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17054685 No.17054685 [Reply] [Original]

Is his manifesto a decent read?

>> No.17054728
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I know its bluepilled but I will never give lipservice to some asshole who killed bunch of innocents because he wanted attention.

>> No.17054733


>> No.17054747

everyone he killed deserved to die

>> No.17054750

No, even if you agree with him he isn't a very good writer.

>> No.17054757

Most of his bombs missed the target and killed/injured random bystanders.

>> No.17054763

he literally tried blowing up a passenger jet.

>> No.17054799
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Dumb retard. if you must break the law do it to seize power, in all other cases observe it.

He may be intelligent but he is still a hyclic and it doesn't occur to him that some people go through the power process in completely different ways i.e enjoy problem solving and rising through the power structure. one man's chaos is another man's order. if he was a genius he wouldn't be rotting in a jail cell.

He's probably autistic and socially inept.

>> No.17054803

He almost turned into a tranny

>> No.17054809

Uncle Ted? Explain

>> No.17054815

>For a period of several weeks in 1966, Kaczynski experienced intense sexual fantasies of being a female and decided to undergo gender transition. He arranged to meet with a psychiatrist, but changed his mind in the waiting room and did not disclose his reason for making the appointment. Afterwards, enraged, he considered killing the psychiatrist and other people whom he hated. Kaczynski described this episode as a "major turning point" in his life
>I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do. And I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope.

>> No.17054819

No anon, bluepilled is parroting what the others say here. You make your own mind up. You owe no allegiance to the hiv

>> No.17054828

Thats pathetic.

>> No.17054845

generally yea its p good
his ideas about the human spirit, interest and passion are COMPLETELY retarded though

>> No.17054846

Would you classify Ted as a Cynic philosopher like Diogenes?

>> No.17054881

My religion more or less forbids murder so even if you view it as pathetic, I have the moral right to see it as wrong.

>> No.17054911

My morality is better than your morality.

>> No.17054916

He's a good writer. The wording is very precise and economical, and several of the lines have become iconic.

>> No.17054922

Its decent, but his works afterwards are better

>> No.17054924

Not really, no. He is inconsistent, shallow, and generally terrible at actually arguing his propositions. There is a part of the manifesto where he is trying to argue that scientists couldn't possibly be working out of motives of curiosity or some sentiment of bettering humanity. The argument that he think disproves the former is that an entomologist isn't curious and some hyper-specific chemical, and that a chemist isn't curious about some hyper-specific beetle. Yes, that is his argument. He doesn't seem understand that you can be curious about specific subjects, or that scientists aren't a monolith. His argument against a sentiment for helping humanity is that Edward Teller advocated for nuclear energy but also helped make the H-Bomb, so he couldn't have really wanted to better humanity. But what this is meant to show about the universal motives of scientists or even about teller specifically is unknown. And this is just a single section off the top of my head, almost the entire manifesto has similarly atrocious reasoning. Perhaps you can't expect much from a manifesto, but I certainly expected more. There's a reason why he had to kill people to get anyone to read it, and it ain't because it is particularly controversial.

>> No.17054940

Mix of cynicism and libertarianism.

>> No.17054971

just read the technological society

>> No.17054992

>His argument against a sentiment for helping humanity is that Edward Teller advocated for nuclear energy but also helped make the H-Bomb, so he couldn't have really wanted to better humanity. But what this is meant to show about the universal motives of scientists or even about teller specifically is unknown
No, you're just a brainlet. That entire paragraph argues that scientists approach their work the same way, regardless of whether it benefits humanity or not. Had Teller been an entomologist, he would have been spending the same energy on studying bugs.

>> No.17055001

Why the fuck would I want to better humanity? I want to better myself and my kin.

>> No.17055028

>not understanding how scientists making the world worse doesn’t help improve yourself and your kin
Are you a troll or just retarded

>> No.17055040

Yes it does!
I want it to be worse. Great things arise from times of dreadful suffering. It's fun to make order from the chaos.

>> No.17055051

My mom watched the Netflix documentary and wants to read his manifesto

>> No.17055055

>Actual retard confirmed
at least your honest, anon

>> No.17055192

>waaaah i want the chemicals in my brain to make me happy juice, suffering makes my feefees hurt :(

>> No.17055195

is she hot?

>> No.17055218

seriously, how hot is she?

>> No.17055229

yes, it's worth your time. It's pretty short also.

>> No.17055384

That's bluepilled as fuck.

>> No.17055591

You can read it to criticize him if you feel like. He doesn't see a dime.

I personally just am interested in smart people who have opposing views to my own.

>> No.17055595

No, his project was political not personal, at least after his wilderness was upturned by development.

>> No.17055613

It's a very fun read if nothing else and it's pretty short
Definitely worth the part of the afternoon you'd spend on it
Hell, if you started reading when you made the thread, you'd probably have read it by now

>> No.17055619
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>> No.17055667

Your idol was a tranny you retarded mongrel

>> No.17055689

That isn't what he says nor is that argument any better than the last.

>> No.17055720
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>get involved in and subjected under an MKUltra program in your student years
>they fuck up so badly with your psyche that you experience a brief episode of gender dysphoria
>this makes you a tranny

If anything, this only proves that the whole tranny trend is one big psy op promulgated with the help of the (((media))) and public health (((institutions)))

>> No.17055739

It means you're a mentally ill faggot, which is what ted was. Again, probably autism or some other form of social retardation.

Actually mental illness doesnt exist, just an idiot. Imagine bombing randoms and ending up in prison over it LMAO

>> No.17055754 [SPOILER] 
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>Actually mental illness doesnt exist, just an idiot. Imagine bombing randoms and ending up in prison over it LMAO

Imagine butchering your genitalia and making a hideous abominable hybrid organ out of it

>> No.17055758

If you are at all curious about it you should read it.

>> No.17055770

They're still not mentally ill, just retards removing themselves from the genetic pool.

>> No.17055787
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Okay tranny
Pic related is you

>> No.17055829

No I just don't believe in mental illness, it's all social construct. These people are just failures in an already sick society.

>> No.17055927

it depends in what you are looking for , if you are looking for political book then is not worthy (at least in my opinion ) , BUT if you are looking for a critique of modern society (that is basically it the whole point ) i would not recommend any other .

>> No.17055932

>No I just don't believe in mental illness, it's all social construct.
Oh I get it. When Dr. Goldberg diagnosed you with schizophrenia you knew that he was just lying to you right?
He was just trying to fool you into taking those poisonous meds.
Who told this too you? The voices? We can make those mean voices go away if you just take those meds.

>> No.17056412


>> No.17056421

I don't believe that for a second

>> No.17056436

It's alright. I'd say it's at least worth skimming. But it doesn't deserve all the fellatio it receives on this board as if its author was a prophet and it were scripture.

>> No.17056459

define power, retard

>> No.17056552

Autogynephilia is really not that rare

>> No.17056567

most based person on this board

>> No.17056584

If you actually want to read it, you have to keep in mind that the man who wrote it is an autistic serial killer. I’d say it’s about 50% just observations about pollution and what the industrial revolution has done to the planet, 20% legitimately good points (in particular his critique of leftism is spot on), and the other 30% is schizo ramblings. Basically read at your own risk and for the love of god don’t start to idolize him, because that’ll make you look like a Reddit tranny

>> No.17056670

I don't know what point you're making here you're just saying the people in positions of power like the current power structure lol no shit sherlock

>> No.17056699

Idea is struggle and he did the minimum violance need for a political movement

>> No.17056731


>> No.17056778

shut up, nerd

>> No.17057302


>> No.17057540

Get cancer

>> No.17057554

Dont compare this prick to the grandmaster are you out of your mind. Im glad diogenes is dead so he cant read this heresy.

>> No.17057566

>says technology bad
>makes bombs, which are technology

>> No.17057579

Hey weirdos

Since your ready everything
Read the following>>17054924

The answer is
Only of your trying tk be edgy
Why read something that is mediocre at beat when it comes to international comparison and obviously plastered with lack of logic and good arguing in general written by a crazy murderer?
Only edgelords read it and say its good see this two twats scratching his balls>>17054916

>> No.17057934

It reads like a boomer Facebook page
>22. If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.

>> No.17058396

embarrassing post

>> No.17058416

If you know nothing about philosophy then go for it

>> No.17059267

Cope seethe and dilate

>> No.17059318

yeah, and??

>> No.17059324

It's short and interesting. It doesn't give you an account of why the problem arises so much as a surface level "it seems like this to me" account. Read it like you would any other academic article, as one author's interpretation of their available sources, and it's a good read.

>> No.17059346

>t. Has never read an academic article

>> No.17059635

He didn't want attention. He is an autistic man who moved to the forest to escape the modern world. But they just could't leave him alone!

>> No.17059642

So obviously nonsense

>> No.17060055

Explain SJWs and PC culture then. We’ve seen an exponential increase in the amount of normies-turned-radical-SJWs in the last 10 years. You telling me that, ever since media has made an obsession with identity and separation it into infinite parts (pronouns, sexual orientation, gender/sex ‘difference’, gatekeeping your identity’s culture, the dismissal of white identity), that they aren’t INVENTING problems? It takes the first silly claim to build upon the next one, now we have opened Pandora’s Box and no normie has a firm ideological basis for anything they believe, it’s purely reactionary. It’s for this reason alone that the state is able to propagate so many useful idiots to do their bidding in 2020.

>> No.17060107
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I think thats great rationale and how people blow smoke up their asses. Just because you are a working scientist or successful does not make you a good person like most of humanity are brainwashed into believing, all it means is you are an effective cog in a heartless machine. When a person says hes helping humanity by developing nuclear power tech but also worked on nuclear bombs thats very telling that the person basically doesnt really give a shit about their work and has no moral grounding.
As a species humanity needs to be moral in totality to evolve but the problem is that our elites control our scientists with a fake money system largely chrunning out shit the general public will never see for decades until it is completely subverted
Worst of all the majority of what is developed is either weapons technology or watered down variants/planned obsolescence to keep the fraudulent market going.

If you knew anything of Tesla's suppressed inventions both in energy and in weapons development you would shit your pants in realizing what the government has and most people are completely unaware of.

I would argue that as a species if humanity cannot come to an agreement on morality as a universal structure/priority then scientific development is utterly meaningless when you have the power of said tech in the hands of a psychopathic elite who do not want humanity to advance but to live as their slaves.

I mean quite frankly at this point due to the things I know and experienced I would crack the planet, like completely obliterate earth and humanity because i have very little hope for a good future for the spcies as a whole.


>> No.17060133

It's good but Anti-Tech revolution is better. His plans for revolution are extremely retarded but his understanding of the nature of the systems that determine modernity is quite interesting.

>> No.17060136

I found it pretty disappointing, honestly. He should've stuck to mathematics.

>> No.17060159

>When someone interprets as derogatory almost any- thing that is said about him (or about groups with whom he identifies) we conclude that he has inferiority feelings or low self-esteem. This tendency is pronounced among minority rights activists, whether or not they belong to the minority groups whose rights they defend. They are hy- persensitive about the words used to designate minorities and about anything that is said concerning minorities. The terms “negro”, “oriental”, “handicapped” or “chick” for an African, an Asian, a disabled person or a woman origi- nally had no derogatory connotation. “Broad” and “chick” were merely the feminine equivalents of “guy”, “dude” or “fellow”. The negative connotations have been attached to these terms by the activists themselves. Some animal rights activists have gone so far as to reject the word “pet” and insist on its replacement by “animal compa- nion”. Leftish anthropologists go to great lengths to avoid saying anything about primitive peoples that could concei- vably be interpreted as negative. They want to replace the word “primitive” by “nonliterate”. They seem almost para- noid about anything that might suggest that any primitive culture is inferior to our own. (We do not mean to imply that primitive cultures ARE inferior to ours. We merely point out the hyper sensitivity of leftish anthropologists.)
Those who are most sensitive about “politically in- correct” terminology are not the average black ghetto- dweller, Asian immigrant, abused woman or disabled per- son, but a minority of activists, many of whom do not even belong to any “oppressed” group but come from privileged strata of society. Political correctness has its stronghold among university professors, who have secure employment with comfortable salaries, and the majority of whom are heterosexual white males from middle- to upper-middle-class families.

>Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homo- sexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is preciselt because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.)


>> No.17060168

>Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men.

>Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

Absolutely based

>> No.17060961

>but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems.
that is a very salient point

>> No.17061528

I enjoyed it at first but then he was kind of stuck in the same loop of very similar critiques of modernity so it got boring. He was spot on on many things nonetheless, but there were quite some things that could have been more eloquently put, like the slave morality of leftists. Another issue is finding flaws is pretty simple. It isn't simple to do it in such a detailed way as he did, but he still didn't propose a viable course of action. He seems to be naive about what is required to destroy the system that he dislikes.

>> No.17061585

he's right about everything and embodies the midwit iq chart meme perfectly. losers in academia will never admit to him being right on the simple basis that intellectualism is the highest degree of alienation in the division of labour, therefore your use value is only determined by whom/which institutions you identify with to guarantee your worth in the social hierarchy. it's all economy of appearances, and radicality entails the ultimate sacrifice, which is social suicide.

>> No.17061622

he wrote it in such a manner that it's impossible to contradict him. all the flaws of the manifesto have been revised in his ulterior works by the way. nobody has ever debunked his works, in fact the people he attacks openly (like kurweil; the mit etc..) had to admit he was right. imagine if some terrorist ,whom you're a potential victim of, published a manifesto that is so right, your only choice is to vindicate it. kek.

>> No.17062258

Yep. I would have liked to see him expand more on stuff like his chaos theory argument that society cannot be deliberately planned, which he's more likely to be able to do competently, than the revolution larp that's inspired by reading Lenin while in prison.

>> No.17062301

What an asshole. But that doesn't make him wrong.

>> No.17062309

Heck yeah, I've read all of it and it's a quick read. Kind of hard to understand how we can truly revert back to pre-industrial revolution times but that is the premise essentially

>> No.17062321

That's where I first read it of all places, I was on Kurzweil's site because I had just read his book How to Create a Mind(very interesting book by the way) and he for some reason had the Manifesto hosted on there.

>> No.17062414

Drop the Marxist lingo you picked up on Wikipedia and learn how to type coherent posts

>> No.17062570

How so

>> No.17062601

He might have expanded it more in Technological Slavery, which is far more expansive than the manifesto and Anti-Tech Revolution.

>> No.17063345

>he wrote it in such a manner that it's impossible to contradict him
Are you kidding?

>> No.17063435

>what are first world problems

>> No.17063466

he explained his reasoning in the book, if he didnt kill he would just be another hot take of the week and discarded tomorrow (or something like that its been a long time since i read it)

>> No.17063483

>socially inept
he is very social in prison and responds to a lot of letters

>> No.17063505
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>get involved in and subjected under an MKUltra program in your student years
he refuted this

>> No.17063519
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>> No.17063546

anyone got the anti-tech revolution (second edition) pdf?

>> No.17063561

That makes his manifesto wrong how exactly?