No.1637945

stay away from me

>> No.1637958


My favorite work from Dostoevsky is White Nights, which he wrote while he was a socialist. I'm not so insipid as to dislike somebody because they believe in god...if anything, the reasons behind dostoevsky's 'conversion' was tragic.

Also, I'd say I love french culture and literature more, if anything. I don't read Kropotkin or Lenin for the literary merit, but I wouldn't say the same for Flaubert or Hugo.




Yeah, my trip seems to incite ungodly amounts of hatred. It's all just tongue-in-cheek, though, so I don't understand why people are quick to insult me about it.

>> No.1638046

Welcome to /lit/.
This board is mainly:
- Gatsby, catch 22, brave new world, king, game of throne, pahlaniuk, kerouac, camus, catcher in the rye, pynchon foster wallace, burrough, bukowski threads
- /sci/ trolling
- tripfag battles, tripfags against anonymous, and Deep&Edgy P0wnage
- shitty tier and opinion threads with shitty people with shitty tastes
- the rare good thread

Better git out, now.

>> No.1638065

How is ethical egoism tenable as an ethical theory if it can't even account for ethical conflict regulation, a key component of any ethical theory

>> No.1638067

your trip fucking sucks

watch some bresson films if you like dostoevsky

>> No.1638070


I'm not too keen on modern literature. Goethe spent a good deal of his life writing Faust...the same can't be said for stephen king or palahnuik.

I'm one of the better posters on /tv/ and that's in spite of my limited knowledge of cinema. Expect me to shift the attitude a bit down here.

>> No.1638076


>Yeah, my trip seems to incite ungodly amounts of hatred. It's all just tongue-in-cheek, though, so I don't understand why people are quick to insult me about it.

>> No.1638082

yeah i get that too actually

>> No.1638085

except i'm not tongue-in-cheek of course

>> No.1638089

Ugh, there is never any real discussion of cinema on /tv/, or its extremely rare.

Too much focus on television, no focus on film.

>> No.1638108

Right now, OP, I like you.

I recommend getting the tripfag blocking greasemonkey script, though, to block the problem tripfags like Fabulous, Deep&Edgy, Brownbear, etc.

If you enjoy Russian lit, you'll most likely enjoy Capsguy(you'll know him when you see him, despite the lack of a tripcode), even though he's self-absorbed, trite, and dull as hell.

>> No.1638116


>I'm one of the better posters on /tv/
>Expect me to shift the attitude a bit down here.
>made a thread just to introduce himself

I dislike you already, I can tell you are one of those people who aren't trolling, but are legitimately annoying and just don't realize it.

>> No.1638117

>stephen king and palahnuik
It seems you aren't too familiar with contemporary literature if those are the first authors that come to mind. I recommend looking into William Vollmann. His novel Europe Central has been compared favorably to War and Peace (Tolstoy being one of your favorite authors). Maybe you will like it?

>> No.1638123

your trip reminds me of a shitty post-rock album title

>> No.1638132

u talkin bout my buddy jim?

>> No.1638129


>> No.1638145


I'm into punk and 90's emo.


I'll look into it, but I'll be honest here: I haven't found any enjoyment in literature published after 1960. The last modern book I read was Running With Scissors, and although it was decent in the mildest sense of the word, it wasn't something I'd read again.

>> No.1638154

oh my god you're proud of yourself for judging the past 50 years of literature on running with scissors

get off my board

>> No.1638165

get the fuck out right now

>> No.1638173
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>> No.1638175


I also read The Da Vinci Code. I'm sure there good books out there, but it all comes down to preference. I prefer classic literature.

>> No.1638191

Just give us the source of your image.

>> No.1638201


Jesus, get the fuck out.

>> No.1638202


>> No.1638208


And read:
-Blood Meridian by McCarthy
-Herzog by Bellow
-Mason & Dixie by Pynchon
-Ada; or Ardor by Nabokov

Then come back.

>> No.1638211


Don't know, sorry.

Tell me, why should I leave? I enjoy classic literature, so what. When you can give me authors who aren't quick to sell the material to make a movie, or have something of worth, call me.

'Authors' these days churn out books every year...I see them lined up on the walls of wal-mart all the time. Everybody reads your crap but nobody is willing to read the classics unless Oprah says so. I'll tolerate that shame, though.

>> No.1638214

Hello. This board used to be a bit faster, but it has slowed down quite a bit.

Most people were driven away by pretentious anons and tripfags clashing over our egos, and pretentious posters wanking over specific issues that they just never shut up about while bringing them into every conversation.

90% of your posts will result in at least one person loudly proclaiming your ignorance while offering no substantive remarks of their own. On good days only 75% of the time will this happen.

Also, it is the norm for this board that even though everyone here on some level recognized that literature is subjective, everyone will assert that their preferences are clearly superior and objectively better: I am guilty of this as well.

The board is also flooded with hipsters, but I find them entertaining. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.1638216


Mason & Dixon*

All of those being American output form the last 50 years.

>> No.1638222

How can you link Marx and Aristotle? Wahah

>> No.1638224

Hi new tripfag, and welcome to /lit/.

This board is even more pretentious than /mu/ and filled with butthurt faggots.

If I were to choose a motto fir /lit/, it would be
>"Stop liking what I don't like."

Enjoy your stay.

>> No.1638226

I enjoy Ayn Rand, and this guy is a faggot.

>> No.1638227

>Tell me, why should I leave?
It's just one guy trolling. Ignore it.

The Aubrey-Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian is fairly recent, fairly excellent, and didn't make a movie until after O'Brian died.

Have you read any classic Asian lit?

>> No.1638228

>stay away from me

Because you don't understand what you read? hm.

>> No.1638232


Ba Jin, if he counts. I really enjoyed Family and the message he was conveying.


Do I really have to? I read philosophy with a clear mind and no preconceptions.

>> No.1638234

l2philosohpy. Marx is a Hegelian and Hegel was highly influenced by Aristotle.

>> No.1638238

*Marx was. Past tense.

>> No.1638239


I'm saving that shit for later copypasta'ing. Also, /lit/ hasn't slowed down according to the graphs on Green Oval.

>> No.1638240


It feels slower to me. The cancer is more noticeable. At certain hours it speeds up and feels like its old self, but then it slows up again. It could just be me.

>> No.1638242


blah blah young hegelians, turn hegel upright, blah blah

>> No.1638246

If Yukio Mishima counts, I don't see why Ba Jin shouldn't. Though I can't really say if Mishima even counts. Unfortunately I haven't read anything by Ba Jin, but I'll be looking into him now.

I ask because besides Stevenson, the few classics I've read are all Asian.

>> No.1638254

what are your favorite directors OP?

>> No.1638255


I also have a book of Mao's poetry and articles.

You should check out Ba Jin, he really had a flair for creating likable characters. I could relate to the brothers in Family quite a bit.

>> No.1638260


Godard, Kurosawa, Bergman
not necessarily in that order

>> No.1638270


Typical. Which Godard and Bergman films are your favorites? Could you spout off like 20or30 directors you like so we can size you up and see how good your tastes actually are? I am a film maker myself and it would be nice to have someone to talk to.

>> No.1638299

>Do I really have to? I read philosophy with a clear mind and no preconceptions.

So how could you read Marx and THEN Aristotle? Marx is poor in comparison to Aristotle. You must admit that. Ah, you may also like all works written by Lenin or Stalin? Hahah. Moar!

>> No.1638305


Godard, I'd say Une Femme Est Une Femme. Kurosawa, I'd say Yojimbo.

To be honest, I wouldn't be able to name 20 or 30 directors I could say I look up to. Maybe Dreyer(Leaves from Satan's Book), Fritz Lang(Metropolis - duh), Reitman just because he made enjoyable and fun movies, Woody Allen(Love and Death and Annie Hall), Welles(The Trial)...

>> No.1638314


I did read Marx before aristotle. While I like marx, I think it was his earlier work that I enjoyed, before the scientific socialism brouhaha. I like Engels more, though.

And Lenin wrote some interesting stuff. I really liked State and Revolution. Stalin wasn't much of an ideologue.

But that's beside the point...I'm not a socialist, so don't paint me as one.

>> No.1638317


Nevermind then, you are the typical filmschool jerk who likes the shit that everybody else likes in a continous circle jerk. Also I think someone mentioned this already but the quote for this board is pretty much "stop liking what I don't like". Being such, I have to say HAVE YOU EVEN seen Pierrot le Fou? How could you like Un Femme better? are you insane?

>> No.1638319


I don't go to film school. I like what I like.

To be truthful, I think Vivre Sa Vie was better than Pierrot Le Fou. I like Une Femme because it was quirky and original and I liked that.

>> No.1638321


I'm not going to. Just I can't understand why people wast their time for such trash. When we HAD TO learn their works we had enough. I study history and I read them as a source. Still a waste of time.

>> No.1638322


Your not? Then GTFO only socialists allowed!

>> No.1638324


Have you ever made any short films? Please post them!

>> No.1638331

Later Godard is very underrated.

>> No.1638333


Well, marxism and socialism were a bit of a dead-end for me. In my teenage years I was committed to justice and equality, but those words are empty to me now. Working with those people...it demoralized me to the point where I didn't care about anybody but myself, which is contradictory to that goal.

The lack of understanding and cliquish nature of the left is mind blowing. They may have leftist rhetoric but they are just as cutthroat and hateful and spiteful as their perceived enemies, only they coat it with upright moral posturing.


I'm currently drafting up a short story I hope to translate to film. I'll probably talk about it sooner or later. I feel comfortable posting the story here, but that will have to wait.

>> No.1638335


I know.
Oh Woe Is Me and Slow Motion = my top 40 favs.

>> No.1638339


What is the story going to be about just post a synopsis here and say what directors style you most want to mimic.

>> No.1638346


Young man who fancies himself a romantic hero laments the lack of depth and warmth in modern relationships. Environment will play a huge role in the direction - ie, the suffocating and alienating nature of the city contrasts with the openness and beauty of nature and this is established in the opening shots.

the stories the protagonist will talk about will be lifted largely from my own life. I'm not saying my problems are unique or the greatest pain imaginable, but I've always been interested in the human condition and how he lives and I want people to relate to that.

>> No.1638349


hipsters everywhere

>> No.1638352


What? I wanted a synopsis, like Beginning, Rising Action, Climax. Not a bunch of blather about the human condition.. are you trying to imply that your movie is just going to be a guy walking through dark alleys wondering why relationships suck for an hour?

>> No.1638356


Yeah. That's what Note From Underground essentially was, right? I'm still grappling with some of the ideas I want to use.

>> No.1638358

OP sho pics

if you're hot and have a penis you can stay

>> No.1638359


How long do you plan on making it? That sounds epically boring.

>> No.1638363


Notes from the underground is damn short. I would hope that you are not going to make that longer than like 10-15 minutes tops.

>> No.1638368

What grade are you in/How old OP?

>> No.1638369


I have muscles, I'm 5'8", latino, jet black surfer hair, brown eyes that look black, and i have a beauty mark on my cheek


Not very long, but I'm not even sure I could manage to film it. I'm content keeping it a story in the event I can't.

>> No.1638374

>beauty mark
u gay?

and i need pics

>> No.1638390 [SPOILER] 
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doesn't matter and I don't go to school

I teach myself things I want to learn. I know I lack the qualifications to do anything outside of some shitty fast food job but I'm okay with that. Not like I'm gonna live to see 35 anyways.



I don't have any recent pics of me(kinda want to stay anonymous these days) but I can show you how I looked like as a teenager.

>> No.1638395

no offense

but eww

>> No.1638396

Freshman in Highschool, hey guize I'ma film maker I wanna make a short I've got a digital camera on my new Iphone and everything. My fav directors are godard and bergman. I wnat to make a movie that stealz the exact story froma book I read.

>> No.1638400


it's okay. i don't look like that anymore.


I didn't steal it, but it was a source of inspiration. I borrowed a lot from romanticism, though.

>> No.1638404

I have never seen a single good Short film if you can't come up with a 100 page script then you need to just kill yourself and forget about films and books.

I don't want your unintelligent unschooled mind fucking up threads and shit. Watch you post into a Wittgenstein thread and be like Oh shit 2Deep4me derp derp.