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17032666 No.17032666 [Reply] [Original]

>Humanity… All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women. It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species. All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me.

>This is the story of how I, Elliot Rodger, came to be. This is the story of my entire life. It is a dark story of sadness, anger, and hatred. It is a story of a war against cruel injustice. In this magnificent story, I will disclose every single detail about my life, every single significant experience that I have pulled from my superior memory, as well as how those experiences have shaped my views of the world. This tragedy did not have to happen. I didn’t want things to turn out this way, but humanity forced my hand, and this story will explain why. My life didn’t start out dark and twisted. I started out as a happy and blissful child, living my life to the fullest in a world I thought was good and pure…

Kino introduction ngl

>> No.17032671

>dollar store schopenhauer but autistic and incel

>> No.17032689

This seems to make a mockery of my own points and I feel it's natural for humans to feel this way even if they're wrong. Can be helpful but also one-dimensional

>> No.17032816


>> No.17032838

>of my own points
Why do you refer to something none of us know what it is? Just don't post next time. If you have autism then pardon me didn't mean to be mean

>> No.17032866
File: 259 KB, 320x306, 666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

666 trips for the devil himself
> I have pulled from my superior memory
cringe self importance

>> No.17032904

Only insecure people feign confidence like that, so it makes perfect sense that he puts it in his introduction like that

>> No.17032919

Anyone remember the name of that Egyptian incel from the mid 20th century who wrote two books, one of which was called Don't Be Born Ugly, and then killed himself?

>> No.17033229
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I mean, consider the following
>Was born autism
>Nearly impossible to form emotional attachment
>No clues on social cues
>Was not born wealthy or even well enough off
>Was abused
>Was bullied
>Was tormented
The only two people I ever formed a real familial attachment with died horrible slow deaths at critical times in my life. My parents hated each other and divorced, my stepfather was an angry bitter man that especially hated me, my sister wanted nothing to do with me, and my father was too drunk to realize he'd just chucked a beer bottle at my head. The few people I've been able to even think of as friends would inevitably go on to at some point express their complete disdain with my existence. I haven't had a reason to smile since I was 10. The one time I felt love, it turned into the most twisted and ugly relationship imaginable.
My life has been nothing but tragedy after tragedy. I have every reason to be bitter at the world. I have every reason to curse God's name. Hell, for the longest time my mother was deathly afraid I would murder her in her sleep (with no good reason, mind you). But despite all of this, letting my grief devolve into resent and hatred for people would solve nothing. Truthfully, nothing would solve any of my problems. Sure as shit not writing some school-shooter manifesto and killing people while blinded by emotions. I'm going to die alone. I'm never going to find happiness. I'm not going to know what love is. Even with no discernable reason to rise from despair, I'm going to keep going because I said I would.
Elliot is a bitch and he deserved nothing he had in life.

>> No.17033323

yep, the darkest blackest magicians are regular good people. (C) don juan

>> No.17033460

Sorry to hear that, anon. Hopefully at the very least you can find peace or solace in the fact that there are others that can relate to your experience in some way. I have had support my whole life and still ended up to this point as an emotional recluse with a history that can never be made up for. You approach the horror of existence heroically and I admire you for that.

>> No.17033495

Support just didn't exist after the second big death, hell half the time I had to be the support. But it forced me into a situation where I had to develop self-awareness or break and for that, I'm grateful. It still wasn't until much later that I learned one of the pillars of strength was understanding. Learning, understanding, and knowing, the whole shebang. With it, I understood that objectively speaking, the universe spites my existence. But I decided I'd exist to spite the universe and while I'm at it, try and leave something better, if not for myself or even everyone, just a single person who might need a hand.

>> No.17033523


>> No.17034253

You're a bitch for accepting to die like you lived; miserably

>> No.17034284

Should've pulled the stick out of his ass and stopped being a weird faggot

>> No.17034292

>Humanity… All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women. It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species. All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me
Because he was a narcissistic autist. Though I don't doubt it really did suck for him

>> No.17034306

Kill yourself, pathetic freak. You deserve everything that happened to you and you will never have respite.

>> No.17034318

I get strong American Psycho vibes from this. Do you think he read it?

>> No.17034355

Humans require love. But I am more than human. I take the love I so desperately need through trickery and deceit, then use it to earn it through kindness and honesty. Time passes, my ego fades, and a new I emerges. I am all in all, yet momentary, and now... Happy. My only suffering has come at the bickerings between those I love, but at least now I have many to love and love me back.

>> No.17034685

Explain how this is different from the Underground Man.

>> No.17034720

It's more honest, more deranged, and less interesting than the Underground Man, who couched his neurosis and failure in philosophical digressions but who was more self-aware and of course his 'violent' outburst hardly compares to Rodger's.

>> No.17034740

I hope you will find peace within yourself and others, anon.

>> No.17034751

Can you buy his manifesto in print?

>> No.17034754

Imagine being filtered by Elliot Roger lmfao

>> No.17034771



Lol you guys coom yet? Fucking sadist faggots.

>> No.17034820
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Crying about muh tough life on 4chan is just peak cringe bro, i bet his shit aren't even oily and he don't even fuck prostitute, cringe, he deserve more bullying

>> No.17034826


actually youre just doing or not doing things

>> No.17034836

I think they're butthurt that he insulted Rodgers, otherwise their posts are just meaninglessly hostile

>> No.17034843

A woman only wants a vapid life of fads & to keep men competing for her, with the euphemism of being a princess seduced by princes, only to end up in bed where she wants to talk dirty, to be fucked raw while squirting everywhere, joyfully exclaiming ''omg this never happened to me before'', succumbing to a convulsive orgasm, the highlight of her life, the legendary vaginal holy grail heard about during the regular sex gossip at the spa with her girl friends giggling in unison.
For years she dreamed it was HER TURN, yet for years she put up with subpar self-glorifying sexual partners hooked up from work, hobbies & bars, conveniently avoiding thinking her sex-based existence. She's not ready to accept it & keeps in the back of her mind a vague fantasy of merging the vaginal duality of the princess at day and whore at night: the state of a glorified Liberated Lady, all the time, where her cognitive dissonance would've no beginning & no end. No more hysteria, no more schizophrenia, pure non-duality. Diana would be proud of her enlightenment.
At this stage, women prefer to let the men do the first step, let them think they're in control & the stronger sex, as a bonus she doesn't view herself as a total slag & gets the harassment card if the orbiters are too repulsive. Men love this, falling hook, line and sinker.

Willy-nilly, the little minx ends up pregnant, it's what happen after years of bending over. She debates for a few days whether to keep it, whether to tell whoever she thinks fertilized her these last few weeks.
She fancies playing the helicopter mom, feeling like protecting & providing for a tiny kid, taking it in her arms & feel the heartbeats; exactly what men dream of doing to women.
Women love their kids, remain faithful to them. Women never love men & aren't faithful to men. They don't even need to anyway. Women practice love like a banker performing a cost-benefit analysis.

Bored with the helicopter mom, plus the kids grew up, she longs for the golden years of her 20s when she was kind of a looker. Why not go for a tattoo or a makeover?
She's spreading them even wider, in secret or not, this time dropping the prudish act for she knows what she wants after all those experiences & with little effort on her side, she still gets various bulls eager to be at her doorsteps.
The menopause really kicks in & all her aging orbiters have only a semi hard-on from her when she's nude. She thinks about a breast lift, some bottox but she feels bittersweet as the end is near. She's open about the swinger sex. Her official provider accepts to be one of her numerous cuckolds happy to make her happy, to be here day after day for her & her kids.

Hardly any man looks, now that she's a young grandma, a bit jealous of her daughter relentlessly becoming what she was.
Grandma finally dies & everybody says she was a saint. The daughter hits the wall, the teen granddaughter bleeds and is active, it's her turn to embrace the cycle of the vaginal existence.

>> No.17034879

Lmao at least the Supreme Gentleman (pbuh) went out with pomp and fanfare, you on the other hand are so cucked and oversocialized by society that you're not even going to come back at it for all the mistreatment you've suffered. What's more you've turned your weakness into a virtue. Eliott wasn't a good man but somehow you're even worse than him

>> No.17034888

He didn't even have it that bad. He was just pathologically entitled, had a narcissistic or personality disorder otherwise unspecified, and a severe deficit of self-awareness and emotional intelligence that disallowed him from understanding what women found so unattractive and unsettling about him.
And it wasn't because he was necessarily an effeminate looking half-asian mixed breed happa. There were definitely women who would fuck him, but maybe not the cheerleader stacy types. A healthy person knows how to calibrate and determine what their "league" is rather than pining over unobtainable models. He thought that because he was a rich boy and drove a BMW this was enough to attract females, with no effort involved. He was a trash human being and deserved to die in nihilistic misery.

>> No.17034912

>I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no class

>> No.17034913

Reading semi-serious reviews of my twisted world is always fun

>> No.17034942

>no claws*

>> No.17035516

>A woman only wants a vapid life of fads & to keep men competing for her,

ENDED READING YOUR SHIT RIGHT HERE. As it makes me assume, that the rest of your shit is not worth reading. As every shithead spewing out this type of shit IS COPING, completely DISMISSING WOMEN'S PLIGHT, part of which is having to let men FUCK THEM DEEP INTO THEIR ASSHOLES AND IN THEIR THROATS SO THAT THEY CONSTANTLY BLEED, TO NOT DROP OUT OF SOCIETY. In that, you and your kind are not even worth negotiating with but only worth sending to camps.

But maybe you were just being ironic or some shit, who cares.

Now I read your utter crap through to encourage myself to build up a system to justify sending you to those camps, along with all kinds of other filth, like animal abusers, child rapists and bullies.

>> No.17035536

nice blog faggot

>> No.17035553

did you report for your daily ass and throat fucking? you will not be able to get your ID card if you don't head there right now

>> No.17035651

>the teen granddaughter bleeds
Sure she bleeds, in year 2030, being fucked by her boyfriend deep into her asshole and her throat both at least once a week which is what all men require to have, so that she can have friends to post about on her social media page (as NO ONE wants to be a friend of a woman who has no relationships), so that she can have following (as NO ONE wants to follow a loser with no friends), so that she can have a job (as NO ONE hires a loser with no following).

Her granddaughter then again, well I guess she does not live long, but gets to be killed by her boyfriend requiring to have some S&M and strangling her at least once a week, preferably every second day, while he is fucking her into her asshole.

It's SOOOOOO easy on all women, and they basically do not have to do anything but everything is given to them on a silver plate, or should I say, deep in their asses and their throats.

>> No.17035666


>> No.17035667

Based and Stoicpilled
Hope you're doing better now anon

>> No.17035689

So you fucked some guy that asked you do kinky stuff, and you said yes because you liked him, then he dumped you, and now you are pretending that you had to do that or you would have been cast out of society.

>> No.17035909

Luckily I do not have to, as I am talented enough to not drop out of society, just for not letting anyone injure me on a daily basis. In other words, I personally do not have to have any relationships to have friends to post about, to have a following, to have someone to hire me. That only applies to a very SMALL MINORITY of women, though. Most others, esp. the youngest ones, have to let their asses and their throats to be continuously ripped into a bloody pulp to even get an ordinary job in the end. It sounds totally absurd, but that is how the present world is, TO WOMEN, thanks to porn, SOCIAL MEDIA and men who do not see women as human beings. But, OF COURSE YOU LIE that none of this is true. It is IMPORTANT to you and your kind to LIE that women have it on an easy mode and men suffer horribly, for you to have a justification to DEMAND a system where women are dependent on men again, and you get to fuck too and be part of society. Since as where women drop out of society for not having relationships with men (or women) men drop out for not getting to fuck.

All in all PEOPLE ARE FULL OF LIES. Be them on the left or the right, be them male supremacists or feminists, be them anything. AND THEIR LIES ARE RETARDED, completely transparent. It's more of a rule than an exception these days to lie. People are TOTALLY INCAPABLE of discussing of anything giving proper counter arguments, which leads them to SHUTTING THEIR EARS from what other people opposing them say, only SPEWING LIES to invalidate what they say. It's like a FUCKING SAND BOX PICKERING everywhere, leading nowhere. And I am FUCKING FED UP WITH IT. It's one of the reasons why I have started to avoid any discussion forums lately and people in general. It fucking makes me want to kill people.

Guess the only solution is, in the end, that women start to fuck other women only. No need to be injured there and lesbians are as accepted today as straight women.

>> No.17035943

>Guess the only solution is, in the end, that women start to fuck other women only.
ah you're a lesbian, I misread you as a scorned mistress. You have a meme tier view of sex relations, yeah some guys abuse their gfs, and sometimes she only puts up with it because she depends on him financially. It's not the norm. The majority of girls doing that stuff do it because they want the guy to like them, might be shitty behavior on his part but it's hardly what you're making it out to be. Some of them just don't mind in the first place.

>> No.17035961

earliest practitioners of Tantric Buddhism claimed that their teachings were originally taught by the Buddha and were hidden until such time as the world was ready for them. Further, Tantric Buddhism was far more eclectic and heterodox than Mahayana Buddhism, subsuming a wider range of ritual practices and borrowing freely from other religious tra-ditions. For these and other reasons, “it remains exceedingly difficult to identify what it is that sets the Tantric Buddhism apart” (Lopez 2001:214). That hesitation noted, among the more important characteristics of Tantric Buddhism was its use of supernormal or magical acts to greatly speed the attainment of enlightenment. Where earlier forms of Buddhism required long periods of meditation and potentially several lives to attain enlightenment, Tantric Buddhism held out the promise of almost imme-diate salvation. Tantric Buddhism also often had a more worldly focus, with the attainment of supernormal powers often seemingly more impor-tant than enlightenment

Much of ritual described in the tantras centers on the intentional break-ing of social taboos. Tantric literature makes frequent mention of sex with low caste women, eating meat, and frequenting burial grounds. In Tantric Buddhism, these socially transgressive behaviors were seen to be a source, or demonstration, of supernormal powers. In part, these transgressions demonstrate the illusory nature of the world. If the world is truly an illu-sion, then sex with a low caste woman in a cremation ground would also be an illusion—and therefore not transgressive at all. At the same time, in an anthropological sense, transgressive rituals also brought Tantric practitioners into contact with the liminal. Following Mary Douglas’s arguments concerning pollution discussed in Chapter 2, contact with pol-lution was both dangerous and powerful. Those who mastered liminal forces gained substantial power to affect the world. Thus, transgressive Tantric rituals could allow practitioners to levitate, turn enemies to stone, or attain enlightenment

>> No.17035963

Jesus. This lie of yours, you insinuating that all of what I said is based on my personal experience, is so RETARDED, that it STINKS. Literally so. You see, I have this odd quality, that every time someone does or says something really stupid, I smell shit in my nose. It's a funny thing, and I do not know where it originates from. Maybe it's genetic.

So please, next time you try to invalidate someone else's comment by presenting a lie, try to come up with a little less retarded lie and save the atmosphere.

Man, this is waste of time.

>> No.17036000

Jesus, get a fucking cat or something.

>> No.17036031

>ah you're a lesbian, I misread you as a scorned mistress.
ah you're now trying to invalidate my comments by insinuating I made them just because I am a scorned mistress or a lesbian and by presenting a lie that my view of sex relations is meme tier.

>The majority of girls doing that stuff do it because they want the guy to like them
OF COURSE they want the guy, or some guy in the first place to like them. Because they know, if not consciously, then subconsciously, that if there is no guy who likes them they will drop out and end up a NEET.

Now I need to go. Will post this final post of mine the way that I cover up all the posts above it, so that I won't see the possible replies to my earlier posts and feel compulsion to reply.

>> No.17036092

Girls don't need boyfriends to get a degree or job, your entire premise is ridiculous

>> No.17036118
File: 56 KB, 749x597, boy-who-was-raised-as-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17036168

Insightful. Might have to check out the book.

>> No.17036949

I'm not the type to find happiness in other's misery. Tearing others down for some satisfaction would only lead to more emptiness.
What crawled up your ass?
Imagine being filtered by a society comprised of mindless morons
You're mistaken to think I'm content to let things be, let alone that I'm not willing to defend my stance should the time call for it. If however, you truly wish for a change to the world, it requires finesse the likes of which you won't find in someone throwing a tantrum, justified or not.
Nice nothingpost, faggot.
Well, within the span of a week, I've had trouble on all fronts including my car breaking down, my father relapsing, my dog dying, and my bank fucking me over. Neither the first, nor the last time life pulled out all the stops to break me.

>> No.17038394

At least he was mensch, you are just sad little cuck who isnt capable of feeling even vengence. Not even human

>> No.17038455

fucking based hahahahah

>> No.17038564

The real tragedy is that he wasnt even incel tier ugly but rather normal in looks. As a happa he could of slayed tons of kpop obsessed whores in 2020.

Sure he had a narrow frame and was rather small but he had some wealth, could of traveled anywhere in the world and fucked local woman instead of staying in fucking california where competiton will obviously be high.

>> No.17038590

For example. I had an italian friend in highschool who was 162m short. He was a great guy and got rekt beyond belief in dating here in germany where he was born. After graduating he pissed back off to sardegna and is living his time of his life right now.

As a happa elliot could of traveled anywhere in asia and be regarded above average but he insisted on slaying stacies white pink pussy. 99% of incel cases are mental cases.

If you are truly deformed i have nothing but empathy for you. Go get double jaw surgery and hope for the best but if you are an elliot case, get the rope and stfu

>> No.17038829

Based schizophrenic whore

>> No.17038839

Literally playing the character of a star wars villain

>> No.17038851

That resignation you feel towards the suffering of life is literally the best feeling humans can experience, the most resilient satisfaction, the only way to brave hardship.
Honestly, anon, with an attitude like this you're certainly going to make it.
Hail. Wish I could hug you in real life, I feel I've sensed the presence of a long lost brother out there in the world.

>> No.17039056

Raja Alich

>> No.17039087

>That resignation you feel towards the suffering of life is literally the best feeling humans can experience, the most resilient satisfaction, the only way to brave hardship.
This is legit horrible. You shouldn't be glorifying that anon for having suffered that much, he deserves sympathy.

>> No.17039345

how can people read this shit and not read the narcissism between the lines. everything is just other people being irrationally evil toward you for no reason. we are missing details as always with this kind of testimony

>> No.17039370

Humans are irrational.
They were probably not deliberately evil towards him, but rather carelessly evil.

>> No.17039410

I have known someone who talks just the way that guy did. I understand not everything is his fault and that the world and people can be shit. But when everything is people being cruel for no reason and its always their fault, its a telltale sign that person isnt entirely innocent and has done something to drive people away or make them despise him.

>> No.17039462

I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will find a reason to keep going apart from just saying you would

>> No.17039531

Unironically kys

>> No.17039623

You are simply dealing with superior intellects

>> No.17039645

I enjoyed reading My Twisted World. The angst of it made me nostalgic for the good old days of being a troglodyte internet and porn addict staying up super late playing wow or browsing 4chan, gamefaqs, hentaifoundry, newgrounds, the list goes on. Now I'm a happily married troglodyte internet and porn addict with a decent job and I sometimes wonder what difference it really makes. Rodger's writing style is clear and articulate if rather plain and unsophisticated, but he still managed to have pockets of his own voice through the work. I understand if the average person didn't "get it". There really isn't that much to "get", and what is there is not particularly valuable. If you didn't like the work, you just never will. It's not for you.

Probably the most valuable thing about MY Twisted World is Rodger's autistic candor. He overshares in weird ways that normal peopke would realize is embarassing and shouldn't be shared, but I also appreciate his total lack of irony. It is refreshing.

>> No.17039667

cool nick land art

>> No.17039691

blah blah blah we get it you can rattle off personality disorders you read about on wikipedia. Your tendency to categorize human psychology is not impressive and demonstrates a rigidness which is ultimalely not informative or insightful.
>Well, the test subject tested positive for conditions X, Y, and Z, just like the manual said. Case closed, nothing more to see here let's move on to the next one.
He's not a petri dish, he's a human being! He hurt people and held ludicrous beliefs, that's true. He can surely be considered an outlier in his behavior. But this is a literature board and you should make a post at least talking about the actual writing which is the subject at hand. Literature is about humanity. Post like it!

>> No.17039734

bruh same, good luck to you.

>> No.17039829

that is a pretty ironically salient expression of the general state of men who have historically been discarded by society, the rise of incels is basically just a retvrn to tradition of the fact that males of the past were mostly incels that got killed in wars and other violence while a handful of men reproduced etc. etc. etc. you know the line on this bullshit

the problem i guess is that it's basically a siren that blares I AM A LOSER which immediately makes people think you're a fag because you are. so it's a catch 22, elliot rodger style incels are genuinely shit people because they got cucked by evolution but at the same time it's hardly their fault. so we end up with this absurd discourse where society larps as if we actually need to focus more on feminism or something, because apparently throwing brain damaged males in the trash is cool and just while all vaginas must be protected, i really don't get it. it gives me weird feelings of schizophrenia when i look at what seems to be an insane contradiction where people who talk about empathy and Othering simultaneously subject low tier males to darwinian logic and derision, maybe i'm autistic and missing something here. i guess an argument could be that low tier females aren't as bad as men and therefore should be given a greater benefit of the doubt, but again actually practicing such an idea immediately presents a bunch of challenges that smash a million mainstream assumptions about damn near everything including justice and morality.

>> No.17040113

Even if he was shit at least Elliot was not a stoic coping bitch like you

>> No.17040201

The "something" you're looking for is the first bit of greentext. Aside from not having a good reason to smile, my emotions have always been internal with very little ever showing on my face. Couple that with not being able to make friends or get social ques and you quickly become "that weird guy" that your own sister would have nothing to do with. Your lack of a smile ends up being something your stepfather takes personally and more than once you go to get some water only to have him blow up on you for hating him, not being appreciative, and being a smug cunt despite not having even spoken in a month. But he's a troubled man with his own troubled past so you don't really hold that against him. Take that further with the only people you can really even talk to growing up being other outcasts with other problems and them suddenly deciding one day that they don't want your weird ass around isn't too much of a shocker. Nothing about it is irrationally evil, it's just how people are.

>> No.17040628


>> No.17040716

I don't care about your anecdotes

>> No.17040725

i do, you incel

>> No.17040734

Say it to my face, not online and see what happen

>> No.17040737

Oh I expected more stories about your frog friend

>> No.17040784

>beeing autistic enough to write such a comment

Poor autists im drawing into this
See this>>17039370

If you cant compare be happy about it dude. People can bd really shitty.
The other anon called him a brother if thats not showing sympathy what else is
>implying 1000000 things and defending a massmurder incel like elliot before some random anon beeing stoic about tough times

How retarded are you?
You can do it anon i wish you all the best and dont forget there is good to find even in evil places its 50/50 for every place and everyones insides behaviors and feelings
The commentsto your story rrflect that pretty good
Half are nice half are complete butt hurt retards
Wish you a nice day anon!

>> No.17040822

Even if you cant see your deficits beyond your own greatness ifnyour a narcissist. I have a hobby im good in and fear i have a narcisstic view on my work and am therefore judging it wrong even if i become great feedback.
Hard to tell even if your not a butthurt incel with an ego big enough to shoot people for not getting laid

>> No.17040829

Get* not become
Just woke up

>> No.17040832

I can literally relate to you brother. Everyone I've met has only manipulated me and have pushed me around for giggles. I've always tried to find the type of herd to join and I've never been able to join any because I'm so incompatible with people. My mother abused from an early age and became very introverted and quiet. My mother would always slap my mouth if I said the word cunt and I said it a lot. When I joined school I didn't even speak and I had to go to a special education school to finally be able to speak again. To this day my mother denies ever doing such a thing even when my father and aunt confirms that she did do such a thing. All the people I've met around my age are so dead and feel fake. They just only care about themselves and I've never been able to at least have a group of friends or a single conversation with anyone. The only people I've ever been able to talk to was old people. Ironically the elderly treated me much better than other people did. I would try to put on masks to fit in with people. But it would always end up in me being manipulated and looking like a retard. My parents then started verbally abusing me for having low grades and no friends and no relationships. Today all I do is stay in my room and read books. I work, sleep and read everyday. I hate the world around me.

>> No.17040834

>implying he does that regularily
>implying you can judgr his situation in any way
>implying your not in fact destroying your own argument by showing how shitty persons thoughts work
>implying your comment isnt cringe too

>> No.17040843

>this man has a plan


I read his comment a bit further scrolled down decided ill just tldr looked ehat was commented and read your comment instead.

>> No.17040860


>> No.17040868


>> No.17040876

Sorry for your dog
The relapse thing to thats sad but good that he tried. It canbe hard.
The bank thing is so comparable my bank is utterly retarded

>> No.17040888

Shut up pussy you're cringe

>> No.17040891

Based post
I should move to. I want to stay in germany tho even tho im not 100percent native but people are just too rich and entitled here. In the north is harder for foreign people but i feel thry are more honest too good and bad and that's always good
Nice story and fuck that guy>>17040716


>> No.17040904

Are all g*rman that cringe? Holy shit

>> No.17040926

Nice blog, no wonder why you got bullied, you sound like a massive bitch

>> No.17040930

Traveling to some 3rd world country to have sex is horrible. It's extremely disrespectful to the native men, I dont want to steal their women judt because I have a bit of money.

>> No.17040965

What a virtuous man

>> No.17040980

You have to try to truly understand their deficits your familys but also the publics the everday people.
We are all imperfect and more or less a product by our surroundings. Deep down many people are not to be hated.
I had a friend of many years i went to college with but he studied sth else.
Told me after he landed a job (practice not even real job) in selling houses for my `problems' w girls (wasnt having problems was just after a breakup and was hard to start again i dint cry about it 24/7), yeah dude you should just dress nice as a first step (i was dressing nice but he meant walk in a Suit the whole day) as i argued couple o minutes i want to find someone to fit me as i am, he told me (bc he was bullshitting me thr whole time) we cant hang out anymore if i dont dress differently some of his colleagues or even worse the customers could see him and question his reliability or sth.
I was completely shocked and i dont wear hawai shirts hiphop pullovers things that r 3 numbers too big or sth or have a very unusual style. Jeans, sneakers and a shirt. Often not even a tshirt but one people wear under the jacket of the suit so i was dressing kinda nice. We are no friends anymore. He on another occasion after he apologized for that told me after we talked again about friendship (bc i was pissed) it was always an endurance for him to hang out w me (inviting me over at least every 2 weeks) and that he always felt belittled bc i was the one talking (dont take this comment as reference yes i talk a loz but hes like the worst. You say 2 things and he starts a discussion monologuing for 10 minutes straight im not the only one saying that) and said in conclusion as i ask him where he sees his deficits: i shouldve let you know more often how much of a pain it is to hang out with you.

I left after. He wrote me for my birthday still but i wont call him up anymore despite answering saying just - thanks thats kind.
Have other friends and made ones too despite corona.
I still dont hate him. I petty his close view and his inability to even if he was in the right act decent in any way to someone he called a friend for years giving him insults only after abandoning me in some bad months (he knew about) bc he was busy with his newgirlfriend (told his old gf similiar stuff btw)
Dont be mad at people anon. They are how they are and cant get out of it. Feeling the coldness in people actions can b irritating and make you doubt any relation but thats not the way to go. You have to feel warm on yourself and spread that and stand above that all.

Sry for long comment that story was meant as an answerintroduction (long intro sry) but was still bugging me we were really good friends and experienced so mNy things. Im still sad about it

>> No.17040993

And as we will rule the world and make a cringelord empire we will stump your skull to dust and it will make that cringe sound while the bones not laying around for as longcrack open under our feet and you will now a ghost scream nooo and our answer will be:
Hail cringe


>> No.17040995

Lmao. Enjoy your trash life

>> No.17041005

Nice anon

But (both) guys it is ok if you dont use that money and just be in a poor surrounding bc people are different without money. Not always less shitty but different. But yes the race thing is a thing to tho since that can be seen as status too and your just not showing off but have the money so fuck my argument

>> No.17041009

>schopenhauer but autistic and incel
original Schopenhauer was both already

>> No.17041011

Enjoy your stds you looser
>can't get women so has to travel around the world to be able to afford paying them bc its too eypensive in his own country
>haha you dont do this? Look at this guy what a cuck

You people are truly retarded

>> No.17041013

Holy cringe

>> No.17041022


>> No.17041023


>> No.17041028

>not knowing what a strawman argument is
>not understanding the argument generally like an illiterate
>browsing lit beeing illiterate

Kys dude

>> No.17041036

Yes this may be your last word
>holy -
Followed by the cringe sound of your skull you jealous little manlet

>> No.17041037

I was being ironic pal

>> No.17041050

>A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the proper idea of argument under discussion was not addressed or properly refuted.

He just said he was a moralcuck and you made up a story where he want to travel in 3rd world country to fuck women instead of refuting not being a moralcuck

Kindly kill yourself my nigger

>> No.17041057

I'm 6'2

>> No.17041079

IQ proof should be mandatory before posting on this board holy shit

>> No.17041340

dude stop posting on 4chan if you don't get the memes and play

>> No.17041342

TLDR People have big egos and are narcissistic, take no responsibility, lot of cucking entitlement

thread based and gay should all kys

>> No.17041687

> Traveling to some 3rd world country to have sex is horrible. It's extremely disrespectful to the native men, I dont want to steal their women judt because I have a bit of money.

Such a hero.

Pathetic slave morality. I'm glad you'll be exiting the gene pool.

>> No.17041694

>schopenhauer but autistic and incel

So... Schopenhauer

>> No.17041714
File: 77 KB, 705x1224, xn7kljjrvlz21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this hilarious that normies (and apparently some travellers from reddit who have decided to reveal themselves ITT) have swallowed the bluepill so deep that they are LITERALLY normalizing travelling to some shithole countries to get intimacy from the other sex. Let me just ask you one question - if you think the existence of these countries refutes the blackpill because anyone can go to Thailand, Vietnam etc. then where does that leave men from these countries? Where are they supposed to go?

>> No.17041735

Hey fuckface. Listen up you absolute moron.

omg how retarded can one actually be

>> No.17041738

Yes it should so i dont have to read what comes out of your crippled mind

>> No.17041746

Me too only that im not a fat no life

>> No.17041749

So true
Only thing i might want to add is that i think most of them come from pol and b since both boards are flooded with bullshit especially atm

>> No.17041760

Done, still seem like a strawman to me, you retarded or something son?

>> No.17041762

I agree with you. /pol/tards love to pontificate about muh degeneracy and muh modernity but when an incel points them to actual symptoms of these which aren't caused by muh Jooz but by Aryan women and their fucked up preferences they jump to their defense like the pathetic leftist simps they deride. Disgusting

>> No.17041776 [DELETED] 

Hmmm, ad nauseam

>> No.17041803

You have done what? Jerked off to your incest porn? Because obviously you havent read anything you retarded twat.
The anon not even involved into this argument>>17041714
citing noone got it but you did it despite my effort to explain it to you
Low iq really is a misfortune for the people around the ones having it.

>> No.17041806

But da jooz corrupted the aryan women into being sluts anon

>> No.17041813

I was tested at 137 by a psychologist when i was 12 sweaty, hbu?

>> No.17041818

>implying pol is leftist

You havent been to pol a lot have you?
Its 50/50 at best. Also calling preference of "" "aryan" "" (kek) women to foreign man fucked up is pretty dumb. Especially sonce biology has long shown that it is the most efficient to sustain a healthy population despite cultural differences.

>> No.17041820

Please fuck off back to pol you complete dumbfuck
Or should i say poorfuck


>> No.17041821

>having 137 iq
>cant read

Okay anon. I won't argue with that.

>> No.17041824

You're cringe son, please go back to where the fuck you come from

>> No.17041829

Read the first post. Dont know what you dont understand. I dint make up an argument as you wrote i took the exact same example the post was referring to.
Maybe stop the drinking or get some glasses or whatever

>> No.17041837

>not beeing a complete untermensch

Cope faggot

Nur weil du weiß bist heißt es nicht, dass du irgendeinen Nutzen für irgendjemanden hast. Du bist einfach nur Abschaum.

>> No.17041838

Sorry, but traveling to a third world country to fuck the women there doesn't necessarily that you can't get women in the country you're from, you just been refuted son, nothing personnal

>> No.17041844

>necessarily mean

>> No.17041850


>> No.17041851

>muh jewisch conspiracy
>muh aryan genes
>talking about cringe

Is this satire? This it lit not pol you degenerate

>> No.17041858

Keep beeing retarded son. More amusing to read about your coping than the nazi nonsense of the other idiot

>> No.17041895
File: 10 KB, 199x254, téléchargement (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. kike

>> No.17041917

Whatever russtles your jimmies you faggot

>> No.17041950


He insulted you of being a moralcuck because you don't want to steal women from native men then you say
>can't get women
that is the strawman

>> No.17041955

quality discussion

>> No.17041975

I am not the guy the other post was referring to.
Me referring to that isnt a strawman argument because it is directly associated with the discussed matter.
Stop arguing dude.
Youre just wrong, no shame in that. But its starting to get annoying

>> No.17041980

No, you're wrong, please stop replying now

>> No.17041994

>the autist cant endure not having the last word even though hes fucking wrong and has embarassed himself now multiple times with his dumb answers exposing his dumbfuckery

No you retard

>> No.17042013

Sorry but you lost that one, i recommend you to start with the trivium

>> No.17042027

I recommended you to kill yourself.
Oh and you did not only loose the argument you also proofed to be the smaller man.
Keep posting im lmaoing at your autism.

>> No.17042046

Calling me names in a shitty english will not change the fact that you lost this, my friend

>> No.17042051

In a republic politics = education = entertainment = women focused = sex

the republic is a system where the bourgeois has managed to make the plebeians believe in bourgeois dogmas and religions ie that getting an allegedly bourgeois education like rich daddies did and commenting on the rules, lives and mores created by the bourgeois is actually meaningful, and then when from time to time the plebeans figure out the lack of any power their views have on the politics, they go in the streets wreaking havoc.
This is why so many soccer moms and drones try to earn virtue points on posting comments online. The first thing to do online is to comment. See a message on the internet? there is a little box to comment on it.

This is the greatest feat of the bourgeois republic: to turn commenting publicly and privately and reporting comments into a meaningful life .
This is why when you let females talk, all the topic is sexual and they find a devoted audience.

>> No.17042053

>He doesn't transmute his suffering into creativity
>He doesn't even inflict suffering onto others
>Instead, he calls his passivity and flabbiness his virtue
Literal slave morality.

>> No.17042067

Stale pasta

>> No.17042077


>> No.17042087

>shitty english
Isnt it living up to your standards?

Btw we are no friends friendo

>> No.17042730

>99% of incel cases are mental cases.
No we are not, women have zero interest in me because of the following traits:
>manlet, 5,7-8
Tried to fix all of them in vain, inceldom it's a real thing. All females are wired to seek the best males they can get, and unfortunately, us, the incels, are the lowest of the species and this is why we don't get to experience love nor sex. We can increase our chances by becoming rich or /fit/, but this will only (luckily) give us dispassionate sex from the opposite sex and this is not what we seek in the long run.
I did not choose this terminal condition but women did against my will every te they reject me and ignore my existence.

>> No.17042794

Sorry anon but believe it or not it’s still on you. I should know I’m a complete Manlet (Below 5’6) and just hit one month with my girlfriend. She’s also significantly taller than me. No it’s not your height or your financial situation I know tons of broke boys that fuck. Your just down bad right now but you can make it out. We all can.

>> No.17043068

There is only a small number if attractive women. There is a big number of average or ugly men. Not every man can have an attractive partner, it's simple numbers.

>> No.17043091

>get rejected
>"okay I'll do self improvement"
>do self improvement
>try again 30 more times
>get rejected again
>"This is all your fault and it's not the fact that you are average-ugly and a manlet, take this anecdotal evidences of mine as proves"
You are just coping after winning the gf lottery.
>Your just down bad right now but you can make it out. We all can.
No I can't, that's the point of the post before, confirming inceldom.

>> No.17043249
File: 19 KB, 475x459, 9b1805faa146009794f230b9b189e672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Months have passed. Its the first Friday night in the final month. much shit has happened... Right now I'm trying to get fucked... why the fuck cant I get any? I mean, I'm nice and considerate and all that shit, but nooooo. I think I try to hard. but I kinda need to considering NBK is closing in. The amount of dramatic irony and foreshadowing is fucking amazing. Everything I see and I hear I incorporate into NBK somehow... feels like a Goddamn movie sometimes... I hate you people for leaving me out of so many fun things. And no don't fucking say, "well thats your fault" because it isnt, you people had my phone #, and I asked and all, but no. no no no dont let the weird looking Eric KID come along, ohh fucking nooo.

Kino ending ngl

>> No.17043292

only good response

>> No.17043447

eliot was the last mythological god, like walt disney and bob dylan he became more than he was in life and because of that he generates seethe on multiple levels.
>inb4 "he was dickhead asshole who killed people"
lots of people admired on here killed people, nothing new