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17010638 No.17010638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is ascetism and celibacy basically ugly people cope who can't get laid?

>> No.17010650

My brother who is in his 30s uses asceticism as an excuse for why he's still virgin

>> No.17010651


>> No.17010663

As a rule, no. By definition they have adopted this way of life, regardless of how hideous they are.

>> No.17010665

Yes. Basically almost all the stuff present in religions is some sort of a loser cope

>> No.17010670

we’ve seen your children and are not impressed

>> No.17010672

Yes. Look at the people who preach shit like that. Recessed, deformed boneless short narrow dyel twinks

>> No.17010681

Twinks are supposed to be attractive (at least to gay men), no?

>> No.17010685

No, but calling different life practices “cope” is a cope for a loser that can’t actually commit to a single life philosophy and morosely derides them all day on an imageboard

>> No.17010708

Sounds like you are coping to me

>> No.17010709

Sex is fine and all but I don't like the process you have to do to get there. Socializing, dating, I just don't care enough to do these and women think I ghost them or ignore them or whatever and get pissed off. I don't like interacting with people in general so I prefer to avoid it.

>> No.17010717

>a single life philosophy
Why do you need that in a chaotic life that breaks its own rules?

>> No.17010729

Calling something a cope is the weakest criticism there is. It’s just an excuse for not having some kind of philosophy of your own. Even if it’s adopting some other philosophy pursuing meaning is better than stagnating like a lastman

>> No.17010751

Any philosophy that doesn’t embrace suicide as it’s logical conclusion is cope.

>> No.17010755

Well, it sounds like YOU are coping.

>> No.17010757

suicide is a cope

>> No.17010804

Humans are quite unimpressive creatures by their nature.

>> No.17010821

Lookismfags and incels have ruined this site forvever.

>> No.17010835

Oh my God I'm cooming. Yes I'm virgin, and I'm also anti natalist because I've shunned sex my whole life and now its too late.

>> No.17010841

I'm a 9/10 guy, its exhausting living around women who don't know modesty.

>> No.17010847


>> No.17010854

Yes, I wish there was a word like abstainer or abstinent that people understood. I can't be bothered with the current quality of women isn't quite covered by celibacy or asexual. And yet there are 49 different sexual identities I can't even name.

>> No.17010856

>t. 1.3 midface ratio, overbitecel, 1.5 fwhr, dyel, manlet
Its over for you buddy boyo

>> No.17010858

Anyone with £100 in their pocket can get laid.

>> No.17010863

I basically can't bring myself to go for a girl that I don't vibe with. And most of them dislike me. I won't pretend or put in effort so they can just settle for me. I would want a companionship where they choose to hang out without faking it but the few people I've met like that live on another continent. So celibacy it is.

>> No.17010864

ah, so that's where the coping meme comes from? uggos?

>> No.17010865

Have sex

>> No.17010867

not exclusively. there have been female ascetics, and since women can usually find a man desperate enough to have sex with them no matter what they look like, they have adopted asceticism for other reasons.
but for men in the internet age, yeah basically.

>> No.17010870
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>> No.17010871

if i ever got to the point where i thought like this or knew this terminology i would straight up kill myself

>> No.17010872

I am not a celibate or an ascetic. I just don't really care about sex or women. It's near the bottom of my totem pole of needs

>> No.17010873

Not the same. 100$ will buy you sex but not raw unfiltered pure ego fueling validation which is equal to crack

>> No.17010876

>if you disagree with my ideology you're ugly
>if you're proven to not be ugly you disagree because you want to remain powerful because of your good looks
literally Freud-tier bullshit

>> No.17010880
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When my grandparents were dating my grandpa bought a ring to propose with. His plan was this: if she said yes then he'd marry her and have family, if she said no then he'd throw the ring in a lake and become a monk. My mom told me that story years ago--I think it perfectly illustrates the psychology of the aesthetic. When the world rejects you then you in turn will reject the world.

>> No.17010886

>took the bait

>> No.17010894

>someone fires you from your job
>stop applying for jobs and stop working

>> No.17010919
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That's part of it, but asceticism on the whole isn't an exponent of the ressentimental existence of incels and looklets, nor is the association between the two a given. 'Cope' fails to describe the big picture and is limited to reiterating the moral dangers associated with ressentimentality.

>> No.17011162

Celibacy and ascetism are always a choice. There is no such thing as someone who can never get laid. There are people who can't get laid often or have to struggle more than others to get laid but it is never impossible. Paraplegics get laid. Burn victims get laid. Amputees get laid. Dwarves get laid. And so on. If for some outlandish reason you can not find someone to slob on your knob then you can find a hooker who would happily do the deed. If someone is avoiding sex then it is by choice and it is always voluntary. Reducing it to cope is retarded. It's like if someone decided to go straightedge or alcohol free and then you tell them they're coping because they can't afford alcohol. Doesn't make any sense.