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File: 118 KB, 767x1024, Nietzsche18823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17129386 No.17129386 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Nietzschean though after Nietzche? Did others continue his line of thinking?

I know in the current era BAP seems to have started an online revival of his thought, but surely he's not the only one

>> No.17129390
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 1588368791384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah op is a faggot

>> No.17129408

Conservative revolution, postmodernism, Frankfurt school

>> No.17129416

Post physique

>> No.17129418

>continue his line of thinking

STOP thinking in this way

>> No.17129423

Foucault and Deleuze are the most legit continuation of Nietzsche

>> No.17129474

Nietzsche has no continuation, anybody attempting to carry his torch has dropped it in a puddle. Except me, and I will produce no works.

>> No.17129532


>What happened to Nietzschean though after Nietzche? Did others continue his line of thinking?
Yes the trannies, the anti slutshame, the BLM, the anti fatshame people are creating their own values which go against the herd mentality of the colonialist enlightenment.

All the identity politics is literally the birth of millions of uberhumans.

People create their own values and it's beautiful. They go against nihilism, the science mentality, all the crap that is the meta narrative made up by cis white geezer males .

>> No.17129546

has there ever been a worse misreading of Fred? If you aren't baiting, read Deleuze's book to see why this is a retarded interpretation.

>> No.17129649

Its not a misread. Those people are pushing values that are born in consideration to their own physical reality instead of metaphysical ideals. Conservative views in the past punished homosexuals for something corporal, their sexual orientation, thus it was a life denying practice. Now their wellbeing is the priority, which means putting the corporal physical reality vitality over the values of the body life deying juedeochristian homophobic morality.
I have read Delueze's book and I dont see how it would go against this

>> No.17129671

This is completely and unironically true, it's ironic that Peterson shits on people like Foucault or Derrida when the ultimate postmodern and the source of everything he hates comes from Nietzsche, who Peterson himself shills.

>> No.17129717

the thing is that N probably wouldnt have liked all those people mentioned above (which is irrelevant anyways imo, since he disliked pretty much everyone except for some particular people, and usually found something or value even in the people he disliked except for nationalists and jew haters), thats why P*terson shills him since he only is aware of the most superficial aspect on N

>> No.17129720
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>banking on BAP
>the guy who for all of his Nietzschean vitalist edge has been crying like a fucking bitch on twitter for a month straight because Trump lost, doing folk activism, and knee-deep in slave morality

Yes, he's the guy who will save you. Totes.

>> No.17129733

His thought will only be continued by the Overmen, who won't be academics or politicians. The 20th century was full of herd-men who read his work and tried various experiments, but none of them were Overmen.

>> No.17129748

The overman would have a totally new worldview and values and that makes it difficult to say that his thought would be a continuation of anything in the past

>> No.17129755
File: 262 KB, 1200x1684, 1200px-Jordan_Peterson_June_2018 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Peterson (PBUH) did. He is unironically the first Ubermensch. Literally created his own moral values based on a mix of Christianity, Jung and Nietzsche himself and went against the current herd (postmodern neomarxists, trannies, globohomo, commies, etc.), and was actually successful, gaining hundreds of zoomer followers and selling millions of his books. He's a well known intellectual, yet he is completely against modern culture and politics. Peterson is the Ubermensch, and the true successor to Nietzsche.

>> No.17129769

True, it wouldn't be accurate to say that it's a continuation, although it's going to be the Overmen who unconsciously do it anyway.

>> No.17129962
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cant argue with that

>> No.17129984

>read tranny philosophy
>see how it's not tranny

>> No.17129991

why are you posting this faggot? BAP is shit but so is moldbug.

>> No.17130043

t. filtered brainlet

>> No.17130166

You've never read Nietzsche, the SJW movement is an extension of Christian slave morality.

>> No.17130196

>bunch of noname feminists and queer theorists
>all slave moralists
What does this tell you?

>> No.17130207

based brainlet

>> No.17130214

I said this in another thread and I'll say it again, the whole tranny / SJW crowd isn't pushing anything even remotely like Nietzschean perspectivism, because they underpin their assertions with metaphysical claims and appeals to authority. It's slave morality as >>17130166 said.

>> No.17130265

>metaphysical claims
>appeals to authority
As if Neetch wasn't appealing to authority

>> No.17130287

Not wrong. The whole "gender fluidity" thing boils down to that, a mere linguistic trick, for example. They are taking their points from Derrida and Lacan, not from Nietzsche.

>As if Neetch wasn't appealing to authority
What authority do you think he was appealing to?

>> No.17130291

>live in mom's basement
>spent all his time seething
>spamming messageboards
>jannie-tier efforts
>only time he had sex was with gay whores
>no self-control
Sounds a lot like the trannies to me

>> No.17130317

Don't trannies autistically screech at empty strawmen, like you're doing right now?

>> No.17130332


>> No.17130372


>> No.17130420

Beyond good and evil is subtitled "a prelude a philosophy of the future" and he spends some time in it describing what they will look like. He absolutely wanted people to continue his line of thinking.

>hurr durr Zarathustra tells his diciples to leave him
That happens at the end of part 1 and is merely a intermediate step in their iniation into his teachings. In section 12 of part three he gives a 20 page monologue to his disciples on what they are to do.

>> No.17130511

The tranny strawman is just an expression of their own subconscious understanding that they can never be the other sex. This dude is just making fun of you for NEETing away your life

>> No.17130540

Is it not? The whole movement is about pity for the sick and poor and hatred for the rich. Except today race also determines goodness. Black people, disabled people, people with gender dysmorphia, "sex workers", and homeless people are all good, while white men are evil. The values have shifted but the morality is the same as Nietzsche described it.

>> No.17130556

>it's only projection when they do it
Big ol' cope

>> No.17130629

N's point is that human beings could not scape from being in slave morality and that you cant avoid making metaphysical assertions because of how language works. There is also nothing wrong in appealing to authority because it is necessary to any order. For N morality is that in which the phenoma of life exists.
You are completely missing the point by pointing out that they operate in a morality that has the slave morality structure while the first step is getting rid of the life deying aspect that judeochristian morality has.

>> No.17130730

>N's point is that human beings could not scape from being in slave morality and that you cant avoid making metaphysical assertions because of how language works.
That's not his point, otherwise he wouldn't have devised the concepts of the Ubermensch, who transcends the master-slave moral dichotomy and herd mentality, or will to power, which rejects the Socratic-Judeo-Christian metaphysic. The SJW stance is not necessarily slave morality, but it is definitely herd mentality, due to operating on a Socratic-Judeo-Christian metaphysic in order to make its arguments.

>> No.17130754

the ubermensch is not an human being you stupid fuck, stop talking about things you know nothing about

>> No.17130772

I think you're taking it too literally. The Ubermensch is still a biological human, but he is operating on a level of will that is "inhuman" as far as the rest of the species is concerned.

>> No.17130885

If you have read Nietzsche and Philosophy and actually believe it is in agreement with your interpretation of modern Idpol you are evidently an idiot.
Deleuze interprets will to power as a Differential and genetic element (not contingent on negation; but pure Difference) and thus Identity comes to take a negative role as a burden of consciousness, it is nihilistic and reactive to its core (read the section entitled "The Distinction of Forces" and his sections on Will-to-Power). This is besides the fact that the positing of a certain lateral identity (LGBT, racial identity, class identity) is always a ressentiment or reaction to an oppressive regime (the slave revolt against the slave-master). Civil rights are a reactive valuation, driven by ressentiment and contingent on the positing of an identity in contra-distinction to the Other as opposed to an active affirmation of Difference/will-to-power. Not to mention the contradictions between BLM and Deleuze's Eternal Return or the blatant moralism of civil rights. You can unironically replace the word Christianity with any moralistic movement and the same critique applies. Also,
>identity politics is literally the birth of millions of ubermensch
if you aren't trolling (I suspect you are) I actually cannot fathom how you could possibly come to this conclusion with N and Philosophy.
Regarding the punishment of homosexuals, yes this is a form of "Law" and ressentiment, but so are the valuations posited by LGBT activists, within social dynamics difference has to be upheld by means of violence (institutional power structures), it matters very little whether the power-group has a certain identity or not.

>> No.17131218

oh the irony

>> No.17131297

Yeah nah. Those people are just wallowing in the lack of direction and purposelessness that nihilism brings. They don't create values, they destroy them.

>> No.17131488

>They don't create values, they destroy them.
Even that is giving them too much credit. They're just another mindless herd.

>> No.17131549

anyone else think all this guy writes is emotionally charged trite, like a woman?

>> No.17132245
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, Peterson (PBUH) did. He is unironically the first Ubermensch.


>> No.17132296

you have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that sjws, blm supporters and other liberal leech have "ubermensch" mentality or ideals, they´re the lowest of low, parasitic deformed version of christianity (which itself was another line of thought based on ressentment)

>> No.17132333

Unironically,Rene Girard completed the task that drove syphillic virgin to insanity

>> No.17132354

>Literally created his own moral values based on a mix of Christianity
Is there any more blatant proof that this faggot never actually read Nietzsche?

>> No.17132369

What did he do?

>> No.17132409

literally this

Nietzche articulated the post-moral spirit of neo-liberal globalism. Nietzche-fags cannot cope with this obvious fact


Wrong, the neo-liberal globohomo footsoldiers are backed by international bankers and they are asserting their superiority over others.

Nietzche fags have such tiny little brains and tiny little penises they can't understand this

>> No.17132462

>the neo-liberal globohomo footsoldiers are backed by international bankers
And they have nothing to do with Nietzsche.

>> No.17132480

They are asserting their a-moral will via power over the population

>> No.17132482

an ubermensch wouldn't care about being an orthodox Nietzschean--he's too busy creating his own values

>> No.17132504

Nietzsche never said that asserting your will via power is in agreement with his thought, you halfwit. You're unjustly bundling him with le might is right incels like Ragnar Redbeard. Nietzsche literally thought that Christianity was nihilistic and slave morality par excellence and he didn't deny that it seized Europe via exercise of power.

>> No.17132511

Yes, and? "A living being seeks, above all, to discharge its strength." Everything is part of the will to power. This doesn't mean that Nietzsche is responsible for liberals (which is ludicrous, since he constantly berated them), or that liberals understand him (which they clearly don't).

>> No.17132517

stop reading these faggot /pol/ memes and read real philosophy

>> No.17132537
File: 839 KB, 2749x1557, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SJWs are Übermenschen!
Nah, they're just powder kegs.

>> No.17132543

>nietzche isn't respnsible for liberals
no shit, philosophers aren't responsible for anything. They're just armchair incels who make one correct observation every 200 pages. Neo-liberal globalism is in line with Nietzche's vision for the world

Neo-liberal globalism is Nietzche's ubermensch and is completely post-Christian. NietzcheLARPs keep coping

>> No.17132549

>As Eagleton makes clear, Nietzsche is the first real atheist, but it’s worth noting that while Nietzsche hates Christianity, he has a particular fondness for Jesus. Nietzsche’s Jesus is not the Son of God or the Word made flesh. Nietzsche’s Jesus is a dim-witted man who spoke in metaphors that no one ever understood.

>> No.17132551

Powder kegs setup by the Ubermensch

Jewish international bankers

>> No.17132563

>Nietzsche’s Jesus is a dim-witted man who spoke in metaphors that no one ever understood.
Jesus' metaphors are written so that a child could understand them

>> No.17132580

>no shit, philosophers aren't responsible for anything.
Are you retarded? Genuine question.

>Neo-liberal globalism is in line with Nietzche's vision for the world
And your supporting argument for this is a crude misreading of his will to power idea? Or do you have something actually substantial to offer here?

>> No.17132592

t. apostle

>> No.17132613


I believe this passage talks more about Nietzsche than Jesus

>> No.17132644

>Are you retarded?
You're retarded if you actually believe Philosophers have ever changed the course of history. They only articulate what IS once every 200 pages.

Philosophers have always been a tool of the ruling elite to articulate their own vision to the intelligencia, or to keep them distracted with pointless epistemological wanking. How do you think all of these people get published in the first place? Because they're just more profound than others? No, they are connected to the ruling families in the first place or are picked up as useful idiots.

Look into Nietzche's background/family line for example

>something actually substantial to offer here?
Neo-liberalism transcended Nietzche's mentally ill conception of "slave morality" by appealing to power over morality

>> No.17132650

>Nietzsche’s Jesus is a dim-witted man who spoke in metaphors that no one ever understood.
It was Dostoevsky who called him a fool, and what Nietzsche admired in Jesus was his perceived "immorality" and independent nature.

>Terence Francis Eagleton FBA (born 1943) is a British literary theorist, critic, and public intellectual. [...] His thinking is influenced by Marxism and by Christian faith.

>> No.17132660

based /pol/ schizo

>> No.17132665

>/pol/ schizo
/pol/ is literally 200 bots talking to each other there's not one single real person left on there

>> No.17132687

>Neo-liberalism transcended Nietzche's mentally ill conception of "slave morality" by appealing to power over morality

Neoliberalism's morality is, in part, its usage of power. Looking at Nietzsche's characterizations, Neoliberalism has traits of both Slave and Master morality. I don't see them as it being a unique political foundation that is exempt from such morality.

>> No.17132719


>> No.17132728

>You're retarded if you actually believe Philosophers have ever changed the course of history.
You've clearly never studied history, so what would you know about this?

>Neo-liberalism transcended Nietzche's mentally ill conception of "slave morality" by appealing to power over morality
And you've clearly never read Nietzsche either. Neoliberalism has almost nothing to do with him. The Overman is an individual whose will transcends both master and slave morality, two aspects of herd mentality, and who rejects the Socratic-Judeo-Christian metaphysic that has reigned over Western civilization for 2000 years. Neoliberalism is just another offshoot of this metaphysic.

>> No.17132783

It is, but one hopes there's a few sociopath ubermenchen adopting them for their own gain.

Then again is that really the Nietzchean project? Probably not, but who cares. He was comically evil, and the reason he's always been so popular on /lit/ is because his evil writings inspires edgy teens. See the following quote on morality:

>How the overall moral judgements have shifted. The great men of antique morality, Epictetus for instance, knew nothing of the now normal glorification of thinking of others, of living for others; in the light of our moral fashion they would have been called downright immoral, for they strove with all their might for their ego and AGAINST feeling for others (that is to say, with the sufferings and moral frailties of others). Perhaps they would reply to us: "If you are so boring or ugly an object to yourself, by all means think of others than think of yourself! It is right you should!"

People who outwardly preach this will be completely ostracised from normal society. Nietzche's philosophy is for complete social rejects or a deeply private one for sociopathic scumbags

>> No.17132785

>You've clearly never studied history, so what would you know about this?
You've never studied history so you don't know about this

Who is history written by? The elites. They tell you their handpicked intellectuals have changed the course of history and "western thinking", and you actually believe it. It's called His-story after all.

>The Overman is an individual whose will transcends both master and slave morality, two aspects of herd mentality, and who rejects the Socratic-Judeo-Christian metaphysic that has reigned over Western civilization for 2000 years.
Literally international bankers

>> No.17132825

Recognised the role of the mimetic mechanism and the scapegoat phenomenon. Please read Girards short essay "Dionysus versus the Crucified" to see the greatest btfo of all post-Nietzscheans ever (except Nietzsche himself who Girard is actually quite complimentary of due to his intuitions)

>> No.17132921


You realise there are actual academics who write intelligent, worthwhile stuff about philosophy don't you? You don't have to resort to twitter meme pages.

>> No.17132933

>Literally international bankers
What the fuck do bankers have to do with this? They're just goddamned bankers. They don't think about the bigger picture, much less understand anything about it. Take your fucking meds.

>> No.17132943


You have probably never read any leftist literature, and don't even understand the views of the people you oppose. Go back to watching SJW cringe compilations on Youtube.

>> No.17132960

>They don't think about the bigger picture, much less understand anything about it. Take your fucking meds.
They draw the big picture and inform your understanding of it

Who do you think funds these worldview-ideologies? The bankers. They are who animates the worldview which people interpret reality. Currency is power

>> No.17132969

>They don't think about the bigger picture

They are in charge of the world economy, the single most important and discussed thing in our whole civilisation.

>> No.17132976

You have never read Nietzsche
Nor you

Anybody claiming "rebellion" or "individuality" or "liberalism" completely miss the point of his work

>> No.17132985

Hedonistic sociopathy is not transcendence sorry to burst your bubble

>> No.17133004

>They draw the big picture and inform your understanding of it
No, they don't. They are just bankers. My understanding also comes from reading real books, not schizo scribblings on Twitter and Discord like you appear to do all day long.

>Who do you think funds these worldview-ideologies?
No one, because these "worldview-ideologies" you're talking about are mostly a schizo myth, and whatever remains that isn't is coming from the Marxists, post-structuralists, and feminists (all aspects of the Socratic-Judeo-Christian world), not Nietzsche and certainly not bankers. Take your fucking meds.

Also, I like how you're such a fucking idiot that you simultaneously argue that philosophers have influenced nothing, while also claiming that somehow Nietzsche's philosophy has lead to modern neoliberal globalism.

>> No.17133005

It is for them, just not for you

>> No.17133016

Stop being so blindly reductive. The economy only has so much influence on the world. Money is power, but life is about much more than money.

>> No.17133017


>> No.17133032

Being reactionary against the world by attaining as much wealth and power as possible is not and will never be Nietzschean overcoming

>> No.17133041

Yes, metaphysically, ethically and spiritually. But in the practical sense our entire civilisation and individual lives is based around money and the global economy, there is simply no way around it, (for the foreseeable future).

>> No.17133065

>They are just bankers
Are you completely retarded? Do you even understand how the world financial system works?

>le' real books
Holy shit you are fucking retarded. Who funds the publishing houses? Who funds elite universities where historical research is done? What do they incentivize and what do they de-incentivize?

>worldview ideologies are a schizo myth
you are saying this through your worldview ideology informed by institutions funded by bankers
>whatever remains that isn't is coming from the Marxists, post-structuralists, and feminists (all aspects of the Socratic-Judeo-Christian world), not Nietzsche and certainly not bankers
All ideologies created by bankers at one time. Marx was literally published in the New York Times talking about the "Dictatorship of the proletariat" to an audience of middle class readers.

I know this is hard to fathom with your tiny homosexual brain

>Take your fucking meds
literal NPC

>while also claiming that somehow Nietzsche's philosophy has lead to modern neoliberal globalism
I've literally said he didn't do that, remember I said philosophers have never changed anything

>you're such a fucking idiot that you simultaneously argue that philosophers have influenced nothing
Show me one example where philosophers have influenced history as opposed to history (money) influencing philosophers

>> No.17133082

>but life is about much more than money.
Maybe on an individual existential basis, but the world we live in is animated by the exchange of currency

>> No.17133087

>But in the practical sense our entire civilisation and individual lives is based around money and the global economy, there is simply no way around it
In an even more practical sense, it is based around biology and desire.

>> No.17133109

Desire is a fluid emotion that is directed by currency

Biological needs require currency

>> No.17133117

>Do you even understand how the world financial system works?
Is this the part where you tell me about your conspiracy bullshit?

>Who funds the publishing houses? Who funds elite universities where historical research is done? What do they incentivize and what do they de-incentivize?
And there he goes, grossly overestimating the societal influence of a small occupational group to make his absolutely retarded initial claim that somehow, Nietzsche is a vile tranny lover.

>you are saying this through your worldview ideology informed by institutions funded by bankers
Whatever helps you sleep at night, peabrain.

>All ideologies created by bankers at one time.

>I've literally said he didn't do that
What the fuck are you arguing in this thread then?

>Show me one example where philosophers have influenced history
Consider reading about Nietzsche and the 20th century sometime, fucking retard.

>> No.17133123
File: 307 KB, 860x960, heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was obviously Heidegger who managed to think jenseits of Nietzsche. But anyone worth reading from the 20th century borrows from Nietzsche and Heidegger to roughly equal degrees and it can be hard to see where one ends and another begins at times. Karatani's Origins of Modern Japanese Literature, for example, is Heideggerian in its method but invokes Nietzsche's 'search for hidden origins' as its goal.

>> No.17133143

what about frog twitter?

>> No.17133169

>conspiracy bullshit
You mean basic economics? Are you 16?

>societal influence of a small occupational group
You mean the system by which currency is created, exchanged and all behavior is incentivized

>Whatever helps you sleep at night, peabrain
You're literally telling me your ideological worldview right now, dumbshit

economically illiterate

>What the fuck are you arguing in this thread then?
That Nietzche's ideology is adjascent to neo-liberal globohomo system which is why he has been astroturfed by them for over a century

>Consider reading about Nietzsche and the 20th century sometime, fucking retard.
You mean how his writing was promoted by funding houses and universities funded by the federal reserve (bankers)? Read a book about Nietzche published by a funding house written by an author from a banker-funded university?

Have you actually thought about this for 5 seconds?

>> No.17133179

Cowards inherently cannot understand Nietzsche and think he is a "lol nothing matters" guy.

This board is specifically 99.99999% coward. Why did you bother to ask these people?

>> No.17133201
File: 33 KB, 682x642, we dont matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nietzche had the desire to solve nihlism, he wrote himself in to a corner, yet he was still in denial
we dont need him

>> No.17133264

>a philosophy founded on mere dialectic that rearranges the world order so that money appears as life itself is basic economics or even sensible
This is why it's conspiracy bullshit. It doesn't make sense.

>You're literally telling me your ideological worldview right now
And what is that view? Go ahead and tell me.

>Nietzche's ideology is adjascent to neo-liberal globohomo system
How can that be when said system is founded on nothing from Nietzsche's philosophy but instead on the Socratic-Judeo-Christian system that came before Nietzsche?

>which is why he has been astroturfed by them for over a century
So because they're astroturfing him (which means they're misrepresenting him), he represents them? Care to walk me through that one?

>his writing was promoted by funding houses and universities funded by the federal reserve (bankers)
His philosophy is routinely butchered and sanitized by academics, Christians, Jews and liberals. He has MOUNTAINS of writing that starkly separates him from neoliberalism (he did, after all, influence the fascists and national socialists, too). You really have done no studying on the matter, have you? None at all.

>> No.17133274

>that starkly separates him from these groups*

>> No.17133310
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I'm fine with contrarian shit like this but it falls apart since they are obese, with severly debilitating mental illnesses
>They go against nihilism
Again totally false, they do all their gross shit with porn and weed dildos because they have nothing larger to achieve.

>> No.17133328

>Except me, and I will produce no works.
kek, what's your BMI

>> No.17133335

Yes, actual academics like Costin Alamriu, who wrote a great exhortation based on the principles of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, dressed up in humor

>> No.17133417

>postmodern neomarxists, trannies, globohomo, commies, etc.)
those are the ubermen

>> No.17133425

They create their own values and impose them. DWT.

>> No.17133451

6ft and 165lb with 78 inch wingspan I am lanklet and I walk 12+ miles a day through my town/woods for fun

>> No.17133467
File: 206 KB, 700x480, 1606346613721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They create their own values

what values? secular christianism? what a joke, they also have a hard on with utilitarianism and universalism

>> No.17133546

Reacting is not overcoming

>> No.17134128

they adopt whatever values (((Hollywood)))/(((Academia))) [modern priests] tell them to adopt. Their mob-mentality drive for violence and "justice" is just the latest ressentiment-fuelled slave moment. Early Christianity adapted for the secular era.

>> No.17134381

Creating your own values and imposing them isn't enough to be the Overman, otherwise he'd be no more than the blond beast.

>> No.17134501

This. It's amazing how poorly Nietzsche has been understood.

>> No.17134996

I just read it. It was not very good. Only his interpretation of God's death as a murder and what follows from it, is true. Most of the other stuff he writes is a reach, and deals with a very limited aspect of Nietzsches corpus, i.e. ressentiment. A lot of interpretation is forced down on Nietzsche, and he runs far with those forced interpretations. Not worth the read.

>> No.17135005

That seems to apply more to BAP and modern Nietzscheans than to the various SJW movements.

>> No.17135024

>Nietzschean perspectivism isn't a metaphysical claim

>> No.17135042

Hard for a slave to understand

>> No.17135071

>Basic insight into decadence: it's causes are it's consequences
As in pretty much all of Nietzsche's aphorisms, they start with a grand statement that he hopes you will just accept without him proving it in any way. So if a guy comes and traps me in a cage, and I then die, that was a result of me decaying and not a cause of me decaying? If a madman comes and shoots me in the head while I'm walking down the street, that is the result of me decaying and not the cause of me decaying? If a rabid dog comes and bites my arm, the dog biting my arm is somehow magically a result of me decaying, and not the cause of my arm getting hurt? Magical, retarded thinking, accepted by even more retarded children who are conviced by pretty words. Disgusting.

>> No.17135088

I agree, it is hard for a slave of Nietzsche to understand how his most basic ideas are metaphysical transcendental assumptions, like the will to power and perspectivism.

>> No.17135092

Many people, from D'Annunzio and Spengler, to Mishima and Hitler. There were widely different continuations of what he was trying to do, but all these four figures to consciously or not continue some of his developments very directly. The 20th century was in many respects, a Nietzschean century.

>> No.17135136

Begriff „décadence“

Der Abfall, Verfall, Ausschuß ist nichts, was an sich zu verurtheilen wäre: er ist eine nothwendige Consequenz des Lebens, des Wachsthums an Leben. Die Erscheinung der décadence ist so nothwendig, wie irgend ein Aufgang und Vorwärts des Lebens: man hat es nicht in der Hand sie abzuschaffen. Die Vernunft will umgekehrt, daß ihr ihr Recht wird…

Es ist eine Schmach für alle socialistischen Systematiker, daß sie meinen, es könnte Umstände geben, gesellschaftliche Combinationen, unter denen das Laster, die Krankheit, das Verbrechen, die Prostitution, die Noth nicht mehr wüchse… Aber das heißt das Leben verurtheilen… Es steht einer Gesellschaft nicht frei, jung zu bleiben. Und noch in ihrer besten Kraft muß sie Unrath und Abfallsstoffe bilden. Je energischer und kühner sie vorgeht, um so reicher wird sie an Mißglückten, an Mißgebilden sein, um so näher dem Niedergang sein… Alter schafft man nicht durch Institutionen ab. Die Krankheit auch nicht. Das Laster auch nicht.

>> No.17135141

I see you are blind and deaf

>> No.17135260
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Nachgelassene Schriften, 1888, 15[31]

>> No.17135283

>that he hopes you will just accept without him proving it in any way
He doesn't hope that. He's writing for his hyperborean readers who already know these things to be true. He doesn't expect anyone to follow him "on faith" and even despises such readers.

>> No.17135306

You do not understand the quote.He is providing an insight that reveals vistas of possibilities for those who can think. You are not a thinker.
He says that the moralizers who are dealing with decadence in society are missing, and sometimes inverting, causality. It's not that gambling causes rape, drunkenness, and stupidity - it's that all are the result of a sick, dysgenic organism. It's not that niggers are corrupted by dysfunctional schools, anomic communities, failing families - it's that niggers cause these.

>> No.17135346

i love how white colonialists still are resentful. Better values have emerged. You lost the value war and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.17135352

>white colonialists lost
meanwhile in bizarro world

>> No.17135355

Even the greeks were aware of the uselessness of democracy, when the cows and chickens can vote your misguided moralism spits in your face.

>> No.17135407

You are delusional. The Right in Europe is winning the culture war right now. Climate change will lead to Europe closing its borders and doubling down on ethnohomogeneity. These are the years in which right-wing to far-right views on immigration are sweeping the board in Scandinavia. The Social Democrats in Denmark have adopted what they term "the new consensus", whereby immigration from shitholes is deemed unacceptable, islam unacceptable, etc. Sweden Democrats are still growing, and as they grow they influence on other parties is growing too - cracks are starting to show. Macron is scrambling to appear hard on islam to deal with the threat from Rassamblement National.

>> No.17135417

Who are you calling a white colonialist. There's not colonialists here, and Nietzsche certainly wasn't one. Nitwit.

>> No.17135500

Nietzsche has been understood perfectly well, it's just that the consensus is that his views are shit

>> No.17135513

t. Person that was immediately offended by words and got stuck in a rage boot loop

>> No.17135541

nice rebuttal shitface

>> No.17135562

implying the herd can ever understand much less appreciate nietzsche

>> No.17135583


>> No.17135591

Nietzsche isn't hard to understand at all. The core of his system is epistemic relativism plus ethical egoism. Whether there is anything to appreciate in him is more controversial. His epistemology is clearly trash, his views on morality are interesting.

>> No.17135597

t. Slave

You are in fact incapable

>> No.17135632

>Nietzsche isn't hard to understand at all.
The existentialists, phenomenologists, structuralists, post-structuralists, Marxists, psychoanalysts, analytics, deconstructionists etc. all took a page out of Nietzsche without fully understanding him, always making some blunder in their analyses somewhere. Nietzsche seems hard to understand with this in mind.

>His epistemology is clearly trash, his views on morality are interesting.
What is "clearly trash" about it?

>> No.17135773

>The existentialists, phenomenologists, structuralists, post-structuralists, Marxists, psychoanalysts, analytics, deconstructionists etc. all took a page out of Nietzsche without fully understanding him, always making some blunder in their analyses somewhere. Nietzsche seems hard to understand with this in mind.
Well there is some ambiguity in his writings because of how unsystematic it is, but the core positions seem easy to understand, at least roughly.
>What is "clearly trash" about it?
He thinks that truth is relative to what is useful for some human purpose, which is an absurd anthropomorphism since what is objectively the case does not depend to what some species of mammals in the corner of the universe finds useful to believe.

>> No.17136130

>he needs to be fit to have self-esteem

>> No.17136634
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I read his first introduction to pedagogy to this University, it was incredibly verbose but a good introduction to the problem of pedagogy in the 1800s.

However the comment from one of the Uni staff, "A genius such as him is too large for our tiny uni."

I now see in a different light, an angry incel who tries to hurt the pride of the professors by giving an overly verbose speech, and a reply, no thanks.

>> No.17136680

>sjws are trying to co opt Nietzsche of all things
holy cringe it could not be further away

>> No.17136688

No they don't
You don't need currency to hunt or pick an apple from a tree
you people are retarded

>> No.17136692

Mate what are you trying to say? I think at first I understood, but now I don't.

>> No.17136696

>Karatani's Origins of Modern Japanese Literature
Very interesting post anon, thanks.

>> No.17136713

>cleverly insulting those in authority is a bad thing
boring old man.

>> No.17136737
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Im not saying its bad, just that I see his position and how he approached life in a new light. I think his problem with authority started there or somewhere there and extended outwards to all of Europe.

>> No.17137017

>BAP started an online revival of his thought

>> No.17137184

All of those groups are literally the pinnacle of slave morality. The whole point of BLM and identity politics is to idolize inferiority and scorn against privilege. You have no idea what you’re talking about

>> No.17137300

>problem with authority
Nietzsche? He had none, at least not with the concept of "authority" in general. You realize he was in love with the military, right? And was fond of the "blond beasts of prey" who formed the initial State in the past? It was the contemporary State that he disliked because it was founded on a moral system that debased life and individuality.

>> No.17138468

>worked with the United Nations
>fights against globohomo
Idk man

>> No.17138597

Post physique

>> No.17138606

You first

>> No.17138616

ortega y gasset

>> No.17138685

>Catholic larping as nietzschian
uhh no thanks

>> No.17138859

>he claims to have self-esteem while abusing his body

A sad post, king

>> No.17138944

No wonder the 20th century was the worst yet.

>> No.17139053

It applies to both to be desu

>> No.17139070

Can any German bro tell me if his German is that much different from today‘s standard German? I’m reading him now and my grammatical German learning autism thinks otherwise.

> vor manchen Jahre
Shouldn’t it be:
> vor manchen Jahren

>> No.17139184

Jahren is dative plural

>> No.17139298

"Empty strawmen" is redundant. Straw men isn't one word.

>> No.17139316

Yes, and isn’t “vor” always dativ?

>> No.17139619

Literally the Frankfurt school and all those French degenerates. Should be a warning to everyone not to get involved with him but for some reason right wingers can’t give him up.
>no he was based. COME ON
Nope, he and Jung are too big talk ideologues who promise a breakthrough that never comes, evangelizing two respective ideologies they SWEAR will transfigure the reader and cure the west of modern ills but never amount to more than just an overwrought justification for fantasy larping and/or macho behavior for bookish betas who need a schizo tier labyrinth of intellectual justifications just to act the way low iq men do thoughtlessly. Nothing good ever comes of Jung or Nietzsche. You’ll read all this crap, all this sophistry, and only end up at a bottomless pit of continuous thinking, seeking a realization or epiphany or transformation that never comes.
And don’t worry, there’s plenty of
>Noooo you didn’t read books 78-106 so you’re mischaracterizing his viiiiews!!! He explained in his other book that he didn’t really mean it when he said that!!!! NoooOoOOo!!!!’

>> No.17139656

Damn man, you are retarded

>> No.17139669

No, I just think Nietzsche is a bottomless pit people fall in and it’s mostly philosophical escapism that never bore fruit in my actions after I’d inculcated it.

>> No.17139810

>I'm a middle class loser with a shit education and retarded parents and my failures are due to this guy I spent time reading

>> No.17140045

Nope. I just found other thinkers far more beneficial in far less time with far less reading. Judging by your demeanor, Nietzsche does not provide much in the way of making his followers any less deranged and hateful as the most illiterate boomer Q tard. That angry braying you’re doing, it’s the same spiteful, childish need for control they exude when they lose an election. You don’t get to be in control of who I am or what I think. I don’t HATE Nietzsche, I just think he’s a WASTE OF TIME.

>> No.17140430

>The right is winning in Europe

Northern Europe has about as much influence in Europe as Portugal. The only countries in Europe that matter are Germany, the UK, and France, all of which temporarily swung rightwing around the time of Brexit and Trump, and all of them stumbled and returned to centrism swiftly.

Obviously Russia is important too, although no one considers them in "The European Community".

>> No.17140452

Can you read? Civilisation does not resolve around hunting or picking apples. It revolves around the global economy and the movement of capital. We are discussing the current world, not the paleolithic.

>> No.17140578

>I'm n-not a loser, I swear

>> No.17140703

>press x to doubt

>> No.17141114

Not that this is a major point, but in Daybreak 206, Nietzsche literally calls for one third of European men to flee the continent and go around colonizing, as a solution to the labor question/socialism. He also proposes importing chinese en masse as a replacement, complacent workforce

>> No.17141137

Honestly there is some truth to this

Nietzsche appeals to nerds because he provides a strong way forward. What they actually want is a way to become an average chad bugman

This isn't what Fred is selling but it's what people want from it, so it's what they want from it, so it's what they get. Ironically this is what N says about morality.

>> No.17141202

um um um heh um heh yes well um uh [nervous laughter]

>> No.17141301

They should just read Ragnar Redbeard - someone whose message is an extremely watered down version of Nietzsche, focused entirely on the "call to arms" aspect and none of the philosophy. They already seem to think that that's all Nietzsche is, so they might as well at least advocate for the right guy they have in mind.

>> No.17141396

>no noooo just focus on my typical hackneyed ad hominem so I don’t have to actually refute what u say nooooo.
Dumbass, refute my point, otherwise what are you honestly arguing with me about. Your ad hominem is so vague I don’t even know what it’s supposed to mean. How can someone be a failure AND middle class? Aren’t failures in poverty? Why does my parents have anything to do with it? It’s not as though they have had any control over my life since I graduated college. Says more about your own damaged worldview that you blame your parents for anything that goes wrong in your life no matter how old you become.

>> No.17141486

>the only countries that matter in Europe
>he’s forgotten about Turkey
Probably wishful thinking that euros would rather pretend that the strongest European military besides Russia is a literal Muslim country right on their border who just happens to be the modern incarnation of the empire that terrorized Europe for centuries and btfo’d the balkans so hard they haven’t been sorted since.

>> No.17141501

I will carry Nietzsche's torch by elucidating on the development of Will and how while we may never truly have "Free Will" (a metaphysical idea that can only truly be obtained through omniscience and omnipotence) we can in fact increase our active Will (defined as ability to act in the world) through increasing our psychological strength and discipline so that we can influence our descendants epigenetically. In three hundred years people will still be talling about my discovery, even if only as an addendum to Nietzsche's Will to Power (the concept itself a descendant of Schope's Will to Life)

>> No.17141514

>Implying the Balkans have ever been anything besides a backwater shithole of infighting

>> No.17141562

write the book then, stop complaining

>> No.17141629

If previous attempts are any predictor, you’ll probably just end up addicted to benzos.

>> No.17142103
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you mirin?