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/lit/ - Literature

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17203894 No.17203894 [Reply] [Original]

How will social media change the future of literature?

>> No.17203905


>> No.17203959

Social media will change the way books are written forever. By and large, the majority of Generation Z does not have the attention span to handle a 300 page work. They are used to flashy visual media and short blurbs laden with slang terms and emojis. Perhaps books will go the way of newsprint, classical music, and radio. A quaint, archaic hobby for enthusiasts and the nostalgic, but irrelevant to the future zeitgeist raised on the crude, blunt, direct, flashy, and fleeting.

The consequences this will have on the mass culture and society at large, God only knows. Can it get much worse than it already is? I think this is only the beginning. The train of progress never stops, ruling the world for the rest of time.

There's no doubt that the future of all consumer markets will be almost entirely controlled by this internet poisoned demographic. We can already see signs of disintegration, and this is only the beginning. Only the beginning of the end.

>> No.17204112

wtf i literally do that

>> No.17204130

Mass culture was never 'good.' Why don't you try reading some of those books you are complaining about not being read?

>> No.17204148
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>> No.17204156

Who cares? Why would you read anything written in your lifetime? It's trash, garbage, filth, unworthy of even /lit/ posters.

>> No.17204219

is she taking her pants off or putting them on?

>> No.17204226
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>> No.17204236

>be sitting there with your pants off
>get text from boy
>all lower case
>time to get dressed

>> No.17204259


>> No.17204278


>> No.17204298

I always imagine these kinds of posts in Hulk Hogan's voice and it never falls to amuse me

>> No.17204299

I hate women

>> No.17204305
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>> No.17204327

don't have time to read that, i need to coom

>> No.17204330

>“I am afraid that woman appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. They have wonderfully primitive instincts. We have emancipated them, but they remain slaves looking for their masters, all the same. They love being dominated.”
- Oscar Wilde

>> No.17204339

I get the feeling Shopenhauer would be pleased that traps exist.

>> No.17204357

It already has. Look how many “authors” and “philosophers” are out there writing books like a 4chan post and promoting on Twitter.

>> No.17204489

the people who seek it will find it. the worthy will know where to look for it. libraries wont go extinct.

>> No.17204559

he sees the conquering of the will as good, so he wouldn't

>> No.17204568

What's so appealing to them about typing in lower case?

>> No.17204595

The cult of don’t care. It’s why so many tik toks are videos people take of them looking at their phone while eating something. It makes them look like they don’t care. “Oh hey I’m just eating food.” Nevermind they had to go get chips before filming their little video and then do multiple takes while eating, and in no way enjoying it because how could you while trying to look sexy? It’s the same with typing in lowercase: the appearance is of not caring, but if you have an iPhone you have to go out of your way to type in lowercase as it auto-capitalizes.

>> No.17204608
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I coom so much i cant be bothered to open that

>> No.17204614

Faggots somehow understand the female mind more than anyone.

>> No.17204615

Why would it change anything? Literature is already digital. What would social media alter?

>> No.17204626

caring is creepy
nihilism is cool

>> No.17204633

Also, women get into cults of attraction. They say they’re attracted to what other women say they’re attracted to, and in a lot of ways they’re probably telling the truth. There was a trend of women saying guys who “still use emojis” are unattractive. By the way, I mean still use emojis as in they still use emojis in 2020 or so on, not “they still use emojis, that’s immature.” Or their obsession with baseball shirts in 2014, which I then saw more than a few memes in the past couple years asking “how did anyone find this attractive?” Just the most unbelievably insignificant shit. Opened my eyes when a girl I was with said she finds a certain haircut attractive NOW but I shouldn’t get one cause that’s just now. I don’t think the things I find attractive about women has changed once. Men are, in part, handbags for their women. All fashion. Bleh

>> No.17204639
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>he doesn't realize that social media is literature now
We're miles past the Rubicon, anon.

>> No.17204651

The more I learn about women and become wise in their ways, the more I learn to love the women close to me and develop a genuine fondness for my partner and our children, the more I realize women are stupid retards whose role in human society is to prance around sprinkling daisies from a basket and going "tra la la la la!"

>> No.17204659

It has changed everything we do. We find ourselves in opposition to the tech zeitgeist, but we are still slaves to it as we do not know a life without it. It is quite possible that the digital revolution will transform humanity beyond recognition from those born/raised before it.

>> No.17204664

>Perhaps books will go the way of newsprint, classical music, and radio. A quaint, archaic hobby for enthusiasts and the nostalgic, but irrelevant to the future zeitgeist raised on the crude, blunt, direct, flashy, and fleeting.

What do you mean perhaps? That's been the case for decades now. The only relevant books written anymore are ones that were turned into movies or TV shows.

>> No.17204669

I'm confused, are the panties going on or off? Either way, social media will be the way that literature gets popular or gets cancelled.

>> No.17204703
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>> No.17204717

Do women ever think about the fact that their 312 likes are a result of their being young and female, not anything they actually said or did? Do they mind this, that they get to be mildly popular for doing nothing for a few years, and then they have to be wrinkly nobodies forever?

>> No.17204718

social media is a tool. it isnt necessarily a negative in and of itself, but it in the hands of greedy corporations selling personal data for profit it is a concern. we should strive towards constructing an independent social media platform

>> No.17204723
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>women have differing opinions on things
B-but anon said...?

>> No.17204724

>Do women ever think

>> No.17204728


>> No.17204859

Nothing. The girl was texting an attractive guy who was typing in lower case, so she made that tweet.

>> No.17204876

A woman, the retarded sex

>> No.17204904

Women have infinite opinions on things because they all say and think whatever they heard twenty minutes ago from someone more popular than them. They also have no opinions on anything, in the sense that they lack all conviction, and one opinion on everything, in the sense that all they care about is sex because they are demented broodmares seeking goo what to make a person from. This is the esoteric "many opinions, no opinions, one opinion" doctrine of hating women, you are now ready for it.

>> No.17204916

They are not retarded. That would release them from the responsibility for their actions. What they are is dishonest and irrational. Creatures that act based on whims and emotion when left to rule themselves.
They demand power because they are capricious like children, but deep down they know their inclinations will lead them to perdition, and want a strong man to dominate them and put them in their place.

>> No.17204921

can you name some? I only know The Last Binge, which I enjoyed

>> No.17204926

When they type in all lowercase with no punctuation but add in a semi-colon to their 15 word tweet I have a small seizure of rage.

>> No.17205049

Based Oscar

>> No.17205065

It won't

>> No.17205070

Man is too trusting of technology.

>> No.17205144

This is how the foid mind works

>> No.17205151

>We're miles past the Rubicon, anon.jpg

>> No.17205201
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>I hate women

>> No.17205214
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>> No.17205219
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>> No.17205221
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>Be some edgy 14 year old
>watch some videos by youtube intellectuals
>don the hat and start philosophising on /r/atheism
Many such cases

>> No.17205224

stop derailing the thread with incel bullshit

>> No.17205237

chadfishing is fucking hilarious, women are pathetic

>> No.17205256

>implying OPs pic wasn't in the exact vein

>> No.17205278
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, hedu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you an alt right member
>I respect all beliefs by the way

>> No.17205280

You just know they all filled their socials with BLM shit too lmao

>> No.17205375

Most of those look like bots or something to me.

>> No.17205401
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Is this supposed to be demoralizing?
Everyone knows the Nazis were handsome and strong, two qualities that make women go crazy. They almost defeated the combined strength of the greatest powers on Earth.

>> No.17205403

Yes it's hard to believe women are sentient but it's true

>> No.17205420

>Also, women get into cults of attraction. They say they’re attracted to what other women say they’re attracted to, and in a lot of ways they’re probably telling the truth.
That's human in general, and probably a few other social animals as well.

>> No.17205427 [DELETED] 

probably. hot take blurb type of writing that satisfies their preexisting views and demands no mental effort. people today can't even read a paragraph of a wikipedia article to refute their belief or a dumb meme they're passing around, even after people have pointed it out countless times, i don't expect much. these sorts are basically braindead sponges that take anything popular given 1:1 and spit it back out.

>> No.17205457
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>> No.17205464

I think you missed his point. We are all influenced, sure, but we can separate the two or recognise its origin. For women the attraction, despite it being based on shallow trendiness, is very real and full-bodied, and no different to seemingly more sincere or meaningful feelings.

>> No.17205481

not most, bots don't point out something in your pic and converse with you but all on the right of the 2nd pic are bots.

>> No.17205500

Just let him believe. Most people don't want to see the wart in front of them.

>> No.17205521 [DELETED] 

Have seen the 2020 national book award winner? It's a bunch of little vignettes on pages of triple spaced text. The excuse for the formatting is that it's support to be an imaginary script, but it seems like the real reason it's formatted that way is to bloat up a novella to something big enough to be called a novel, and to make it easier for people with fried brains to consume. My brain is fried so I'm not even mad, just saying.

>> No.17205529


>> No.17205540

well, twitter has already rescued the epigram from literary oblivion. i assume the proliferation of video social media will bring poetry back to the fore. the novel is a historical aberration of the 19th century anyways

>> No.17205549

now tell us about how rap is poetry you gay little faggot.

>> No.17205553

The German Military* almost defeated a *severely weakened and defunded Western Europe by *getting extremely lucky in the Ardennes and using the new military tactics of *non-Nazi German strategists.

The Nazis contributed nothing to the German War machine except holding it back. They're mostly responsible for instituting changes to make common soldiers war criminals and create impossible partisan insurgencies. Nazism is extremely incompetent.

>> No.17205558

>be standing there about to take your pants off
>get text from boy
>all lower case
>time to get dressed

>> No.17205581

hombre what does this mean?

>> No.17205584

Forced /tv/ meme.

>> No.17205587


>> No.17205747


I always type in all lowercase, and I'm not going to change for some e-thot. how's that for alpha

>> No.17205763



>> No.17205794

He would think them a feminine perversion of aesthetically positive masculinity, he hated women, he would hate men imitating women even moreso.

>> No.17205807
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>Doing literally anything or making any changes in your life not for yourself but to please w*men

>> No.17205848

Literature has been over for awhile now.

>> No.17205866

True, but it is degrading further and further. It's not about mass culture being "good", it's about it being influential on the behavior of the masses. If it promotes more decadent culture then this will have a large effect on the population.

If the majority of a generation is raised consuming Twitch streamers, video games, internet porn, and 10 second Tiktok clips, this is a downgrade from generations raised on TV/film. Even the stupidest television series had a somewhat cohesive plot and 30 minute runtime. Films are 1-2 hours. Newspapers and magazines require you to sit down and skim through the articles. Now you can just read a short tweet or watch some 5 minute max youtube video. Dominant forms of media consumption required slightly more engagement and focus, while everything now is direct, fast paced, and compact. There is also less oversight to what people are exposed to online compared to past media, so young kids are exposed to even more mindless and inane content than before

>> No.17206021

Are women a literal hive mind? Most people are susceptible to groupthink but the level on which women do it are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.17206036
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>> No.17206050

It's actually scary. It's really like they're all the same person.

>> No.17206061

You're approaching this from the wrong angle. Women are actually very consistent in what they're attracted to, and have a much narrower taste in general than men do. What changes, however, are the ways they rationalize their attraction - in your example, they were never attracted to baseball shirts or guys typing in lower case letters, but hot men wearing baseball shirts and hot men writing in lower case letters. The essence of what they're attracted to didn't change, only the way they veil that attraction.

>> No.17206084

Did you personally like that tweet anon?

>> No.17206087

fucking kek

>> No.17206109

Pure copium.

>> No.17206163

litteraly every generation has been saying this but art keeps getting better (will be seen in retrospect when the masterpieces float to the top) and only loses its stupid needless qualities like being boring. we are less tolerant of bad pacing, filler elements and being overly long. the good (aesthetically) will and has perviled

there is nothing different about now. what always happened will keep happening. we got from cave paintings to 2001 so art will rise

>> No.17206189

Hilarious as always, but remember by doing this (and on tinder of all places) you already select for the kind of people who only care about looks or only want some quick sex (not to mention a lot of them seem retarded).

>> No.17206196

>you already select for women
isn't that the point?
>a lot of them seem retarded
of course. they're women

>> No.17206200

He's true. That's why even feminists who talk about how it's okay for men to be sensitive, vulnerable, etc etc all end up dating an alpha douche who has no problem pushing their face down and fucking them from behind.

>> No.17206205

I wonder why incels don't make a fake girl tinder profile and see how pathetic most men are
doesn't even need to be a hot or cute girl

>> No.17206209

>but we can separate the two or recognise its origin
Not all of us unfortunately, I've seen in many of my friends, especially when young, and in men and women alike.

>For women the attraction, despite it being based on shallow trendiness, is very real and full-bodied, and no different to seemingly more sincere or meaningful feelings.
That's your assumption, my experience tells me the "trendiness" of attraction just manifests itself in different ways for men and women, but exist for both. Also they are "trend-vulnerable" and "trend-impervious" people if that makes sense (again they exist in both sexes).
Another difference is that for women trends are most prominent in attraction and fashion while for men it is more prevalent in media, sports and opinions. Women are somewhat more likely to express their conformity with social trend by short-term dating choices, my by voicing simplified opinion they've heard or read on a blog. I guarantee you that it is absolutely fleeting and retarded in both cases (heck just look at the thread catalog on /lit/ at any given time- a prime example).

Of course that's just experience, so to a large extent anecdotal. But it's enough to make me doubt the more sweeping statements.

>> No.17206219

Men are pathetic because we are junkies addicted to something we sometimes haven't even had before. Women are pathetic just because they're pathetic. Men falter because they break under the strain of constant unfulfilled desire and get confused by an abusive system that constantly gaslights them and never gives them any pussy in return. Women falter because they have no character to begin with. A woman would eat Chad's shit if he told her to.

>> No.17206228

Cute, but you get my point. The girl using tinder aren't don't do so to find guys with good opinions. Neither do the guy on tinder select their mates by assessing political agreement, except for /lit/izens perhaps.

>> No.17206236

>men are pathetic because they engage in pathetic junkie behavior
>women are pathetic because I dunno, women ! so that's much worse
All I hear is a lot of rationalization. For instance:


look up where that word comes from and you'll perhaps understand how faulty your argument is.

>> No.17206239

she's putting her underpants back on

>> No.17206240

The problem is that now even the average girl is basically a tinder girl. She will have all kinds of exceptions and "oh I only did it once" or whatever but the average girl is baseline a whore now and doesn't even see it as a bad thing. 4chan is living in ca 2000 or small town morality.

I feel bad for men who don't go to college, college is a good opportunity to see where average young women are right now. They are perpetually drunk on attention and validation, they literally do not see anything wrong with fucking 50 guys, not even a little bit of shame anymore, and they think the ride is earned by their winning personality and that it lasts forever.

They also think that men have the same prospects. They're so blinded by their own experiences that they don't even look at the structures that support them, the incel men they pass over for being average. Colleges and workplaces staffed by mostly young adults are hypergamous fuckfests for the top 20% of the male population and 80%+ of the female population. No matter how much you think your girl is an exception to this because she's a kooky weirdo who doesn't fit in well with normies, look into her history and you'll find some whore shit.

>> No.17206262

Graphic Novels & Manga are becoming far more popular because it can easily keep a reader engaged with interesting visualization. in the future we'll likely see more books combining aspects of this into their works, series events will have visuals & panels to showcase them to the reader.
a possible artbook / reference may become popular & publishing in different forms will also become something to strive for.

old ways of literature will not die, but something will come along with it. an audience engaged anyway possible will always be around.

>> No.17206266

still can't see how it's different

>> No.17206290

so you're saying virgin men are above girls, because girls want sex and get it, while virgins want it but don't get it?
what kind of twisted logic is that lmao

>> No.17206297


Try Macho Man.


>> No.17206303


>> No.17206317

Yes, women are all sex and give it away to someone who degrades them. Virgins are pathetic junkies craving a drug they would get bored of in a few years if they had it.

Just look at you. All you can see is brute animal calculus of it. Want something, get something. This is because you aren't a man, so you don't understand merit, earning, pride, etc. All you understand is that you have something, you sometimes want things, and you generally get what you want. Men want what you have, and you let them get it if they give you what you want. The rub is, they're always taking more from you than you are getting. Even when you think you're being selective. Especially then.

>> No.17206319

We clearly seem to have somewhat different experiences, but it's true that I have never been to an American college (I have been schooled in a Western country, however).
My own experience is that having a lot of sex isn't considered bad for anyone in general (the question is more who you're having sex with), and that while women tend to have more sex on average, those who have huge amounts of it (like fucking 50 guys before age 23) are pretty rare.
However the 'drunk with attention'/constant validation aspect seems to apply to an unstable minority that is generally despised (though not openly) by both sexes. Women typically get more attention but also more unwanted/violent/creepy attention. Only those who thrive on both kinds get drunk on it, and those are usually the target of mild repulsion.

Regarding hypergamy, see above- women have more sex, and higher standards, and the most excessively hypergamous women are very conspicuous, all that is true. The 20/80 figure seems excessive if I judge from my circle of friends (and most of them are math nerds, so their average attractiveness isn't that of the average guy, yet many of them get laid consistently). The difference seems to lay more in one-night stands/short term relationship, for committed relationships it's pretty even. It's true that there is an underclass that doesn't get laid, know a few of them but those I know are 1. rather unattractive 2. rather self-absorbed 3. (and most importantly) completely unwilling to put in any effort.
Likewise I've noticed that nearing age 30 a people of both sexes are increasingly unwilling to put effort into dating unless they're already in relationships. Most are content with wanking or occasionally banging a friend.

Again just my experience, I didn't attend the most wild and liberated places but I wasn't raised by nuns either.

>> No.17206336

why are three retards in this thread arguing about shit that doesn't matter

we get it. you need something to blame for being a loser. get over it.

>> No.17206342

>why are three retards in this thread arguing about shit that doesn't matter
Do you sir not understand the entire point of /lit/?

>> No.17206356

>My own experience is that having a lot of sex isn't considered bad for anyone in general

Not him, but the sheer amount of sex had by a woman was never the issue, it's how many men she has sex with.

>> No.17206368

It's somewhere between our two positions probably. Yes, a lot of those math nerds you mention will eventually get girlfriends, but they will be the used up, post-25 year old girls who fucked around in college and keep it subtle. Yes, really egregious whores are still a minority (although I would argue you underestimate them and it's easily over 20% now), but the average girl who attends college is relatively whorish to a degree that surprise even jaded 4chan users. Especially if you remove from the statistic all the religious ones and ethnic ones who date inside their communities, and focus on the real average deracinated girls, adrift in a multicultural city with no roots and no fixed horizon of meaning.

Nothing sadder to me than nice guys finally getting a girlfriend after years or inceldom or even virginity and thinking she's the bees' knees because she's nice to them, without knowing she's only nice because she's ready to settle after years of fucking better looking guys. Women are fucking ruthless with that shit. They will turn on the charm to snare one of those sweet little math guys, and not even a bit of shame over the fact that they used to give pussy away for free.

I've known and even hooked up with girls who told me that they kept some sweet guy, who liked them for who they were, and whom they liked in return in the same way, waiting in the wings and courting them for months so that they could "see if it was the real thing," because "the fact that I actually like him means that I don't want it to be just a hookup." But while they were doing that, they continued to hook up intermittently with some other FWB. They let these niggas court them, cockteased them, while continuing to give pussy away to some other guy who didn't have to earn it. If I had to bet, 60-70% of women who attended college (or live a comparable "modern" lifestyle) are whores of this variety now, if not in these exact specifics then something comparable.

Quiet, stupid woman.

>> No.17206375


>> No.17206377

what no pussy does to a mf

>> No.17206379

Yes that's what I meant, sorry if that was unclear.

People don't look down upon you if you've fucked a lot of guy (or girls), only if they were drunk, too young, too old, that there was some fucked up dynamic going on, or that you were a drama queen about it.
I vividly remember a female friend trashtalking a classmate of her who had (among other things) fucked two men in the same day and talked proudly about it (to the second man she fucked that day). Her gripe with her wasn't the sex, but her unabashed lack of limitations and class about the way she went with it.

>> No.17206386

Proving my point again. All you can think of is your hole, other holes, who gets what hole, the value of hole in general. Say something that doesn't relate to hole. Criticize me on an axis that doesn't involve "ain't gettin hole."

Will you be my gf?

>> No.17206389


>> No.17206396
File: 78 KB, 600x600, 1605533953575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All you can think of is your hole, other holes, who gets what hole, the value of hole in general.
>Will you be my gf
the first good one in the whole thread

>> No.17206405

If you're a man who got my joke, then you are my brother, and I am honored. If you are the same woman pointing out the punchline of my joke as an insult against me, when it was in fact the joke, you are proving why women should be beaten! Don't post again or I'll give you a pair of Irish sunglasses!

No you aren't. Post feet right now.

>> No.17206406

Women are endless misery. God I wish I were a fag.

>> No.17206411

bro im not a girl i just know when someone's a loser.
take from a retard who got lucky enough to find a girl who is actually just as autistic as them.
youre digging yourself a grave looking too deep into shit like this. youre going to end up being unhappy & lonely. i could say 'i want the best for you', but it's hard to think that when someone so judgemental you took the 'all woman are thots' meme to heart.

>> No.17206419

based and all in lowercase pilled. this nigga really don't gaf

>> No.17206420

kill 'im dead

>> No.17206421


>> No.17206423

I mean yeah, they dominate fashion.

>> No.17206424
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>> No.17206427

You sound like a boomer yet are correct about many things. Here is something to pay attention to, though: do not commit the fallacy of thinking reading and writing books is becoming something only a fraction of the demographic commits themselves to, because it always kind of was. Long ago people were illiterate, nowadays the average 100 IQ twittard has no desire to spend too much time focusing on the same thing (because of the phenomenon you described). But you shouldn't believe that there's something "nostalgic" to the minority of people that does read and write. There might have been a time when enough people were literate and old-fashioned enough to be considered the "golden age" of books but that's not at all what this should be about. Instead, we should look towards a future where people spend the ideal (high) amount of time on books. Highly unlikely, of course, yet still more realistic than nostalgia for a past that barely ever existed.

>> No.17206430

faggots are more like women than women. if you want to understand women, study faggots. they're like women on steroids.

>> No.17206433

Do you tell your boyfriend about your escapades in college? Could you really tell him everything? You and I both know the answer is no. We both know you want him to value you in a way that would wither up and die if he knew what you've done. Don't samefag.

Don't play games. Leave him alone and post feet.

>> No.17206434

>Yes, a lot of those math nerds you mention will eventually get girlfriends, but they will be the used up, post-25 year old girls
The reality is most of them dated classmates their age when they were 21-22 already. A few are still together, though that's rare since we're all in our late 20s. Don't see what you mean about "used-up post 25 girls", girls don't magically become out of order when they turn 25, most of them stay fertile way into their 40s and attractive well into they 30s. About the subtle part, I've yet to see a normal college girl be subtle about the fact she has sex. Not bragging about her body count sure, but that's another level of conspicuousness.

>I would argue you underestimate them
Nobody here can pretend to make reliable quantitative estimates, so I won't make any.

>the real average deracinated girls, adrift in a multicultural city with no roots and no fixed horizon of meaning.
Bit of a blanket statement since you can be irreligious and not live in the countryside and still have roots (anyone with healthy family relations naturally have some roots). But your description applies to most girls I've known. Again, in my experience they're promiscuous but not that much more than the men except for a minority of desperate/uninterested. Of course I wasn't in a very stacy-prone field, most my female friends are pretty average.

>nice guys finally getting a girlfriend after years or inceldom or even virginity and thinking she's the bees' knees because she's nice to them
Never seen a straight example of it, the closest I can think of is a guy who has no illusion about his girl and who is just a bit desperate. And even he is starting to change. I feel like guys actually tend to have the upper hand in relationships past 30, and that they instinctively know so.
In don't doubt that such "nice guy" exist, but I'm not sure they're the paradigmatic example of failed masculinity I've seen it described as on the internet.
Sure, you have guy fresh out of highschool with low self-esteem who will date anything. But those are mostly 18-23, not 25 or 30, and generally they're cured after their first real break up.

>I've known and even hooked up with girls who told me
This seems pretty sad, but in a sense they guy they cared most about were the sweet one in those cases. However you description makes me think, again, that we had rather different personal experience. I'm pretty far on the "sweet, likable" side yet I've never waited more than a couple date to fuck a girl (never had to buy flower or dinner either, that usually comes much later and only if I feel like it). Guess the full picture is complicated.

I can definitely get behind the existence of this mechanism (sweet = don't fuck him right now, I like him = must take you time and conversely just some guy = I can fuck him), but if anything it shows men and women value sex differently (for guys it's a proof of worth, for girls, it's often almost the opposite).

>> No.17206436


>> No.17206439

stfu faggot incel

>> No.17206440

Nah I bet Q posts them. He's sitting home, currently not being given a bj by one of his watchers, while he's just out here shitpostin.

>> No.17206445

Based. Schopes is why I'm gay. Imagine looking at one of those fckin goblin looking creatures called "wymen" and thinking "yeah I will put my dick in that". Only a man would be able to love another man.

>> No.17206447

Maybe shes pulling pants ON?

>> No.17206448

Because they are like women in their own minds, except they know they are ultimately men which is why they have no problem exposing the feminine mind like this.

>> No.17206451

bro i aint reading that shit lmao

>> No.17206459

We can in fact make some reliable estimates. There is good data out now that a solid majority of new relationships among young people are formed through dating apps, especially if you factor in the fact that the data is skewed by a lot of them lying and pretending they met organically. And there has long been good data on the hypergamous tendencies of dating apps and sites. It follows a completely predictable 80/20 model. A minority of the men are fucking most of the women. The women eventually allow some average dude to marry them after they're 25 and it's no longer fun to date/hook up as a hobby.

>girls don't magically become out of order when they turn 25
They are post-prime. Look like shit, skin starts to sag, wrinkles start hitting big time, but worst of all is the simple fact that they've been letting exciting hunks with no intent of settling down with them run a train on them for years. As I said to the retarded whore above, even women know that nobody wants them once they're "used up." They know it at an instinct level.

>most of them stay fertile way into their 40s and attractive well into they 30s
You're a woman. No offense, just obvious now.

>starts by saying "lmao incel"
>reverts to emotional spaz-out OMGGGG LIKE WHAAAAT?? REALLY???? OMG.... woman bullshit when challenged
>doesn't work, reverts to "incel" but is now mad in real life, "stfu fucking incel creep"
Looks like I win. I defeated another woman, and you just aged another hour of your brief youth away talking to me. I stole that from you. You can never have it back.

Quiet, tourist whore.

>> No.17206464

>Don't samefag.
i didn't. there's that judgemental side again, friend.

>> No.17206465

>By and large, the majority of Generation Z does not have the attention span to handle a 300 page work.
How do you explain that in the literary fiction world of the US what sells better are very long novels then? Or that there are only YA novels but no YA short stories?
Literature won't die off. It's not the most relevant or important artistic medium anymore, but it'll be fine.

>> No.17206477

This is crappy bait from someone who knows nothing about aesthetics. The end result of what you describe is just putting an electrode in your brain so you can feel like you are cooming 24/7.
It has nothing to do with art, or culture, or aesthetics.

>> No.17206522

You're much more right than others will say you are. I was a kissless virgin before I went to college who called himself an incel but never fully swallowed the "all women are whores" thing. Freshman year comes, I get some pussy, I date a bit, and only after that does my opinion of women tank.
Ironically, sex-starved incels are probably the most likely to have an overly-romanticized view of women.
>This seems pretty sad, but in a sense they guy they cared most about were the sweet one in those cases
This is fucked up, and shows that the definition of "care about" that this kind of woman uses is lightyears removed from any sensible definition.

>> No.17206536


except for the pessimistic view of how things will turn out, this anon is completely right.
I'm not saying things will be good, all i'm saying is it's hard to know and that people have said that the new generation is "disrespectful and bla bla" for thousands of years.

>> No.17206544

>Ironically, sex-starved incels are probably the most likely to have an overly-romanticized view of women.

I personally also found this to be true. People meme a lot about incels having unfavourable opinions about women, but the most stereotypically mysogynistic people IME were the fuccbois who saw that particular side of the women they slept with that women don't tend to show to men they aren't attracted to.

>> No.17206556


but my heart feels so warm when i watch these kids. Imagine being part of their world... just trying to keep reality at bay while wanting to focus on your dnd character's backstory and how he eventually will conquer his father's throne from the usurper archmage and former advisor to the king.

>> No.17206596

>fertile in their 40s
are you stupid?

>> No.17206696

>How do you explain that in the literary fiction world of the US what sells better are very long novels then? Or that there are only YA novels but no YA short stories?
Not him. People like branding.

>> No.17206720

>he sees the conquering of the will as good, so he wouldn't
What is the "will", anon?

>> No.17206733

>tfw I realize I shitpost so much that I might as well be an author by current standarts.

>> No.17206788

Men arent any better lol

>> No.17206793

Yes until I saved it with my perfect prose

>> No.17206801

>now tell us about how rap is poetry you gay little faggot.
It in fact IS. Bad poetry is also poetry, you know.
Plus, at least these nigggas use meter, truth be said. Contemporary popular "poetry" usually disregard TOTALLY the sound aspect of this craft.

>> No.17206804

>muh attention span
This is a boomer meme predicated on tests done on 5 yearolds

>> No.17206806

>Men arent any better lol
THIS! We often disregard so much bullshit when the girl has a pretty face or a nice body...

>> No.17206841

Women know they are evil manipulators. From that recent tranny book:

>We allow others to denigrate motherhood; we denigrate motherhood ourselves. We treat stay-at-home moms as the most contemptible of life’s losers. (I should know: I was one for years. Graduate degrees proved a flimsy shield against the withering looks and comments from women with “real jobs.”) We must stop. It’s a dumb habit, thoughtless and base. It reflects an unflattering insecurity we shouldn’t indulge. The jealousy at its heart suggests that either we believe women aren’t truly capable, or they have somehow been duped, made victims by a “system” that, generation after generation, locks us out and shuts us in with so many glass ceilings and walls. It’s an exhausting set of untruths. Worst of all, girls are listening. They don’t know it’s all tongue-in-cheek. They don’t realize we’re merely garnering support for women’s causes, bargaining with the culture for better jobs and greater pay. They don’t know we’re merely whipping the pols. They actually believe us.

>Worst of all, girls are listening. They don’t know it’s all tongue-in-cheek. They don’t realize we’re merely garnering support for women’s causes, bargaining with the culture for better jobs and greater pay. They don’t know we’re merely whipping the pols. They actually believe us.


>Forced to rely on subtler talents, you develop them. You learn to strike with a glance; you learn to soothe with one, too. If done right, you fill your quiver with words, humor, intrigue, and emotion. You’ll spend a lifetime learning when to deploy each to greatest effect—and when to forbear and offer none.

>> No.17206864

I understood that reference

>> No.17206875

High IQ and keyed. Now I know why I hate faggots so much

>> No.17206899

Only based poster here

>> No.17206905


>> No.17206908

Teach me your ways

>> No.17206916

>Nothing sadder to me than nice guys finally getting a girlfriend after years or inceldom or even virginity and thinking she's the bees' knees because she's nice to them, without knowing she's only nice because she's ready to settle after years of fucking better looking guys. Women are fucking ruthless with that shit. They will turn on the charm to snare one of those sweet little math guys, and not even a bit of shame over the fact that they used to give pussy away for free.
That's precisely my problem with the contemporary age of consent issues.
It's like our legal system is against us and you can't quite escape the whores because they won't let you bang younger women even if you are inexperienced.
It's like if you was rising your value this whole time it doesn't matter at all, you will still gotta marry an used hag.
It seems so unfair, lads.

>> No.17206917

disabled all spellibg and outacorrect options on my phone

>> No.17206929

Nothing saddens me quite like seeing a photo of a smiling twenty-something at a festival knowing that she's high on multiple substances and will fuck a bunch of guys in pure hedonistic ecstasy.

>> No.17206934

Thick stones look better on a book shelf

>> No.17206940

>Ironically, sex-starved incels are probably the most likely to have an overly-romanticized view of women.
Based and true. Every virgin should skip the sex part and move on to hating women

>> No.17206976

Seems like a fun life desu.

>> No.17206984

Yeah, it really does. So much smiling and laughing with people who like you, knowing that things will always work out. When you're done partying, settle down, pump out some kids and live your life through them without a care in the world.

>> No.17206985

>I feel like guys actually tend to have the upper hand in relationships past 30
Why do you think they have the upper hand past this age?

>> No.17207000

The quality.

>> No.17207003

woow someone bring out the red carpet anons, we have a true /lit/terati out here

>> No.17207010

>saying anon has a judgemental side.
Don't be judgemental, anon

>> No.17207013

This is the dream. Once you have a family that is all you care about.

>> No.17207063

I have a loving, devote, loyal yet smart and indipendent gf who eas a virgin before meeting me and I'm still incredibly sexist.
Not being sexist is ignoring basic realities of life

>> No.17207079

Real life doesn't work like that, buddy boyo

>> No.17207092

Leave your house.

>> No.17207094

Brutal thread. What's the solution for incels. Stay alone forever?

>> No.17207102

right now I smoke weed everyday, meditate and take pills to kill my emotion

>> No.17207105

>What's the solution for incels
There are only two solutions:

1. Conform to normies as much as possible. Be detatched and vaguely happy. Consoom pop culture. Hit the gym.

2. Embrace a subculture and try and get one of the people within it. Say you're queer, which has no meaning, and fuck a fat crazy bitch.

>> No.17207107
File: 121 KB, 650x699, Attolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose we need a definition for 'literature', then.

>> No.17207110

>I learn to love the women close to me

>> No.17207115

I was homeless for a good part of my life, sounds like you're the one who should leave his house, get a life experienc, meet people and possibly a girlfriend

>> No.17207119

Just work out and be yourself, unironically.

>> No.17207130

>I was homeless for a good part of my life
You've no experience with dealing with people with the slightest amount of wealth and you're commenting on their culture? Get real anon.

The women who are currently posting #motherhood shit on fb were the same ones doing yokes as glastonbury while guys ran a train on them.

>> No.17207131

>What's the solution for incels. Stay alone forever?
Yep, dedicate your life to making a doomsday weapon or taking over an African country(they're dumb enough)

>> No.17207153

I said I was homeless. I'm not currently, and I have experiencee peaks in my life you wouldn't dream about. The jet-set society thing? All bullshit. Literally everyone suffers, in one way or another. The people that I found that are happiest in life are those who came from a bad background, managed to get out of it while getting supportive people around you, which is rare.
Not a care in the world? For the average basic rich party girl slut, life is nothing but a slow, terrifying descent into anxiety

>> No.17207159
File: 64 KB, 1009x800, elvira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people that I found that are happiest in life are those who came from a bad background, managed to get out of it while getting supportive people around you
>falling for the virtuous poor meme

>> No.17207166

I never talked about virtue, though, did I

>> No.17207169

Sounds fucking depressing. My cousin was a rave slut and she was literally never happy despite what the photos of her at parties would have you believe.

>> No.17207173

Everyone who lived that life knows how depressing it is

>> No.17207175

Become autistically obsessed with chastity and the virtue of self control such that you view any sexual thought as an affront on your autonomy and as a danger to your soul. Become obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge and spend all your free time studying, chasing it like a high. Essentially, do what undesirable men did for most of history until there were no more wars to be fought and the internet had enabled such men to channel their energy into playing video games and calling women roasties on the internet.

>> No.17207176

I found it quite enjoyable. What more do you want in life?

>> No.17207183


>> No.17207184

Gayest thread for a long time

>> No.17207185

A lot more actually

>> No.17207189

That is?

>> No.17207193

Can't type it all in one post.
Doing MD and having sex with random girls loses its charm so quickly that I'd say that basically almost everything else in life is more alluring

>> No.17207195

You always feel like such shit afterwards that it quickly gets old

>> No.17207207

You know you do not have to take these things to extremes, right? You can still start a family just fine after whoring and drinking in your 20s. Most people do. I always had the greatest time during festivals and crazy house parties, but you can always take a break. They are nice memories and experiences still.

>> No.17207214

most people are contemptible retards. barely better than monkeys.
>but you can always take a break
lmao sure you can

>> No.17207216

No, it's not that easy.
These things take a toll on you in some way or another. For girls even more so, since they're way more fragile than incels think they are.
Also, I never mentioned anything about starting a family, nor mentioned that people ought to, because context matters.

>> No.17207243

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.17207269

>These things take a toll on you in some way or another.
But they do not? I do not understand this. Of course, in later years you slow down but it is not like you are irreversibly damaged. The discussion of family emerged from the previous posts.

>> No.17207288

you can become irreversinly damaged if you aren't capable of repairing the damage, which most people who lived that lifestyle end up not being able to

>> No.17207311

Well I am questioning the most part. Guess we have made different experiences regarding these topics. In my experience, most "degenerates" mellow out in their late 20s and focus on their careers and homebuilding. There is always someone staying stuck but I would say that is the exception not the norm. Just like the people who stay in their home town and never leave after graduating high school.

>> No.17207315

i didn't say they can't start a family and all that, I'm saying they carry the weight of what they did, regardless.
everything in life has consequences.

>> No.17207325

But what are the consequences here? Compared to what? Why do you believe they carry a particular weight compared to everyone else?

>> No.17207336

the scenario which was described in particolar, i.e. doing drugs and having a lot of sex while under the influence of said drugs, creates a lot of issues to fragile people, which are the majority of the population

>> No.17207356

What issues though? Be specific.

>> No.17207363

feeling of void, desire to cheat on your partner, decrease in the ability to focus, decrease in the ability to trust people, decrease in the ability to love people, huge increase in stress and anxiety, depression

>> No.17207368

Well I disagree (speaking from experience) but it surely can create insecurities. I personally believe that you turn to excessive drug taking if you are already insecure or troubled. I have occasionally dealt with people that took lots of drugs to mask a deep sadness inside, which became obvious at sombre moments. However, my point is that taking drugs and whoring per se is fine. You can do it in moderation and do not have to be a puritan. It can be very fun. Anyway, godspeed Anon.

>> No.17207463

This is the case for a lot of normalfags and such, but those adult normalfags existed in a time where reality influenced the internet, not vice versa. They were still taking commands "from the tower" so to speak, and while the tower wasn't infinitely wise or anything it's not that hard to imagine that tower was more reliable and well-read/wise than your average 100 IQ adult. Now we're moving into a time where everybody is a "tower" that grew up subscribing to whatever made them feel good in bite-sized images or sentences. It's not like things like academia or strong family structures are a form of quality control for intelligence/morality anymore. 2010-2020 is just the beginning, the stupidity is going to compound into something incomprehensible.

>> No.17207494

>2010-2020 is just the beginning, the stupidity is going to compound into something incomprehensible.
I wonder if we'll form a pseudo-caste system with highly educated people forming their own parallel society.

Just look at linguistics. The modern position is that as long as people can understand each other, it's good and heckin' communication. You're going to end up with one group speaking traditional english and the others rambling about finna this, bruh that. If it progresses far enough, one side won't be able to communicate with the other and it'll be the ivory tower intellectuals who allowed it to happen.

Many people no longer aspire to rise up in the traditional form of status. People are now actively moving towards and the base.

>> No.17207502

Dont worry, the tower will be back. Just wait 10 to15 years
Many such cases. Sad!
/r9k/ posting is literature

>> No.17207538

I'd argue we already live in those kind of parallel "together but separate" situations, but yeah it's interesting to wonder if will become much more extreme. That's probably the biggest thing with the US right now is that a lot of the policies they're pushing are designed at obliterating the middle class, but I'd argue that hard parallel probably exists somewhere between middle and lower-middle class. If those two are blended into one lower class it's going to be disaster because most lower-class people (regardless of monetary wealth) are third-world tier pieces of shit.

>> No.17207546

you think? how do you envision that working out? i'm sure they're going to try and take more control of the internet so that average joe can't gain influence but the traditional tower is also undoubtedly compromised and not what is once was.

>> No.17207552

>this is a downgrade from generations raised on TV/film. Even the stupidest television series had a somewhat cohesive plot

Kek this is top boomer revisionism.

>> No.17207555

>me and the boys, socially ostracized with no fucks given
i miss high school

>> No.17207563
File: 136 KB, 1024x958, 1583501562853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>demented broodmares seeking goo what to make a person from
fucking lel

>> No.17207572

its mastery of craft. we are getting better at singleing out the things that make art good. that doesnt mean very complicated art is dying out. maximalism or highly specific art is striving right now thanks to a wider audience.

and yes you could get the same effect art has just by plugging an electrode (not to a pleasure center maybe but wherever we get aesthetic pleasure or other emotions from). i dont like that idea but if im honest its not different from getting that aesthetic pleasure from something else.

the masses are stupid as always, though smarter than anytime in history. the stupid are getting more exposure so theres that bias. youre just being grumpy old conservative who has been proven wrong time and time again throughout history

>> No.17207574
File: 210 KB, 533x601, 1609706596054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someome else used the ceo of based pic so i'll give you another (you) with a new pic

>> No.17207576

>Women have infinite opinions on things because they all say and think whatever they heard twenty minutes ago from someone more popular than them.
A more charitable view is that women tend to be massive conformists. It's not that they can't think independently but life is so easy for them, they're extremely likely to ossify into an NPC.

>> No.17207584

I wonder if an artist like Bach is even possible anymore. In our modern age they'd no doubt attract a fanbase of absolute faggots which would likely compromise their artistic integrity.

>> No.17207606

this is the type of guy who'll comb through bladee lyrics for references to philosophers

>> No.17207607

Only possible in a new Kultur. We Zivilisation now.

>> No.17207645

social media has already killed literature. It used to be if you wanted to talk to an author you would read their book. Now if you want to talk to an author you go on twitter and @ them. If an author wanted to give their opinion on politics they'd write a fucking book about it and you'd have to read it. Now if you want someone's "hot take" on politics they don't have to write a book, you don't have to read their book, you just @ them on twitter.

Readers who don't read and writers who don't write. Welcome to the 21st century.

>> No.17207742

who cares? they are enough quality books to read for a lifetime. I dont think i even ever read a book written in the 21st century lmao.

The internet ruins alot of things in general. Niggas like Dosto or mishima would probably just post sad pepes on /b/ or some shit if they were alive today aand gamble it all on crypto instead of writing.

>> No.17207749

you're a complete dilettante. Art isn't getting "better" it's becoming more and more commodified. You're just an unironic consoomer who thinks everything should be like his favorite fast food.

>> No.17207753


most good authors aren't on twitter anyway

>> No.17207755


>> No.17207759

i also want to add that its exactly in times like these that good works will prevail, if there is some actualy good shit being written, it will come out on top, you have tons of niche mangas that come to have super cult fanbases etc, if someone today would write a dostojevski tier book it would be world famous within weeks, just like from software games, i dont give a shit baout gaming anymore but you bet i want to live to see elden ring

>> No.17207765

>if someone today would write a dostojevski tier book it would be world famous within weeks


>> No.17207782

well i just went trough some books written in this century and 2666 was apparently published in 2004/ i think you need to go trough some traumatic shit to write, social media isnt the issue, there will always be ROBOTs that will mgtow, its really the internet in general, why shed blood and sweat when you can just get easy dopamine and shitpost till the end of days?

>> No.17207813

got my first gf lads.

>> No.17207869

>tfw Infinite Jest will be the last Great American Novel ever written

We should've appreciated DFW while he was around lads

>> No.17207880

was lit around in 2008?

>> No.17207894

this has been said at every point in history and it was always proven wrong

>> No.17207912

have you taken a look at the shitshow that is postmodern art? it's either ultrarealism (which is impressive and fine, but not expressive or unique) or some retard drawing a portrait of used tampons with some "modern" squares and lines around it. art is becoming meaningless, much like film/architecture/etc in the west.

>> No.17207925


A little but it won't really matter
If there is one thing I've learned it's that regardless how much things change people will always end up desiring a return to tradition maybe to a decade ago maybe to 1000 years ago even if it's superficial which it often is it will still happen
In 100 years people will romanticize the time we live in now it's simply inevitable
To put it simply the future of literature is always the past of literature is always the future of literature

>> No.17207951
File: 297 KB, 900x1200, Ec0cKToVAAEOIT-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ourgirl/ will save literature

>> No.17207959

no it hasn't you fucking retard, we live in an advanced commercial age where everything is commodity, especially art which is really now just "entertainment".
Sure, this was talked about in the 60's heavily by people like debord, and it has only gotten worse since then. Art is getting worse, there may still be great stuff being made, but as a whole the standards are the shittiest they've been since we were oonga boonga caveman retards, and even then they had more soul.
It hasn't always been this way, capitalism hasn't always been the system and when it has been it hasn't ever been this advanced. You have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.17207964

women larp as wanting to find a stable man and act as if they're some delicately refined ethereal beings who feel empathy for all living things until chad, who is an ex-convict and has a reputation for killing animals as a child, gives her the slightest bit of attention. the contrast is jarring to a lot of people because with men what you see is what you get, nobody is putting us on a pedestal, in fact they make us sound worse than we really are, whereas any mention of women being just as dementedly retarded (outside of an image board or something) triggers the collective defensive mechanism that women are fairy tale creatures. most of us know how women are and that they are the way they are for the same reasons we are, it's just that nobody is doing olympic level mental gymnastics to hide our true nature.

people always look at the guys who are bitter as fuck towards women, usually in their early 20's, and go "lol incel" when the truth is it wouldn't have hurt as bad if they were just taught how women operate instead of everyone around us working tirelessly to maintain the princess facade. even most of our own fathers don't let their sons in on the secret and leave them to either crash or burn.

>> No.17207975
File: 29 KB, 333x499, cs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was talked about in the 60's heavily by people like debord
I found his work (SoS) to be incomprehensible and then it veered off into WE NEED COMMUNISM halfway through. I thought Baudrillard to be much clearer.

>> No.17207976

well atleast in this day and age a shitton of artists can make their money with it, i betcha most of those old nerds would kill to live today, in those times they died for their passion because they had no choice, and the ones didnt were purely able to do that because of patrons and shit

>> No.17207983

Why are you on /lit/ if you struggle to write english?

>> No.17207987

should it have been at least? my b

>> No.17207995
File: 79 KB, 768x1024, 1594003764383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, i see you didn't take the time to make sure you're 4chan post was 100% grammatically correct; now i have an excuse to ignore whatever you said instead of having to consider new info.

>> No.17207994

>should it have been at least?

>> No.17208000

You might check out Adorno, too. The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception.

>> No.17208003

its hard juggling 3 languages my man

t. born to immigrant parents in a different language speaking country being forced to consume stuff in 3 different languages

>> No.17208005
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you and checked.

>> No.17208030

That’s already been done though

>> No.17208060
File: 106 KB, 500x662, okcupid blackpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's true that there is an underclass that doesn't get laid, know a few of them but those I know are 1. rather unattractive
cope, f*moids regard bottom 80% of men as unattracive
> I feel like guys actually tend to have the upper hand in relationships past 30, and that they instinctively know so.
f*male hands typed this point, you didn't need to make it so obvious though
>This seems pretty sad, but in a sense they guy they cared most about were the sweet one in those cases
Absolutely delusional, it was a pain to read this bullshit

>> No.17208075

It's like men and women are the living embodiment of justice and injustice respectively,

>> No.17208091

>he thinks the point of literature is for parasocial conversations with authors about fucking politics of all things
Local retard shits the bed, news at 11.

>> No.17208097

has this ever been researched/refound? I only see the same screenshot

>> No.17208105

>has this ever been researched
Researched? It was done by OKC's data analytics department. It got pulled a few years after publication because it kept being used to show how women behaved.

>> No.17208114

true, the contrast between their respective political affiliation is hilarious. I've noticed that men tend to on average value strength, inequality and competition which happen to resonate more with right wing value system. women on the other hand profess to value equality, pity for the weak, cooperation and mutual aid which are left wing values. both sexes however display contrary tendencies in the dating market - men tend to evaluate women more equally than vice versa.

>> No.17208115

lol men are just pussies, they are no more moral than women

>> No.17208117


Here's a website covering it. You can see that the link to OKC's article is dead now.

>> No.17208120

Yes i mean in the general dating phenomenon quite evidently... not only okcupid users...

>> No.17208124

>they are no more moral than women
This is an absolute lie. Men favour abstract justice far more than women.

Women are generally much more collectivist, much more authoritarian (any 'crime' against them gets the maximum punishment if they get their way), and they've no sense of moderation when they feel they've been wronged.

>> No.17208130


>> No.17208131

it was pulled down off of OKCupid analytics, I think some anon said that some remnants of blackpill found their way to a book written by OKCupid's founder but I haven't checked this out yet. it's hard to research this stuff when you're not the owner of the app. regardless, the fact that women tend to date up and men tend to date down is well established in evolutionary science, this has to do with the fact that sperm is way "cheaper" than eggs as one man could potentially impregnate copious amounts of women whereas a woman can be pregnant with one man's child at once and as soon as she is impregnated she's off the mating market for 9 months which is a very long period compared to other mammals

>> No.17208146

Dataclysm by Christian Rudder is a good book on the subject.

>> No.17208148

Yes, yes i'm aware of incel theory about the statistics, they might be quite right even. I'm just doubtfull about the male quality on OKCUPID, i'd rather see a similar research be done on tinder users for example, as the app's usage is more ubiquitous

>> No.17208149

One great example that highlights men and women is in soccer

When the US women's team won 13-0 their showboating and mockery of the other team increased with each goal.

When Germany's male team beat Brazil 7-1, each goal brought less celebration to the point where they stopped celebrating for the last few.

>> No.17208153

This, many men may have girlfriends, but I don’t know of any man who knows and relates to a woman on the same level of as they do with their (almost always male) best friend.

>> No.17208154

That particular one is from OKC analytics but theres a plethora of similar sourced findings at https://incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill

>> No.17208158

>. I'm just doubtfull about the male quality on OKCUPID, i'd rather see a similar research be done on tinder users for example, as the app's usage is more ubiquitous

1. OKC is a dating app and not a hookup app so you're going to get better men on there.

2. The report came out in 2009, three years before tinder was launched. It was representative of the dating market.

>> No.17208160

>Do women ever think about the fact that their 312 likes are a result of their being young and female, not anything they actually said or did?
Women cannot introspect

>> No.17208164

I disagree, taking to time to full in surveys in order to find a wife/gd practically ensures you're low quality. Oppositely, tinder, with it's very easy swipe and low-effort system does not ensure this.

>> No.17208165

Fuck off, faggots. You freaks have tainted true male friendships

>> No.17208170

that's true. it would be very interesting to do this kind of research on Tinder as OKCupid and Badoo are generally regarded as "backup" apps for men who are too unattractive to score well on Tinder. I don't think this will happen though as Tinder doesn't disclose its data, you can mine for your personal dating statistics though which has some potential for a further study. it won't happen also because the left is scared of >muh >inkwells and a serious discussion about the vices of Sexual Revolution

>> No.17208184
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>that whole page
>that whole wiki
what no pussy does to mfs

>> No.17208196

if the trends described by us incels persist it's very likely that your sons (if you intend to have them) will have no pussy

>> No.17208198

I feel like I got lucky in my life with the string of girlfriends I had growing up, never had to deal with any of this really.

>> No.17208204

>implying I'm not a top 1% chad with a top-tier genetics gf
thanks for worrying about me though

>> No.17208217

Why are women so based?

>> No.17208222

based faggot

>> No.17208231

Y'all need to stop touching books and incelshit until you have a gf.

This is not knowledge this poison for your mind.

>> No.17208236

h-h-h-how can i get a gf

>> No.17208238

cope, most genius writers and philosophers were incels/would certainly be incels today. in 2021 even the chadlites like Camus barely cut it
oh, I understand now.

>> No.17208249

for me? its causing as much suffering on the world as possible, without getting caught

>> No.17208256
File: 645 KB, 972x1116, devilpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and devillish. what do you plan to do and what have you done so far?
>inb4 glownigger

>> No.17208263

lol yikes, this is why Buddha or Nietzsche should be taught regard the suffering of existence but actually doing good from it rather than "WHAAAAAA IM SAD FUCK OTHERS"

>> No.17208271

How did television and reality tv change the future of litterature ? You're acting as if cheap entertainment hasn't been around for a while now.

>> No.17208276

I agree with the sentiment that the world is getting shittier in general but readership is going up around the world, I know the social internet is murdering attention spans but it's affecting everybody, complaining about zoomers right now is irrelevant.

>> No.17208281

readership for harry potter and game of thrones and other YA lit LMAOOOOOOO

>> No.17208298

Why dont you go on dates in the library?

>> No.17208320

How Men Rate Women-who-make-profiles-on-okcupid*
How Women Rate Men-who-make-profiles-on-okcupid*

>> No.17208329
File: 8 KB, 244x206, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how everyone posting in this thread is fucking hopeless & fucked (incl me)

>> No.17208344

jesus christ this is the equivalent of fatty cope, the mental energy that goes into justifying the shitty disposition of an incel is astounding

>> No.17208352
File: 173 KB, 432x768, 0syl0f0kdq711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you insane? approaching a woman in real life as a sub-8 male is guaranteed to get you charged for sexual assault in 2k21. it's over

>> No.17208359

100% Incel.

You deserve every last drop of bitterness and sadness in your life.

>> No.17208370

You motherfuckers are just wasting away in your basements over analyzing this shit. Most people, men and women, are one dimensional and vapid. The formula to a decent life isn’t anything impossible or even difficult to work with.

>> No.17208379
File: 105 KB, 629x523, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the one who's coping. seethe more normalfaggot this has always been a site for social outcasts
>women who make profiles on OKC are an alien specie with no connection whatsoever to other women
pic related

>> No.17208392

In the last year I persuaded a guy from well-off family to start taking drugs, and he is soon be a homeless junkie. I have also given another "friend" shit advice which caused him to break up with his gf. Now he is deep in incel pit and I am slowly pushing him to lash out, if he doesnt kill himself first (got inspired by that Whatever novel). Also a female "friend" asked me to help her with online exams. I said yes but than gave her wrong answers so she failed them and has to retake the year.
Honestly the most important thing is to keep appearances. I plan bigger things after college but so far I am content. I actually enjoy living a lot its just that I got treated by women so poorly I developed hate for this whole species
Silence, I bet you like Stoics too cuck

>> No.17208395

>study is from 2009
>not even 20% on your incel graph

Holes in your theories the size of your mothers roastie vagina

>> No.17208398

>Looks like I win. I defeated another woman, and you just aged another hour of your brief youth away talking to me. I stole that from you. You can never have it back.

Tbh I think you should be under mental supervision.

>> No.17208419

what the fuck are you talking about lmao? this study was done recently by Yale University professor
absolutely based and redpilled. are there any books that inspired you to pursue this path? I'd like to read them

>> No.17208423

All the sources are actual research papers just compiled by incels.
Incels are right in 99% of their observations and with time and the accompanied societal changes theyll be vindicated on every single claim of theirs. Theyre the canary in the sexual coal mine and if you don't heed their calling the relentless march of female hypergamy will reach you or your sons as well.
First they came... etc.

>> No.17208434

the okcupid 20/80% graph thats being discussed


>> No.17208436

>Brutal thread.
Brutal shit thread. Entirely derailed by a suicidally depressed Incel.

>> No.17208442

yeah and your point is? the situation is probably way worse now
this, thank you for posting this

>> No.17208445


>> No.17208464

Get out of your basement, away from books and away from the internet.

You are living in a bubble of your own chosen toxicity.

>> No.17208466

>oh shit oh fuck they're gonna win everyone help
>win at great cost
>[almost a century passes]
>ackytchually they could never have won and were secretly incompetent and the leader was a tranner
Why do you people insist on behaving this way?

>> No.17208475

I am not one of you, never again compare me to you and your hopeless existence.

>> No.17208476


You claimed okcupid 20/80 data was a good proxy for general dating while it only represented under 20% of total dating back in 2009.

You're wrong and too retarded to know you were wrong

>> No.17208487

>t. roastie

>> No.17208490

No, anon, you're just an autismo and you make it obvious that your autism is of a malevolent sort.
Start exercising, start grooming yourself better, and start conversations with women in public (like, secretaries and baristas and tailors) about inane dumb shit. You'll get better at the expected inter-sex patter and your autism will become more difficult to detect.

>> No.17208501

>You claimed okcupid 20/80 data was a good proxy for general dating while it only represented under 20% of total dating back in 2009.
You'll be shocked when you find out how few people are sampled by pollsters.

>> No.17208502

Actually: Inceldom is a cope. Also the worst one there is.

Just become a PUA, or a christian, or marry a Thai.

I literally invited girls to my house to show them my books and manga, everything is possible. Just do it.

But unironically.

Inceldom is the worst cope there is. Literally chosing suffering instead of happiness.

>> No.17208508

>are there any books that inspired you to pursue this path?
I would definitely recommend Celine, he is the most misanthropic and relatable writer I have read. Then there is of course houellebecq, who captured the modern male existence perfectly (his works may be a bit outdated in terms of material reality but not in spirit). Nietzsche is good if you want to understand and deal with traditional christian morality, that most of us here were probably raised in. Machiavelli is also good pick just to help you build up character you need.

>> No.17208510

I am a man, want to see my asshole?

>> No.17208521


>> No.17208534

Why do anglos think it is okay to just use german words the don't understand as buzzwords and out of context.

Other examples: Geist, Kino, Weltseele

>> No.17208547

Because we won, and your things are forfeit. I will scratch my back with your grandfather's calvalry saber if I so choose.

>> No.17208555


>> No.17208566

>20% of the population is not a good sample
You'll be shocked when you find out how few people are sampled by pollsters.

>> No.17208601

All of the market share was owned OKcupid

Early adopters are never a good fit for general population, not at all similar to election polling, imbecile

>> No.17208605

>Early adopters

>> No.17208609


>> No.17208619

Cope, I have great platonic friendships with both people who I’m sexually attracted to and people who I’m not sexually attracted to at all. I live fairly ascetically and moderately.

>> No.17208620
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>> No.17208630


anyways just get some fucking pussy you retard

>> No.17208631

pure cope snake oil
Christian women still operate on the same system of attractiveness as normal women, just tend to be less excessive in their sexual escapades, though that isn't a given today anymore either.
If you aren't white you'll be used for your greencard and afterwards dealt with accordingly. If you're white you might be able to have a real relationship but only through participating in and perpetuating the same system of hypergamy, under which you suffered at home, to other fellow men, in this case thai incels.

You're not sexually successful because you "chose happiness" but because you're attractive, anything else is delusional chadsplaining.
Post face and height

>> No.17208635
File: 11 KB, 248x248, YRKcxn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>early adoption lasting for decades

>> No.17208650

I would like to disagree with you, yee barbar among the ruines of rome, yet I cannot while speaking your tongue.

>> No.17208662

Nice larp you fucking loser

>> No.17208672

And you, by your own free will, continue to chose your own misery.

I avert my eyes in heartfelt pity.

>> No.17208685
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>> No.17208693

It's strange watching someone choose to ruin their own life in front of your eyes, isn't it? Anyone who says things like 'chadsplaining" unironically is probably too far gone.

>> No.17208697

Jesus, look at you, you whimpering little fuck. For someone who hates women so much, you play the part of one awfully adeptly.
Your failures are partly society's failures, but in large part they are also your own.
For example, though I'm not the guy to whom you replied, I'm average-looking and 5'8", but in very good shape. I've been married for three years, and I dated her for three years before that.
You dig your own grave and when you can't climb out you blame the soil quality.

>> No.17208707

Also I could do that with american regalia from the war as well. Or a vietnamese using a GI-helmet as a flowerpot.

Yet it would have no effect on you at all, mainly because it is a part of you culture to shit on your own culture.

America surely is strange.

>> No.17208714

I've done all of that and I have a successful job with tens of thousands of dollars in the bank but I'm still a 24 year old virgin. Where/how do you just meet girls? All of my friends are single guys.

>> No.17208729

You don’t. Dating women and dating men both have their issues, some of them being very similar.

t. Bisexual

>> No.17208736
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>> No.17208768

I can tell from your post that you have never made an effort to get a gf. That is because you don't want a gf, you wish for one, maybe not even that.

I suggest you get a nice hooker and try it. Maybe you are just not ripe for a relationsship.

In Islam there is a saying: Some woman are ready to get married at age 14, some not even at age 35.

You are your own worst enemie, mainly because you YOURSELF, do not know who you are and what you want, you have always just been a product of you environment.

>> No.17208769
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>> No.17208778

80/20 or similar was replicated again and again in later studies not dealing with okc. See:
Section 13, especially 13.10
Post face and height
Post face
As for your height you clearly suffer from survivorship bias, just because you escaped the manlet pit doesn't mean everybody can.
As for being in shape some people can't build a good amount of muscle, some have terrible insertions, some have tiny frames.
Once again unless you're the exception to the rule (which do exist rarely) your romantic succes can be wholly attributed to your attractiveness which in your case will probably be your face.
So post face

>> No.17208790
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>> No.17208799

its not hard idiot

>> No.17208801

I dont even know how you get a gf. I was afraid to talk to girls until like halfway through college and now that I'm out of college there are 0 women I can even try to talk to. I have friends who get hookers and they're grimey people and the hookers are always fat, ugly, and overpriced.

>> No.17208810
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>> No.17208821

>nooo nooo you have to be a beautiful chad, you cant be successful by being fit and a heart of gold and a silver tongue, everyone like you and me actually fails, even if you didnt fail youre just a fluke
I am not doxing myself to prove an inane point to an incel. Your every word is defeatist, and it is obvious you have never even begun to try and change your situation. Go to the gym and crank out your one rep max deadlift before replying to this post.

>> No.17208864

You will automatically get a gf once your WILL to get one is large enough. Just wait for it and don't fall for the trap of incel ideology like our friend here >>17208778.

Some things sort themselves out.

>> No.17208883

I know guys like that, he will be a devout christian in less than two years.

>> No.17208886

When? I'm 24, the last time I told a girl I'd never had a gf (I lied about being a virgin) she laughed at me. I've been waiting for years and nothing ever changes.

>> No.17208931

That is because you are happy with your current situation.

>> No.17208975

Its not defeatist if it is reality. If someone gets his legs blown away by a landmine, he's won't be playing soccer. If someone's born with trisomy 21, he won't be a mathematics PhD.
And contrary to what you assume I'm not a overweight greaseball. I go to the gym twice a week, I do sprints and HIIT throughout the week and a 15k on the weekend. I have a expensive German car, own my own flat and am about to finish medschool. I went out with friends atleast once a week before covid and don't play video games. I've been working on the side since high-school and always been top of my class. I'm one of the best midfielders of my universities soccer club. And though I'm not the most charismatic person I don't suffer from social anxiety either.
But since I'm a ugly ethnic manlet that doesn't matter and even if I magically wasn't ugly I don't want my significant other to just be with me just because of a few well placed mms of bone in my face or to feign love for my paycheck. I have accepted my fate.

>> No.17209030

>ethnic manlet
The shitskin reveals himself at last, begone!

>> No.17209034

No I'm not, I feel like I'm desperately missing out on a key part of my development as a person. I feel like I'm already behind and that I don't know how to properly interact with girls my age because they all have so much more experience than me and im nowhere close to even trying to fix it. I dont come across any women in my day to day life that I could even ask out. Our society is not set up to support meeting girls.

>> No.17209036

>I have accepted my fate
I think I have never read a more obvious lie.

>> No.17209064

Believe what you want, its the internet after all

>> No.17209429

Oh, Christ, you're a Pajeet aren't you?
I assumed I was talking to a defeatist ethnic peer- I really can't offer you any words of consolation if that's not so.

>> No.17209861

I have been typing with uppercase and correct punctuation since I was like 11. The first time I did it was on Habbo and people thought I was like 20+. I still lied and said I was 15 because you had to be 13 max to play the game. I never saw the appeal in typing everything in lowercase desu.

>> No.17209922
File: 84 KB, 1140x667, eggy-jennifer-tindr-social-experiment-1140x667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything, incels have done that to death to prove their point. Pic related is Eggy, some /r9k/ celebrity. He's a below average looking guy who passed as a woman in the selfies. It always cracks me up

>> No.17210074

You should never post that link if you are trying to make your point.
I have made that mistake several times even though I completely btfo several arguments with empirical evidence from those studies. They just ignored it and say "Haha incel", just like the two replies to your post as of now.
If you want to be taken serious just post the sources to shut them up.

>> No.17210116

Based and eggpilled, truly over for him
>projecting this much
I'm probably better at talking to women than you guys are lmao. I don't want to brag but my social skills are impeccable, I'm very quick to recognize social dynamics in a given group. Do you think this has any bearing on my successes with f*males? When you hear about incels you people picture some kind of basement dweller who has no friends and spends his whole day masturbating to porn when I'd hazard a guess that a lot more incels are like me - well developed socially, somewhat educated and "interesting" to be around, a good friend but definitely not boyfriend material because of our looks.