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/lit/ - Literature

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16630368 No.16630368 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16630398 [DELETED] 

>Karl Popper was born in Vienna (then in Austria-Hungary) in 1902 to upper-middle-class parents. All of Popper's grandparents were Jewish, but they were not devout and as part of the cultural assimilation process the Popper family converted to Lutheranism before he was born[18][19] and so he received a Lutheran baptism

>> No.16630404

So basically a normal Lutheran.

>> No.16630405


>> No.16630427

Protestantism is basically the rejudaization of christianity, so I suppose you're not entirely wrong.

>> No.16630496

Bogus. The major branches espouse the Trinity -- hardly Jewish, anon.

>> No.16630503
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every single time.

>> No.16630520

Yes. Especially in the Laws. But recollect his ideal state, all the controls, the banishing of poets, rhapsodes, and state control of the arts in general. All the /fa-lit/ threads, charts, whatever, should commence with Plato.

>> No.16630541

all intellectuals since the renaissance participate in fascism.

>> No.16630920

Based Plato. But this thread belongs to /his/

>> No.16631752

Damn, jannies are on a roll today.

>> No.16632090


>> No.16632120
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Yeah, I remember /lit/ being full of shitty offtopic threads but these usually got deleted about two times a day. Did they just gave up? Or maybe they stopped doing their work until they get a raise? Who knows? Not me. I've never lost control. Face to face with a man who sold the world naa naa naaanaanaanaa
Lol, this the post they deleted >>16630398

>> No.16632134

Karl Popper is a fucking retard anyway

>> No.16632156

Considering all the global elite want to use the republic as a manual he is not wrong

>> No.16633139

The global elite HATE the one country that explicitly used the Republic as a design manual (Iran).

>> No.16633735

No, because they're empirical claims, and empirical claims can't be true.

>> No.16633757

let me guess, the excerpt on his early life was deleted. What a surprise. But anyways he's a retard for more reasons than that. He also believed that all conclusions reached by induction are not to be believed because there might be some astronomically small chance it is wrong. So he believed therefore all scientific theory built on induction is wrong. Even Hume rebuked his ideas on deductive skepticism as being childish when he wrote his later books, as the idea of which it is built on was one of his early works

>> No.16635387


He's right that Plato was opposed to the "open society," but it isn't clear that Plato was in favor of stamping out dissent with violence. On the contrary.

>> No.16635394

Didn't Hitler actually dislike Hegel because he was a Schopie fanboy?

>> No.16635399

>Protestantism is basically the rejudaization of christianity
EH, it was definitly the dtripping donw of christianity, but its hard to say rejudaization of it since jewdism is heavily ritual and icon based, while Protestantism is usually ritual and icon minimalist to some extent.

>> No.16635405

what did >>16630398 say?

But didnt many aspects of modern liberalism and republicanism come from plato too? Especially the idea of the indivigual self as compared to the civic minded self?

>> No.16635410

What a fucking retard, he doesn't even understand metaphysics.

>> No.16635607

Because they are not in control of it.

>> No.16636160

Early life from wikipedia. Popper had four jewish grandparents, but his parents were lutheran converts. I think it got deleted because of the word "kike" and jannies actually enforce no racism rule if you report the post. I'm suprised thread was allowed to stay up, as it has barely anything to do with literature.

>> No.16636777

Karl Poppers claims aren't necessarily true -- about that we can make no statement -- but they haven't been shown to be false yet.

>> No.16636819

Theoretically, yes; totalitarianism agrees with much of what Plato writes for a perfect society. However, Plato did not intend for ideology or politics or war to be that involved in the founding or the overall spirit of the society. I'm sure what he expected and indeed wanted was a pragmatic need to do what must be done, rather than kill all Jews.

>> No.16638097

best post

>> No.16638721

Karl Popper was the biggest ideological totalitarian of the 20th century with his erroneous method of falsification. Takes one to know one I guess.

>> No.16638799

Yes. Plato is a totalitarian cuck, causing more harm than Hitler.

>O Plato! Plato! you have paved the way,
>With your confounded fantasies, to more
>Immoral conduct by the fancied sway
>Your system feigns o'er the controulless core
>Of human hearts, than all the long array
>Of poets and romancers:—You 're a bore,
>A charlatan, a coxcomb—and have been,
>At best, no better than a go-between.

>> No.16639196


>> No.16639614

Harm? What harm could Plato have caused? His Republic strived for the wellbeing of everyone after all.

>> No.16641202

Please respond.

>> No.16641240

Plato’s fear of art is incomprehensible to us unless we understand that he believed mimetic art to be much more powerful, much more immediately and lastingly impactful to people, than we do.

>> No.16641271

Is that not the case?

>> No.16641280

Not this anon, but what could go wrong if people cede their sovereignty to some governing body.
I guess you can read this as a treaty of the practical impossibility of just government though.

>> No.16641297

Only an academic comfortably stuffed into his armchair would trace the rise of Totalitarianism to Totality.

>> No.16641302

*from Totality

>> No.16641694

>than we do
>would espouse freedom but deep six interiority
kek. telecom ups the ante.

>> No.16642352

The global elite fucking love Popper and the open society what are you talking about

>> No.16642376

The fuck are you on about, it's the clear opposite

>> No.16643882

I think so. But Pooper was gay so he did not recgnize that Plato was exactly right and his politics were not a negative

>> No.16643889

Imagine how powerful art was in ancient times. It has immense influence on us even still but if theater and poetry were are only entertainment...who knows

>> No.16643900

Popper is one of the most important intellectuals of the elite class. I think they have rejected Platonic ideas in favor of chaos and other forms of social control

>> No.16643976

It's a preposterous reach from someone who ironically champions reason and scientific logicality. Pinning totalitarianism on Plato is like blaming mass shootings on video-games. There is seemingly a superficial connection, but there are far more immediate and more impactful causes.

>> No.16644172

That is just a prelude to total control.
The elite want themselves as the top class controlling everything.
Middle class of menagerial people who controll everything true.
And lastly poorfags bordering on slaves for menial tasks.
Obviously that comes afther some great calamity or population reduction giant revolution or something simmilar, maybe even coovid is a test case for total control. And how much they can push the planet around

>> No.16644350

teenager-tier analysis

>> No.16644363

Fuck off rdt

>> No.16644371

No they delete and ban the on topic

>> No.16644382


>> No.16644420

retard spotted

>> No.16644438

He was right. And you faggot redditors don't even get that your world of upvotes is infinitely more tyrannical.

>> No.16644445

>Dude the JAVASCRIPT states X, therefore ignore your own self, sense of morality, compassion and knowledge so you get to obey the JAVASCRIPT

>> No.16644465

You have never read the republic. The craftsmen possess all of the wealth. The philosopher kings live in situations similar to the warrior class, i.e, bunkhouses that serve roasted meat. They are also an unwilling ruling class.

>> No.16644522

Sounds ideal and not how life ends up working out.

>> No.16644644


>> No.16645786

elite.... are you implying that the aristos are not the best but they have a soul of gold because of scheming and cheating their way to managerial positions? you do realize that these people are raised at birth to be good and anyone can be in the gold class if they have what it takes even if they came from bronze parents

>> No.16646638

>The global elite HATE the one country that explicitly used the Republic as a design manual (Iran).
what? I've never heard this, go on

>> No.16646644

Karl Popper sounds like a bitch ass nigga who spent his entire life in the burbs

>> No.16646701

Karl Popper is the height of a liberal court wizard philistine masquerading as a "man of science". The idea one man who lived a thousand years ago could directly lead to Hitler is stupid enough on its own.

>> No.16646757

owned, rather

>> No.16646782

Of course he was right with respect to mimesis: how else could there be religion on the one hand, degeneration on the other? I just think he was dead wrong with respect to what he wanted his ideal Republic to parrot.

>> No.16646947
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Well argued, truly the reason why /lit/ is considered the highest IQ board

>> No.16647460


>> No.16647565

Ah yes, the existence of philosophy led to the existence of political philosophy which led to the existence of governments based on those political philosophies, which led to governments that abused their citizens based on a skewed version of a specific political philosophy, that wouldn't have existed without Plato! Up next, people wouldn't die from car accidents if prometheus didn't give humanity fire.

>> No.16647590

Is Plato the CEO of playdough?

>> No.16647619

That thread won't work. The topic on this thread has to be contained on its own thread, anything else would ruin the rate and quality of the responses

>> No.16647639

This is what the redditors don't get. How long have they been trying to get philosophy removed from the board now? They even have a janny deleting and moving threads.
But /his/ can't handle the extra traffic, threads will get slid almost immediately.

>> No.16647663

if everyone became philosopher kings it would be anarchy, because everyone would rule themselves and be virtuous (not going to happen)
but anarchy itself is bad, not because plato wouldnt have everyone be philosopher kings, but rather that he is talking about One person, and anarchy in ruling oneself is chaos and foolishness

>> No.16648155

>Yeah, dude, whatever

>> No.16648219

its def not about politics plato admitted that by writing laws which is an addendum saying 'ok fuckheads philosopher kings arent real you cant wait around for a pk to show up heres my real 'best form of gov' '

>> No.16648325

Laws and Statesman do have a very similar societal structure to the Republic (including Guardian class) so your remark is just AKSHYUALLY.

>> No.16649528

Of spiritual playdough, yes. Keen insight there (as it were) anon.

>> No.16650026

It is, I did drugs for a period of time and I remember my trips ... then I've re-watched the childhood movies that I could remember and I was surprised to see that the movie effects, scenes and so one were the content of my trips as well.

>> No.16650278

Sir, I’ve researched his Wikipedia and I’m afraid this Karl Popper is a Jew-kike.

>> No.16650532

Are there any books about Hegel alleged influence on Nazism? You always hear this but no one really describes how it happened. Seems kinda retarded and false

>> No.16650550

He's right that idealism is linked closely to totalitarianism because the state is striving towards a most perfect and just version of itself. But so what? The problem with cretins like Popper is they're rather we just live in a shitlib society trying for nothing. Then they go invent "tolerance paradoxes" to explain how they can reconcile their relaxed chill government with the need to brutally oppress conservatives. Fuck them