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17044075 No.17044075 [Reply] [Original]

Neech was a Freemason

>> No.17044081

my bf is a mason. i still don't know what they are or do.

>> No.17044097

depends on how high up he is in the hierarchy. it could range from harmless larping to Sabbatean Frankist, Kaballah-inspired Satanic worship.

>> No.17044111

More like freeincel

>> No.17044121

So was that unkempt Marx Jew.

>> No.17044126

Careful, you're getting close...

>> No.17044147

You should have more self-respect than to date someone who's in a secret club.

>> No.17044159
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If your bf is a good guy tell him to get out asap. It's been condemned by the Catholic Church severly and several times and for good reason.

>> No.17044201

>if you only knew how bad things really are

The post

>> No.17044213

Schizo thread

>> No.17044216

That's not a masonic gesture

>> No.17044235

Continental freemasonry is the degenerate form of masonry, Anglo freemasonry is more conservative, freemasonry mostly gets its reputation from continental fags

>> No.17044252

Putting your hand in your shirt is an imitation of the Roman statesmen who put their hands in their togas. Napoleon did it too.

>> No.17044261

wake up honey, new schizo thread

>> No.17044299

its a freemason gesture as well. given the Neech hate for Christianity and his philosophy being essentially similar to a form of freemasonry, we can safely put two and two together.

>> No.17044314
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>> No.17044337

He is even more obvious than Neech but he is also in Sabbatean Frankist circles which is even worse.

>> No.17044379

n order for God to be fully repaired and for the Messianic Era to arrive, mankind must destroy all of its traditional moral values and go beyond good and evil. The Frankists, as they were called, engaged in every horrible thing you could imagine: black magic, wife-swapping, sex orgies, homosexuality, incest, pedophilia, and promoted a form of proto-feminism and proto-communism. Every one of these disgusting acts was considered to be a "holy tikkun" (restoration) of God if done with holy intent. They were entirely apocalyptic who despised the world of creation, seeking to bring about its early end and to bring forth a Messianic utopia.

The Sabbatean and Frankist heresies seemed to disappear by the start of the 19th century. However, there was still an active Frankist stronghold in Frankfurt, Germany during that time. These Frankists were known to be affiliated with the Freemasonic lodges that existed around the city. One such Freemason was a man by the name of Franz Joseph Molitor. He was a known satanist and alchemist who took a strong interest in the Kabbalah, even going so far as to synthesize Kabbalah with a perverted form of "Christianity." This is what lead him to picking up Sabbatean-Frankist ideology. In order to promote his sick and twisted views, he wrote a four-volume set of books promoting a bastardized understanding of "Judaism" written from a kabbalist and Sabbatean perspective.

These books of Molitor's would later be picked up in the early 20th century by two young Jewish scholars from Berlin: Gershom Scholem, who later became a famed Jewish theologian, and his best friend, literature critic Walter Benjamin. Scholem and Benjamin were kabbalists and occultists who became obsessed with the antinomian Sabbateanism and all of its evil. Benjamin would even go so far as to claim a "close affinity" with Jacob Frank

>> No.17044389

Bloch wrote a book called Spirit of Utopia in which he linked communist revolution to Jewish Messianism. In a few years down the line, Benjamin would become a Marxist after living in the Soviet Union and meeting with Georg Lukacs, the notable Marxist philosopher who saw Western culture (Christianity in particular) as being the main obstacle to communist revolution. Lukacs was one of the key people behind the creation of the Frankfurt School. In no time at all, Benjamin would join the Frankfurt School, and become one of the key intellectuals behind Critical Theory alongside Theodor Adorno (his close friend) and Max Horkheimer (who became the "School's" director, shifting its focus from economics to culture).

Benjamin was arguably the worst of the Frankfurt School. In every conversation about Cultural Marxism he is often overlooked, but this is a mistake. Benjamin loaded his writings on literature and culture full of concepts and terminology from the kabbalah and the occult. In an early piece, The Task of the Translator, he, while making a clear reference to the kabbalistic "shattering of the vessels," claims that all modern languages are incomplete and can never give a completely accurate description of anything on the surface until society and language become "whole." It is important to note, because the ideas expressed in this very text would go on to become the backbone of deconstructionism, the very technique used by cultural Marxists to prove that words can mean anything (given that all existing languages are incomplete) and all things are social constructs. The satanic anarchist writer and pedophile Peter Lamborn Wilson contends that Benjamin sought to "re-paganize" Judaism, which was exactly the goal of the Sabbateans and Frankists. He died young by his own hands while running from Nazi persecution (let it be said, suicide is strictly forbidden in authentic Judaism), but right before doing so he wrote a short essay which combined Marxist "historical materialism" with kabbalist mysticism.

>> No.17044444

It's also important to note that Adorno repeated his semi-Gnostic view of the world in Negative Dialectics. In fact, Scholem referred to Adorno's book as an "innocent defense of metaphysics" and even suspected Adorno of holding an affinity with the Sabbatean heresy himself.

Erich Fromm is another figure from the Frankfurt School who was heavily influenced by those same Jewish esotericists and was a frequent guest to the Frankfurter Lehrhaus set up by Rosenzweig and Buber. Fromm wrote heavily about Marx's theory of "alienation" which seems to possess heavy Gnostic overtones. In his book The Art of Loving, he frequently made the claim that capitalism causes people not to love each other, and argued that human relationships would be stronger under socialism(!). He also claimed that all sexual differences between men and women were socially constructed and rejected gender as something innate. His works were certainly a precursor to the feminism we see today.

As far as the most notorious of the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse, is concerned, there is no question he, too, was influenced by this ideology. Eros and Civilization takes Freud's views on sexuality - which were absolutely Sabbatean, as Freud admitted to holding the Kabbalah in high regard - to an even more extreme level. In fact, much of what Marcuse promotes in that awful book is directly akin to the things the Sabbateans and Frankists practiced and promoted. He, too, claimed capitalism and Christian morals distorted "authentic" sexuality and openly called for a society where the most sinful of sexual acts are considered normal. He also said perverted sexualities can help bring down capitalism and Christianity. His book is highly significant, because it played a huge role in the development of the American New Left, which gave us abortion on demand, feminism and normalized homosexuality.

>> No.17044450

Keeping with the semi-Gnostic kabbalist narrative of the broken God that inflicts His suffering onto Mankind, Benjamin claimed all of human history was a history of suffering and that all of human culture was barbaric. To him, the only way to obtain Mankind's liberation is to identify with the Marxist "class struggle" as it has occurred throughout history and to cast aside the notion of progress which has "blinded" the working classes to not fight. To him, those who are labeled as "oppressed" classes need to remember their pain and suffering so that their hearts will be full of hate, thus giving them the drive to go beyond good and evil, rise up and destroy capitalism and Western Civilization. He says: "Hatred and [the] spirit of sacrifice...are nourished by the image of enslaved ancestors rather than that of liberated grandchildren." This spontaneous act will bring about communist revolution, which will bring about a mass redemption of humanity. This is exactly analogous to the Sabbatean idea that the Messianic Era will only arrive once everyone is evil. Furthermore, in this "redemption," Mankind will become "whole" due to the act of the Messiah, something which is mentioned in the Zohar (the primary kabbalist text). This means Mankind will no longer be divided according to class, gender, race, nation or any other identity marker.

>> No.17044475

The Sabbatean-Frankist influence is the main reason why Critical Theory pushes for abortion, homosexuality, the breakdown of the family, feminism, degenerate art, and total communism. It is why Adorno condemned the so-called "fascistic nature" of the "authoritarian personality" as one who holds to traditional Western values, contrasting it with the "liberal personality" who was unable to live up to the standards of traditional Western values.

Marcuse's concept of "repressive tolerance" also follows this model, as it promotes the censorship of those who wish to promote religious morality and traditional values but holds the speech of Leftists in the highest regard. Critical Theory is indeed a form of black magic. The reoccurring theme in all of this is the tikkun, or the restoration of everything to a state of oneness. According to the Zohar, the Jewish messiah destroys the differences between genders, nations, religions and everything else.

>> No.17044598


shut it down

>> No.17044655
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>> No.17044660

Yeah, turns out Joseph Molitor's Jewish Masonic Lodge was closed due to an overwhelming opposition from Christian Masons. That right there eliminates the ties between this whole copypasta conspiracy nonsense, cultural Marxism, from Masonry. Masonry has occupied a historical opposition to Jews.

>> No.17044728

And jewish

His family line is full of jewish names from “polish aristocracy” (sabbatean frankists). Same story with Evola

>> No.17044735

Marx heavily criticized free-masonry. But believe what you want to believe i guess.

>> No.17044798

"This kind of organization is contrary to the development of the proletarian movement because, instead of educating the workers, these societies subject them to authoritarian and mystical laws that hinder their independence and distort their reason. "What is interesting here is not only the opposition to the secret societies, but the arguments used by Marx - which go against some of the myths about him.

Source: Session of 22 September, Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA), volume I/22, Dietz Verlag Berlin, 1978, p. 737. We have previously published: "Karl Marx's Interview with J. Hamann" (Critique Sociale no. 1, October 2008 - full test); "Marx's Manuscripts on the Commune of 1871" (Critique Sociale no. 3, December 2008 - commented extracts); and "Herr Vogt, de Karl Marx" (Critique Sociale no. 6, March 2009 - commented and annotated extracts).

"Marx - reads out the following proposal: "In countries where the regular organization of the International Association has momentarily become impracticable as a result of government intervention, the Association and its local groups may reconstitute themselves under various names, but any secret society as such is formally prohibited". By secret organization we do not mean secret societies as such, which, on the contrary, must be combated. In France and Italy, where the political situation is such that the right of assembly is a crime, men will have very strong tendencies to allow themselves to be drawn into these secret societies, the results of which are always negative. Moreover, this kind of organization is contrary to the development of the proletarian movement because instead of educating the workers, these societies subject them to authoritarian and mystical laws that hinder their independence and distort their reason.

He called for the adoption of the proposal.

Vote: adopted unanimously. »

Source: Session of September 22, 1871, MEGA I/22, p. 737. The resolution was adopted by all delegates present and voting at this session, namely : Outine, Perret, Verrycken, Fluse, De Paepe, Steens, Coenen, Herman, Marx, Engels, Bastelica, Frankel, Serraillier, Lorenzo, Eccarius, Vaillant (it can be seen that many communards were present). The resolution was published in October by the AIT in Resolutions of the Delegates of the Conference of the International Workers' Association (International Printing House, London, 1871), with a slightly different wording: "In countries where the regular organization of the International Workers' Association has temporarily become impracticable, as a result of government intervention, the Association and its local groups may reconstitute themselves under various denominations, but any constitution of an international section in the form of a secret society is and remains formally prohibited. "(MEGA I/22, p. 329).

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

>> No.17044889

>Yeah, turns out Joseph Molitor's Jewish Masonic Lodge was closed due to an overwhelming opposition from Christian Masons.

That proves that Jews started infiltrating Masonic lodges if anything. Vladimir Moss proves this with a well sourced article, there is inherently no opposition between Jewish mysticism and Freemasonry in the final analysis of things and several actors note this themselves.

>> No.17044913

Marx was so much a powerful Sabbatean Kabbalist, that most of his books weren't even published during his living. E.G: German ideology (published in 1932), Grundrisse, Das Kapital volume 2, 3 and 4.
Also, the guy was such a powerful free-mason that he had to borrow 30 british pounds from the jewish nigger lassalle. Such is the true might of a true Rotschild family member.

>> No.17044955

>published after his death
Yeah you don’t wanna popularize a fed while he’s alive

>he had to borrow money!!!
You believe everything you read?

>> No.17044959

Karl Marx was brought to communism by Moses Hess. He was also the connecting influence between Engels and Marx.

>Bloch viewed the Zionism of Moses Hess as deserving the fidelity of the modern Jewish messianist. Hess was “one of the first to apply Judaism, as he knew it from the works of the prophets, to the cause of the revolutionary proletariat.” His Zionism activated the “committed love,” the “revolutionary
love which the prophets preached.” It was just this “social radicalism of the prophets”

Frankism and Frankfurtism: Historical heresies for a metaphysics of our most human experiences, Dr. Michael Fagenblat

>> No.17044969

Karl Marx barely worked in his entire life

>> No.17044998

Socialism and revolution were always meant for the rabble. The englightened strand behind it was always concealed, if the plebs ever came to this knowledge they would never revolt in the first place. Atheism for the masses, gnosticism for the elite.

>> No.17045090

So atheism for the working class, and gnosticism for the elite?
That sounds like a class based analysis...
I don't think any elite was behind the Paris commune (1871), nor february 1917 (not october, feburary 1917), nor june 1968 (10 million worker on strike in france), nor the recent yellow jackets.
It is not conspiracies which makes history, but history which makes conspiracies.

>> No.17045107

And that is, again, a more than stupid meme, coming from someone who most likely never even had Das Kapital all 4 volumes in his hands once in his life..

>> No.17045121
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The hand-in-waistcoat gesture was a common pose for refined gentlemen in the 18th and 19th centuries. It dates back from antiquity. Ancient Greek rhetoricians believed to be bad manners to speak without your hand in your tunic like that.

>> No.17045141

Writing large tomes of diatribe isn't working anon...

>> No.17045146

In 150 years, some retards will say that yellow jackets were pro jewish because of the color.

>> No.17045153

If only you knew....But i guess some are not made for this.

>> No.17045161

Working up rabble to revolt is not that hard when you feed them with constant revolutionary ideology. But your reasons for subscribing to this revolutionary ideology come from an entirely different source than the rabble's reasons.

>> No.17045165

read the SS guides on freemasonry. they’re nothing like Neetz, they’re tarantulas

>> No.17045180

Yeah right. People never ever revolt by themselves. They are manpulated by some jews or free-masons.
How do i know you are someone who never really worked in his life?

>> No.17045193

The only organic revolts are peasant riots for marginally better conditions. Commies are always funded by elites

>> No.17045203

My claim is not that people never revolt themselves, but precisely the opposite, that working the people up to revolt is not that hard precisely because people once they are ideologically compromised by the elite are even quicker to revolt than their already natural tendency to revolt. Thankfully when you have the incessant call for revolution and its goals formalized by the elite and then transposed to the rabble (who do not really understand the sources of this ideology) it's easy to track the causal relationship, especially when the society post-revolution subscribes to all ideological points pre-formulated by the elite in question by several decades. How do I know you are someone who is an intellectual midget?

>> No.17045308

So they weren't atheists? Wow...

>> No.17045317
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You might not like it but the 20th century West, including its preceding revolutions, is the creation of a Kabbalistic tradition (which Marx knowingly or unknowingly followed) and Sabbatean Frankism and other groups who made use of it such as Freemasonry, in particular. I, too, want to go back to believing into the traditional reading of Western history, that would be much more fun and interesting, however my commitment to evidence does not allow me to return to a state of blissful ignorance, unfortunately. It would certainly be more exciting to debate about Trotskyites and Stalinists or critical theory's usage in decolonization, rather than realizing the fundamental substratum behind them.

>> No.17045337

It's a common pose at that time, not necessarily a masonic gesture. However even if they were atheists, their thought is derived from a substratum that is hardly atheist. One could view Marx's satanic verses and Nietzsche's hatred of Christianity as mere manifestations of that undercurrent into reality, even if they themselves were not aware of it. Although I significantly doubt this at least in Marx's case, given the characters associated with him such as Moses Hess.

>> No.17045388

I'm tired of your kind. And i was a anti-jewish conspirationaist myself. Many years ago though. I'm tired of you, not because you are anti-jewish, but because you are stupid as fuck, and unread. Your conspiracy theory (conspiracies don't make history, history makes conspiracies) is a good excuse not to read Marx, or anyone except books like the controversy of zion, the protocols etc...
People don't revolt because the elite worked them up you dumb upper socio professional category fuck. People revolt when they cannot make ends meet.
It's about time this retarded conspiracy explanation of history disappear. And it already began: in case you didn't notice, historical materialists on /his and even /lit crush you every chance we get, and it's getting harder for you to speak your nonsensical explanations unchecked.
History is the result of the material conditions of a society's mode of production, the union of a society's productive forces and relations of production, fundamentally determine society's organization and development.
Not some retarded conspiracy. Which is only the result of those material conditions.

>> No.17045429

> i was a anti-jewish conspirationaist myself. Many years ago though

>> No.17045446

Yes you can laugh, because that's basically what you are. Don't think you are smart because you don't believe what is told on mainstream medias. That is not enough.

>> No.17045456
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they are zionist lackeys. Also post tits for Xmas please

>> No.17045513

A revolt is a replacement of the elite, the rabble simply chooses their camp. The revolt is always in the first instance a weaponization of ressentiment by the rabble into violence, motivated by a contending elite. You are a brainlet. Also I'm not an anti-jewish "conspirationaist" (what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?) but as a man commited to evidence, I cannot ignore that the thread of our modern society leads back to Sabbatean Frankism (which was rejected even by more conventional Jews themselves) and the promulgation of occult-inspired heresies in sects such as Freemasonry. One can merely look at the era around Enlightenment and the French Revolution as an occult-inspired revolt against God which dominates to our present age. This thread is well documented and sourced, it is not my fault that you are unable to follow it. I'm also sorry that you subscribe to such a banal reading of history as you described, even people who are not able to discover the underlying fundamentals of history, at least do not subscribe exclusively to something retarded as historical materialism. Let me gues, you've read one book about Marxist theory and now believe that this is reality. It's certainly an improvement over the /pol/'s simplification of "it's da jooz", but you have A LOT of reading and research to do, bucko.

>> No.17045608
File: 860 KB, 559x639, Epilogue de la conversion de Léo Taxil (Le Grelot, 1897-05-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a men's fraternity. They perform morality plays based on biblical lore and other mythology. These rituals are open to interpretation, but generally symbolize the importance of personal morality and character building.

When not doing they rituals they do community charitable activity. Either taking up collections or running adjunct programs like little league teams, etc.

Another thing they do is networking. If you need a job and a Brother is in a position to give you one he

The Knights of Columbus are functionally identical to the Masons. The Church doesn't like them because they're an organization historically outside their control.

Most critics of Masonry have no idea what they're talking about and simply repeat memes of the Taxil Hoax.

Anyone can find out what the masonic rituals entail by searching for "Masonic Ritual Monitor" on archive.org, z-lib, or google.

>> No.17045618

To me Protocols are interesting. It's obvious they are an anti-semitic forgery, but what's interesting is the mechanism beneath. It sounds predictive if anything. Solzhenitsyn noticed this too.

>> No.17045645

Everything you know about conspiracy, i know. Everything i know about historical materialism, you don't.
I'm pretty savvy in conspiracies. It's interesting. But what you don't get, is that the development of productive forces, and class antagonisms, as well as blocs rivalries, make history. Not conspiracies. Frankism don't appear in a vacuum. What are the practical activities of these frankists? Are they hunter gatherers? Or fishermans? Are they wood-crafters? Or are they bankers, some kings, nobleman, some high level Capitalists. Merchants. It is the relations of production which create ideologies. Not the other way round.
Wake up.

>> No.17045677

Most scholars, especially ones that know Hebrew and deal with Jews professionally, will privately admit that yes, it's a forgery, but it accurately describes what Jews are doing.

A better name for it is political polemic, or satire. One of those really insightful ones.

>> No.17045698

>The Knights of Columbus are functionally identical to the Masons. The Church doesn't like them because they're an organization historically outside their control.

Kek this is an obvious lie. The Church doesn't like Freemasonry because there are sects inside Freemasonry that are openly hostile to the traditional Church. Also a Catholic order cannot be identical to the Masons, in fact the Catholic faith and Masonry are doctrinally irreconcilable from the standpoint of a Catholic. Besides, not all Church orders themselves are exactly wholly clean.

>> No.17045711

I know historical materialism and no man capable of thinking about it for more than 10 minutes could not burst out in laughter when considering its reductive character.

>> No.17045760

Also your problem is that unlike you, who have a comically reductive character to history because you just dipped your toes into a first serious theory, I actually incorporate historical materialism into my reading of history alongside obvious other historical factors and construct a fully functional framework around this. You on the other hand, influenced by your first serious reading, simply hold a reductive historical materialist position, that is laughable to anyone serious about this and repeated in its reductive form only by Marxist cultists. I bet you don't even know Vilfredo Pareto's position on revolutions or Max Weber's position on historical materialism.

>> No.17045834

It perfectly explains the 1789 revolution, which is a class based revolution, the merchants taken over the feudal lords.
And it explains the 20th century. Archaic russia in 1917. Capitalism finally taking over in 1914, as well as the necessity to counter the german bagdad bahn. Mass immigration will follow the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. Feminism in order to dump wages, and thus increase profit.
It explains everything much better than your frankism, which by the way is only a result of the development of the productive forces. Indeed, you won't find frankists in the vikings tribes. Nor in the germanic tribes. Nor in the guyaki indians primitive tribes.
Your frankism is only the result of the development of Capitalism and it's completely alienated owner of the means of production class. Living centuries at the head of the exchange value system will make anyone crazy. Even you. The banker makes the frankist. The frankist don't make the banker.

>> No.17045839

>Most scholars, especially ones that know Hebrew and deal with Jews professionally, will privately admit that yes

What is this based on?

>> No.17045855

I look forward to you reading something else than Marxism and emerging with a functional ability to read history in a few years.

>> No.17045875

Many scholars believe it was initally published by the Russian secret police. Whomever did it, they were very likely an organ of the state. It's hard to imagine how an incendiary political tract could be so widely disseminated inside Imperial Russia while remaining anonymous, without state involvement. This is further supported by the fact that Prince Yusupov was the one who most publicly attested to their authenticity, claiming they were found in his aunt's library. He never said which aunt.

The Masons do not discriminate against Catholics. That hatred is one-way. The Masons as an organization have never been openly anything to anyone, especially not hostile to the Catholic Church. Masonry is not doctrinal in conflict with any Church because it doesn't have a doctrine. Masonic oaths include a promise to obey the laws of the state and not foment discord. You must believe in God to be a member, with French lodges being the exception.

Again, functionally it's identical to the KoC. It's a men's fraternity with initiation rituals and secret rites that does community charity work.

Personal experience.

This is also Henry Ford's take as well. Jews despise him for publishing them in the US.

>> No.17045888

I'm a mason. Half the lodge is openly catholic.

>> No.17045901

Yeah well, maybe i'm less read than you, but i know people who are way more read than you, and are historical materialists. Marx himself was very, very knowledgeable. You should know this. Perhaps i will change, but since i'm also quite knowing of how Capitalism function, from a practical point of view, it's not a certainty. People are moved by greed, money, in this money based mode of production. Not by some retarded plot. That's only TV replacement for them.

>> No.17045904


Interesting, I've heard bits about this including left journals like Tiqqun but this was a really insightful/helpful explanation, thanks

>> No.17045935

Secret rites and a belief in God of any kind are already enough to be doctrinally incompatible with Catholicism. Of course on the surface, the Masons are just an open fraternity group for everyone, but Masonry is not a monolith and it does not stop at this "open fraternity for anyone", else they would not consistently infiltrate into Catholic Church despite being condemned nor publish such things such as Alta Vendita. You'd have to be borderline idiotic or hopelessly naive to believe that Freemasonry is just this cool little fraternity and nothing more, maybe so for the everyday Joe, but other than that is a nice meeting place for other interests as well.

>> No.17045947

>People are moved by greed, money, in this money based mode of production. Not by some retarded plot.

Precisely. They are one and the same quite often. You have a black and white viewing in low resolution. You'll have to learn to see the strands and transmutations instead of reductions.

>> No.17045960


>The 1983 CDF declaration states that Catholics "who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion."

>...the Church's negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden.[90]

The "irreconcilable principles" that the Church believes Freemasonry possesses include a "deistic God",[r] naturalism,[85] and religious indifferentism.[s]

>> No.17045998

Perhaps in the grand scheme of things, they are one of the same.
But it's easier to attack directly money, than to explain what is reality.
If there is an immaterial ennemy, which is not 100% sure. Have you seen it? It could very well be a projection of the collective unconscious. But if there is an immaterial ennemy, money is his primary tool of control. The One Ring. And it's the easiest thing to destroy. Because apparently, it's under our direct control. Contrary to the material reality, which isn't, unless if you can bend spoon, which i'm pretty sure you can't. Marx was very well know of this. And he wanted to abolish traffic and money.

>> No.17046012

>Secret rites and a belief in God of any kind are already enough to be doctrinally incompatible with Catholicism.

The KoC have secret rites and operate with the full sanction of the Catholic Church.

>consistently infiltrate into Catholic Church
Catholic Masons were, almost to a man, baptized and confirmed as Catholics long before they joined the Masons. It would be easier to make the case that Catholics are infiltrating the Masons.
Neither are true, of course.

>nor publish such things such as Alta Vendita

The Alta Vendita was published by the Carbonari, not the Masons. The Carbonari was comprised primarily of Masons, but also other groups. These were revolutionaries who met through masonry, but could have as met through any other fraternal organization. And many of them did. Overthrow of any Church is not a goal of Masonry. Brothers engaging in such activities are violating the first oath they make upon initiation.

This is how detractors of Masonry have to operate: with hypocritical accusations and wild exaggerations.

>> No.17046075

Capitalism is the name you give to forces of greed. Money is simply a token to be acquired by greed because it allows one to position himself as above another. You can abolish money and capitalism, but with it, you will not abolish man's pride and desire for self-deification and the desire to see himself as above. You can change the modes of production and even the resources themselves, but you will not abolish these desires. Man will find simply new ways to satisfy his lust, pride and greed. In fact it is quite likely that this will be even more brutal in a communist society. This is what communists do not get, the metaphysical underpinning of what is beyond capital.

>> No.17046096

>The Alta Vendita was published by the Carbonari, not the Masons. The Carbonari was comprised primarily of Masons, but also other groups.

Yes, that's precisely what I claimed. Masonry is not a monolith but a clusterfuck of other sects inside them. Nobody takes their entry-level oaths seriously.

>> No.17046111

>The KoC have secret rites and operate with the full sanction of the Catholic Church.

Probably because they actually believe in the Catholic God and do not leave room for other forms. But besides that, they do not strike me as particularly the best example of a catholically orthodox order.

>> No.17046205

>Yes, that's precisely what I claimed.
The word Carbonari doesn't appear anywhere in the post I replied to. You blamed the Masons.
Pretending you said something you didn't is called gaslighting.

>Nobody takes their entry-level oaths seriously.
Masons do.

Again, to support your narrative you have to make things up.

My point was by holding Masonry to a different standard when it came to secrecy you were engaging in hypocrisy.

>Catholic God
I thought Catholics worshiped God. Not some special Catholic god.

>they do not strike me as particularly the best example of a catholically orthodox order.
The KoC aren't an "orthodox order". They're a men's fraternity. I don't think you understand either Masonry or the KoC, and maybe not the Catholic Church either.

All fraternities —the Masons, the KoC, the Elks, the FOP, Phi Beta Kappa— all have secret rituals, initiations, and oaths. All have members who have done bad things. All of your objections to Masonry apply to every other fraternity.

>> No.17046211

The money game only pour oils on the fire. Huterrites and Israeli Kibbutzim seems pretty peaceful compared to the average Capitalist megalopolis.
>You can change the modes of production and even the resources themselves, but you will not abolish these desires.
Primitive communism was arguably better. At least it's Kazcinsky, Pierre Clastres, and Engels thesis.
You talk about greed, but who is the most greedy if not the Capitalist class? The class antagonism society perpetually reinforce greed, paranoia (of loosing one's assets and social status). Abolishing classes would put a serious dent in this greed. There is a difference between greed, and greed on steroids, which is Capitalism. Also, any mode of production based on exploitation of labor is obviously to be abolished.

>> No.17046289

>All fraternities —the Masons, the KoC, the Elks, the FOP, Phi Beta Kappa— all have secret rituals, initiations, and oaths.
Is the vanguard pulling the masses? Or are the masses pushing the vanguard?

>> No.17046307

Or are you just making shit up?

>> No.17046315

The thesis you are defending is that "I blamed the Masons" yet you yourself admit that the Carbonari were primarily compromised of Masons.

>> No.17046395

That doesn't make the Carbonari equivalent to Masonry, which you know. You're stretching the truth to make it fit your narrative about Masonry.

I'll repeat: there's nothing in the oaths, rites, or even culture of Masonry that makes it inherently revolutionary. All Masonic oaths prohibit revolution-making. That lodges were used by revolutionaries to network, then carry out revolutionary activity elsewhere, can't be laid at the feet of Masonry. You may as well blame bars while you're at it.

>> No.17046400

It's all gnosticism at the end. The freemasons are gnostics as well (their G stands for GNOSIS)

>> No.17046414

No it stands for God.

Anti-Masons literally can't stop making shit up.

>> No.17046449
File: 697 KB, 824x1795, Alexandria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there are masons who believe in zombie space jews then they are flunkie retards. It is astrotheology which is what your stupid asses should have learned with your study materials.

>> No.17046457
File: 55 KB, 849x685, Klinom_Krasnim_by_El_Lisitskiy_(1920).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the midst of this discussion about if freemasons control society or not, I just want to add something. An organized hierarchy organizes the disorganized strate, not the contrary. Order cannot arise from where there isn't order. It's mathematical.

>> No.17046469

>All Masonic oaths prohibit revolution-making.
Yet you had a significantly masonic organization producing a text (that was distributed to all of its lodges) that was inherently revolutionary. The argument from the start has been that Masonry isn't some monolithic idea, it's been infested with other sects that clearly do not give a shit about some entry level masonic oaths.

>> No.17046476

Yeah, God, because freemasons all talk in english lol.

>> No.17046481

Honestly, i don't even see the point of masonry today.
If it was forbidden, people would just do conduct their little businesses in the Rotary club, at the dinning room of the chamber of commerce, or at rich private parties.
It's pretty useless, except for the Kompromat during sex/ sacrificing rituals.
These people think they are something else than crazy cunts alienated by exchange value.
It's easy to pretend Satan is the true master of the world, when your job is to be an usurer, a Capitalist exploiting the surplus value of thousands of people, or some cunt working for the deep state, which is only Capitalism cybernetics. Indeed what really is it's purpose except making more profit, and maintaining the exchange value based system? Did Satan create exchange value, or did exchange value created Satan?

>> No.17046488


sort of, it stands for God, geometry and the number 7. If you dont understand the number 7 there is nothing anyone can say to explain it to you, you need to study sacred geometry on your own to figure it out

The Sacred Geometry Of Consciousness

>> No.17046522

>sacred geometry
>not gnostic

pick one and one only

>> No.17046542

Anyhow I'm out. This thread has been derailed by pointless squabbles about what Masonry (and the numerous sects inside it) is formally-speaking.

>> No.17046592

>in fact the Catholic faith and Masonry are doctrinally irreconcilable from the standpoint of a Catholic.
Mozart didn't seem to think so

>> No.17046687

Holy shit based. Dude that’s like rock n’ roll, keep it on !

>> No.17046728

I do this sometimes, it's cozy, comfy, and cool-looking.

>> No.17046826

That's complete bullshit. All this are a result of Capitalism, and i won't even debate. Feminism, mass immigration, trans-genderism.It's lilterally the very basics of supply and demand, and creating new markets, and diverting attention from class struggle.
Also, if you want to talk about conspiracies, the Vatican is illuminati right from the start. But again (and again), illuminatis don't make history. History makes illuminatis. The relations of production are more important than ideologies, which are only emanations of the relations of production.

>> No.17046827

I dont even know how to respond to something to this stupid anon. You got me. Are all 7th graders who learn geometry gnostics in your opinion?

>> No.17046861
File: 169 KB, 587x536, thiscantbereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone refute this? I don't feel so good bros, it's got to be false right?

>> No.17046867


Calm down.

>> No.17046963

Right. This clown Hess taught Engels and Marx communism. It's not that communism had it's Roots in the middle age peasant revolt, then Jean-Jacques Rousseau, then Proudhon, which Marx read and was inspired of, debated with Bruno Bauer and the Young Hegelians.
No, see, if Marx was communist, it was because he was brainwashed by a rabbi.
When will the bullshit stop? Because it's very dense now. Was fun in 2010. Not anymore.

>> No.17046986

Freemasonry is literally just
>The Vatican: Protestantism edition

>> No.17046997

(...) Forgot Gracchus Babeuf. But i guess he was brainwashed by a rabbi too. Myself, i also am brainwashed by a rabbi. Or by Marx. Who brainwashed me.

>> No.17047841

>brainwashed by a rabbi
Or he was just what he was: jewish.

Forget the rabbi. Marx was doing what jews do: identifying and exploiting a conflict in a gentile population.

What's the sane response for Labor when Capital is exploiting it? Organize, strike, negotiate, resume work.

What's Marx's prescription? Exterminate an entire class of people. Implement a system as unworkable as libertarianism.

Marx knew that in great social upheaval there's lots of opportunity for jews to aquire wealth
>B-but Marxs wrote about how he wanted jews to stop being so greedy and stop being jews at all! He was b-b-based!

No. He knew what he was doing.

>> No.17047979

>It's been condemned by the Catholic Church
Ah, so they're the good guys

>> No.17048051
File: 30 KB, 335x439, L&MHiddenHand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being a Mason in the year 2020...

>> No.17048094

G = 7
7, in an ancient astrological sense, means Saturn, Yaldabaoth, the lion-faced one when in fury, the docile old man in iron chains when calm.

>> No.17048119
File: 73 KB, 1194x580, 1607019706724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this are a result of Capitalism, and i won't even debate. Feminism, mass immigration, trans-genderism. It's lilterally the very basics of supply and demand, and creating new markets, and diverting attention from class struggle.
>Also, if you want to talk about conspiracies, the Vatican is illuminati right from the start. But again (and again), illuminatis don't make history. History makes illuminatis.
1. The Bavarian Illuminates were a secret society of abolitionist philosophers, exactly against the kind of authoritarian oligarchs they've been propagandized as being.
2. The Catholic Church has been the hegemonial oligarchy of Western Europe for centuries, and they've suppressed what would become the Industrial Revolution for as long as they could, e.g. inventing Trinitarianism and deeming every rational explanation a heresy so as to covertly kill off all rational thinkers in the population so as to perpetuate their irrational doctrine by which they justify their rule

>> No.17048178

where can one get these SS guides

>> No.17048237

Probably the CIA's website.

>> No.17048250
File: 33 KB, 400x300, Mozart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17048252

>Napoleon wasnt a freemason

>> No.17048275

Can you give a few examples? Very interested in this. Even more funny is his early professorship, his friendship with richard wagner and other famous intellectuals, his father tutoring princesses, his grandma knowing goethe, etc.

>> No.17048285

>implying marx's philosophy wasnt propaganda from top to bottom
Wonder who was funding marx's lifestyle while he was out writing all those books... wait, who was his wife again? Shit, i forgot.

>> No.17048303

You didnt think they would want to conver up the riches of the leader of the revolution, and create paraphernalia to sell the narrative? You really underestimate the intelligence of these people.

>> No.17048314

Thank god I haven't. Imagine the time you will never get back reading such propaganda.

>> No.17048324

my fav masonic symbol is a pomegranate because i love pomegranates and i feel like a super secret spooky wizard whenever i eat one now :)

>> No.17048587

>His family line is full of jewish names from “polish aristocracy”
Old Nittch would've loved it if that were true.

>> No.17049001

based schizo pseud babble

>> No.17049124

material dialectics does not account for networks of conspiratorial power, capital is not parasitic it is weaponized

i am not the catholic anon but I am genuinely sorry that you fell for the meme of progress

>> No.17049483


By definition you cannot be a Mason and be in communion with the Church, they are larpers

>> No.17050055
File: 133 KB, 1069x951, that_tomboy_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Christian genocide when?

>> No.17050254

If you simply pull up Nietzche's geneaology line you can go back and see he has many jewish ancestors with names like Eli and others.

Evola's ancestors changed their name from Avila to Evola sometime around the 1600's. Avila was a Jewish last name attributed to Kabbalah practicing scholars in a town in Spain. I'm guessing they moved to Italy and changed their name to Evola.

also another crypto-jew. The entire story around Goethe is a fucking joke, a neo-renaissance man who could "do it all"

How do people think all of these people know each other? They're either recruited or all family friends. You don't get remembered in history for being smart or something.

Nietzche was initially promoted and popularized by Jews and was a large influence on Zionism called "Nietzchean Zionism" (all of the Zionist leaders like Theodor Herzl promoted him). Nietzche has always been promoted by feds and spooks who want to promote a form Sabbatean Frankism. Nietzche was also promoted by Mussolini's Jewish aristocrat "Mistress" (likely mussolini's sister).

Then of course you have all of the hilarious photos and myths of "Hitler" promoting Nietzche, despite Hitler never actually reading Nietzche. Hitler was just told by his handlers to quote him, as Hitler was ALSO jewish and his father's real name was Alois Hiller.

If you want to go digging into this kind of shit, read Miles W Mathias' essays on his website.

>> No.17050276

This thread is making me more sympathetic to Masons, and less sympathetic to lit pseuds.
Read Marsha Keith Schuchard.

>> No.17050292

>sympathetic to Masons

Masonry is/was just a covert intelligence operation that banks used to recruit spooks and launder money. It isn't real

>b-but my grandpa was a mason!
he was a useful idiot like people working at suspicious mattress stores

>> No.17050303

That's right. Don't read. It could make you smart.
>material dialectics does not account for networks of conspiratorial power, capital is not parasitic it is weaponized
Or maybe you seriously have it reversal. Conspiracy don't make Capitalism, but Capitalism makes conspiracies. Which is only logic by the way, because Capital accumulation, and material production, are way more important than stupid evening rituals.
Maybe you should stop searching for who is jew, and who isn't, and find out what really moves the world.

>> No.17050316

>Maybe you should stop searching for who is jew, and who isn't, and find out what really moves the world.
>The world
I can't find a basedjack with a large enough mouth for this

>> No.17050342

I mean even if the mafias movies, there is a redpill. Watch goodfellas, Casino. Even the godfather or the Sopranos.
Do they do all this shit for the Cosa Nostra? Because of the stupid rituals like the one of Chris Moltissanti on the boat?
Because of pride, honor, family?
People who think the answer is yes are up for a big surprise later in their life.
Retardation works until a certain point. Then reality catches up.

>> No.17050349

absolute schizopost considering all those divergents and dysgenics are leftists and leftists fight for such globohomo causes.

You think its a conspiracy? Well, why can't the left get rid of those people, then?

>> No.17050352

I'm just gonna read this and point out what I disagree with. If I don't answer something it's because I agree with it or don't know. My conclusions in a paragraph at the end.
>Scholem and Benjamin were kabbalists and occultists who became obsessed with the antinomian Sabbateanism and all of its evil. Benjamin would even go so far as to claim a "close affinity" with Jacob Frank
Scholem was adamant that the Sabbateans were morally upright and that their suspension of God's law didn't mean they actually indulged in vice, etc.
>Bloch wrote a book called Spirit of Utopia in which he linked communist revolution to Jewish Messianism.
Jewish and Christian messanism, Anon. Hence the reference to anabaptists.
>Benjamin would become a Marxist after living in the Soviet Union and meeting with Georg Lukacs, the notable Marxist philosopher who saw Western culture (Christianity in particular) as being the main obstacle to communist revolution.
No, this was not the view of Lukàcs. He considered modernity a western invention, and sought its overcoming by the western socialist proletariat ; he didn't think the old reactionary ideas of premodern times were the relevant threat… He, btw, didn't the think the relevant threat was *ideas* at all, as an orthodox Marxist.
>the very technique used by cultural Marxists to prove that words can mean anything (given that all existing languages are incomplete)
This is not what Derrida says. Also, I'm not sure you're right Derrida took "The Task of the Translator" as his main reference.
>The satanic anarchist writer and pedophile Peter Lamborn Wilson contends that Benjamin sought to "re-paganize" Judaism, which was exactly the goal of the Sabbateans and Frankists.
That's retarded. Antinominianism is a distinctly non-pagan stance. It's mostly common in messianic Abrahamic movements.

>> No.17050357

>It's also important to note that Adorno repeated his semi-Gnostic view of the world in Negative Dialectics. In fact, Scholem referred to Adorno's book as an "innocent defense of metaphysics" and even suspected Adorno of holding an affinity with the Sabbatean heresy himself.
Yes, Adorno was not really a materialist. I'm not sure about his "Gnosticism" though, even "semi". He clearly didn't believe the world was created by any God ; or by an evil force ; or that matter was evil. Do you just call anything that's modernist and wants to change nature Gnostic?
>Fromm wrote heavily about Marx's theory of "alienation" which seems to possess heavy Gnostic overtones.
Oh, well apparently you do.
>In fact, much of what Marcuse promotes in that awful book is directly akin to the things the Sabbateans and Frankists practiced and promoted.
Do you really know what the Sabbateans and Frankists practiced and promoted? Antinomian movements, be they Christian anabaptists or Sufi, relate the suspension of God's law to a kind of altruistic attitude that doesn't result in them practicing much evil. Scholem as I said thought that Sabbatean provocations were only meant to shock people out of thinking they were under the law but otherwise behaved quite morally.
>To him, those who are labeled as "oppressed" classes need to remember their pain and suffering so that their hearts will be full of hate, thus giving them the drive to go beyond good and evil, rise up and destroy capitalism and Western Civilization.
It's not as simple as Western Civilisation on one side, and its ennemies on the other. Benjamin, Adorno and Western Marxists as they were called, in general didn't think there was one single essence of Western Civilisation, that's why they periodize things and for example criticizes specifically bourgeois enlightenment. But he like Marx admired Western high culture and saw the *European* proletariat as the herald of what good it had.

>> No.17050360

>The Sabbatean-Frankist influence is the main reason why Critical Theory pushes for abortion, homosexuality, the breakdown of the family, feminism, degenerate art, and total communism.
This is the big conclusion where your post leads but it's obviously wrong. The Frankfurt school and the people you quote are minor influences on Critical Theory. Antinomianism isn't specifically Jewish and they liked all forms of antinomian messianism, including Christian ones. They just happen to be a lot of kikes. These antinomianism were not promoting abortion, homosexuality, feminism or anything like that IRL, that was a fantastic overinterpretation on the part of leftists looking back, that Scholem criticized.
These things, however (abortion, homosexuality, feminism, whatever), were part of the standard leftist package of the time. That's why you find them in critical theory. Because people like Foucault, Derrida or Deleuze were leftists. They themselves, the main sources of critical theory, weren't mainly influenced by the Frankfurt school at all, with the exception of Marcuse.
>Marcuse's concept of "repressive tolerance" also follows this model, as it promotes the censorship of those who wish to promote religious morality and traditional values but holds the speech of Leftists in the highest regard.
That's actually in sharp contradiction with antinomian messianic currents IRL. But in line with his political mainstream.
>Critical Theory is indeed a form of black magic.
>The reoccurring theme in all of this is the tikkun, or the restoration of everything to a state of oneness.
No, it's the return of each thing to its nature and proper place.
>According to the Zohar, the Jewish messiah destroys the differences between genders, nations, religions and everything else.
And what does he put in place? Not undifferentiation, I can tell you that. Jews aren't that altruistic.

My main point in conclusion is ; you're overinterpreting the importance of the Frankfurt school for modern leftism. They were misinterpreting antinomianism. Their interpretation was a secular Jewish re-reading but not in-line with actual messianisms, be it Jewish or Christian or whatever. The real influences behind the ideas of Critical Theory and what you'd call "cultural marxism" are just the leftists ones that not only this particular set of Jews, but most of the left-wing elites, held. You prefer your interpretation for aesthetic reasons, because although it runs counter to obvious material history, it deals with occultism and things of the sort.

>> No.17050362

>Masonry is/was just a covert intelligence operation that banks used to recruit spooks and launder money. It isn't real
That's obviously wrong. Read the author I mentionned for an actually well-informed history of Masonry.
My grandpa wasn't a Mason, he was a good Catholic.

>> No.17050379

You still think there is such a thing as the left. That such a left is something autonomous, an independant idea, circulating freely in the vast ocean of ideas.
You are stupid as fuck. Ideas are the results of the relationships of production.

>> No.17050557

Question for this anon or anyone else who cares to answer: how accurate is the image of Freemasonry presented in War & Peace?

>> No.17050592

It isn’t wrong. Masonry and Rosecrucianism started as intelligence operations under the guise of esotericism

>> No.17050608

It started as an esoteric movement and an intelligence network, I disagree on your chicken and egg analysis of it. The esoteric aspects of Masonry go way back, and were always taken seriously, even by Masons who were heavily involed in intelligence. You can even see how the sectarian disputes within Masonry relate to different geopolitical camps, etc. That's why treating Masonry as one single blob is misleading.
Also, this Anon didn't just say it was an intelligence and spy recruitment operation, but one led by banks to recruit agents with the aim of laundering money. I think English politics and European geopolitics take priority to the interests of banking or money laundering in the intelligence side of Masonry historically.
I'd add that nowadays, it just seems like a social club for elites, and with very few taking its initiatory aspect seriously.

>> No.17050614

i love how the reality is the opposite of what you said

>> No.17050635

the numerologists were wrong. 6 is clearly Saturn's number, there's a hexagon on its surface for crying out loud

>> No.17050652

Masonry in England started out as especially tolerant of Catholics, compared to the general ethos of the time. Traditional Masonry intends to be sympathetic to Catholicism, but yeah, you're right, the Church has rejected it as a whole because modernist elements within it opposed Catholicism. Still doesn't change the fact that that other Anon is right, the Knights of Columbus is just Masonry under the control of the Church.

>> No.17050659

lel he should've added networking for business but he's basically got it. Maybe Masons were a big occult influence behind things you hate a while back, but they are no longer.

>> No.17050735
File: 21 KB, 224x224, 5B3C4D0B-B423-42B1-A68B-EC80D43078CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s been condemned by the subversive transnational organisation known for pedophilia and dedicated to the worship of the Jewish “God”
Wow, I guess they must be evil if they’re condemned by such a noble order.

>> No.17050811

Can anyone answer this? Don't tell me you haven't read W&P

>> No.17050921

Better than the Slavemason

>> No.17051062

You remembered this whole thing? I've read it, forgotten almost everything.

>> No.17051073

Where did they mention Hollywood or Israel? Hmm.

>> No.17051451

> The Catholic Church has been the hegemonial oligarchy of Western Europe for centuries, and they've suppressed what would become the Industrial Revolution
Well historical materialism can explain this: Catholic Church was backing the Kings. The nobility. Nobility derived it's power from land ownership, land rent, and exploitation of the serfs, who were working on those very land. Of course, Vatican, backing up the nobility since centuries, didn't want the merchant to take over, merchants who derived their power, and their tool for exploitation of labor, not from land, but from Capital. Factories. The accumulated Capital faster and higher with their factories than Lords with their lands.
At the dawn of the 1789 revolution, merchants were already in fact the dominant class. They had the most Capital. The 1789 revolution was only a formalization of what was already the dominant social relationship, the dominant class, in society: the bourgeois, owner of the means of production, owner of the Capital.

>> No.17051506

>I think English politics and European geopolitics take priority to the interests of banking or money laundering in the intelligence side of Masonry historically.
They are one and the same.
>I'd add that nowadays, it just seems like a social club for elites, and with very few taking its initiatory aspect seriously.
Today the deep State, which is the cybernetic emanation of the Capital, is many order of magnitude more powerful, more dangerous, than any masonic lodge. That doesn't mean there aren't super masonic lodge, like the Ur-lodges where people like Putin, Sarkozy, Zbrezinzky etc... meet, independently of their nationality, however, the core of power is not in those lodges, but somewhere in the deep state. I've recently read that the control center of all of it is the air force space command (AFSPC). . Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it makes much more sense than being some masonic lodge. Of course those people can also meet in some secret societies, but the deep state control center is more important.

>> No.17051527

It's my favorite work of lit.

>> No.17051535

Nobility derived their power from the monopolization of military power actually. This was the precursor to any capital or land ownership.

>> No.17051686

>They are one and the same.
No, they're not. They're linked, but they're not the same. Within each country, and between countries, there were conflicts of interest between banks and the national treasure. Or do you think Swedish, English or French monarchies (the ones mostly in question there) had fully nationalized banking systems?
>Ur-lodges where people like Putin, Sarkozy, Zbrezinzky etc... meet, independently of their nationality
I don't think those exist at all Anon. There is no institution of coordination between geopolitical entities as opposed as Russia and, say, England. At least no *personal* ones, between figureheads, though there surely are secret negociations and links between intelligence services.
>I've recently read that the control center of all of it is the air force space command (AFSPC). . Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it makes much more sense than being some masonic lodge. Of course those people can also meet in some secret societies, but the deep state control center is more important.
I mean, within one given state, sure. Or within even a block of states, to a lesser degree. Although I don't think that the deep state of any industrial country is monolithic or free from the influence of outside society ; I don't see how it practically could.

>> No.17052689

Hidden hand was a common gesture for hundreds of years and Nietzsche was too autistic and introverted to be a mason

>> No.17052694

Is there any actual evidence for this?

>> No.17052707

yeah Archbishop Vigano talked about this in one of his recent messages to the world, he thinks the great reset is a freemason plot or something

>> No.17052729

>known for pedophilia
Whose news networks and entertainment media amplified those stories to comical proportions?
Astonishing how 21st-century "woke" nü-pagans circle back around to the narrative most beneficial to Jewry.

>> No.17052907

my point is there are 'prime movers' behind your material dialectics. example there is no good reason for corporations to operate on short-term gains seen in western 'parasitic' capitalism rather than the generation ethos of the jap model

>> No.17052958


>> No.17053035

based french poster. you're in paris?

>> No.17053040


>> No.17054250


>> No.17054765
File: 255 KB, 1200x1200, yaldabaoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7, in an ancient astrological sense, means Saturn
Sauce on this?
Is Yaldabaoth YHWH?

>> No.17054802

This. Masonry is a recruitment pool for shabbos goys.

>> No.17054836

Masonry at the highest levels is exactly what the schizos say it is

>> No.17054914

Yaldabaoth was the Gnostic cope for the the OT God being tribalistic and capricious, and the NT Christ being the incarnation of a really nice God.

All of Gnosticism is a cope for this conflict. And a way for gnostics to feel special about having secret knowledge.

>> No.17055135

No he is wrong, he is an idiot
Occult Significance Of The Number 6

>> No.17055782

>cope cope cope cope
How is it one considering you admit the framework fits the Bible yourself?

>> No.17055866

Just watched half of it, you believe that because you want to believe it Anon. There isn't a single proof in there. It's kids filming an amateur movie with *nothing* to do with free-masonry or anything of the kind, and two people talking other it, making vague and incredible allegations. There was a whole wave of allegations like that in the 80s and 90s, and many were so fantastical you'd have to be stupid to believe them. So since some were obvious lies, why can't *most* be? After two decades there hadn't been any serious shred of evidence in favour of this narrative, just conjectures. I think it's very unconvincing, and you just believe it because it's dark, scary and secret and thus feels real.

>> No.17055949
File: 474 KB, 1000x1464, LaDivinaComemedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based 100 IQ retard linking to some fluff website marketed to house wives.
Go back to Facebook, you dumb crystal-rubber.

>> No.17056302

that's my website and I will make you look illiterate on any topic known to man psued hack. Dont get mouthy because you are butthurt that I showed you for a fool

>> No.17056319

Your website fucking sucks lmao
I really cant believe you lack the basic understandings of the Hermetic order of the spheres, and yet you run a blog on esoterics.

>> No.17056342

Yeah yeah everything the church and the pope says is the truth, even though Vatican II is the work of satan and the pope is the anti-christ

>> No.17056354

Like I said I will make you look illiterate on any topic known to man. I know you are relegated to saying stupid shit and running lip on anime forum but I was teaching people esoterics when you were beating iff too blues clues you clueless fucktard. There are obviously numerous ways to view the planets but you are so fuckling stupid you cant even take into account helio or geocentric enumerations and I imagine your stupid ass doesnt even know there are two astrological reels.
>relative viewpoints exists
look at the big brain on this massively retarded motherfucker. I am not your personal tutor so though I would love to clown you more in front of everyone for the keks but I have better things to do than argue with imbeciles

>> No.17056422
File: 125 KB, 228x219, doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 6th day if the week is named after the 7th planet because the ancient magi that devoped all of this were the low IQ retards not you
seems legit desu

>> No.17056585

Wow, all those angry words that mean really nothing. You're just making shit up at this point.

>> No.17056598

Sunday is the first day of the week, retard.

>> No.17056617

Based schizo whose last grasp at feeling any semblance of importance is being an occult charlatan whose entire understanding is based off /x/ memes and YouTube videos.
Glad I'm not you, bud.