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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 191 KB, 800x1083, 43792-shining-force-ii-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17074055 No.17074055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

one of the best games ever made. definitely top 3 rpg games of all time

>> No.17074058

whoops, sorry. wrong board

>> No.17074095

You're not wrong, for SRPGs though.

>> No.17074140

Wrong board, right opinion

>> No.17074401

>shining force 2
lol sounds like a joke title
Stop wasting time on video games, I hope you're 20 or younger

>> No.17074404

You're going to have to read Infinite Jest before we let you leave

>> No.17074419

it has a great story. it's not a waste of time. would you say reading a book is a waste of time?

>> No.17074426
File: 29 KB, 220x330, 368236727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this, gamer

>> No.17074429

ok, reader

>> No.17074430

What is the story? Summarize it because nobody here is actually going to play a 30 year old rpg

>> No.17074433

you're shit out of luck, it's very complex and lengthy. i'm not going to summarize it. do you regularly summarize entire books to people who don't read old books?

>> No.17074437

Only played Shining Force and I have huge nostalgia for it I never played the sequels

>> No.17074439


>> No.17074441

Book doesnt reward me with shiny effects and sounds for completing a chapter, you dopamine addict

>> No.17074442

then you're doing them a disservice, both the person to whom you summarize a work, and the writer who wrote it

>> No.17074445

>do you regularly summarize entire books to people who don't read old books?
That's all we do here

>> No.17074448

A lot of authors also made a living writing book reviews and essays that did exactly that

>> No.17074449

that's japanese english for you.

>> No.17074450

i post here and read a book a month. i also play games sometimes. it needn't be one or the other. if you don't get a dopamine release from reading, you're really dead inside

>> No.17074454

>In a shrine south of Granseal Castle, a thief named Slade unwittingly breaks the power of a magic seal by stealing the jewels of Light and Darkness; this unseals the demon king Zeon trapped therein. The following day, King Granseal falls sick when he is attacked by an unknown creature. Sir Astral, the court's adviser, along with his apprentices, Bowie the squire, Sarah the healer and Chester the knight, investigate these events at the castle. They find that the door to the Tower of Ancients has been unlocked and stands open.

>Greeting their arrival in the tower are devils named "Gizmos" springing forth to attack, though their ultimate intentions are unknown. Upon their defeat, the Gizmo that appears to be the leader flees. It is discovered thereafter to have possessed King Granseal. Sir Astral and the nascent Shining Force visit the king, finding him possessed. Sir Astral exorcises the demon, which promptly flees. The Minister, in place of King Granseal who is looking over a fainted Astral, then orders the slaying of the Gizmo by a platoon of Granseal's soldiers. The Gizmo subsequently possesses the king of the neighboring kingdom of Galam. Bowie and his friends are captured by the Galam military: while in their dungeon, they meet the thief, Slade. When the party breaks out, Slade helps Bowie retrieve the Jewel of Light and accompanies his party back to Granseal, which has been invaded by Galam forces. They find the possessed King Galam inside the Ancient Tower, who has taken Princess Elis as a hostage. In the ensuing battle, Bowie wrests the Jewel of Darkness from him, but he is unable to rescue Elis, and the ground around the Ancient Tower collapses.

>The people of Granseal are forced to resettle on the continent of Parmecia.[6] It is here that the true nature of the threat is revealed, so Bowie and friends must now travel across Parmecia to gather allies, solve the riddle of the Jewels, obtain the Force Sword, and seal away Zeon once more.

>> No.17074457


Pretty wide variety of 80s pop culture references right there, sounds fun

>> No.17074459

that's an awful summary that offers nothing of value in relation to the actual story. if you someone wrote a few paragraphs about the lord of the rings and you accepted it as a summary, you'd really be missing out

>> No.17074464

Fuck off /v/. Cyberpunk sucks monkey dicks

>> No.17074466

i get paid to make games and then i go home and read books for fun
never the two shall meet

>> No.17074514

I get paid to read, write and translate books. So I never do it for fun.

>> No.17074519

what do you do for fun

>> No.17074539

is typing on this board 'fun' or 'work'

>> No.17074541

It's the worst parts of both

>> No.17074550

hmm, seems like it would therefore be a bit silly to criticize someone for playing a purely fun game

>> No.17074557

It was work for me. Then I got fired and now it's fun

>> No.17074592

design board games.

>> No.17074817

Why do tranny jannies leave threads like this up while deleting decent threads about actual books?

>> No.17074820

why do you post this over and over

>> No.17074822

Because tranny jannies keep deleting good threads for being "not lit" while actually discussing literature, yet leave these threads up.

>> No.17074826

ok, hall monitor

>> No.17074844

Look I'm fine with them cleaning up the board and removing shitty threads, but they keep leaving shitty threads up while deleting threads about (perceived) "right wing" literature. It's obvious what's happening.

>> No.17074847

who cares, get a life

>> No.17074852

I care, I want to discuss particular books but tranny jannies keep deleting good thread while leaving shitty threads up. Are you the tranny janny?

>> No.17074856

yes, i'm the tranny janny. enjoy your banny. you can never talk about the books you like. i live to fuck you over

>> No.17074861

Choke on a dick, what a sad life that must be.