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/lit/ - Literature

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16939792 No.16939792 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16939810
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>Notes on Nationalism
>Brave New World
>The Bible

Anon, it's for you

>> No.16939814

you're a huge faggot that doesnt read at all.

>> No.16939815

>Revolt against the modern world
>The bell curve
>The unabomber manifesto
based af

>> No.16939827
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>Meditations of Plebbus Aurelius
>Road to Serfdom

Anon, it's for you

>> No.16939846

It literally looks like you went on an amazon shopping spree all the books look brand new. Very odd selection of books, Unabomber and Evola and then you have Jordan Peterson?? Wtf

>> No.16939886

You're desperate to break out of Weber's iron cage but it turns out all of those books just tell you it's inescapable in some new and novel way.

>> No.16939904
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>> No.16939905
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Documents/Things/Fun/Don't Click/Books

>> No.16939911

I browse lit, scaruffi.com, and am an alcoholic

>> No.16939917

>the decline of the west
>the ego and his own
>random poker books
based af also where's your clothes anon

>> No.16939922

You have a lot of Russian and Marxist literature, so I'd guess you may be of Russian decent; but since I see Evola, Peterson, and Hayek, I'd guess that you aren't a Marxist - or at least aren't a Marxist anymore. You may have been interested in Marxism when you were younger, but as you grew older you possibly became interested in more conservative views.

>> No.16939924

kys you're self

>> No.16939928

Under a pile of trash in a basket on the floor. I haven't gone outside in so long that I kind of forgot about them.

>> No.16939941

Ironically the problem with Aurelius is that he wasn't a pleb, which is kind of a problem when you're trying to write a philosophy about coping with the harshness of life.
Utterly mogged by Epictetus.

>> No.16939962

youre american

>> No.16939974

Good point, but he does have a good ideas for:
> stable-well paying job
> got a couple friends
> life is still pointless

>> No.16940038

Anti-communists tend to have read more marixst literature than self proclaimed commies

>> No.16940092
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Finally found a nice way to display my library of books. Not going to make any excuses on my book selections though, I enjoy sitting and reading in my lounge chair off to the right while listening to music with little to no lyrics to keep from being distracted.

>> No.16940132

Chad hardcovers vs the virgin op paperbacks

>> No.16940142

>5 very good reasons to punch a dolphin in the mouth
>how to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you
>why grizzly bears should wear underpants
based schizo

>> No.16940145

Your books say you have thing, too much of a thing, for /lit/ meme books.

>> No.16940148

My distinct organizational strategy for how much I care about a book:
> is it pulp garbage I'm reading at someone else's behest or a book I don't really care about? Then its on my ereaders
Anything more valuable I buy in paperback.
> did the book change me? (Hamlet, paradise lost, The Metamorphoses)
Then I buy another copy, hardback and use the paperback for annotations on retreads.
Always focus on the lit that speaks to you.

>> No.16940150

All those books were bought this year.

>> No.16940153

Not on /lit/. Not anywhere else I've seen for that matter.

>> No.16940155

most of them aren't even posted on lit with the exception of Evola, Ted, Peterson, Marx, and Marcus. With Peterson, Marx and Marcus being the memes

>> No.16940175

How did Epictetus contrast?

>> No.16940183

massive cope

>> No.16940236


>> No.16940300

This but no ereader. If I love a book I will track down a nice hardcover and give away my paperback.

>> No.16940340

>The Bell Curve
>B&N Classics Bible
If you had some consistency I would call you based, but since you have a bunch of /pol/ books of disparate ideologies, I say you're a kekistani faggot, which is worse than being a /pol/tard.

>> No.16940346

Take your meds OP, your books are not saying anything about you.

>> No.16940403

And you're projecting, using the haha 4chan words to fit in is fun

>> No.16940424
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I only have read Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.16940466
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I got the Catcher in the Rye a few days ago, following a recommendation from an anon in a thread.

>> No.16940494
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>Francis of the Filth
>Hitler's Revolution
>3 Books by The Oatmeal
>American Psycho
>Robert Greene
>Stoic Trilogy
>Calvin & Hobbes
>The Rational Male Trilogy

fucking bipolar as fuck

>> No.16940505

What is the book on the far left with the plane + snowy mountain?

>> No.16940573

based math nerd

>> No.16940596

What’s the black book at the top right?

>> No.16940641

that you fell for every meme imaginable.

>> No.16940699

All the books with visible titles have been posted on /lit/ in the last three months. Evola and Ted are absolutely memes by any stretch of the imagination, but all books on /lit/ are reduced to memes because no real discussion occurs and most of /lit/'s userbase doesn't read any books.

>> No.16940718

None of the active anti-communist posting on /lit/ suggests any of the commentators have ever read even a page of the Manifesto. This same peculiarity plays out anywhere I've seen anti-communist commentary. Maybe there's some hidden trove of people reading Marxists for the sheer joy of disagreeing with them, but it ain't here. Meanwhile, all of the Marxists, some of the meme communists, and even the anarchists have read at least some of Das Kapital, if not work by Trotsky, Gramsci, Althusser, etc. Why would lazy shitposters read something they disagree with? Substantive critiques of Marxism (of which there are many) do not occur anywhere in your milieu.

>> No.16940770

It’s called the Cretan runner, it’s a memoir From a resistance fighter on Crete during WW2

>> No.16940773

You grow fast.

>> No.16940774

Lost victories by Eric von

>> No.16940815

have sex

>> No.16940836


>> No.16940837

Evola had a lot of sex, pretry sure he advocates orgies

>> No.16940841

That's because he didn't read any of them

>> No.16940842

Crippled slave man

>> No.16940845

hell yeah, is Prometheus rising any good?

>> No.16940849

>implying most orgy advocates aren't virgins
Why yes, I too would like to engage in wanton sex acts with women who've never looked at me.

>> No.16940850

Your choice of maths and japanese books are horrible.

>> No.16940856
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>> No.16940859

You fuxked me up you fuxking fuxker, could have waited one minute to post.
Fuxking dixkhead fuxk you

>> No.16940874

Eric von what?

>> No.16940913

You will never be a woman

>> No.16940993
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I’m probably a midwit that’s just into genre fiction but I don’t really care. These are the only authors in my collection right now
>Philip K Dick
>Isaac Asimov
>Arthur C Clarke
>Frank Herbert
>Robert Heinlein
>Cormac McCarthy
>Thomas Pynchon
>William S Burroughs
>Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.16941002


>> No.16941023

>Books on WW2
>the Bell Curve
People used to beat you up in highschool and you've never held a girl's hand.

>> No.16941036

>I followed a chart

>> No.16941269

They say you spend too much fucking time on /lit/

>> No.16941272

Do you keep them in a sack you degenerate

>> No.16941284

You have budding interests that you're attempting to expand upon. You're not yet aware that getting all your information from a single author is a bad way to approach reading history.

>> No.16941285

The author is a bit of a liberal in his views and he mainly just simplifies what Jung was saying, but I liked it.

>> No.16941294

You’re a far-right midwit

>> No.16941311

Books don't talk, you schizo.

>> No.16941500

>My girlfriend is a T-Rex
Never heard of it but posting it on /lit/ is a power move.

>> No.16941888

I have a slew of books on animals and plants on display, almost no fiction

>> No.16941912

What’s wrong with reading about ww2?

>> No.16941931

Not genre fiction, anon, some of those are pretty good, but yeah a bit of non-fiction won't kill you.

>> No.16941951

THey do if you know how to listen.

>> No.16941971

what my books really say about me
>i have a big dick
>i have a tried to understand
>fuck off, i will kick your ass

>> No.16942009

What do you listen to?

>> No.16942041

Esoteric Nazbol, fell down a rabbit hole. Young white disenfranchised male, lonely. Would drop most of this if he got a gf. Possibly incel. Understandable resentment towards the system, feels society has failed him. Mental health probably not in a good place. Get well soon anon.

>> No.16942062

>all of the Marxists, some of the meme communists, and even the anarchists have read at least some of Das Kapital, if not work by Trotsky, Gramsci, Althusser, etc.
This is not true. If by some of Capital you mean the first few pages then perhaps, and if by work you mean a couple of short articles from each then perhaps. Nobody on this board has read and understood all three vols of Capital, all of Gramsci's prison notebooks, For marx and reading capital by althusser etc. No way.

>> No.16942068

The people who read him don't

>> No.16942090

Wtf, (sans Jordan Peterson and the Bible) you are literally me.

>> No.16942111

Very cool set up and some cool books too. Is it worth it getting a record player over digital?

>> No.16942149

>Esoteric Nazbol
This is literally the best political position possible and you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.16942159

Apart from biggest meme how could it ever be said to be best?

>> No.16942160

Based. I've read that, pretty good primer and got me into more Byzantine history.

>> No.16942173

why do you have to ruin it with the weeb shit

>> No.16942178

This. I have read all volumes of Capital, German Ideology, The Political Writings, Engel's books, S&R, Imperialism and some smaller books by less well known authors.

>> No.16942201

Did you happen to be a communist when you read those, and then change your mind later?

>> No.16942374

Not a meme. I know who you ride for

>> No.16942384

Hey. Doin better than OP

>> No.16942406

>Classic Penguin cover 1984


>> No.16942408

Yours say. I don't actually read. I care too much abou chan politics. I'm "redpilled"(read. Brainwashed.)

>> No.16942421

the bad:
basic, no original thought, follows /lit memes
the good:
isn't a YA consumer

>> No.16942562

>based on transcendent and spiritual values
What's not to like?

>> No.16942576

I'd like at least a little coherence

>> No.16942587
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Gonna post the only part of my shelf that matters again

>> No.16942618


>> No.16942870

>Trump's ghostwritten panygerics
>More than 10% of the collection is self-help including books about how to get women
>Samurai shit

I would re-read Plato, Seneca and Gibran and think carefully about my life if I were you.

>> No.16942920

Why no mythology amongst all that Classical history?

>> No.16942953

>Trump's ghostwritten panygerics
I'd rather have Trump's statements written by someone else so they're actually legible, than in his own words
>More than 10% of the collection is self-help including books about how to get women
What's wrong with self-help books or books about how to get women?
>Samurai shit
>I would re-read Plato, Seneca and Gibran and think carefully about my life if I were you.
You sound somewhat judgmental.

>> No.16942968
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They are on my barren fiction shelf

>> No.16943002

>source: my ass

>> No.16943030
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That I am based

>> No.16943044

You asked to be judged and so I'm judging you, you're an impressionable incel who has delusions of being an intellectual. Read the important books properly, ignore the dumb shit, I'm trying to help you.

>> No.16943046

Cringe books

>> No.16943059

It may be exaggerated but you can't deny many communists actually refuse to read certain books/authors they disagree with. On the other hand, many serious opponents of communism have often read communist works.

>> No.16943069

I'm not even the guy who posted the picture lmao but you seem to be very eager to project your own insecurities onto others.

>> No.16943118

Boohoo I called your treasured reads dumb/pointless/pleb-tier bullshit, you do know where you are, don't you? This isn't /pollit/ yet. Here's a bit of self-help - people who give you pats on the head are not as valuable as people willing to show you that you're on the wrong path.

>> No.16943175

Haha once again I'm not the guy who posted the picture but I found your comment funny. Now I know it's because you're very insecure but you pretend you're a big boy.

>> No.16943183

I can because I have actually met communists- actually <b> met </b> them, not seethed about imaginary ones my favourite e-celebs told me were on the march.

>> No.16943218

How can you read all that and not be a communist?

>> No.16943227

Nice anecdote, I used to be a lazy socialist and still know a few commies and other far lefties, and while most of them read a lot, it's almost never anything outside of their commie and/or PC bubble. Yet people who seriously criticize communism have actually read the works. That was the point being made.

>> No.16943244

That's the thing, if you actually read communist works alongside other standpoints instead of in a vacuum, you'll come to realize you don't want to be a commie.

>> No.16943260

Great larp, but you're only taking in gullible fools who want to believe your lies.

>> No.16943266

what other works should I read?

>> No.16943277

kek, based hihikomori

>> No.16943278

I probably have more than most of the commies on here.

>> No.16943283

What's that hardback collection of Stoic books?

>> No.16943288

you have a clean room.

also interested in politics, history, and russia.

>> No.16943302

>If I can't imagine it, they must be lies
Alright buddy. Assuming you're a commie, what decidedly non-commie lit do you have on your bookshelf?

>> No.16943310

God that bible is so tacky but one of the few for a decent price with dores illustrations

>> No.16943344

Nietzsche, Lasch, Adam Smith, Nozick, Machiavelli, Augustine, Foucault, Hayek and that's just the philosophy shelf.

>> No.16943390

Anything really. Start with the Greeks. But for me personally, Nietzsche helped me see morality in another light, authors like Scruton influenced my views on aesthetics, and people like Spengler and Eliade helped me see history from points of view that to me seemed to explain human nature throughout history better than historical materialism does.

>> No.16943397

Post shelf.

>> No.16943399

Actually not bad.
But how can you read all that and still be a communist?

>> No.16943413

>Scruton helped me feel better about being a pleb who does not understand art history

>> No.16943421

Your insecurity is showing again

>> No.16943462

Honestly not that good of a shelf with the exception of Hayek. Start with Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Carl Menger, William Stanley Jevons, Steven Horwitz, Hans F. Sennholz, and Javier Milei (if you understand Spanish)

>> No.16943466
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Either electronic music, mostly synthwave/vaporwave, or more recently classic big band or swing jazz.
Digital is always the easiest route, but if you've got the time, money, space, and invest a little research into what you want I'd recommend it! You just might end up with a new money sink with vinyl record purchases though. Don't buy a Crosley or you're dead to me.
lmao fucking idiot arguing with the wrong person, save yourself the embarrassment and kys.
Based anon
They are a limited run of Discourses/Letters & Essays/Meditations that were produced from a kickstarter that are based on older translations from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and were formulated to be read more like novels. They're beautiful books and you can find them for sale on Etsy now. Not great for first time readers of the texts which is why I own more recent translations too.

>> No.16943484

None of it invalidates or BTFO communism- they authors have their points of view that are formed, in part by their historical conditions but also by their own idiosyncratic ideas of what freedom is. I'm not a tankie, but I don't get feels when somebody says "freedom", mainly because these texts have shown me that freedom takes place in a historical context that sets the degrees of freedom. I would say Freud probably helped more than any other to understand that freedom is a highly dubious signifier- we are never free from our unwanted shit.

>> No.16943510

Sorry mate I'm not planning to get onto fascist whos before I finish a lot more of the Western canon.

>> No.16943537

All of that criticism applies to you pleb - read that Plato, Gibran and Seneca and try to think about it, family, seriously.

>> No.16943567

>stoicism only works for poor people
>it magically doesnt work for rich and powerful people
Completely retarded opinion. You know Seneca was rich too, right? And Epictetus was no slave by the time of the discourses, he literally ran a school.

>> No.16943570

None of the names I just stated are fascist, and there's nothing wrong with reading fascists, they're honestly pretty fucking based.

>> No.16943624
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I appreciate the feigned levels of concern you've shown, but I really don't care

>> No.16943665

Spoken like a true Samurai

>> No.16943848

>historical conditions
>historical context
Can you justify abandoning freedom without appealing to Progress/presentism? (which is already a bold move when defending Marxism)
You could pick a more convincing citation, but I'll bite. Us being under oppression by our own psyche doesn't justify additional layers of totalitarian oppression.
Stoicism would surely ameliorate the rich's suffering, but that doesn't compare to the life of an actual slave. Epictetus rising out of his slavery may have allowed him to write as an educated man, but it doesn't give him amnesia. I am usually an advocate for separating the idea from the person, but having read Meditations* and seen Aurelius' legacy, it's hard to want him to be the final authority on life, although I took much from reading it, I would recommend Epictetus first.
*Anon may be right that the other translations may be better, I haven't read those.

>> No.16944268

details on females?

>> No.16944621

Females are cute

>> No.16944674

t. alt lite who read revolt against the modern world and didn't fucking understand it

>> No.16944897


>> No.16945721

Holy based

>> No.16946708

Why do you vacuum seal your books?

>> No.16946746

>Higonokami and Monster
Absolutely patrician.

>> No.16947051
File: 97 KB, 222x293, 1518622005815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true

>> No.16947064

Continue anon

>> No.16947119

Jesus christ that looks boring.

>> No.16947157

Everything else is trash except for War and Peace, The Brothers Karamazov and Meditations.

This selection says that you're an immature, uneducated midwit living a delusional fantasy of a well-read man. Or in other words, get the fuck off this board.

>> No.16947162

>dramatic depictions of warfare and heroism

>> No.16947249

>words on a page
Choose one gramps

>> No.16947284

>I say you're a kekistani faggot, which is worse than being a /pol/tard

>> No.16947305

Check your dictionary again

>> No.16947324

>introduction to magic

>> No.16947383

>being this gay and boring
As far as I'm concerned words don't equal pictures. Maybe back in your days ol man.

>> No.16947857

You are all cringe

>> No.16947918

That’s what I was going to say!

>> No.16948033

>Holy bible directly on top of your weeb shit

>> No.16948416


>> No.16948848

Why would you need so many books about basic brainlet maths? Are you tutoring some stupid kids of rich families or something?

>> No.16949167

Alright, I'll bite, though this is only partial.
>Richard Tuck
>Charles Taylor
>James Burnham

>> No.16949187

>i am a huge faggot please rape my face

>> No.16949201
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>> No.16949291

You just cemented it

>> No.16949302
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>> No.16949314

doubt that based on the retarded things i've seen posted on this board.