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17005072 No.17005072 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. Make me believe in God, please. I might kill myself if I can't hold on to that.

>> No.17005095

read The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.17005098

I won’t make you believe in god, but I will encourage you to kill your self.

>> No.17005949

If you kill yourself you burn in Hell forever.

>> No.17005968

>For real, anon. There’s a giant fatherly figure just waiting in Heaven for you. It’s literally paradise there! Nothing ever changes and your spirit is always happy to be in the afterlife!
>Jesus will probably play tennis with you anytime you feel like it
>What are you waiting for? Kys!

This is your one true life.
Make the most of it.

>> No.17005992
File: 300 KB, 1200x1800, On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it.

>> No.17005998

Imagine misunderstanding religion this bad. You have a pig's philosophy.

>> No.17005999

Well, friend, you are kinda putting all of the work on the backs of your readers (us). At the end of the day, it is you who has to believe. We cannot just believe for you now, can we? Try watching Turek, Zacharias, and Craig videos on YouTube or just get a Bible and read yourself to sleep.

>> No.17006009

Bad front. What have I misunderstood?

>> No.17006015

Listen to this, I always cry when I listen to it. Maybe it doesn't convince you of the existence of God but it might give you a perspective on things that are worthwhile living.


>> No.17006026

Nothing in Christianity encourages its followers to kill themselves, since it's actually one of the worst sins of all.

>> No.17006031

If you think that was her point you're retarded.

>> No.17006032

What makes you not sure God exists? Perhaps you have an odd conception of him but there's fundamentally a foundation to this universe and all physical and metaphysical laws point to it. It takes more effort to not believe in him with an examination of those.

>> No.17006035

What was her point then dumbass?

>> No.17006049

>Can’t understand what was written
>calls others dumbass and pig

>> No.17006068

As the other anon pointed out, you have a complete lack of understanding of the technical in Christianity. But for religion on the whole, you have no clue as to what it actually is. You literally think it's just "hopeful fantasies". But then beneath that artificial glimmer of rationality, there is your personal hatred of it which comes from your childhood.

>> No.17006079

She's critiquing the blind belief in transcendence. OP is clearly trying to use transcendence as a scapegoat to cope with his life. Because he can't face the fact that his actions have ultimate consequences. He's desperately trying to cling to some extranatural arbiter to tell him that everything's going to be okay.

>> No.17006093
File: 1001 KB, 140x160, FBEA1A94-AE11-484A-967E-9CC2ED1C4417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And antitheism is about love.

>> No.17006094

Ah, the old "atheists just have a burr under the saddle" chestnut. Does it ever occur to you that some of us just read the Bible and decided it's full of shit?

>> No.17006099

>Perhaps you have an odd conception of him but there's fundamentally a foundation to this universe and all physical and metaphysical laws point to it. It takes more effort to not believe in him with an examination of those.

This is monist sophistry. At this point you could just call "god" "reality". And if that is the case what is the point of any theological framework? With what basis would you then ascribe other attributes to reality such as "order, intelligent structure, desire"?

>> No.17006111

10/10 argument butt, simply amazing.

>> No.17006114
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Thank you, nice trips

>> No.17006128

>And antitheism is about love.
Exactly, you've just got the most irrational woman worldview as a conjuration which you've supposed is your true feelings against religion, wherein it is only your true feelings against your parents and truly bad people. Rightful feelings if your parents were truly bad, but not for religion.

No retard, it's just occurred to me that I know about butterfly's childhood and she's said before "I had to grow up with what Christians were like, they aren't good people. Christianity preaches hate." It's evident to anyone that from knowledge about her as a person, and how shallow and un-explained her thoughts on religion are, that it's not some rational conclusion.

>> No.17006129

>blind belief in transcendence
as opposed to a blind belief in materialism, i know which one id pick.

>he cant face the fact his actions have ultimate consequences
what ultimate consequences? and how is believing in god not facing them when that entails the belief that your whole life will be judged accordingly, as opposed to escaping peacefully into a void where your actions never mattered.

>> No.17006138

>as opposed to a blind belief in materialism, i know which one id pick.
As opposed to not believing, friend. Take the positive nihilism pill. Belief in "materialism" as an abstract concept is the same as the belief in your sky daddy.

>> No.17006150

Everyone grows up with Christians unless they live in Asia. And inferring a persons history from a sentence is a bold way to claim victory in an argument for sure.

>> No.17006164

>and how is believing in god not facing them when that entails the belief that your whole life will be judged accordingly,

Oh wait, you're an unironic fundamentalist? I thought you were at least one of the more sophisticated theists. I really don't know what to say to you if you think "god" is an anthropomorphic being which will judge you for jerking off to bad things.

>> No.17006170

Are you really a nihilist if you show any desire to expound your ideology? Isn't the whole point of nihilism that nothing is true and nothing matters in the end so might as well just lay back and scratch your balls while showing no drive toward a final goal?

>> No.17006173

Not the anon you're replying to but, you can be an agnostic, fine, but materialist, atheist or nihilist? You're a moron to believe. Especially "logical" positivism, positive nihilism, lmao. You have the audacity to slap logical onto positivism, or positive onto nihilism; and whatever modern combination you wish. It's simply ridiculous. Nietzsche didn't even believe in this stupidity, you think he was a materialist, you think he thought pleasure was the highest virtue? Lmao retards.

>For this is the essence of true Religion: that, away from the cheating show of the daytide world, it shines in the night of man's inmost heart, with a light quite other than the world-sun's light, and visible nowhence save from out that depth.
- Wagner's "State and Religion."

>I, too, felt driven to this "Whence and Wherefore?" and for long it banned me from the magic of my art. But my time of penance taught me to overcome the question. All doubt at last was taken from me when I gave myself up to the Tristan. Here, in perfect trustfulness, I plunged into the inner depths of soul-events, and from the inmost centre of the world I fearlessly built up its outer form. . . Life and death, the whole import and existence of the outer world, here hang on nothing but the inner movements of the soul. The whole affecting Action comes about for reason only that the inmost soul demands it, and steps to light with the very shape foretokened in the inner shrine.
- The Music of the Future

>> No.17006188

You’ve pulled this quote out of your ass, for the record.

>> No.17006189

>Isn't the whole point of nihilism that nothing is true and nothing matters in the end so might as well just lay back and scratch your balls while showing no drive toward a final goal?

No. Nihilism is coming to terms with the fact that "meaning" and "truth" is not something "out there" to be discovered. It is something you dynamically create in a humbling process of trial and error. Subordinating meaning to blind belief is cowardice.

Sorry, I did not mean "positive" as in "positivism" more like the opposite of "pessimism", my mistake.

>> No.17006198

You're fucken retarded, and barely literate. Butterfly has said in the past her parents were evil because of Christianity and that as she has just said in the thread, "antitheism is about love." Her view is no more rational than what she imagines religion to be, nor anything like that narcissistic idea of "logic and reason" she pretends to be following either.

You think a lesbian whore in the 21st century is going to be mentally stable? Why are you simping for her???

>> No.17006204

>Subordinating meaning to blind belief [in the absolutie] is cowardice.**

>> No.17006206

It says exactly the same thing you've said many times in the past, content wise.

But don't think this constitutes a response or counterargument, or you've done with this post is make a passive aggressive remark.

>> No.17006217

>Sorry, I did not mean "positive" as in "positivism" more like the opposite of "pessimism", my mistake.
Okay I better understand now, but my point mainly stays in respect to nihilism ever being positive.

>> No.17006218

Nihilism puts you in the same box as materialism regardless of what nice sounding prefix you give it. You just become a solipsist that can't even prove he exists let alone debate others.

>> No.17006229

>You just become a solipsist that can't even prove he exists let alone debate others.

You have a bad understanding of nihilism. You can believe in your existence and the existence of other people without subordinating your belief to the absolute.

>> No.17006271

The fact? What is this "fact" grounded on? Are you just preaching solipsism now? Yes, the inward search with trial and error is real, but there are outer realities with which you will collide if you say there is nothing besides this inner search or, as you put it, dynamic creation/humbling process. By the way, "blind belief" is not the logical contrary to nihilism. Keep it coming though this is fun.

>> No.17006296

>The fact? What is this "fact" grounded on?
My own subjectivity.

>Are you just preaching solipsism now?
No. I believe there are other people other than myself, who also create their own meaning. I don't need to believe in the absolute to come to this conclusion. Living life as a solipsist is not something I find meaningful.

>> No.17006300

kill yourself first, then believe

>> No.17006304

You’re an ass and you’re twisting my accounts of myself and family. You misrepresent what I have said and I’m just calling you out. The topic isn’t me and my family, anon. Cease the personal attacks and armchair psychiatry.

>> No.17006307

Absolutely retarded. If you believe there is an overarching frame, wherein other people also have subjective choices as to their meaning, then you derive your meaning and your interact and choices to do things in this world from the absolute.

>> No.17006310

every moral ideology says it’s about love except the really edgy ones butters. You say God doesn’t exist, I take it a step further and say love doesn’t exist.

>> No.17006315

You're a stupid woman and have no possibility of being systematic in your thoughts or arguments.

You've said in the past that you learned the evil of Christianity from your parents. Stop coping.

>> No.17006318

There's no god, silly. Please enjoy

>> No.17006324

>you believe there is an overarching frame, wherein other people also have subjective choices as to their meaning

> then you derive your meaning and your interact and choices to do things in this world from the absolute.
No? Why do I need to believe that this overarching frame is an inherent part of reality that is "written in stone" somewhere?

>> No.17006327

Subjective experience determines what is fact now? Build your house on the rock, amigo. The sand will let you down and break your heart.

>> No.17006334

Why are you fixating on playing a word game? Replace fact with "my opinion" if it hurts your feelings less.

>> No.17006348

Even if God doesn't exist take up the wager that involves playing by every rule in every possible ontological framework and believe in God anyway, even if it is a completely arbitrary decision. Also become an egoist stoic so when you kys and go to hell you can wade through the pools of lava. Its not about heaven or hell man, its about Being. Read Parmenides, Nietzsche and the Bible. peace brother.

>> No.17006357

Love is a many splendid thing. It is a metaphysical thing, like god, but it’s also an emotion. A thing first felt in our ancestors much farther back than the first stories of our gods.
Another difference is the quality of realization. Just thinking or believing in any god doesn’t make it so. Love we think and feel on it and it is as real as it gets.
The gods used to represent things like love. The Christian mutation claims to precede it. A heresy to love. Disgusting.

>> No.17006364
File: 1.37 MB, 710x689, 1607591241002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your bones are feeling dry, maybe no more tears to cry, make you believe in my God, can I? Because God calls out to dry bones, come alive.

The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones,

And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.

And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.
Ezekiel 37:1-3

No matter how long you think you're drowning in the sewer, the Lord succours in divers places and sundry situations.

>> No.17006370

You do realize that there are people who call what you call "love", "god", right?

>> No.17006384 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17006385
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You always talk about feelings of Christians but never about Christ what's up with that, you some sort of hypocrite or somethin?

>> No.17006407 [SPOILER] 
File: 560 KB, 1039x2679, 1607749817517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about that dead guy that introduced a series of plot holes that no one has been able to rationalize

>> No.17006450

God isn't real OP. But that is actually the exact reason you shouldn't kill yourself. This life is all you have and all you will ever have. It's your duty to yourself to do everything you can to live it in a fulfilling way. Just because God doesn't exist doesn't mean beauty, love, fellowship, honor, or any of the other amazing things in the world don't exist. Pursue these things

>> No.17006454

Heh heh... You realize words have meaning, right? If you cannot acknowledge this outside of some relativist/subjective notion of the word "meaning" then reading your posts is futile. At least aim for the bullseye. You might have an epiphany, amigo.

>> No.17006465

Okay. I used "fact" in a colloquial fashion, not as in "fact" like in the sciences. Do you actually want to engage with my point or not?

>> No.17006490

Nihilists are more like to complain about life lacking meaning and then kill themselves.

>> No.17006494

Your "point" is nothing more than an absolute denial of absolutes, which is silly and reflects a severe lack of life experience.

>> No.17006499

>ha, I'll resort to physical violence, that sure showed him!
A fool that has no ability to put into words what he or she thinks, frustrated by that resorts to bodily actions, and if you were to resort to physical violence irl you would not be a smug woman much longer. I am a man, you are a female, it's not like those jewish Hollywood feminist movies made by people such as Weinstein to earn a buck while they at the side coerce women into sex-- in real life any man with some dignity would not take that. You don't earn any points.

>> No.17006509
File: 375 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20201211-212449_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misquote me then give another alleged quote from a free YouTube ivy league biologist when the entire thread is Theology.

Tripcodes in the history of 4chan always attract users like yourself. The thread is a plea to believe in God and you post a free YouTube professor totally offtopic and irrational.

>> No.17006526

You have no soul, and neither does your picture's quoted "scientist". You have no idea how fragile you're supposedly "scientific" (supposed because it is used where it has no place, and said to have been where it has never) truth is, and have never experienced any genuine feelings of greatness I doubt.

Do you think Nietzsche would count all as aristocracy who merely follow some doctrine of individualism, irrespective of natural inequality?

>> No.17006748

The Truth will only reveal itself when you have let go of everything including the one letting go. There is no one there to hold onto anything.

>> No.17006843

It presumes its worldview is correct without a shadow of a doubt. Ghosts, souls and demons are defined as something not of this world, so no durr you wouldn't materially explain or prove them.

>> No.17007084

>what is the point of any theological framework?
There isn't
Depicting God as some dude getting angry at a tribe for not following what he says even though he's omniscient and omnipotent is absolutely retarded and requires immense mental gymnastics to make sense of
Only apophatic description makes any sense when talking about God, the rest is nonsense