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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 1280x720, ib20s9o8jhs51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16644019 No.16644019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't do this shit much longer.

>> No.16644038
File: 142 KB, 210x442, 2104F0AC-3A4A-4E5D-9BC4-4BB024AC7C6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. A brain disorder.
I’ve shown the way out several times already. Are you new?

>> No.16644043
File: 225 KB, 709x468, Schopie's suicide hotline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An hero is an option but what's the hurry?
Hold on a little bit more faggot

>> No.16644051

lemme guess. "read neetch"

>> No.16644055

No one cares for your shitty takes. Go kill yourself tranny janny shit.

>> No.16644063

The fact the Schop didn't kill himself gives me great hope, and the courage to carry on.

>> No.16644070

>Go kill yourself
That’s the point. I am not going to commit suicide. You all feel like that. I cannot. It’s impossible for me to get this down

>> No.16644074

What tangible actions should I take?

>> No.16644085

Good. Now you have enough motivation to change your situation. Go and change it now. It may take a long time, but don't give up. And if you don't do it in this life, give your children resources and knowledge to do so.

>> No.16644121 [DELETED] 

Starting here

Around 30 I gave up trying to believe in a god/afterlife. This freed me. The unmooring left me existential for a few days, but the days I had left, no matter how trivial they would be, would be mine, my all, precious. I ended craving more. Naturally I’d want to live more and dream of an afterlife, but I know it’s fantasy. And literally so. Reading is like a life extending experience.
Later I felt one more burst of existential dread and that was when I had to admit that humanity as a whole would also vanish, and regrettably soon, I’m afraid.
But no, I’m not afraid. Nothing is written in stone just yet. There’s a tremendous heroic quest before us. What a life. Tho we may all die in the end, I live happily. So much to do.

>> No.16644135

Starting here
https://youtu.be/hBWDIzHldPg [Embed]

Around 30 I gave up trying to believe in a god/afterlife. This freed me. The unmooring left me existential for a few days, but the days I had left, no matter how trivial they would be, would be mine, my all, precious. I ended up craving more. Naturally I’d want to live more and dream of an afterlife, but I know that’s just fantasy. And literally so. Reading is like a great life extending experience.
Later I felt one more burst of existential dread and that was when I had to admit that humanity as a whole would also vanish, and regrettably soon on account of the climate catastrophe, I’m afraid.
But no, I’m not afraid. Nothing is written in stone just yet. There’s a tremendous heroic quest before us now. What a life. Tho we may all die in the end, I live happily. So much to do.

>> No.16644150

>what's the hurry?
Minimize further guaranteed suffering

>> No.16644156

He not only not killed himself but saved a drowning kid and was known to be a really joyful person in his later life.

>> No.16644157

Epicureanism is viable only for women and children in specific circumstances. All those pushing it have decided there is nothing of value in adulthood and crawl back into their mommy's womb.
Only highly neurotic people require dumb shit like this to remove "existential dread". Kindly stop trying to pollute alienated minds and fuck off

>> No.16644160

>And if you don't do it in this life, give your children resources and knowledge to do so.
I would never even dream of putting children of my own into this world.

>> No.16644174

One must imagine Sisyphus a warrior monk.

>> No.16644195

uwu buttewfwy pwease do shwow me da way. Awso, pwease weccowmend me, an anti capitwawist, a boowk. Thwank you buttewfwy XOXO. I'm swewious buttewfwy I wawnt a bwook weccowmendwation fwom you becauwse I thwink youw too is an antwi capwitawist

>> No.16644220


>> No.16644238

>implying suffering itself inst worth living for.

>> No.16644242

christcucks are mentally ill

>> No.16644250

>But no, I’m not afraid. Nothing is written in stone just yet. There’s a tremendous heroic quest before us now. What a life. Tho we may all die in the end, I live happily. So much to do.

Are you the conclusion to what awaits all of those unknowing literature only faggots that venture into philosophy without care?

>> No.16644253

The only people who spout platitudes like that are those that never truly suffered.

>> No.16644271

says the attention whore namefag whose life consists of posting their retarded ideas on an ANONYMOUS basket weaving enthusiast board for attention
we all known it's impossible to be happy as a commie anyway. Since biggest dream is never going to happen. Your life will consist of constant reeeeeeeing to anyone bored enough to entertain your spazzing about.

>> No.16644285
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you only get to suffer once,
you might as well enjoy it.

>> No.16644289
File: 16 KB, 500x375, « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » !mxvabIoSIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tranny showing people the way out
Color me surprised

>> No.16644297

what the fuck

>> No.16644301

Post tits

>> No.16644304

Around 30 I gave up trying to believe in a god/afterlife. This freed me. The unmooring left me existential for a few days, but the days I had left, no matter how trivial they would be, would be mine, my all, precious. I ended up craving more.
and yet you are here on 4chan, wasting your time

>> No.16644305
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>> No.16644313
File: 113 KB, 882x731, 1503707275025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I finally understood why Sisyphus is supposed to be happy. It's because he always has something to do, and will never have to think about what he's going to do next. Am I close?

>> No.16644317 [DELETED] 

the roo

>> No.16644318

Someone needed help getting some stuff ready for work on Monday, should have taken 10-20 minutes

2 hours later here I am sweating my ass off waiting for this guy to quit running his mouth with co workers

I’ll never help someone again

>> No.16644319
File: 5 KB, 388x413, CA421293-D5BF-40C0-B044-3DA44E594C0F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The unmooring left me existential for a few days

>> No.16644327

t. wageslave

>> No.16644328
File: 82 KB, 623x350, 20646120-013F-4F6F-AE78-872D2B77439C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s happy because all of gods enemies gather at the bottom when the boulder comes tumbling back down

>> No.16644418
File: 47 KB, 750x728, 2DE3415D38D440A394E48A5E898BD5B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you can, and you will!

>> No.16644476

You've got to set a time period when you have to leave when you notice them being lazy. If you have time and don't mind just learn how to go w the flow. Ppl have different ideas of hard work.

>> No.16644492
File: 59 KB, 600x450, butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16644510

shut up tranny

>> No.16644523

If there is a single fucking thing I learned in my administration job is to never do work for anyone except my superior. I could slap myself for everytime I did some dumb roasties work while she went to get coffee and talk to her girlfriends via telephone.

>> No.16644629

Coping dna slave.

>> No.16644642

Because you haven't experienced actual suffering, you live a easy life of delusion.

>> No.16644658

You need to read more pessimistic literature, you sound hopelessly lost.

>> No.16644664

The body is immortal, our personality dies, but the body itself transforms endlessly.
Suicide then is no solution.

>> No.16644676
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"A brain disorder"

>> No.16644678

Damn, you sound like a mind broken rape victim. Nice Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.16644690

Butterfly posting should be a bannable offense.

>> No.16644698

Does conciousness survive when the body dies? Ya friggin dummy.

>> No.16644703

>christcuck who believes in a fantasy that defies all laws of nature and reason calling other people madmen
you can't make this shit up

>> No.16644714

Read about efilism and get off this shitty website, you won't learn anything valuable here.

>> No.16644724


>> No.16644729

>Google efilism
>"Efilism is a word invented by the YouTube user[...]"
Stopped reading there

>> No.16644746

That's the real question for me. I already decided that there's no point in living this life (let's say I already internalised Schopenhauer's pessimism). The question is: is there a real difference between waiting for the moment and making the moment happen right now?

>> No.16644755

>Around 30 I gave up trying to believe in a god/afterlife.
This makes so much sense, but I also pity you somewhat

>> No.16644776

Imagine choking it to death

>> No.16644799

Depends, do you want to risk extreme suffering by continuing to live? If something is worth enough to endure the worst possible suffering than you should continue to live. But if not then you know what to do.

>> No.16644817

Efilism is just Anti-natalism but extend the concept to all life. It's really simple.

>> No.16644837

die slowly by default self destruction, adhere to your personal addiction for it is what defines you.
enjoy the double edged sword without ethics so that when it breaks down on you, your fucked up sense of value towards your addiction crumbles and the void that it leaves will leave u so beautifully empty inside you might find the courage to actually off yourself.

>> No.16644854

Why the fuck you're even asking this big question that only belongs to you if you have read Schopenhauer?
You should do what he told us, to start thinking for ourselves. And while you're busy in that process take regular dives into art world.

Hello Cioran

>> No.16644872
File: 14 KB, 220x260, _gif__raging_wojak_by_byrdh_28793_ddqfdyg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In philosophy and psychology, ressentiment (French pronunciation: [rəsɑ̃timɑ̃]) is one of the forms of resentment or hostility. The concept was of particular interest to some 19th century thinkers, most notably Friedrich Nietzsche. According to their use, ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed toward an object that one identifies as the cause of one's frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one's frustration. The sense of weakness or inferiority complex and perhaps even jealousy in the face of the "cause" generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one's frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one's own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy in order to insulate itself from culpability.

Really makes you think.

>> No.16644898

don't worry after thousands and thousands of years the stone will slowly erode and the burden will only become lighter

>> No.16644923

>I am not going to commit suicide
please reconsider

>> No.16644954

Or you could confront your own suicidal ideation which you resentfully project upon others, desiring them to be miserable just like you are. This is a good place to start to find help: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mental-illness/in-depth/mental-health-providers/art-20045530

>> No.16645040

Arin Hanson?

>> No.16645058

since when is this board invaded by atheists?

>> No.16645060

loled at climate catastrophe killing humanity, well done butters xD

>> No.16645073

I agree but stop name fagging.

>> No.16645074

Tell that to Jesus

>> No.16645077

thx 4 the recc

>> No.16645083

Tfw forced to live by this colony of bug people.

>> No.16645102

Typically response from someone lacking context.

>> No.16645112
File: 1.37 MB, 1242x1115, 1594229327969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butters I listened to you and bought Chainlink and I’m doing pretty well but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to afford enough to secure financial freedom and intergenerational wealth at this stage because I was simply and tragically unaware of Chainlink until it was far too late and I’m afraid I’m going to end up in the same position I was in in 2016 meaning I’m going to end up homeless and experiencing interminable auditory hallucinations and I’m going to physically assault a Starbucks barista and break my parole all because I didn’t happen upon you or Chainlink until it was far too late. What should I do. My mother wants nothing to do with me

>> No.16645188


Defying the "laws of nature" is the prerequisite for sanity.

>> No.16646511


>> No.16646681

Ah yes. the middle-aged woman with no one in her life who spends all day shitting herself and posting snarky bullshit on /lit/. Truly a paragon of mental wellbeing

>> No.16646693

The whore banned me for posting the proof of her shit fetish. Shitty janny.

>> No.16646763

You know you're right. That's why everyone is so salty

>> No.16646786

Oh don’t be like that. I NEED your help

>> No.16646798

>You know you're right. That's why everyone is so salty

>> No.16646832
File: 9 KB, 266x189, sisyphus.jaypeeeeegeh.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must chemically force Sysiphus to be happy.