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16946099 No.16946099 [Reply] [Original]

i'm having a real hard time just relaxing to read bros

>> No.16946106

Whys that fren? Whats on your mind?

>> No.16946112
File: 2.14 MB, 2299x1787, painting_suffeing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the horror of it all

>> No.16946144

>sit down to read
>cant focus
>cant read for more than a few mins at a time
>go back to browsing instead

i feel so lonely bros..

>> No.16946146

Moshi-moshi cringo departmentu-san?
Hai. I would like to make a deposit....yeah, this is a big one.

>> No.16946159

turn off screens, meditate for ten minutes, good to go

>> No.16946176

Mate that's not a painting that's an etching

>> No.16946177

Stare at a candle, every morning for 15 minutes you should stare at a candle.

>> No.16946179

In the last week, how many days have you had difficulty relaxing?
On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being "not difficult at all", 5 being "very difficult", how difficult has this made your normal functioning?

>> No.16946194

i'd say an average of 4

>> No.16946430

I see, I see. I'm prescribing you 150mg copium, to be taken daily with feed.

>> No.16946435


>> No.16946478

You can! I believe in you.

>> No.16946499
File: 93 KB, 768x768, 1581465912829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ex GF who i haven't talked to since before like 8 years of mostly NEETing and being a lonely loser letting myself go messaged me last night while i was sleeping
>its been 6 hours since i woke up and saw it and she hasn't replied to my response yet
Ive been chainsmoking all day and cant focus at all

>> No.16946518

thats rough anon. why did she message you?

>> No.16946537
File: 90 KB, 820x500, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a feel.

>> No.16946564

no clue. a lot of memories looking through the old facebook chats though. man I used to be pretty cringe. its gonna be a real gut punch if seeing those affectionate conversations is the only thing that happens out of this lol. the last message was her giving me her at the time new phone number with a big heart back in 2012

>> No.16946605

well anon, regardless of whether she responds or not this might be a wakeup call to change things

>> No.16946644

true enough!

>> No.16946706
File: 30 KB, 1225x817, 2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go watch some animals anon. Not online, outside. Ideally a park with some animals, but if you're in a city you can always watch the birds. Saw two horses playing yesterday, adorned in their winter coats - a young lad running and jumping after a not so nimble fellow. Nearer by the ducks and geese carried on as usual, an angry coot stretching out it's neck to scare away a big goose. Keeps a man grateful, such sights. I realised this very young, and I hope you can achieve it too: next time you feel very stressed about something, think to yourself "What can I do about that at this present moment?". If the answer's no, why stress? If the answer's yes, then do it. It's such a basic thing you've probably heard a million times, but you really should try to put it into practice

>> No.16946759

lift to get tired

>> No.16946766

kratom bro

>> No.16946899

That image reminds me of a scene from Norwegian Wood. But OP, to become more capable of keeping attention and relaxing, trust me: stay off the internet for at least 48hrs per week.

>> No.16947121

Its from a soviet film, mirror. Arthouse

>> No.16947143

It can be hard to shake fren. Hope you snap out of it soon and posting about it helps. Thanks for the Andrei Pepe.

>> No.16947145

U should browse /lit/
There's 100 threads that have nothing to do with each other :d

>> No.16947146

I find classical music helps. It does occasionally slow my reading speed because I occasionally stop to listen to particularly good parts, but it means that there are no sounds to distract me and it helps to create a familiar set of feelings that are involved with reading.

I only started doing it because my neighbors were going through a rather loud and lengthy breakup, but it's been great.

>> No.16947216

I wish i could read and do classical music at the same time but i usually find it difficult to focus and often end up getting torn between the two activities

>> No.16947248

I had that problem at first but adjusted to it over time. That's probably not the case for everyone though

>> No.16948248

do it like forest anon does
>move out to homebuilt hut in woods
>miles from anything
seemed to work for him, uncle ted, and walt whitman
also, thanks to /diy/ to pointing forest anon out to me

>> No.16948268

I had a similar problem swimming in college. Every warm-up or cool down I was the fastest one until I hit a wall because I could never relax when I needed.
So my coach told me I had to swim 500 yards and take more than 7 minutes to do it, which I hadn't done ever. Did tray a couple of times and it worked wonders.
My recommendation for you using this experience:
> pick a book with micro-length entries (Meditations is a good example) pick one and tell yourself your going to spend at least ten minutes reading it, rereading it if you have to, and thinking about it

>> No.16948316

Got off the internet abs you’ll find the issue fixes itself, you’re not finding it hard to read because you’re being tormented, you’re finding it hard because your concentration and attention span is wrecked.

>> No.16948375

All the best, mate. My advice at the time would have been not to respond. There is a queasy feeling that is not the same as nostalgia when you tread into old relationships like that. For your sake, like this anon >>16946605 said, I hope goes badly for you and shows you the way forward. As someone whose been in both situations, it's a much better feeling to receive a message from an ex-girlfriend and cringing on their behalf, ignoring it and moving on, than it is to do as your are and letting it consume your mind for the whole day (trust me I have been there). It's not to say that you should sniff up how superior you feel when you don't want her, but it's nice not to, and when you don't reply you teach her the lesson you've learned as well. Which is: MOVE ON.

>> No.16948484

yea, i was thinking about it and i think i completely misinterpreted her message, she isn't responding because it was meant as some sort of bizarre, petty "fuck you" a decade later, the thought just didn't cross my mind because we weren't really hostile towards each other and it wasn't a messy breakup. our relationship fell apart because i was definitely entering a downward spiral and my life was just straight up falling apart and i wasn't really "all there" and I guess it must have hurt her more than i imagined if she's sending spiteful messages a decade later heh. oh well. if this is the case then I guess i hope my oblivious friendly response gives her no satisfaction lol.

aside from my obvious loneliness and longing for companionship in general, be it from her or anyone, the only thing that really hits me in the feels is that not only did my life fall apart but I hurt people i cared about on my way down, like not only do i feel like shit because of how fucked up Ive become but now other people are yelling at me and in pain because of it too so theres an added layer of guilt. not a great feel, especially since around that time i drifted away from another friend who i knew was struggling too, but i just couldn't keep up and provide support for him because i was struggling pretty hard myself and a few years later he ended up killing himself, and I still feel guilt over that too since i basically abandoned him in my own despair when i knew he obviously really needed me