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/lit/ - Literature

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1650149 No.1650149 [Reply] [Original]

Hey. So, I'm looking for some good mind fuck or educational (philosophy or random things to make me a better person preferred) books to start with. Any suggestions?
I'm just starting to read. Literally today. I know. I'm uneducated.


>> No.1650160

Reading philosophy won't make you smarter. The shit is pointless and 99% dead fucking wrong. Read some books on multiverse theory. Its trippy. Then try string theory and something about black holes or hologram theory.

>> No.1650169

That or books on building early 8-bit computers. Shits hawt.

>> No.1650171

Got any recommend books in those categories ?
Like I said, I dont know shit about shit.

>> No.1650193

Shameless Bump cause I need suggestions

>> No.1650200

wow....really???....try going to school stupid ass faggot

wow i bet your mom is ashamed you were even given birth to by such a dumb bitch that she which would give birth to such a pathetic moron like you

let me guess you still think progenitus is prescriptive and not descriptive? how did i know? no surprise coming from a fucking piece of shit lowbrow lowlife lowball moron

>> No.1650209

I'm 15. And freshmen drop out, not by choice. Looking g into books to get a semi-education

>> No.1650212

Pretty sure that's being copypasted for obscure reasons

how the hell do you drop out of high school at 15. I don't even know what to recommend to a 15 year old. You should really go to high school, dude.

>> No.1650215

Just a word of advice, OP. Going to /lit/ to help yourself get smarter is like eating plastic fruit to get stronger.

Anyway, I'm going to recommend that you read A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. It's very accessible, which trust me, you're going to need. The last thing you want to do is start with the wrong book and think that you hate reading.

Also try a Brief History of Time by Steven Hawking and The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat by Oliver Sacks. Theses are all good, informative, approachable science books that are well respected in their field. It should be a good launching off point to see what you do and don't like.

>> No.1650221

I don't want to be dropped out. Shit Happens tho.

Thanks. Know you may of just made one less complete retard.

>> No.1650223


The Closing of the American Mind

You'll shit bricks.

>> No.1650225

If you're about15 and just getting into reading, you should start with something to whet your palette, but not overwhelm you. Try "Ethan Frome" or "A Separate Peace," OP.

>> No.1650227


The closing of the american mind sounds like a shitty old guy's book and he writes for a newspaper haha

>> No.1650231

How the hell did you drop out in the first year of high school? seriously?

Anyone, what I read first year of high school was stuff like the Odyssey and Iliad, Tale of Two Cities, Canterbury Tales. Read those, they are good. Also, I can't recommend this enough: just go to a used bookstore or a library and pick up anything that looks interesting. Be voracious and ecumenical; don't rely on recommendations. Some of the books that I enjoyed most and that most shaped my thought - particularly Hannah Arendt's On Revolution and Macalauy's History of England - I picked up on a whim.

>> No.1650263

Don't read Ethan Frome, it's a depressing, unfulfilling story of nothing followed by tragic nothing.
You're 15? You should pick up a copy of the Catcher in the Rye, I hear it's quite popular with your generation.