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16832410 No.16832410 [Reply] [Original]

Does Old Testament have the same God as the New Testament? Why is OT much more a wild ride compared to the sequel?

>> No.16832417

No. OT God is a Jewish demon. NT God is the real God.

>> No.16832448
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Nah, OT God is the infinite, amoral and almighty God of this world that levels cities to ash and raises nations to empires. NT "god" is just some Jewish huckster wandering around Palestine with his crew of hippies and kvetching at everyone he sees.

>> No.16832458

Why did he make them cut up their pps lol XDDDDD

>> No.16832822

The old testament is a literary masterpiece. The new testament is fanfiction LARPing.

>> No.16832846

Other way around.

>> No.16832983

God become based when he has a son to relate to the humans

>> No.16833050

Yes they are the same God. His plan of salvation for the cosmos was promised first to Eve after the fall, and was subsequently revealed further to Abraham, Isaac, Israel, and so forth. It reached it's climax in the first century AD where God Himself 'tabernacled' among the Jewish people, and was killed by the people he came to save as an atonement for their sin. Jesus' divinity was confirmed by his resurrection, and the new covenant was subsequently confirmed with the sending of the Holy Spirit and the destruction of the second temple in 70 AD (because God had now come as a man, He did not need to 'tabernacle' with humanity in a single building). Happy to answer any other questions.

>> No.16833107

Somehow. Even though this makes no sense. Sure.

>> No.16833136
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>> No.16833476

The Old Testament is a supposed synopsis of the most impactful events for Jewish identity in a Xthousand year span, whereas the NT only talks about the life of one man (and John the baptist)

>> No.16833522

>NT only talks about one man.
Come on anon, you know that's not true. The Gospels are only a section of the NT.

This anon understands.

>> No.16833536

Who else then? John?
I am sorry for the misinformed post, I think a better formulation would be that the NT is over a shorter time span.

>> No.16833956
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I'm curious as well.

>> No.16834092

Jesus is the main focus of the NT, but you have the writings of Paul, Peter, and John. The narrative of Acts follows the early church following the ascension of Christ into heaven.

You are right though in saying that the NT covers a shorter span of time.